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Episode Discussion II: The TFGH


Culture Check: How can we discuss a character's or actor's appearance without objectifying them? How can we express likes or dislikes and still respect an individual's humanity or be mindful that a character represents a person someone else might relate to or identify with?

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Need someone to die of a heart attack in the ER?  Call Peter. Also talk about self-centred to rant to Chase about Maxie when Chase's brother could be dying.

Sonny is the worst. He's like the evil villain in an old movie shouting Off with his head! Jason as his henchman.

How many evil twins are they almost killing off this week? First Ryan is stabbed and now Anna shoots Alex. I'd like someone to succeed in killing Jason though.

I like the WSB version of Valentin.


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LOL at Portia's "You're still celebrating Joss's birthday?" Seriously. Enough is enough. And ugh, Dev. He needs to get in the path of a bullet. Run to the Haunted Star, Dev!

Another LOL at Finn's dramatic collapse. That was very soapily done, Michael Easton!

I wish Maxie had hit Alex over the head with a bottle or something, but I liked her attitude. And at least Anna finally took the shot.

Speaking of Maxie, does she have a stomach ache? Her hand is always resting there. I don't understand.

Wow, they gave Julian something reasonable to hold over Sonny. I am legit surprised.

It cracks me up how Ava trying to protect Julian somehow makes her OMG TEH EVUL!11!, but when it's Sonny doing the protecting, of course it's the most noble thing ever. 

11 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

Also talk about self-centered to rant to Chase about Maxie

His whole "I have no idea how to pray!" idiocy cracked me up. Not that I think Peter would believe in anything anyway.

One more LOL for the look on Robert and Valentin's faces when they saw Anna and Maxie come into GH.

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Today on Paraphrase Hospital.....

Anna (gun drawn on Alex with gun drawn)  Here, let us shoot at each other when we're 2 feet apart and miss each other completely, even though we're super spies who should have better aim.  Just like in  every Leslie Neilsen movie (sorry, I'm thinking anyone under 40 will not get that reference!!)

Alex: I've also watched the Naked Gun movies so I will allow you distract me so when you  throw something over there, I will react to it by moving out of my fantastic hiding spot behind this chair, which will allow you to shoot me somewhere on my body.  Not enough to kill me of course, but enough to have me drip blood in little droplets all the way to my new hiding place.  

Anna:  Ok, but then I want you to magically disapear without Maxie, who's practically sitting on top of you, seeing which way you went.  I will surmise that you went up on deck, and will follow you there, following your cleverly dropped blood droplets,  though I will make no attempt to keep an eye out for you, but rather turn my back completely, allowing you to get the drop on me, if Maxie hadn;t been there to call out to me.

Alex:  Ok, but that will allow you to shoot me again, somewhere on my person, but you won't check to see if I'm really dying or if  I was maybe possibly wearing a bullet proof vest.  Then I will tell you some nonsense about Peter to mess with your head some more.

Anna:  Alright, I will now move away from you, turning my back on you completely, thereby allowing you to fall into the water, and possibly survive to come back in about 9 months for another turn at being evil for no reason.  


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continuation of Paraphrase Hospital......

Dev:  Here is a birthday present, it's a monogramed journal, which is what all teenage boys give to girls they secretly lurve

Joss:  Journal, shmernal, that's so 6 months ago

Dev:  Ok, I will now try to shove my tongue down your throat with zero lead up

Joss:  Eww, gross cooties

Dev:  What?  You wanted in my pants like 2 years ago, remember that story before it was dropped like a hot potato?  Now the writers have decided that I'm not gay and want in your pants.  

Joss:  Oh Dev, you are like a brother to me, except you haven't blown up in an explosion or arent the most boring character on the show

Dev:  Oh yeah, well Cam sucks and you suck.  Drop the mike.  

Trina:  The hell was that about?  Bitch be crazy amirite.  

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25 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

Wow, they gave Julian something reasonable to hold over Sonny. I am legit surprised.

Me too.  But it will only be until Cyrus comes calling in his chip for the whole stab Ryan and steal the letter thing.  

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When the guy who plays Chase turned in the least terrible performance there's a problem, but that is how terrible MB, KST, MEK and WR's performances were. 

"All I can do is HOOOOPE! And PRRRRRRR-AAAY!" Shut up, Peter.

Wow smart of Anna to say in a normal tone that she was bluffing about the coast guard when they don't know where Alex is.

Poor Julian. At least let him perform seppuku and have a modicum of dignity.

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I really hate that the teen scene is focused around Josslyn b/c I just don't care about her. Again, I know Dev turned on a dime, and I'm supposed to be angry w/him and scared for Josslyn or something, but I don't care about Josslyn or her feelings. I didn't even care about the stuff Dev said about Cameron. I can see the bus heading toward Dev, and it's all so unnecessary, IMO. If you don't know what to do with Dev (clearly) and you have no use for him (clearly), then let the actor go or keep him a supportive friend who is mostly a background player. There's no need to make him crazy to spice up your lame teen scene! I'd rather the character go back to Turkey. 

I was again upset w/Anna, the super spy. Why did she leave Alex to look for Maxie? We all know Alex isn't dead.  Why didn't she chain her up somehow or just wait for Maxie to return? As  @perkie1968 pointed out, the whole thing was lame for super spies!!  

Is Anna planning on telling Peter Alex is his mom? What's the plan w/Peter? Peter just seems so pointless. He hasn't been that developed if you ask me. 

I guess Gregory Harrision will be premiering this week!! I hope we find out if Finn is really Chase's dad soon. I don't want this to drag out as long as the Nina/child storyline - which is still not technically over. It's been YEARS at this point. 

Glad Julian found his own bargaining chip out of his problems - at least for the time being. 

Edited by lala2
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15 minutes ago, ulkis said:

Wow smart of Anna to say in a normal tone that she was bluffing about the coast guard when they don't know where Alex is.

Robert contacted them, though, so I think all the necessary authorities are on the lookout. None of them will find her—she'll probably hold Finn hostage in his hospital room or something—but they're looking.

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1 hour ago, perkie1968 said:

Anna:  Alright, I will now move away from you, turning my back on you completely, thereby allowing you to fall into the water, and possibly survive to come back in about 9 months for another turn at being evil for no reason.  


Her body will wash up on the Pennsylvanian side.

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2 hours ago, ciarra said:

Her body will wash up on the Pennsylvanian side.

Why does that sound so familiar?  🙂

So now Alex is trying to imply that Anna should have somehow rescued Peter from Faison even though she'd arranged for him to adopted by a wonderful family?  And Anna's the exact same age as Alex, so if Alex was incapable of taking care of a child because of how young she was, she now somehow thinks Anna would have been able to cope and raise Peter, her sister's kid, on her own while also trying to be a WSB agent?  Alex is such a psycho.

I love Valentin but how did he think he was going to find Alex if the cops and WSB couldn't it?

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3 hours ago, lala2 said:

I really hate that the teen scene is focused around Josslyn b/c I just don't care about her. Again, I know Dev turned on a dime, and I'm supposed to be angry w/him and scared for Josslyn or something, but I don't care about Josslyn or her feelings. 

yeah, is he going to turn psycho?  And will ANYONE blame Sonny for being the one who brought him into the house in the first place?  Or will it somehow be Gladys's fault?  Don't think there's any mental gymnastics where it could be Ava's or Julian's, but ya never know.

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42 minutes ago, kitmerlot1213 said:

I love Valentin but how did he think he was going to find Alex if the cops and WSB couldn't it?


The WSB is quite crooked and has been for years since we found out that Victor Cassidine was Director. Case in point, the sloppy job they did with declaring Holly dead and how Dr O got sent to a cushy facility and had Dante brainwashed.

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4 hours ago, perkie1968 said:

Joss:  Oh Dev, you are like a brother to me, except you haven't blown up in an explosion or arent the most boring character on the show

Or a brain-washed agent imagining knifing his family. It ain't easy being a Sonny offspring.

I have to say, I like Evul Dev more than Gary Stu Dev, he's not so boring any more. But why do they have to go from 0 for Pure Evil so fast?

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4 hours ago, ciarra said:

Her [Alex's] body will wash up on the Pennsylvanian side.

Watch Brooke English and Adam Chandler stumble upon her while out for a romantic stroll.

Edited by TeeVee329
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23 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:
4 hours ago, ciarra said:

Her [Alex's] body will wash up on the Pennsylvanian side.

Watch Brooke English and Adam Chandler stumble upon her while out for a romantic stroll.

Oh you guys beat me to it. In two weeks, Alex's body will wash up on the "Pennsylvania side of the river" and never be definitively identified. Two weeks after that, Alex and Nell will magically re-appear in Port Charles for Super-Villain Team Up: The GH Edition.  Thing is, if it were done correctly, I'd actually be looking forward to the concept.

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6 hours ago, perkie1968 said:


Dev:  Here is a birthday present, it's a monogramed journal, which is what all teenage boys give to girls they secretly lurve

Joss:  Journal, shmernal, that's so 6 months ago

Dev:  Ok, I will now try to shove my tongue down your throat with zero lead up

Joss:  Eww, gross cooties

Dev:  What?  You wanted in my pants like 2 years ago, remember that story before it was dropped like a hot potato?  Now the writers have decided that I'm not gay and want in your pants.  

Joss:  Oh Dev, you are like a brother to me, except you haven't blown up in an explosion or arent the most boring character on the show

Dev:  Oh yeah, well Cam sucks and you suck.  Drop the mike.  

Trina:  The hell was that about?  Bitch be crazy amirite.  

Their scenes just proved to me that Dev wasn't madly in love with Joss; he didn't want to "lose Joss to Cam." His behavior reminds me of Sonny asking Brenda, who wanted a divorce, not to leave with Jax.  Like Sonny, when things don't go Dev's way, he trash talks those who don't kiss his ass. I half expected Dev to call Joss the w word, which is Sonny's favorite.  Joss and Trina were both friends with Cam since way before Dev ever came to Port Charles, so they both know better than to believe Dev insulting Cam (especially since Trina and Cam recently had an honest conversation about their feelings). Dev snarking at Joss about her "precious Oscar" would have been more appropriate coming from someone who actually knew Oscar and witnessed the relationship. It kinda reminds me of Britt putting down Elizabeth about Lucky leaving her and Port Charles behind, since Britt never met Lucky and certainly never saw the LL2 relationship for herself.

My favorite part of the teen scene was Trina yelling at Dev and being outraged by how nasty he was to them and about Cam.  I also really liked Robert straight up telling Peter this is the first time he's seen Peter approach without an agenda.

LWB/"Henrik"/"Peter" demonstrated "THIS IS WHAT I THINK ACTING IS!!!" instead of actually acting quiet terror that Maxie and his unborn child could be harmed.

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49 minutes ago, Bringonthedrama said:

LWB/"Henrik"/"Peter" demonstrated "THIS IS WHAT I THINK ACTING IS!!!" instead of actually acting quiet terror that Maxie and his unborn child could be harmed.

He had jazz hands when he said "all I can do is HOOPE and PRRRAY!"

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I was trying to figure out who was skinner. Anna or Alex? The hostage stuff on the Haunted Star was painfully excruciating to watch. Even Finola Hughes couldn’t make it work. Of course, having yappy Maxie didn’t help matters. OMG! I was hoping we were going to lose Peter but it looks like the show is sticking with him. Is FV afraid to fire him while LW still works there? He and KS have no chemistry whatsoever and I don’t care to see her with another kid when she doesn’t even take care of the two she has. Also, I’m still waiting to see how William DeVry leaves the show if the stories are true. I guess with Sonny and Cyrus breathing down his neck it can’t be good but I am curious to see how it plays out. Still no sign of Genie Francis. I thought she was do back last month. Where is she? 

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Oh, fuck off, Valentin! I know a lot of people have been Team Valentin lately (and while I've enjoyed him a little bit more lately) I still remember everything he's done and think he sucks. Everyone is always on Lulu for fighting with Valentin over Charlotte and always give him a pass. As soon as he gets in trouble he decides that he wants to revisit custody and change his will, I guess to try and take Charlotte away from Lulu in case he died (which is massively screwed up. Her father dies and he wants to attempt to take her mother from her, too.) and his reasoning was so stupid. As he pointed out Dante is her ex. The fact he has mental health issues doesn't mean Lulu should have her daughter taken from her.

4 hours ago, statsgirl said:

But why do they have to go from 0 for Pure Evil so fast?

This! His reaction was so over-the-top.

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Unintentional Comedy Gold: When adorable Maxie pops up from behind the Bar like a Jack-in-the-Box, saying: "Uh, Anna? She's gone." Initially I didn't know if Maxie meant gone as in dead or gone as in "She ain't here no more."😄

Also, to quote Bill Maher, Dev was a whiny little Bitch yesterday. Trina, Joss and Cam need to kick him out of the Quartet, pronto.

Edited by Winston Wolfe
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LWB/"Henrik"/"Peter" demonstrated "THIS IS WHAT I THINK ACTING IS!!!" instead of actually acting

This... a million times this. It was so very bad. 

and I call total bullshit on Anna have the presence of mind to kick the gun away from Alex, but not cuff her to anything? 

(and to the notion that a gunshot victim can survive a lengthy swim in November in upstate New York.)

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13 hours ago, statsgirl said:

I have to say, I like Evul Dev more than Gary Stu Dev, he's not so boring any more. But why do they have to go from 0 for Pure Evil so fast?

I don't like any iteration of Dev, and I especially don't like the way he negs Joss for not being romantically interested in him. It's not his call who she's attracted to. I wouldn't be surprised if there's some sort of assault attempt. 

11 hours ago, ulkis said:

He had jazz hands when he said "all I can do is HOOPE and PRRRAY!"

That was so hilariously overwrought. It was bad-bad soap acting.

4 hours ago, Winston Wolfe said:

Unintentional Comedy Gold: When adorable Maxie pops up from behind the Bar like a Jack-in-the-Box, saying: "Uh, Anna? She's gone." Initially I didn't know if Maxie meant gone as in dead or gone as in "She ain't here no more."😄

Same. I suspect that was intentional—oh, the suspense!—but KSt's delivery was so flat it didn't make sense for either interpretation.

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On 11/9/2020 at 12:00 PM, TeeVee329 said:

[REDACTED] had Kristen Alderson's face before she was everyone's frieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeend Kiki.

I think the character's name was "Michael's Girlfriend," or, informally, "His Girlfriend." I remember Laura Wright saying it many times in the couple episodes right after KA vanished through the legal trapdoor.

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1 hour ago, dubbel zout said:

I don't like any iteration of Dev, and I especially don't like the way he negs Joss for not being romantically interested in him. It's not his call who she's attracted to. I wouldn't be surprised if there's some sort of assault attempt. 

Totally agree! Dev has been cocky ever since Sonny brought him home to Casa Corinthos.  He clearly felt insulted/put down (but held his temper much better) when he bragged to Sonny and Jason about how he "handled the police" when he was questioned about the disappearance of a warehouse worker, and they were not at all pleased with his statement to the police.  He was not pleased when Sonny told him 'you're not working for me; go to school!"

IMO Dev's reaction to Joss's rejection is just a louder, nastier version of behaviors he has already demonstrated.  I rolled my eyes at him saying Joss was "all over me" last winter. No, she planted one very brief, awkward peck on his mouth when he seemed to be hinting he felt something for her after Trina said something like "I think Dev's into you." From the clever blocking of the Joss/Cam kiss, I'm sure Dev could see she was much more into kissing Cam than the blink-and-you-miss-it moment on NYE between himself and Joss.  The point is that Dev is outraged Joss would friendzone him but like Cam when he believes himself to be an awesome guy who should be with a beautiful girl like Josslyn.  He's attached to Joss, but not in love with her.  When he, like Sonny, has such an ego, it's extremely insulting to think that two girls may like another guy.  Think of how Sonny would react to both Brenda and Carly paying a lot of attention to/praising/behaving as if they have feelings for Jax around him in the same year!

I am also wondering if Dev will attempt assault, and Cam or Cam along with a couple other people will save her. 

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2 hours ago, Bringonthedrama said:

I am also wondering if Dev will attempt assault, and Cam or Cam along with a couple other people will save her. 

I had the same thoughts. Either way, if he decides to assault Joss or Cam it ends badly for Dev. If Joss is the victim, Carly will petition Sonny/Jason to kill Dev, and if it's Cam, Elizabeth will likely look the other way when Franco decides Dev has to go "nitey-nite" for good.

Edited by Winston Wolfe
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If Dev does attack Joss, the followthrough could be kind of interesting, if it were written properly. Sonny was the one who insisted he stay in the States at Casa Corinthos. How's he going to weasel that blame onto someone else? How hard will Carly be on Sonny? How hard will Joss be on Sonny? 

LOL at Alexis seeing Ned at the door and immediately closing it.

I wish they'd stop acting as if Alex being Peter's bio mom is some deep, dark sekrit. And Anna's cry that she's had enough of all of this was a bit much. She actively pursued all of this. I get that shooting her sister isn't great, Bob, but it's also not an unexpected consequence to all of this. Given how obsessed Anna has been with who Peter's mother is, Robert's question wasn't wildly out of line, even at that moment. Ugh, more sobbing Anna to endure.

And really, Anna thinks Alex is actually dead? For a WSB agent who lives in Port Charles, that's an astonishing leap.

The flirty hermit emerged from another nap! LOL at how Cyrus turned the tables on Girl Reporter, but if the citizens of Port Charles don't know by now that Laura and Sonny share grandchildren, well... *throws up hands*

Chase and Willow are so much better than Michael and Willow.

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5 minutes ago, ulkis said:

Yes, but pretty much almost anything is better than "Michael and so-and-so."

Yeah, but it's not as if [REDACTED]/later incarnation and Morgan set the world on fire. I think it's safe to say that the Corinthos men in general are not chemistry magnets. If there is a spark, it's always the women who do the heavy lifting.

Would Willow really have to start from scratch to become a nurse? She likely already has a BA/BS for teaching; couldn't she enroll in a post-baccalaureate program? One of my chemo nurses is an RN but went back to school for a BSN, and he didn't have to fulfill a language requirement, for example.

I like when they get arty with the camera angles. The overhead shot of Dante going into Peter's office was nice.

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6 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

Yeah, but it's not as if [REDACTED]/later incarnation and Morgan set the world on fire. I think it's safe to say that the Corinthos men in general are not chemistry magnets. If there is a spark, it's always the women who do the heavy lifting.

Would Willow really have to start from scratch to become a nurse? She likely already has a BA/BS for teaching; couldn't she enroll in a post-baccalaureate program? One of my chemo nurses is an RN but went back to school for a BSN, and he didn't have to fulfill a language requirement, for example.

I like when they get arty with the camera angles. The overhead shot of Dante going into Peter's office was nice.

I remember back in the day, GH used to have a student nursing program.  So, I would think she could just do that.

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Was there any reason whatsoever for Maxie to be in a hospital gown and bed? An examination and laying down like Valentin yesterday, fine, but there was no reason for her to take up a bed.

9 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

Yeah, but it's not as if [REDACTED]/later incarnation and Morgan set the world on fire. I think it's safe to say that the Corinthos men in general are not chemistry magnets. If there is a spark, it's always the women who do the heavy lifting.

Hey, what about the tiniest one?

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7 minutes ago, ulkis said:

Was there any reason whatsoever for Maxie to be in a hospital gown and bed? An examination and laying down like Valentin yesterday, fine, but there was no reason for her to take up a bed.

She's pregnant and she's a heart transplantee.  They probably take more precautions with her.  I remember her being admitted when Georgie died.

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42 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

Given how obsessed Anna has been with who Peter's mother is, Robert's question wasn't wildly out of line,

I'm willing to bet actual money that she won't admit that Alex is Peter's mother.  The only one who will know the truth are Valentin and Finn, in order for poor precious Peter to not go off the deep end and chanel his inner darkness at the mere thought that the evil Alex was his mother.  I mean, at this point who gives a crap in terms of inner darkness since he was still raised by Faison, but whatever show.  


44 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

For a WSB agent who lives in Port Charles, that's an astonishing leap.

For a WSB agent who live in Port Charle, who' was herself declared dead, as well as her ex husband as well as her daughter, just to name the familial ones, that's an astonishing leap.  


9 minutes ago, Katy M said:

She's pregnant and she's a heart transplantee.  They probably take more precautions with her.

Yes, but it's her third pregnancy.  Her first one being conceived the night of a miscarriage and the second giving birth on the side of the road, so that Maxie is made of hearty material!!!!  She's Wonder Woman when it comes to pregnancies.    Or maybe they wanted to surgically remove her hand from her stomach, it's been there for 980880 days.  

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40 minutes ago, ulkis said:

Yes, but pretty much almost anything is better than "Michael and so-and-so."

Right? When I prefer Anna/Finn to Willow/Michael, you know they're terrible. 

Writers, please just have Chase come clean and put him and Willow together. It will totes work, too, because that means Michael and Sasha can get back together right before Sasha ODs and dies like all of his other girlfriends.


How did I forget Violet is Elizabeth's niece? I've been wondering why she was having a sleepover at Elizabeth's on Halloween. Willow reminded me that Elizabeth's kids are Violet's cousins. I feel so dumb.

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Finn has some sort of complicated surgery. He's been getting operated on for hours. Wakes up 5 minutes later looking as fresh as a daisy.

Honestly, the Willow/Chase scenes did absolutely nothing to make me like the Willow/Michael scenes. They even took Willow out of those stepford wife clothes they were decking her in. 

I'm assuming that Peter talking about how the darkness was taking over after Maxie was kidnapped will prompt Anna to keep her pie hole shut about Alex being his mother to protect the 40 year old guy who has impulse control and can't control his violence. The last thing his grown ass needs is to be coddled. 

I liked the Robert/Olivia scenes. Robert sparkles.

And a Laura sighting! 

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5 minutes ago, BlancheDevoreaux said:

How did I forget Violet is Elizabeth's niece? I've been wondering why she was having a sleepover at Elizabeth's on Halloween. Willow reminded me that Elizabeth's kids are Violet's cousins. I feel so dumb.


3 minutes ago, YaddaYadda said:

I'm assuming that Peter talking about how the darkness was taking over after Maxie was kidnapped will prompt Anna to keep her pie hole shut about Alex being his mother to protect the 40 year old guy who has impulse control and can't control his violence. The last thing his grown ass needs is to be coddled. 

Seriously. Get some therapy if you're so concerned, Peter. FFS. 

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23 minutes ago, YaddaYadda said:

And a Laura sighting! 

She probably did her own background checks on Cyrus, leading her to the same location Jordan and Curtis arrived at. I hope so, love it when we get little reminders of how badass Laura was back in the day. I remember one of the espionage S/Ls from a few years back when Laura was able to track down Jerry Jax (all on her own) and he was somewhat surprised by the accomplishment.

Edited by Winston Wolfe
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45 minutes ago, perkie1968 said:

I'm willing to bet actual money that she won't admit that Alex is Peter's mother.  The only one who will Or maybe they wanted to surgically remove her hand from her stomach, it's been there for 980880 days.  

It's soooo annoying. Also, shallow alert, but her hands are stumpy and that doesn't help the irrational irritation.

It's so stupid, Anna and Alex are twin sisters. If Anna was Peter's mom he has the same odd of inheriting Alex's "evil". There's no extra evil sparkles that rubbed onto Peter on the way out of Alex's vagina.

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59 minutes ago, YaddaYadda said:

I'm assuming that Peter talking about how the darkness was taking over after Maxie was kidnapped will prompt Anna to keep her pie hole shut about Alex being his mother to protect the 40 year old guy who has impulse control and can't control his violence. The last thing his grown ass needs is to be coddled. 

It's so very stupid, since for the first time, when he was talking to Alex, and she was talking about how they were different, and not the same as everyone else, he was like "YES! EXACTLY!" and how come she never said anything before? Remember, he thought this was Anna.

14 minutes ago, ulkis said:

It's so stupid, Anna and Alex are twin sisters. If Anna was Peter's mom he has the same odd of inheriting Alex's "evil". There's no extra evil sparkles that rubbed onto Peter on the way out of Alex's vagina.

Oh, come now. We know that Mooby should have known Dante was his son because they both love Italian food! Or was it lasagna specifically?

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If Epiphany has been moved to an entirely administrative role, then maybe don't wear scrubs and have a stethoscope around your neck if you're trying to hide that you're seeing patients.

In the same way that it's up Michael's partners to put any kind of spark into their scenes, it's apparently up to Anna and Maxie to save Peter from the darkness.  What a wimp. If you want to control the darkness, control the darkness.

Dante is cute but I'm finding him very annoying right now. Girl Reporter is a peabrain but she is an adult and he needs to let her make her own mistakes and get on with her own life.  Although I would buy more easily that Cyrus is targeting people who support Sonny if there were more than two people who were fired for cause,  and two (Epiphany and Liz) who only have a social connection with him now that Pip and Milo are dunzo. Also, why would Cyrus want to fire people who are associated with Sonny? There is supposed to be a truce on.

I forgot that Violet is Elizabeth's niece too and couldn't figure out why a 6 year old girl would want to have a sleepover with 3 boys, the youngest of whom is 9. It would still make more sense if the sleepover were with Scout or even Charlotte.

1 hour ago, dubbel zout said:

Would Willow really have to start from scratch to become a nurse? She likely already has a BA/BS for teaching; couldn't she enroll in a post-baccalaureate program? One of my chemo nurses is an RN but went back to school for a BSN, and he didn't have to fulfill a language requirement, for example.

The length of time it takes depends on what kind of nursing program she wants. A Practical Nursing program at a community college takes 2 years. A BSc in nursing takes 3 or 4 years but Willow should have be able to do it in less time because she presumably already has many of the courses. There are also MAs and PhDs in nursing but Willow doesn't strike me as the academic type.

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2 hours ago, Katy M said:
2 hours ago, ulkis said:

Was there any reason whatsoever for Maxie to be in a hospital gown and bed? An examination and laying down like Valentin yesterday, fine, but there was no reason for her to take up a bed.

She's pregnant and she's a heart transplantee.  They probably take more precautions with her.

Her heart transplant is rarely even mentioned.  If it was an actual point, she shouldn't be pregnant in the first place--nevermind three times. 


If Epiphany has been moved to an entirely administrative role, then maybe don't wear scrubs and have a stethoscope around your neck if you're trying to hide that you're seeing patients.

I rolled my eyes at her "not in MY hospital."  Sit down, nurse.

Edited by Cheyanne11
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I wish I knew why TPTB were so stuck on Millow. You would think those two had amazing, off-the-charts chemistry or generated a lot of heat. That could explain why TPTB would mess w/a pairing they know works and is generally liked by the audience (Chillow) for a new pairing, but that is not the case at all. Millow is bland and barely lukewarm. I don't get it. Why must Michael be w/Willow? Why is their love story so important to tell?

My sister also noted that Willow's clothes today were age-appropriate and cute NOT like anything she's worn since being saddled w/Michael. They clearly think Willow would be good for Michael, but I think the writers need to accept that CD is never going to be a leading man. He is never going to drive a story. The actor cannot generate a lot of chemistry w/anyone and has a very bland, boring personality. Michael is too much tehs straight man and good guy. There is NO depth to him at all. He'd be a great guy in real life, but he is boring for tv b/c nothing is going on w/him. Unless they plan to hit him on the head to give him a new personality, they may as well keep him in the background/on the backburner. I really don't see how anything will be lost if Michael is NOT featured in a story. This Nelle arc was his last story, right? And it was mostly about Carly. What was his story before that? Dating Sabrina I guess? Michael is a joke as a character primarily b/c of the writers and their insistence of keeping him an overgrown man child/mama's boy. It's sad. 

I kept waiting for Finn to pass out, esp. after Anna said they should marry right then! I guess we see his dad (Gregory Harrison) tomorrow! 

I also forgot the Violet/Liz connection.  You are not alone! I had no idea why Violet was at Liz's house. I was like, "Liz doesn't have any small female kids. Why is Violet there?" LOL!! I totally forgot about Hayden. 

This show would earn my respect (not that they care) IF Ned did tell the truth. I would love that. It would be fresh and fairly original for a soap. Please surprise me, GH! 

Edited by lala2
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3 minutes ago, lala2 said:

I also forgot the Violet/Liz connection.  You are not alone! I had no idea why Violet was at Liz's house. I was like, "Liz doesn't have any small female kids. Why is Violet there?" LOL!! I totally forgot about Hayden. 

When Anna said "Violet just thinks she's having a fun day with her cousins" I had to practically diagram it out to remember, too. 

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6 minutes ago, Cheyanne11 said:

I rolled my eyes at her "not in MY hospital."  Sit down, nurse.

To be fair, nurses do run the hospitals. I don't mind Pip being possessive. What I do mind is when she thinks she's the only person who has the hospital's best interests in mind.

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Awww.. I liked both the Anna/Finn bedside stuff and the Chase/Finn bedside stuff. 

And the Chase/Willow stuff. 

The show ( minus Peter) has been really enjoyable lately! I complain  ALOT about this show, So credit where credit is due.. they've gotten it together for the first week of sweeps. 

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1 hour ago, dubbel zout said:

To be fair, nurses do run the hospitals. I don't mind Pip being possessive. What I do mind is when she thinks she's the only person who has the hospital's best interests in mind.

Point taken.  But, yes, that she is somehow the keeper of all that is good at GH makes me shake my head.

Speaking of stupid, hey, Lulu, your "source" is Jason, and his take on Cyrus was only his opinion--not a fact.  She's so damn smug about writing that Andrea Zuckerman wouldn't print in the West Beverly Blaze.

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