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Episode Discussion II: The TFGH


Culture Check: How can we discuss a character's or actor's appearance without objectifying them? How can we express likes or dislikes and still respect an individual's humanity or be mindful that a character represents a person someone else might relate to or identify with?

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1 hour ago, JMO said:


Emma finally found a way to utilize her penchant for activism--go Emma!  I have no recollection of her relationship with Edward nor with Tracy.  Can anyone enlighten me?



According to the summary of this video, Edward refuses to take the last dose of an antiserum and gave it to Emma so Edward ends up dying.


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13 minutes ago, Mirabelle said:

According to the summary of this video, Edward refuses to take the last dose of an antiserum and gave it to Emma so Edward ends up dying.


Thanks, @Mirabelle.  From the glory days, when GH could afford extras--and some great Monica/Tracy!  Nice nod to Tracy's withholding Edward's meds once upon a time, only to sneak him a dose of the remedy now. I'd forgotten all about this.

If they had an outbreak these days, we'd see two docs, a nurse and maybe three patients, only one of whom would be given the single hospital room that remains.  I miss the old days.

Edited by JMO
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1 hour ago, ciarra said:

Carly's house is now in Buenos Aires.



Emma could have a little respect for Tracy, calling her an old lady. 

(My mom recently had a similar experience, with a kid running at her in a store, and the parent saying, "Watch out for the old lady!". )

Thank you. I thought that was Carly & Jax’s house with the great staircase. I will say they did a horrible job disguising it. I don’t even think they tried. The only notable difference was the front door was right there. Whereas Carly’s you went around the bend with an entryway. Meanwhile, Beyond The Gates has beautiful sets everywhere. Of course, GH is 61 years old and BTG just started 3 weeks ago. I guess we’ll have to see what a full year brings. LOL!!!

Finally, what is the 411 on JPS? Does he want a contract with GH or not? Does GH not want to put him on contract? JPS & FH have amazing chemistry. What the hell are they (FV) thinking?

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10 hours ago, YaddaYadda said:

I wish BLQ's blow had landed.

Drew goes in to bully mid to late 70s Tracy, only to get his ass handed to him by Gen Z. Eat dirt, Drew. He looks so out of his depth.

And Martin. Everything has already been said, you smarmy, ambulance chasing, client privilege breaking, moron.

And since when do US Congress critters have anything to do with municipal zoning issues?  So painful to watch.

44 minutes ago, ByaNose said:

Thank you. I thought that was Carly & Jax’s house with the great staircase. I will say they did a horrible job disguising it. I don’t even think they tried. The only notable difference was the front door was right there. Whereas Carly’s you went around the bend with an entryway. Meanwhile, Beyond The Gates has beautiful sets everywhere. Of course, GH is 61 years old and BTG just started 3 weeks ago. I guess we’ll have to see what a full year brings. LOL!!!

Finally, what is the 411 on JPS? Does he want a contract with GH or not? Does GH not want to put him on contract? JPS & FH have amazing chemistry. What the hell are they (FV) thinking?

I figured everyone else here would notice that too

5 hours ago, JMO said:

AS continued her strong performance today in the confrontation with Lulu.  While I'm glad Lulu backed down, her knowing but not telling Dante will threaten to come between them when they eventually reconcile.  Which seems like it will happen, after the Maxie/Dante scenes today.  I enjoy their friendship.

Emma finally found a way to utilize her penchant for activism--go Emma!  I have no recollection of her relationship with Edward nor with Tracy.  Can anyone enlighten me?

Seems like a very quick wrap to the Valentin story, and I'm wondering whether it was actor-driven or storyline-driven. 

I don't see any chemistry between Jordan and Isaiah, and that's all Jordan.  The only chemistry I've ever seen on her part has been with Drew, and I doubt they'd go there at this point in the Drew/Willow story.  Wish they'd recast, because the character has a role to play in PC, but the person playing her has never quite found Jordan's footing.


Maybe the next Jordan can have an Australian accent.

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11 hours ago, ljr said:

I don’t understand anything about this gio, Dante, Brooklyn story. Brooklyn wanted to give gio a better life? She’s a quatermaine . He would have had a great life

*cue montage of Quartermaine infighting and tragedy. Close scene with Gio watching in horror as the family litigates over moving around corpses out of spite* What a wonderful world!

14 hours ago, statsgirl said:

Lois:  "Gio's mother passed her talent down to him."  How exactly?  Considering that she is not his birth mother. Technique can be taught but that's not "passed down".

I think “passed down” can be the nurture side of nature versus nurture. You pass down recipes and heirlooms and interests by exposing loved ones to things you enjoy. Now, if it was “in his blood,” that would be another story. 

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I'm 100% on Lulu's side. Brooklyn is keeping the knowledge from Dante. Lulu know what's it like to not know about having a child. She didn't run to tell Dante, she went to Brooklyn, to get her side. And Brooklyn's side was 'wah, I don't want Dante to know I lied, kept this from him, kept this from him for 21 years, he'll be mad at me!! Wah!! You're a meanie!! You're a crappy mother! So there!!'

Lulu knows Dante. She knows how devastated he will be should he learn. She also knows that when he learns--because the secret is not in the past, she's right--Dante will feel betrayed by Brooklyn, Cody, and now Lulu as well. 

But she's agreed to keep Brooklyn's secret because she's been there. And because, I dunno, Brooklyn's whining got to her because wah! She is protecting her baby! Oh wait.... her "baby" is a grown man now of 21. Uh huh.

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Carly and Brennan should have slept together by now.  There really are no stakes with the Joss storyline when they have Carly playing virgin.  Frankly, as a middle aged woman, I find this so unrealistic.  Do you sleep together on the first three dates?  No.  But at this age, once you get to know someone, have spent time with them, and there is a strong physical attraction, you go to bed.  There's no playing coy.  

They insist on writing Carly as the prize who is hard to get.  This flies in the face of her history, but this is what they want, so...I just find playing hard to get so ridiculous at this big age.  At the same time, it becomes much easier to say, I'm not feeling this, and walk away.  No is a complete sentence.  And very easy to say.  But she is feeling it.  It makes no sense to me, but maybe I'm different, I don't know. 

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Oh yeah the antiserum story where Tracy stole a vial for Edward and he gave it to Emma and Tracy declared that if a Quartermaine stole something it was theirs to give away. Was that also the outbreak storyline where Tracy had mad chemistry and what could have been a romance with Joe Jr. but he’d already been revealed as Kate’s rapist from their teenage years and the character sacrificed on the altar of Sonny so it never would have worked? 

I like nuBrennan better than old Brennan.  I know that's really unpopular, but I do.  I think he's much sexier.  Old Brennan was good, don't get me wrong, but I found his "charm" fake.  And I guess physically he's just not my type.  I think with the proper writing, this Brennan and Carly would still have chem.  I see some of it.  The problem is they will never write this Carly as being really sexually into someone.  Losing control, just going for it right there.  They just want her to be a certain image they have, which is not sexy, not hot, but the resplendent matron.  It doesn't work, but they don't see it. 

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13 hours ago, Nique said:

Instead of Laura playing Captain Save A Hoe With Psychos? She needs to gather her trifling child up & knock some sense into her. Hold her to the same standards you hold Nikolas to instead of blowing smoke up her ass like she shits rainbows & kittens.

I find it real funny she suddenly for father's rights when she didn't gf about Dillons right(didn't get his consent to abort their child)or feelings(he wanted the baby)when she aborted(her god given right)the fetus of the married man she got knocked up by through lying 

NuLulu is an adult, not a teenager that Laura can tell "you're grounded."  Laura has never held Nikolas up to any standard, which is part of his problem. For years she was not hard on him for the horrible things he's done out of Mom Guilt that maybe he wouldn't have turned out this way if she had raised him. She said to him and then to Lulu she was proud of him for taking responsibility and turning himself in for his crime(s), but that's not really holding him to a standard IMO. 

I get why Laura is not being harsh with her daughter. She lost years with Lulu twice now, and Lulu almost died. That's a lot for a mother to endure. She had a scene with Martin where she explained understanding how Lulu is feeling because of her own history ('wig on a stick'.) She's not okay with Lulu running off to Prague (she said so) and other behavior/words re: Charlotte but she knows she can't control an adult child.

I understand Lulu's perspective in that BLQ has literally had two + decades to let Dante know she gave birth to their child and gave the child up for adoption. Not telling him when she was a scared teenager was one thing, but she doesn't have a good reason for never telling him given she's supposed to care about him as a friend, knows he's a good guy, and she's certainly not afraid that "Uncle Sonny" who's "the sweetest" would be a danger to the grandchild.

Yes, Dillon was married. He got married when he was a teenager because he thought his girlfriend was going to die. Yes, Lulu made the choice to have an abortion, but she didn't lie to/withhold the information about the pregnancy and abortion to him for the rest of his time in Port Charles. 

This is all so ridiculous. If the Show hadn't made BLQ such an "Uncle Sonny" adorer, the logical storyline would be that BLQ thought about telling Dante the truth once they were adults, but then when it was revealed he's Sonny's kid, she decided to hide the truth forever to protect the child knowing how Sonny feels entitled to seeing and having relationships with the young members of his family and knowing also that Michael got shot in the head, the children were kidnapped, etc.


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10 hours ago, ciarra said:

Emma could have a little respect for Tracy, calling her an old lady. 

Agreed, but Emma was also trying to shame Drew, not that that worked.

For me, the Gio story would work better if he knew he'd been adopted. The reveal can play out the same way, but at least there's no unintentional idea of adoption being shameful when the truth does come out.

I wished Ethan had never been onscreen, but the one thing I appreciated was that he knew he was adopted, he loved his parents, and he had no problem with being adopted. He didn't hold it against Luke and Holly. That was so refreshing, especially on GH at the time, when the Michael/AJ/Sonny/Carly wars were front and center.

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On 3/7/2025 at 2:44 PM, MarciNJ said:

Hmmm... you bring up an interesting point;  Joss's deadly vagina - Oscar and Dex.... Michael's deadly penis - Abby, Sabrina, Kiki (though they weren't together at the time).  Anyway, perhaps it all goes back to Carly and her uterus (and she wasn't even shot in the uterus)

Joss's vagina dentata aside, Michael has a real Bluebeard thing going on with a higher body count.

On 3/7/2025 at 3:31 PM, Suicidy 2.0 said:

When the truth comes out, AJ’s ghost should appear.  “Walk away!  Run if you have to young Gio!  Or you will share my fate!”

On 3/7/2025 at 4:27 PM, sacrebleu said:

Joss's trainer needs a hair clip. He spent more time flipping his hair back than trying to land punches. 

Just sayin'...


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11 hours ago, ciarra said:

Emma could have a little respect for Tracy, calling her an old lady. 

Given Tracy saved her life once upon a time, my guess is she was saying it with affection and as the above poster said, trying to also shame Drew

Anna and Jason dispatched that kill team way too easily. I do appreciate Valentine giving up his daughter to her mother (via Anna and Jason) to keep her safe

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The look on nuLulu's face when Dante admitted in a roundabout way that he still loves her was well played by AH. Lulu seemed to fall in love with him all over again by watching him with Bailey Lu. That little girl is adorable.

Watching Laura and Tracy together, even when it's brief, is a treat.

Are we supposed to be excited about seeing Ms. Travolta again? Meh. 

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Was that Maxie’s youngest kid Dante was babysitting? We haven’t seen her in awhile

2 minutes ago, Bringonthedrama said:

Watching Laura and Tracy together, even when it's brief, is a treat.


Not really sure why Sasha didn’t accept Carly’s offer of working and staying at the MC instead of the Qs. Even if she has some money now, she still has to put up with their crap

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Martin re Drew and the crypt: "You realize that none of this would have happened  if she had just given in."  want to punch Martin so much right now. No one, whether a rape victim, an abused spouse on invaded country should ever have to hear that.

Portia is just terrible. She's willing to throw her husband under the bus to protect herself.

12 hours ago, Suicidy 2.0 said:

And since when do US Congress critters have anything to do with municipal zoning issues?  So painful to watch.

It's awful.  Everyone is acting like Drew has a right to interfere because he's a Congressman. This should be a municipal issue, or if it's protected land, state. And no one should be forcing the bodies moved until it's gone all the way through the courts.

8 hours ago, absnow54 said:

*cue montage of Quartermaine infighting and tragedy. Close scene with Gio watching in horror as the family litigates over moving around corpses out of spite* What a wonderful world!

Yes, the Quartermaines are messy. But there are worse family situations. I know one family who adopted a baby girl. A few years later they had a birth child of their own who fit in much better. They tried family therapy with the adopted girl for a couple of months but then decided to surrender her to Children's Aid.  If I had given up a child for adoption, I would want to make sure that my child was happy and in a good home even if i didn't revealed myself.

4 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

For me, the Gio story would work better if he knew he'd been adopted. The reveal can play out the same way, but at least there's no unintentional idea of adoption being shameful when the truth does come out.

It's too messy to have Gio thinking that Violinist Mom, who he loves very much, is his birth mom.  Now when Brook Lynn finds out that Gio is her child, she's going to have to agonize whether to tell him and thereby destroy his relationship with Carlotta (?). Just the reveal that Brook Lynn is his birth mother would be enough.

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What?? Lulu says that she worries that Rocco thinks she's chosen Charlotte over him (she has) and that's why he's being standoffish, and she's a little afraid this might be true. Literally everyone in her life told her that when she insisted on dashing off after Charlotte practically as soon as she woke up!  But maybe that argument with Brooklyn jiggled something loose in her head.

Charlotte hasn't improved at all, blaming Anna for ruining her father's life. I guess she's her mother's daughter all right. Rocco should stick with Dante as a parent.

Another thought - Sonny didn't know that he had a son (Dante), and now Dante doesn't know he has a son (Gio) - do these Corinthos guys ever check back in with the women they sleep with later? It seems like a family trait.

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15 minutes ago, KittyQ said:

Another thought - Sonny didn't know that he had a son (Dante), and now Dante doesn't know he has a son (Gio) - do these Corinthos guys ever check back in with the women they sleep with later? It seems like a family trait.

They certainly didn't seem to understand that condoms were available back then.

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37 minutes ago, DanaK said:

You mean Gio’s mom? She’s dead. Hopefully it won’t hurt his memories of her

If it does, then the writers are asshats. They are, but it would be compounded.

Gio speaks about his mom with so much love. He loved her and she clearly loved him. He misses her. She was his mother in every way that mattered. If the writers do something to disturb that then someone should go to that writing room and kick them in the teeth. I'd volunteer, but I'm Canadian, and I won't be setting foot south of the border any time soon.

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5 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

Ugh, Lois's mother is back.

Is her knowing about Gio, too, supposed to make the audience go easier on Lois?  Because, nope, not happening.  Now there's just two loudmouths to be disgusted with.

Speaking of disgusted, when does the "who murdered Drew?" storyline start?  I'm more than ready.

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How could they think we wouldn't remember Carly's distinctive staircase? Geeze, everything else was covered in blankets -- just throw a couple tarps over those railings, and then get on with insulting our intelligence.

I can't believe the Cerullo women were standing in the drawing room where everything ALWAYS gets overheard, shrieking about how no one can know Gio is Brooklyn's baby, and no one overheard! Or even heard only part of it, leading to comic misunderstandings! 


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WTF with Gloria saying ‘what in the Bensonhurst is going on?’ Did she think we forgot where they’re from and needed a reminder? Cause 1) we haven’t and 2) NO ONE from Bensonhurst talks like that. Ugh, I truly hate this ridiculous stereotype. I lived there for 30 years! I’m sure Frank et al wouldn’t even know where to find it on a map.

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How in the HELL is a congresscritter allowed to direct a local cop to arrest anyone?  And why the fuck are the cops allowing him to sit in the interrogation room with someone they arrested?

I realize that most people much younger than me weren’t taught civics, but this is beyond stupid.  ABC needs to fire all their writers for this show.  I’ll do it myself for under half what they’re paying these idiots.  

Edited by Suicidy 2.0
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4 minutes ago, Sake614 said:

And do a much better job I’m sure 

Thank you.  But I have no illusions how low that bar is set.

4 hours ago, ljr said:

Lois’s mom knew about  the baby?

If Carly finds out about  Sasha carrying Michael’s baby her head will explode!


She will go from 0- baby hoarding mode in one scene flat.

2 hours ago, Cheyanne11 said:

Is her knowing about Gio, too, supposed to make the audience go easier on Lois?  Because, nope, not happening.  Now there's just two loudmouths to be disgusted with.

Speaking of disgusted, when does the "who murdered Drew?" storyline start?  I'm more than ready.

If Drew is murdered, can it be a Clousseau-esque, farcical bit of physical comedy where he stumbles around injured until he falls into a pen full of rabid porcupines or something?

I think we all want to see that.

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6 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

They certainly didn't seem to understand that condoms were available back then.

Wouldn’t Plan B also have been be available by they time Dante and BL banged?

7 hours ago, Bringonthedrama said:

The look on nuLulu's face when Dante admitted in a roundabout way that he still loves her was well played by AH. Lulu seemed to fall in love with him all over again by watching him with Bailey Lu. That little girl is adorable.

Watching Laura and Tracy together, even when it's brief, is a treat.

Are we supposed to be excited about seeing Ms. Travolta again? Meh. 

I’m surprised to see Ellen Travolta at all.  She lives about half an hour away from me in north Idaho, and was a fixture in local theater until a few years ago.  She announced that she didn’t have the endurance to continue anymore.  So maybe she’s doing better these days.

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16 hours ago, CeChase said:

I like nuBrennan better than old Brennan.  I know that's really unpopular, but I do.  I think he's much sexier.  Old Brennan was good, don't get me wrong, but I found his "charm" fake.  And I guess physically he's just not my type.  I think with the proper writing, this Brennan and Carly would still have chem.  I see some of it.  The problem is they will never write this Carly as being really sexually into someone.  Losing control, just going for it right there.  They just want her to be a certain image they have, which is not sexy, not hot, but the resplendent matron.  It doesn't work, but they don't see it. 

I think the last time Carly had on screen sex was during her epic (cough, cough) love story with Drew. I don’t think LW has a problem doing them unlike AS but the writers never have written her constantly in bed with guys. Her love language with men has always been fighting and arguing. They have a lot of good looking guys and hot woman but they leave the bed stuff to the kids like Joss. Truthfully, not too many of the actors over 40 on any of the soaps have sex. It’s such a different time than the 80’s and 90’s. Personally, I thought it was weird that Charles Mesure never even took his shirt off the whole time he was there. Maybe, CMcK will be different but he hasn’t even taken a shower and come out wearing the obligatory white towel. LOL!!!!

I think the only guy who has no problem being is shirtless has been Cameron Matheson (along with JS and occasionally DZ). Being shirtless is in Matheson wheel house. He almost never had a shirt on AMC and that was over 25 years ago. LOL!!! Matheson is an anomaly though. He was then and now built like a Greek god. He ain’t the greatest actor but he looks good. YMMV!

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Gloria randomly busting through the door was one of the stupidest GH moments I've ever witnessed.

I have a love/hate thing with the Gio story. So far I think it's garnered very soapy scenes with Brook Lynn and Lulu and Chase and Brook Lynn talking about his infertility, and I think they have set up very interesting confrontations with BL/Chase, Chase/Dante and Lulu/Dante (since she knows and hasn't told him), but I think it was a mistake to make Gio totally oblivious. He should have been a less vicious early Carly.

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4 hours ago, sacrebleu said:

SOROSing at work. Isn't Gio supposed to be a contemporary of Trina and Joss?

Wasn't Dante on the show as a cop investigating Claudia's death (Michael killed her after she kidnapped a newborn Joss).

So, I guess he joined the force shortly after his stint as a camp counselor and immediately started working undercover. 

Yeah, good old SORASing.  The google machine tells me Joss was born on 11/3/09, but it was revised to 11/2/02, making her 22.

Dante's birth date was revised/listed as 4/15/85, which would line up with him being 17-ish when Gio was born in this reality.

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14 hours ago, Artsda said:

Sasha of course chooses to stay at the Quartermaines while complaining and attacking them at same time while taking a killers money.

It's like Drew whining about how awful the Qs are yet clinging to their name with every fiber of his being.

Also: Sasha is falling in lurve with Jason (of course) but she doesn't know it yet.

Edited by dubbel zout
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1 hour ago, dubbel zout said:

Also: Sasha is falling in lurve with Jason (of course) but she doesn't know it yet.

I know they’re going there, but her pointed references to how great the father was seemed like she was very much talking about Michael. And now I’m getting skeeved out that Michael will competing in love triangles with not one, but two different uncles. 

24 minutes ago, absnow54 said:

I know they’re going there, but her pointed references to how great the father was seemed like she was very much talking about Michael.

That was just Sasha's ultra clever way not to actually name Jason as the father. Even though they're both in on the ruse, I think Sasha doesn't want to have to outright lie continually. It gives her a teeny bit of cover once the truth comes out that dill brain Michael is the bio dad.


Culture Check: How can we discuss a character's or actor's appearance without objectifying them? How can we express likes or dislikes and still respect an individual's humanity or be mindful that a character represents a person someone else might relate to or identify with?

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