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Episode Discussion II: The TFGH


Culture Check: How can we discuss a character's or actor's appearance without objectifying them? How can we express likes or dislikes and still respect an individual's humanity or be mindful that a character represents a person someone else might relate to or identify with?

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13 minutes ago, Daisy said:

I think, Willow needs to be a decent friend first.  but i will say i think She + TJ could be good ones

There's more of a spark between her and TJ than there is between her and the blandest bland to ever bland.

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14 minutes ago, Daisy said:

Very much the same. like she lost me with her waking up Oz and screaming at him to tell her what he knew about Esme. 

Yeah, that totally didn’t sit well with me either

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2 hours ago, YaddaYadda said:

Carly, hoards all the babies in the world, doesn't want the bio mom to be around, gets called mama Carly. Nina mentions Donna. Claws are out. My family is expending. Get bent, you witch!

not to mention, it's not solely up to Carly if Donna has a relationship with Nina.  When Donna is with Sonny, he can choose to have her interact with Nina.  Carly thinks she runs the world--and the writers seem to love to drill this home every chance they get.  They're not doing the character any favors, as she seems more bullying, more delusional, every time she opens her mouth.

Also, just because one of your friends is half owner of the MC doesn't mean you can do whatever you want there and Nina can't even question you, you asshole.  And her having the nerve to, after having the flashback of finding out Nina is Willow's mom to say Nina "did it to yourself" that she has zero relationship with Wiley.  Given Willow doesn't have all the facts, at Carly's doing, that's some ballsy, bitchy thing to say.  God, I hate that character.

2 hours ago, YaddaYadda said:

I actually liked Willow' scenes with TJ. They were good, understated, a friend supporting a friend,

I'm happy we're seeing more of TJ, but this friendship seems to have come out of left field.  Still, since I like the character and actor, I won't complain about it too much.

2 hours ago, Daisy said:

Copboy however is making a move and wants to date Trina and trina kisses him while Spencer sees that. 

 I just can't with Rory.  He's just so blah and he doesn't vibe at all with Trina. 

Continuing to love the Spencer/Cam friendship. 

Drewfus continues to be a Drewfus and I'll bet ten bucks he shows up in Aruba to surprise Carly (insert LW's fake laugh).

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51 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

Is that the first time we're hearing about her expulsion? If so, way to bury a lede, Show. Trina didn't seem that upset about it. 

We never saw any of the process. We just heard that she'd been expelled.

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On 8/16/2022 at 12:45 PM, dubbel zout said:

Shut up, Olivia. And the whining about Carly losing her half of the hotel when both she and Olivia know Nina tried to (stupidly, ill-advisedly) give it to Carly. GOD

Olivia should recognize that having an ongoing dispute with her co-owner isn't any better for business than supposedly cancelling reservations of "paying customers" for said co-owners. It was obvious that Olivia was just yanking Nina's chain, hoping for - what? That Nina can't take the heat and sells her share? How do you think that might work out, Olivia? Nina sells to some hard ass who takes Olivia's school room meanness in stride and makes her life miserable, perhaps? She's not getting Carly back (why she wants Carly back is beyond me, but whatever) so the best thing to do is make sure the business continues to be profitable. That's what a grown-up would do, but since Olivia is part of a family that prefers to use businesses like toys, that isn't likely.

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2 hours ago, YaddaYadda said:

It would be interesting if they did that and have Nina be one of a handful of people who knows and is supporting her through her treatment while keeping the truth from Carly and Michael. I'm all for Carly and Michael getting completely blindsided on this. Minds blown, brains and gore all over the place. 

But I never get what I want.

That would be a nice twist tbh

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Honestly if I were Nina i'd flat out tell Olivia that she isn't going anywhere and if Olivia has an issue with it she's more than free to sell her share. Carly stupidly sold her hotel. she should have been prepared for the chance she could have lost it and Carly should have talked to Olivia before she did anything.

Everyone keeps going "what do you expect?" to Nina- but i mean why does't people say that to Carly? What did you expect would happen if you PUT something for Sale?

1 minute ago, CanaryFan98 said:

That would be a nice twist tbh

it would.
but then of course Michael would yell at Nina for keeping another secret from him

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13 minutes ago, Daisy said:

Honestly if I were Nina i'd flat out tell Olivia that she isn't going anywhere and if Olivia has an issue with it she's more than free to sell her share. Carly stupidly sold her hotel. she should have been prepared for the chance she could have lost it and Carly should have talked to Olivia before she did anything.

Everyone keeps going "what do you expect?" to Nina- but i mean why does't people say that to Carly? What did you expect would happen if you PUT something for Sale?

it would.
but then of course Michael would yell at Nina for keeping another secret from him

Which is why I think it would happen tbh

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4 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

I didn't find Willow's behavior unreasonable. Yet. She's allowed some time to process, and treatment is never started the very next second after a diagnosis. People need time to process the news as well as make arrangements. You can't wait too long, but a day or even a week shouldn't make much difference. They don't even have a treatment plan for Willow yet.

I agree. Like many other people I got a cancer diagnosis last year*, and just hearing it took my breath away. For a few seconds, I wondered if I could keep it to myself, but then I realized that no matter what kind of treatment I had, I could never avoid my husband's questions about what was going on. It was a very brief panic moment before I told him, and we went together to discuss treatment options. I didn't tell many other people, but I couldn't possibly have kept this a secret from him. It was helpful to have the support and someone to bounce ideas off of without worrying. Although I was able to make appointments with doctors, no one told me that I had to make a decision that instant. I took a few days to let my emotions calm down enough to make good decisions.

* All clear now.

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Things that must have happened while I was being forced to watch Cody, Rory or Dex: Willow and TJ became best friends; Spencer realized he was in love with Trina.

Shocker that we've waited all this time and the "Spencer loves Trina" reveal is about as exciting as a gelatinous tub of blah. I've actually lost all interest in them, cuz Trina lost her moxie and sad sack Spence is no fun.

Ew Curtis. Why is a man telling his girlfriend that he will love her college age daughter like she is his own?! I mean, I know why, but why.

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2 hours ago, AuxArx said:

And did Victor said he hacked Esme's Myspace? Is Myspace still a thing?

I thought they called it her "MyFace" account but I admit I wasn't listening closely. 

I could not figure out why TJ was at the party, but I guess I was not alone in learning that Willow and TJ are friends.

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I think I missed a small piece of the show, so I don't know if Nina overheard anything of Willow and TJ's conversation, or if she only saw them hugging. Next thing I saw it looked like Nina was about to enter the pool area. God forbid she storms in and accuses Willow of cheating on Michael, thus becoming even more of a pariah.

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Im all for a good soapy teen love trianglw, but when you bring a guy like Bory, who is portrayed by someone that acts like a piece of wood and has that Michael vibe of alwaya ruining the mood when they enter, Im just ready for Trina to just let him down and move the story along. Cause unless NAC leaves the show, we know Spencer will win in the end.

Also shout out to NAC for continuing to act his ass off even with subpar writing material given to him. 

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I think all of these young folks are as  boring as they can be. I don’t care to watch them at all which I assume is what the advertisers are looking for when they sponsor these shows. No bueno, writers.

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On 8/12/2022 at 10:19 AM, Mirabelle said:

There's also nothing stopping them other than lack of desire from bring Emma Scorpio-Drake to town. She's old enough with mild SORASing to go to academic powerhouse PCU.

If we’re going that route, why not hire Vincent Irizarry to reprise his role as David a Hayward from AMC.  He actually figured out a way to bring the dead back to life, plus Anna was married to him.  

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On 8/12/2022 at 4:53 PM, Cheyanne11 said:

OMFG, Cody is an incredible asshole.  Even if--IF--Dominique had told Scott she had a son, she left him NOTHING in her will, hence, she didn't want to.  None of that is Scott's fault and Cody acting like a toddler who got a toy taken away from him is ridiculous.  I just...Flames.  Flames on the side of my face...

I cannot one second longer with this stupid trial/wake up the bartender bullshit.  As has been said, even if he wakes up, the jury has already been out.  Are they going to wheel the guy into the courtroom to testify?  And let's not even get into the collusion with waking him up from his coma.  Maybe while they're at it they can check the donor registry and see if anyone needs a kidney...

I would be terrified to be a patient at that hospital.

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On 8/13/2022 at 4:38 AM, 30 Helens said:

There is no aspect of this “wake up the bartender” story that isn’t completely ridiculous, and the fact that I watched several episodes in a row doesn’t help my rage.

  • Why was TJ, who just became a doctor and so should have a pretty good memory of his Hippocratic Oath, so eager to throw his entire career away for Trina? Does he even know her?
  • Why are none of these medical “professionals” concerned about the health of the patient? Yes, I know he’s not on contract, but that doesn’t make him day player trash.
  • Why isn’t Portia considering the fact that if she kills him, she’s likely killing Trina’s only chance for an appeal? If he dies, everything he knows dies with him.
  • Why isn’t supposedly level-headed Curtis pointing out this fact, instead of only being concerned about what will happen to Portia if she gets caught?
  • WHY DOES EVERYONE THINK THEY CAN INTRODUCE NEW EVIDENCE DURING JURY DELIBERATIONS? Have none of these writers been to TV court school? (There are so many shows, so many ways to earn a degree.)

Sorry, I know much of this has been covered, but this is bugging the everliving shit out of me and I had to vent.

I will take a seat at the Maxie+Spinelli tiny table, if you’ll have me. That was actually the only time I’ve (kind of) liked Spinelli, so if he has to be around (does he, really?) might as well put them back together. Besides, Maxie and Austin are just zzzzz.

Baby Jason is a bore, Joss is an obnoxious bore, so of course they’re going to get together. I wouldn’t care except for the fact that this love triangle (assuming the show remembers Cam exists) is just going to mean more Joss Time, and nobody needs that.

The showrunner (Frank?) probably thinks he can make them Carly/Jason 2.0.  He’s not wrong.  Although he’s not correct quite in the way he thinks he is.  Which is not good, especially for us.

On 8/13/2022 at 6:13 AM, Mirabelle said:

As much as I want Cam to be free of that anchor named Joss, I'm really afraid of what the writers will do to him to justify Joss breaking up with him because it's absolutely impossible for a teen couple to just decide they wanted to see other people on a soap. One of them will get destroyed, characterization wise, and we know that won't be Joss.

Maybe Cam won't be able to cut it academically at academic powerhouse Port Charles University and will have to transfer to his back up school, Stanford, who will magically still have that full ride scholarship available for him.

Joss’s last boyfriend (Oscar) died of a brain tumor.  SLS isn’t the only one who can kill off all his significant others.

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3 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

I reiterate my dream that Oz sues Portia for all she's worth. What she did was so grossly unethical and illegal that she deserves some blowback.

I was away Monday and Tuesday and watched in reverse order once I caught up (cause I'm a weirdo).  Anyway, just finished Monday's episode and, man, there was nothing admirable or courageous or rootable for what Portia did.  I found it, besides unethical and illegal, just a disgusting abuse of power.  Sorry, the whole 'warrior mother' schtick this show loves to traipse out is awful, awful writing. 

Re: Tuesday's episode.  Holy shit, Olivia is such an obnoxious, middle school mean girl.  The immediate running to Carly to tell her that Nina and Sonny were (gasp) trying to eat dinner downstairs?  Stand down, Gretchen Wieners. 

I'm already over Willow hiding her diagnosis from Michael and it's only been a day.  Can we move this along to the point where Carly has to twist herself into a pretzel to ~discover Nina is Willow's mother and get credit for saving her life?

LOL that Willow ruined Michael's surprise party for her.  Also, that was a giant ass cake for a six person party.

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On 8/13/2022 at 12:32 PM, dubbel zout said:

It cracked me up that Jordan asked Rory if Oz showed signs of waking up and Rory says no. Thanks for the diagnosis, Dr. Rookie Cop. And I can't take more of this crap. Everyone thinking Oz will come out of his coma with no side effects at all and be able to instantly tell them he sold the burner phone to Esmé is absurd. 

I want Jordan and Portia to go to jail. They suck.

I've also had it with Cody's resentment of Scott, who knew nothing about him until about three hours ago. It's not Scott's fault Dominique didn't tell him about Cody, and it's not Scott's fault there's no more of her money to go to Cody.

It's the worst. Not only are some stories dropped for way too long, but the ones we do see drag on interminably.

So Scott can drop charges against Cody and the DA won't press charges, but Joss and Cam decline to press charges in the first place against Trina and she's likely on her way to Pentonville? Okay, Show.

These shows regularly have people waking from months, or even year long comas, able to walk within days, or sometimes hours.  When in reality they would take months of hard work to recover.  If they didn’t end up crippled for life.  So he’ll be just fine.

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34 minutes ago, ciarra said:

Did they say why Oz was willing to testify?  Last I saw, he was lawyering-up.  He may be angry with Esme, but why would he go out of his way to help Trina?

I assume it's because that was the deal. The police know that he sold the phone; his testimony probably came in exchange for not facing charges for selling stolen phones. Unspoken is whether Oz was actually of sound mind to testify/make a deal given that he was just woken from a medically induced coma and might not have all his faculties.

There's still two days left, but so far this week has been the inspiration for a seemingly endless number of angry/annoyed eyerolls from me. Aside from basically everything to do with Trina's trial (if the show insists on focusing so much on crime, could it at least hire someone with a legal background to act as a consultant to the writers so that their take on law and order could bear some semblance to reality?), there's Olivia telling Nina she can't have a table in a restaurant that, as far as I could see, remained half empty for the duration of Nina and Sonny's date, followed the next day by Carly inviting herself into said restaurant's kitchen as if she still owns it and getting to smack Nina down when she objects; and then Jordan calling off the search of Wyndemere just because of a social media post which indicates that Esme is in Europe. Because, after all, it's not as if you can post that you're in Paris if you're really still in Port Charles, and it's not as if some evidence might have been left behind that the police might want to collect regardless.

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On 8/16/2022 at 8:23 AM, Blackie said:

I think it did come up once or twice shortly after the video came out and they both said they were uncomfortable to do it again at that time but it has been awhile and you'd think it would be addressed again but I think Joss is just going to move on to the Baby Jasus

In the GH world, teens are frigid and sexless.  Except for evil teens like Esme.  

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On 8/16/2022 at 12:37 PM, perkie1968 said:

That was my first thought.  Also, if she's dead in the water, she'll likely get eaten by whatever marine life is in the Port Charles river.  Unless she floated down into the Pennsylvania river and checks into a bar there.  

Nixon Falls is some kind of weird purgatory zone.  Maybe like the island from Lost.

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34 minutes ago, Steph J said:

. . .  and then Jordan calling off the search of Wyndemere just because of a social media post which indicates that Esme is in Europe. 

Add to your list my eyeroll at the implication that French authorities would hunt her down.  I'm pretty sure finding Esme would be at the bottom of the list of "things we might get around to doing".

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On 8/16/2022 at 2:16 PM, statsgirl said:

Do we know that Sasha is actually in jail? We know that she was arrested and saw her on her way to an arraignment but that was the last I remember hearing about her. She really should be in a psych ward rather than a jail.

I assume that Willow is talking to her doctors alone because Michael Must Be Protected.

It's too bad that Carly and Michael have no place to give Willow a graduation party other than the Metro Court pool. I guess the Corinthos house and Quartermaine mansion, gatehouse and stable were all booked. If it were me who lost my hotel, I would want to avoid it but I'm not Carly. Also typical of them not to give a party for Willow's whole class.

For all Drew's speech to Valentin about what a good father he is, why is he never with Scout? I think the last time was decorating the Christmas tree.

Because it's Michael's baby. Must Be Protected at all costs.

You mean it’s Carly’s baby.  Like all the rest.

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8 hours ago, Cheetara1986 said:

Also shout out to NAC for continuing to act his ass off even with subpar writing material given to him.

2nd this- after he saw Trina and Rory kissing, he returned to Cam and Joss with actual tears in his eyes.  Speaking of which I love every Cam/Spencer scene, and they were so sweet walking out of the courtroom together.

What a lame date at the bar for Nina and Sonny eating those wimpy little salads on tiny plates.  Olivia sucks.  They should have just left and gone to the other nice restaurant.

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8 hours ago, rur said:

Add to your list my eyeroll at the implication that French authorities would hunt her down.  I'm pretty sure finding Esme would be at the bottom of the list of "things we might get around to doing".

Right? like...they aren't going to extradite her to the states for that. 

8 hours ago, Suicidy said:

In the GH world, teens are frigid and sexless.  Except for evil teens like Esme.  

or.... they are just normal? not every teen runs around wanting to have sex. just because they don't - doesn't make them frigid and sexless. 

Edited by Daisy
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9 hours ago, Steph J said:

if the show insists on focusing so much on crime, could it at least hire someone with a legal background to act as a consultant to the writers so that their take on law and order could bear some semblance to reality?

I wonder if people who watch this show and other like it uncritically have come to believe that this is the way that our legal system works. I sometimes watch old Judge Judy reruns and the folks who show up seem to have a very "naive" understanding of how the law works, and I wonder how that can be. Then I see these dopey legal storylines on GH and it seems as though the dots can be connected. I know this isn't meant to be a "legal" show, but at least pay some lip service to how things work IRL. 

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6 hours ago, Kiki777 said:

Speaking of which I love every Cam/Spencer scene, and they were so sweet walking out of the courtroom together.

So good.  Walking out of the courthouse with their arms around each other?  Totally here for these two quasi-cousins and their interaction.

2 hours ago, Daisy said:
11 hours ago, Suicidy said:

In the GH world, teens are frigid and sexless.  Except for evil teens like Esme.  

or.... they are just normal? not every teen runs around wanting to have sex. just because they don't - doesn't make them frigid and sexless. 

But they've already had sex.  To do it and then just take it off the table?  Not really plausible.

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37 minutes ago, Cheyanne11 said:

But they've already had sex.  To do it and then just take it off the table?  Not really plausible.

I think it considering the fact that their first time was splashed all over the internet. 

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24 minutes ago, YaddaYadda said:
1 hour ago, Cheyanne11 said:

But they've already had sex.  To do it and then just take it off the table?  Not really plausible.

I think it considering the fact that their first time was splashed all over the internet. 

Right.  But the statement I was responding to was that they're not interested in having sex because they're just not interested, regardless of the ~trauma.

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Just now, Cheyanne11 said:

But they've already had sex.  To do it and then just take it off the table?  Not really plausible.

I think in this case it does make sense. they basically were only thinking of doing it because they were goaded by Esme. and even while they might have thought they were ready - i wouldn't be surprise if a part of it was like yeah, let's do this to shut her up.

Then the tape happened. right after that on top of all the legal issues surrounding that. just stemming from Cam's POV, people keep mocking him about it, his family life is in upheaval and he's "Lying" to joss about Spencer's plans. there really isn't any time to get the sexy times happening. (on top of. thy did talk about it and said they weren't ready/comfortable to try again). which again makes sense to me. 

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LOL Lucy strolls in and throws massive shade how her boyfriend is gone so she should keep Val close. Val wants to know where Martin is, and Lucy lays on the passive aggressive so thick, you'd be full for a week.

Anna and Lucy hash it out and Lucy tells Anna that she's going to tell on Anna. Anna goes do you really want to do that? Anna, grow up. just talk to Val. I am also over of  Sheffield's "Winter is Coming." rantings. poop or get off the top. Anna threatens Lucy. (because again Anna doesn't have guts to actually, you know - TALK TO VAL). 

Olivia is wearing the ugliest dress. Massive backstories that i don't care about, and Bearded Wonder is like I can tell you things that can make you think i suck. Don't worry. I already think you suck. Dante is eavesdropping. basically he thought he'd have to leave because the connection w/Ned + Katherine Bell. Olivia says who cares about what Ned cares about you are friends with my son, so you are family. I'll deal with it. What a great and loving wife Ned has. #FreeNed

Ned!!!  BLQ and Leo are laughing at Eddie Maine photos. Ned is being realistic that this isn't a good profession to get instant cash. . 

Brothers Awesome, Papa Awesome and Violet are at the pool. Chase is whinging about the cop thing. To which i say, dude just become WSB spy already. Papa Awesome give him a cheque, and says it's a loan. they hug.  Chase shows up an we get a fashion show montage.  Ned has some crazy clothes in that box. 

Scott tells Britt to stay away from Bearded Wonder. Britt says he hasn't made a decision, but won't consult  Scott when she does. Britt runs into maxie, we get a HUGE info dump. Maxie says maybe Bearded Wonder had a reason to punch scotty. 

Scotty and Liz talk, Jeff and Caroline come up and Liz turns hostile

Finn says he doesn't' mind losing Liz if she got the help she needed. We see a liz flash back saying "stay away from my father."

Leo is now in the slide show. he looked cute.

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18 minutes ago, Daisy said:

We see a liz flash back saying "stay away from my father."

Liz's neverending/neverbeginning story.  Franco already got the child molestation story.  Isn't that enough?

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34 minutes ago, Daisy said:

I can tell you things that can make you think i suck. Don't worry. I already think you suck.

Same.  I don’t need to hear anymore just go away.

16 minutes ago, ciarra said:
35 minutes ago, Daisy said:

We see a liz flash back saying "stay away from my father."

Liz's neverending/neverbeginning story.  Franco already got the child molestation story.  Isn't that enough?

I’m hoping with that wording they are shying away from a molestation story which would be AWFUL.  

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16 minutes ago, mostlylurking said:
33 minutes ago, ciarra said:

Liz's neverending/neverbeginning story.  Franco already got the child molestation story.  Isn't that enough?

I’m hoping with that wording they are shying away from a molestation story which would be AWFUL.

Spoiler free here, just speculating, but I'm guessing we're not getting a molestation story for Liz.  I'm guessing someone went down the stairs, at Liz' hands and her father covered for her.  Finding Peter at the bottom of the stairs that day, could have been the trigger that brought it all up again, it's just taken forever and a day to get here, since we needed to see Carly do everything everyday every moment of every hour.  

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I didn’t watch the show but from what I read, that Chase nonsense sounds HORRIBLE.  They didn’t have to strip him of his entire identity just to make that pairing work.  If they couldn’t figure out how to make that pairing work without turning him into a whole different character, they should’ve just cut their losses.  Don’t put them together.  She could be off the show and he would be a hot, single guy sleeping with anything that moves.

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13 minutes ago, perkie1968 said:

Spoiler free here, just speculating, but I'm guessing we're not getting a molestation story for Liz.  I'm guessing someone went down the stairs, at Liz' hands and her father covered for her.  Finding Peter at the bottom of the stairs that day, could have been the trigger that brought it all up again, it's just taken forever and a day to get here, since we needed to see Carly do everything everyday every moment of every hour.  

Yeah,  more important we see Carly and Drewfus obnoxiously flirt and fling around sexy phrases like "corporate coaching retreat."  Anyway, yeah, the flashback doesn't seem to be leaning into molestation, which, damn good thing: Jeff Weber's name doesn't need to be degraded like that.  

1 hour ago, Daisy said:

Olivia says who cares about what Ned cares about you are friends with my son, so you are family.

Literally, Dante and Cody spent one summer together at camp (was it more than one?)--how is he family and your husband can pound salt?  I guess Cody would only be persona non grata if he did something like make a joke about Carly's rawhide suntan.  Olivia sucks.

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4 minutes ago, Cheyanne11 said:

Yeah,  more important we see Carly and Drewfus obnoxiously flirt and fling around sexy phrases like "corporate coaching retreat."

Jerry Seinfeld GIF

And this will be my only contribution. Today's episode was extraordinarily bad.

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I really hate what they’ve done to Chase. He was interesting as a police detective and the boyfriend of Willow. The show finally had a good looking guy who can actually act and then they make a doofus out of him. That “fashion show” totally was so childish and a total waste of time. Give him back his shield!!

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6 minutes ago, Cheyanne11 said:

Literally, Dante and Cody spent one summer together at camp (was it more than one?)--

When they first brought it up, when Cody was introduced it was one summer when they were 12 yrs old.  Today, Cody said something about getting Dante out of the girls side of the camp when they were 16 yrs old so who the hell knows.  Certainly not the writers who are making it up as they go along.  

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10 minutes ago, Cheyanne11 said:

Jeff Weber's name doesn't need to be degraded like that.  

I mean he has been portrayed as a deadbeat dad so I don’t think they need to add child molester on top of that.  Honestly I’ll be ok with pretty much anything but a molestation story.   I think Liz has plenty of reasons for not really being close to her parents nor wanting to be.  Sometimes families aren’t close.  Sometimes parents just don’t/can’t give their children what they need, for many reasons.   Just because something earth shattering didn’t happen doesn’t make her feelings any less valid.  (projection…party of one here!)

17 minutes ago, Cheyanne11 said:

Literally, Dante and Cody spent one summer together at camp (was it more than one?)-

I feel like they said it was multiple summers but I might be wrong….if it was indeed just one summer that makes this whole contrived connection even stupider.

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29 minutes ago, Daisy said:

Chase shows up an we get a fashion show montage.  Ned has some crazy clothes in that box. 

I thought Josh Swickard did a great job during the montage. He really went for it.

1 minute ago, mostlylurking said:

 Honestly I’ll be ok with pretty much anything but a molestation story. I think Liz has plenty of reasons for not really being close to her parents nor wanting to be. Sometimes families aren’t close. Sometimes parents just don’t/can’t give their children what they need, for many reasons.

I wish they'd just leave it at that and not force a deadly accident coverup on Elizabeth. The show is so terrible at this stuff. I'd rather Elizabeth hold a grudge against her parents for being more interested in their work than raising their kids.

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6 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

I'd rather Elizabeth hold a grudge against her parents for being more interested in their work than raising their kids.

and the thing is, that's soapy in of itself. why not just go with that? they always have to do the most convuleted crap

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16 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

I'd rather Elizabeth hold a grudge against her parents for being more interested in their work than raising their kids.

Which is basically what's been played out in the freakin' almost 25 years the character has been on the show.  The phrase "leave well enough alone" is unfamiliar to these writers.

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That Chase montage was cringey and I really don’t get the point of his career change or what they’re doing with him and BL. He’s gotten very childish since this whole pairing started. Well not really a pairing since they aren’t officially dating for whatever reason but you know what I mean. 

Still confused where they’re are going with Liz’s story. I got hints that it might be a repeat of Laura/Rick Webber and whatever his mistresses name was. 

Why does Anna need to enlist (really threaten) Martin and Lucy into helping her? Isn’t she supposed to be a super spy? Or maybe just tell Valentin that you can’t be with him unless he tells you the truth like a grownup. 

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Olivia "That's what friends do for each other". Olivia is rapidly becoming as bad as Carly. Good think Ned is there to teach Leo that actions have consequences.

Gregory: "You're instincts make you an exceptional doctor. But not everyone is your patient."  Even more to the point, not everyone wants  your help.

Violet's sideways flip made it too obvious that the pool is only a couple of feet deep.

Anna's pettiness with Lucy makes Anna look sloppy and incompetent. And a mean person.

4 hours ago, Cheyanne11 said:

But they've already had sex.  To do it and then just take it off the table?  Not really plausible.

I just assume that they're doing it off my screen. I really don't need to see Joss and Cam in bed.

43 minutes ago, perkie1968 said:

Spoiler free here, just speculating, but I'm guessing we're not getting a molestation story for Liz.  I'm guessing someone went down the stairs, at Liz' hands and her father covered for her.  Finding Peter at the bottom of the stairs that day, could have been the trigger that brought it all up again, it's just taken forever and a day to get here, since we needed to see Carly do everything everyday every moment of every hour.  

Doesn't LW ever take a vacation?

If Liz was fighting with a someone who was having an affair with Jeff and pushed her down the stairs killing her, it would explain why she's having fugue states suddenly now, when Peter's staircase adventure happened when she was already vulnerable from Franco's death. But it's really too similar to Laura's story.

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