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S05.E06: It's All In The Family


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2 hours ago, WendyCR72 said:

April and Noah disagree over a patient who is injured after a beating.

Why?????  I could understand April arguing with him when he was a medical student and she was an experienced nurse. But now he's a second year resident and his body of knowledge exceeds hers. Unless it's a case that she's had before, Noah should get that win.

  • Love 5

Dr. Marcel throwing shade about medical ethics and checking Will is the most believable thing I've seen on this show this season. In comes Noah calling out April for questioning him. Just when I was about to give the writers credit for pulling it together, in comes Will and his I know better attitude. I'm with the hospital director, Natalie needed to get herself out of her own mess. Yes Will you should have respected the patient's wishes instead of pushing your own agenda. How did I know Noah would take the patient home the minute she looked at him like a lost puppy. Dr. Marcel being all supportive while spilling the tea. Time to move on Will.

  • Love 10

So Natalie faces no consequences... I'd be happy if at least the board of the hospital took some action... Of course will was wrong.. Those two just keep on keeping on with their ignorant privilege... I mean they had the woman with actual ass cancer out here propping up the doctor who assaulted a child.. And then Sharon had to work her "black lady magic" to get her outta trouble... If will wasn't just as bad as her I'd tell him to run away.. You know ur wrong if on a medical show the surgeon is telling the MD to chill... Surgeons always wanna cut on these shows.... 

At least the Noah/ April "Drama" wasnt really medical related.. It was just a diff of opinion on how to handle the gang stuff.... Ima middle child so I've been the older sibling who knows better and is very protective of my younger and less experienced sibling... And I've been the younger.. Tired of my older sister hovering around me with her shield.. Granted she's almost always right but still.. Odds are April will be right and Noah is in over his head... But like he said he gotta make his own mistakes 

On a slightly diff note.. Monica Raymund is gonna be back on Chicago fire.. And I cannot wait for the deluge of ( mostly lady)  hate to flow.. Back in the day those other boards were chock full of how much  "saint gabby" was horrible to Casey and he'd be better off with surprise  surprise ( any new or old white female actress)  on the show.... Anywhoo getting my popcorn ready 

  • Love 2

Can this shit show get any more fucked up.

Natalie - enough said

Will - totally wrong about the Jehovah's Witness patient

Noah - takes home a female patient who has ties to a gang (what could possibly go wrong)

Noah again - how long before he's a victim of a gang beating or worse?

Stalker boyfriend - now he's got a reason to after Will

April/Noah - brother & sister feud

The one and only redeeming thing about this episode:  Natalie says "get out of my life" to Will

Edited by preeya
  • Love 7

The Natalie thing was backwards. If she was so concerned about the child's safety and him not being treated by regular medical means then she should have pulled the levers of the court system early on - through hospital administrators and lawyers - before she did the crazy business of locking everyone out of the room. She does the crazy thing and THEN the hospital gets a court order allowing her to treat the patient? Not believable.

Edited by watcher1006
  • Love 8
27 minutes ago, watcher1006 said:

The Natalie thing was backwards. If she was so concerned about the child's safety and him not being treated by regular medical means then she should have pulled the levers of the court system early on - through hospital administrators and lawyers - before she did the crazy business of locking everyone out of the room. She does the crazy thing and THEN the hospital gets a court order allowing her to treat the patient? Not believable.

As soon as I saw this, I switched over to Survivor.  Natalie would have been immediately suspended and the parents would have started legal action.  Instead, the hospital has somehow procured a retroactive court order (how can that possibly be legal, and it would surely be discoverable at trial) and Natalie is right back on duty.

  • Love 8
3 hours ago, Ohwell said:

I knew Noah would take her home.  Now I'm just waiting for him to get beat up, or, depending on the actor's contract, getting killed.

I like Dr. Marcel.

I love Dr. Marcel (after Dr. Abrams, of course)! 
Will sent that poor guy to hell. Seriously, I totally don’t get the JW’s no transfusion thing. It’s based on some Biblical verse about not injesting blood, IIRC. 

  • Useful 1
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Will, Natalie, and April need to go. Like yesterday. There is nothing redeeming about them. They are annoying beyond all reason. 

The Natalie storyline was ridiculous. Those parents did not seem to be ignoring the symptoms of their child, they specifically said they just wanted to try natural methods first. She could have easily told them what to watch for, let them see that they would be respected, and they would have brought him back as soon as he didn't improve. The case would have literally played out the exact same way, without the parents going through all of that unnecessary stress. If Natalie had been wrong about there being something seriously wrong with with him, the parents would have always been scared to take him to the doctor due to her actions, and that fear could have caused them to ignore problems that they may not have before, resulting in harm to him. Also, if he had an allergic reaction to amoxicillin, he has a higher likelihood of being allergic to other antibiotics. There are going to be fewer options to treat him for infections. Only using antibiotics when it is strictly necessary may be the best decision for him because it will prevent him from becoming resistant.

Will was totally dismissive of a patient's religion. There only thing that makes him less of a jerk than Natalie is that there were actual signs that he had converted or renounced his faith, but he was dismissive before he even started looking into that. He felt that the transfusions were necessary, so the patients wishes didn't matter. He should know people have crisises of faith all the time without fully abandoning their faith, and rejecting transfusions was such a big part of his religion. Will not only showed the parents the tattoo, but he told them that he had been using drugs and not going to church. I understand not wanting a patient to die because a religion he no longer believes in, but now the patient os devastated and he has lost his family.

April needs to mind her own business. Noah can make a decision on his own, even if she doesn't know all the info. 

Dr. Marcel and Noah are quickly becoming favorites. This show would be well served to focus on them, Choi without April, Dr. Abrams, and Dr. Latham along with Dr. Charles and Sharon of course. An actual adult, sane cast would be very refreshing. The writers need to learn that it is possible for characters to have flaws and disagreements without being insufferable. The three mentioned above have gone past the point of return though.

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7 hours ago, LittleIggy said:

I love Dr. Marcel (after Dr. Abrams, of course)! 
Will sent that poor guy to hell. Seriously, I totally don’t get the JW’s no transfusion thing. It’s based on some Biblical verse about not injesting blood, IIRC. 

It’s based on Deuteronomy 12:23, where it says not to eat blood. Other Christian denominations will accept transfusions because we believe that blood is life. JWs don’t believe in accepting blood transfusions nor do they believe in giving blood, voting or standing for the national anthem. Other Christian denominations just respect it and move on. Dr. Marcel solidified his place as my new favorite after checking Will.

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11 hours ago, Ohwell said:

I knew Noah would take her home.  Now I'm just waiting for him to get beat up, or, depending on the actor's contract, getting killed.

I like Dr. Marcel.

When he and April begged the injured girl to trust them.....WHAT? I don't want anyone who's mixed up with a gang to get close to me or provide me any information.  Treat and that's it. OMG, what's wrong with this people?  It's like we can see it coming, but, they can't.

  Just like when they said the injured young man was a Jehovah's Witness.....oh no.....I know that wasn't going to fly with Dr. I Save You No Matter What got on the case.  When Dr. Marcel said it was NOT HIS decision to treat people who had religious beliefs that precluded certain treatments, Will looked like he didn't even understand the concept!  He has a long history of violating this code.  Wasn't he on probation for this once before?

So, Natalie just waltzes away again?  lol  She wasn't too broken up about not seeing the boyfriend's baby anymore.  Wouldn't she have bonded with the baby by now, gotten close.......oh well....she dropped that guy in less than 2 minutes.  I wonder if he knows how lucky he is. lol 

Edited by SunnyBeBe
  • Love 3
16 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

So, Natalie just waltzes away again?  lol  She wasn't too broken up about not seeing the boyfriend's baby anymore.  Wouldn't she have bonded with the baby by now, gotten close.......oh well....she dropped that guy in less than 2 minutes.  I wonder if he knows how lucky he is. lol 

If it wasn't for the fact that I know he's a gaslighting creep.. I'd be all sorry for him for having a super flaky Girlfriend who ups and decides to not be my fiance with no explanation.. After getting close to my kid.... 

  • Love 3

Natalie is irredeemable at this stage tbh.

That whole storyline was hideous and of course he has some super rare disorder that only Nutty Natalie could diagnose, despite never seeing it before.

There is not a snowflakes chance in hell they would let her continue on the case after the first instance of the parents complaint, even with the court order another Dr should have been assigned to the child and then to be told by Maggie that the cops are coming so she doubles down and must intubate before they arrive...ugghhh, Maggie should be fired right along with the lunatic.

For her to waltz away with 'see I was right, huzzah I saved the day' was about the level of incompetence I expect from these writers now. 

Just when I thought Will would do well enough away from the lunatic he goes and proves that those two really do deserve each other. Please put them together so I can just skip over their painfully lacklustre scenes. 

  • Love 10
49 minutes ago, UNOSEZ said:

If it wasn't for the fact that I know he's a gaslighting creep.. I'd be all sorry for him for having a super flaky Girlfriend who ups and decides to not be my fiance with no explanation.. After getting close to my kid.... 

Yeah, I thought the guy was creepy and might even be doing something illegal, but, IDK, with Natalie......she's still worse than him. lol  I now think that she and Will deserve each other. Why oh why can't they leave together?  When Maggie was giving her that support speech....omg, I thought I would lose it.

And when Sharon was talking to the child's mother being all compassionate, but, trying to keep the child in treatment,  it was like the actor was even embarrassed to be in the scene.  lol She said she couldn't defend Natalie's behavior....what?  So, why are you defending Natalie?

Edited by SunnyBeBe
  • Love 3

I don't know if this episode could have gotten any more ridiculous.   I'm, certainly not in a gang or know exactly how it all "works" but I do know enough to know that Noah is an idiot to have taken her home.  However, it seems like next week's preview (shown) has forgotten all about this "incident".   Even I know you don't mess with gang members who are initiating someone.  In the "real world", it wouldn't have just dropped like that.   Silly and stupid of both Noah and April.   Yeah, he's going to get his a$$ kicked.  Worse yet, neither of them has the acting chops to carry an episode--let alone the show--so this episode was extremely painful and excruciating to watch.  

The transgender "relationship" - you knew the wife would be there in the end.  So trite and predictable.

What's with Chexton - now moving in together and talking about marriage - UGH.   And why is April so desperate to get pregnant??   

Where to begin to talk about Manstead & Phillip?  Silly Halstead thinking that Manning would take him back after the big reveal?   I actually thought Phillip might do some harm to one or both of them but he just walked away?  That just seemed off.   Of course, Natalie saved the child,  her job is safe, and she'll live to practice another day😲🙄.   How long will it take her to put someone else in jeopardy? 

Seems like Dr. Marcel was right about the JW kid and Halstead, once again, was wrong and jumped to conclusions.   Seemed strange that Marcel would have an open bottle in his locker--even if he is off shift.  Not that they were drinking excessively, but what if a catastrophic accident occurred and they needed all hands on deck?  Is Marcel a closet alcoholic??

Lastly, Maggie certainly has done a 180 after last week's episode.  If it hadn't been mentioned (Natalie), would you know she's going thru chemo?   Probably nothing more will be said about that either.

IMO, this season is deplorable and pitiful.

Edited by cathmed
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12 hours ago, preeya said:

Noah again - how long before he's a victim of a gang beating or worse?

3 hours ago, Guildford said:

 I suggest you don't read the upcoming press release for the episode after next.😂

Without looking at any upcoming press releases this (above) seems like a given.

Edited by preeya
  • Love 1
17 minutes ago, cathmed said:

Silly and stupid of both Noah and April.   

Up until the gang members showed up I didn't think either of them was doing anything wrong.. And after that... I can see both of their points but I'm siding with April... These dudes are either gonna jump her in or run a train on her.. They are  not good dudes... She knows Noah ain't about that life.. Best to let other professionals handle it... Definitely don't invite the girl into ur house

I dunno About Chicago fire.. But it wasn't  good day for blk folks in Chicago media or PD

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, cathmed said:

Seems like Dr. Marcel was right about the JW kid and Halstead, once again, was wrong and jumped to conclusions.   Seemed strange that Marcel would have an open bottle in his locker--even if he is off shift.  Not that they were drinking excessively, but what if a catastrophic accident occurred and they needed all hands on deck?  Is Marcel a closet alcoholic??

No, he’s from South Louisiana! 🥳(I can say that because I was born in Lafayette, LA.)

  • LOL 3

I have suspicion for anyone who keeps booze on hand just for a drink after work, so, I'm hoping it's not a sign of trouble.  PLEASE, let there be a character who is not unstable, dangerous, demented, murderous or a  whackadoodle! From what we have seen Dr. Marcel has been sober, thoughtful, alert and competent.  I hope they don't tear that down, while the likes of Natalie and Will flourish. 

  • Love 6
25 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I have suspicion for anyone who keeps booze on hand just for a drink after work, so, I'm hoping it's not a sign of trouble.  PLEASE, let there be a character who is not unstable, dangerous, demented, murderous or a  whackadoodle! From what we have seen Dr. Marcel has been sober, thoughtful, alert and competent.  I hope they don't tear that down, while the likes of Natalie and Will flourish. 

Maybe Dr. Marcel needed a drink after tolerating Will all day.

  • LOL 15
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14 hours ago, preeya said:

Noah - takes home a female patient who has ties to a gang (what could possibly go wrong)

Noah again - how long before he's a victim of a gang beating or worse?

Really, how crazy is this guy to bring her home? Not just her "associates", but she herself seems like an unknown quantity to me.

15 hours ago, Ohwell said:

I knew Noah would take her home.  Now I'm just waiting for him to get beat up, or, depending on the actor's contract, getting killed.

I like Dr. Marcel.

In a real hospital workplace, might not there be rules against keeping alcohol on the premises? Just asking.

I think Dr. Marcel is a good addition but I'm still disappointed that the show lost Dr. Rhodes, even though they had done a good job of ruining his character with that awful Dr. Bekker storyline.

I am irked that Maggie would be supportive, even encouraging toward what Natalie Manning did. "Trust your gut"? What really irks me is that the show ended up presenting Dr. Manning as somehow being in the right, after the extreme outrage of her actions.

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How could she possibly stay on the case after her behavior? Is she the only doctor in the hospital? How did the administrators let her continue? The parents could sue even though she was proved right. She was guilty of what they charged her with and should have been fired.

This  show has officially jumped the shark.

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On 10/25/2019 at 7:08 AM, Guildford said:

'Dr. Manning’s actions with a recent patient lead to serious repercussions.'

Some how I doubt it....We aren't that lucky

No, because only Halstead got punished...remember, he had to go to court, nearly lost his job (to the point where he was actively looking at other hospitals) and ended up with a huge increase in malpractice insurance. Natalie, I'm sure, will not only not get even a tiny fraction of this, but will likely get unicorn hugs and a shower of confetti from her friends when it's all over.

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18 minutes ago, SnarkySheep said:

No, because only Halstead got punished...remember, he had to go to court, nearly lost his job (to the point where he was actively looking at other hospitals) and ended up with a huge increase in malpractice insurance. Natalie, I'm sure, will not only not get even a tiny fraction of this, but will likely get unicorn hugs and a shower of confetti from her friends when it's all over.

Maggie will probably skip her next few chemo appts to help Natalie thru her trauma of spending a few hours in jail before Sharon saved her and then dumping her fiance for no reason and then Will once again trying to be there for her which is obviously too much for her delicate constitution... Yuck... I pray they keep Dr. Marcel the way he is.. So at some point he could be the one to just look at her and tell her to chill

  • Love 3
48 minutes ago, UNOSEZ said:

Maggie will probably skip her next few chemo appts to help Natalie thru her trauma of spending a few hours in jail before Sharon saved her and then dumping her fiance for no reason and then Will once again trying to be there for her which is obviously too much for her delicate constitution... Yuck... I pray they keep Dr. Marcel the way he is.. So at some point he could be the one to just look at her and tell her to chill

Yeah, that would make sense, but, noooooo, they'll have him fall head over heels for her and then he'll go up against Will and Will will prevail and another one bites the dust.  Or, he'll fall for April.  PLEASE......

There's no joke about messing with the gang people.  One of my colleagues, a prosecutor,  had her dad kidnapped and almost murdered by a gang leader from prison, after she prosecuted him and sent him away for a very long time. They went for her to kill her, but, went to wrong house and encountered her father. They took him instead to punish her. The FBI was able to figure it out and saved the man shortly before his execution.  I'm NOT kidding. The gang leader directed this hit from inside a federal prison!  Poor Noah.

Edited by SunnyBeBe
  • Love 1
17 hours ago, UNOSEZ said:

So Natalie faces no consequences... I'd be happy if at least the board of the hospital took some action... Of course will was wrong.. Those two just keep on keeping on with their ignorant privilege... I mean they had the woman with actual ass cancer out here propping up the doctor who assaulted a child.. And then Sharon had to work her "black lady magic" to get her outta trouble... If will wasn't just as bad as her I'd tell him to run away.. You know ur wrong if on a medical show the surgeon is telling the MD to chill... Surgeons always wanna cut on these shows.... 

At least the Noah/ April "Drama" wasnt really medical related.. It was just a diff of opinion on how to handle the gang stuff.... Ima middle child so I've been the older sibling who knows better and is very protective of my younger and less experienced sibling... And I've been the younger.. Tired of my older sister hovering around me with her shield.. Granted she's almost always right but still.. Odds are April will be right and Noah is in over his head... But like he said he gotta make his own mistakes 

On a slightly diff note.. Monica Raymund is gonna be back on Chicago fire.. And I cannot wait for the deluge of ( mostly lady)  hate to flow.. Back in the day those other boards were chock full of how much  "saint gabby" was horrible to Casey and he'd be better off with surprise  surprise ( any new or old white female actress)  on the show.... Anywhoo getting my popcorn ready 

Gabby deserved some of the hate. She was propped up like a Mary Sue, had to be in all the business, she was always right never wrong. Got jealous almost every time a woman was around Casey. Everything had to be done her way. I dont have a real investment in who Casey is with just glad Gabbys not a regular eating lots of screen time from other characters 

  • Love 10
32 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

Yeah, that would make sense, but, noooooo, they'll have him fall head over heels for her and then he'll go up against Will and Will will prevail and another one bites the dust.  Or, he'll fall for April.  PLEASE......

There's no joke about messing with the gang people.  One of my colleagues, a prosecutor,  had her dad kidnapped and almost murdered by a gang leader from prison, after she prosecuted him and sent him away for a very long time. They went for her to kill her, but, went to wrong house and encountered her father. They took him instead to punish her. The FBI was able to figure it out and saved the man shortly before his execution.  I'm NOT kidding. The gang leader directed this hit from inside a federal prison!  Poor Noah.

Oh God that's terrible! I'm glad your Colleague and her father werent killed and yeah I agree about not messing with Gang people cause they will do that shit 

  • Love 5
1 minute ago, Josh371982 said:

Oh God that's terrible! I'm glad your Colleague and her father werent killed and yeah I agree about not messing with Gang people cause they will do that shit 

He was scarred mentally and has permanent nerve damage due to being tied up tight in a closet for 5 days with no food or water, but, grateful to be alive.  They caught them all and the gang leader...for now.  

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I won't go too deep into the gabby wars cuz this isn't even the show forum.. But I'll say thru it all at least when I watched my only contention was that she was one of the 3 main leads Casey was a fire LT/ undercover officer/ councilman/ contractor / constant hero... Severide was female catnip/ arson investigator/ super fire hero... All three of them seemed almost superhuman.. But gabby was the Mary sue.. And if she's  main but also the love interest of another main... She's gonna get screentime.. Anywhoo I won't go any further on that

  • Love 1
2 hours ago, The Ringo Kidd said:

How could she possibly stay on the case after her behavior? Is she the only doctor in the hospital? How did the administrators let her continue? The parents could sue even though she was proved right. She was guilty of what they charged her with and should have been fired.

This  show has officially jumped the shark.

Is it bad that I kept hoping that Phillip would just kidnap her when she was breaking up with him?

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2 hours ago, UNOSEZ said:

Maggie will probably skip her next few chemo appts to help Natalie thru her trauma of spending a few hours in jail before Sharon saved her and then dumping her fiance for no reason and then Will once again trying to be there for her which is obviously too much for her delicate constitution... Yuck... I pray they keep Dr. Marcel the way he is.. So at some point he could be the one to just look at her and tell her to chill

Dr. Marcel and his level of shade is most likely what she needs so that she can leave the hospital all together.

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On ‎10‎/‎30‎/‎2019 at 8:00 PM, spunky said:

Yes Will you should have respected the patient's wishes instead of pushing your own agenda.

I don't like Will, and he's certainly got his agenda, but I don't think that he really acted in bad faith.  Certainly the outcome was wrong as we found out that the patient really still was a believer but just had some transgressions.  But what is Will to think?  The patient arrives unconscious and a toxicology screen shows he has alcohol and drugs in his body, which is something a devout Jehovah's Witness would not do.  He calls up the church or whatever it was and they say they haven't seen him for months.  He has a tattoo on his body which is also a no-no.  So he puts all the information together to say that he has turned away from the faith and presents that to the parents.  The parents, hearing all this information, essentially GAVE THE OK for them to operate on their son.  So why is Will wrong?  In the end, he's wrong because despite all of the actions, the kid really still is a believer.  Will identified all the clues and the information properly, but it led him to the wrong conclusion.  But the parents arrived at the same conclusion as well.

On ‎10‎/‎30‎/‎2019 at 8:43 PM, UNOSEZ said:

And then Sharon had to work her "black lady magic" to get her outta trouble

I'm not sure exactly what you mean by "black lady magic" but it sounds like it could be offensive.  I thought Sharon showed the skills of an adept administrator.  What does her race have to do with it?  She calmly talked to the mother in a rational manner to get her to come to the conclusion that everybody wants what is best for the child, and that's for him to get healthy and better.

On ‎10‎/‎30‎/‎2019 at 9:46 PM, watcher1006 said:

The Natalie thing was backwards. If she was so concerned about the child's safety and him not being treated by regular medical means then she should have pulled the levers of the court system early on - through hospital administrators and lawyers - before she did the crazy business of locking everyone out of the room. She does the crazy thing and THEN the hospital gets a court order allowing her to treat the patient? Not believable.

Yeah.  It's not like there was immediate urgency in that if he didn't get the antibiotics in the next five minutes that he would have died.  Certainly she could waited the several hours or so that it would have taken to get an emergency court order.

So glad that the creepy boyfriend was found out.  So Natalie "trusted her instincts" that something was wrong.  But I guess those instincts didn't allow her to remember that she was going back to Will before the accident.  I guess after the TBI, there's been too much that's happened between Will and her so now she just wants him to get the heck out of her life.  I'm fine with that.

Noah bringing home a patient?  What in the world is he thinking?  He should set her up with a shelter, or contact PD to get some help for her.  This is not going to end well.

The transgender storyline was so boring.  I'm guessing the actor is indeed a transgender male?  They did tie it back to Sharon and her ex getting back together, so I guess the writers would think that's smart writing.

  • Love 4
12 hours ago, Ohwell said:

It's one thing to go for a drink after work, but I'm afraid it's a bad sign for Dr. Marcel to have a bottle in his locker.  I hope the writers don't have him be an alcoholic because I like him.   We need at least one decent, sane, well adjusted, competent doctor on this show.

Hey, he’s just trying to save money! All those student loans, you know. 😏

8 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I just watch Chicago Med.  And, that might not last much longer......lol.  I hope the other Chicago franchises are better. 

They are.

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7 hours ago, greyhorse said:

I don't like Will, and he's certainly got his agenda, but I don't think that he really acted in bad faith.  Certainly the outcome was wrong as we found out that the patient really still was a believer but just had some transgressions.  But what is Will to think?  The patient arrives unconscious and a toxicology screen shows he has alcohol and drugs in his body, which is something a devout Jehovah's Witness would not do.  He calls up the church or whatever it was and they say they haven't seen him for months.  He has a tattoo on his body which is also a no-no.  So he puts all the information together to say that he has turned away from the faith and presents that to the parents.  The parents, hearing all this information, essentially GAVE THE OK for them to operate on their son.  So why is Will wrong?  In the end, he's wrong because despite all of the actions, the kid really still is a believer.  Will identified all the clues and the information properly, but it led him to the wrong conclusion.  But the parents arrived at the same conclusion as well.

It’s the fact that he insisted on the surgery that’s the issue. Will like Natalie always go against the wishes of their patients instead of being respectful, because they always believe they’re right. Dr. Marcel was correct when he stated that Will needs a refresher course in Medical Ethics, it’s the patient’s parents who should be making the decision not him. The family only made their decision because Will decided to be a cop instead of being a doctor.

Edited by spunky
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Ughhh. This episode makes me wanna hurl.

Natalie faces ZERO consequences (except getting escorted to the police station) for locking the parents out of the room and administering medicine against their wishes. At the least, this is something that requires counseling and maybe a leave of absence. At most, she deserves a lengthy suspension or termination. But to not face any consequences, simply because she followed her instincts and was lucky enough to be right is just a joke.

Will, once again, going against a patient's directives, just because he doesn't agree. Once they saw the no blood card, that's it. No matter how long it's been since he signed that card, or what drugs or alcohol he was on, you still have the follow the directive. Not try to actively find ways to circumvent his wishes to make your viewpoint be the only option.

At this point, Will and Natalie are becoming a cancer to this show. They always think they're right. Will is still hung up on Natalie. He's almost rivaling Nathan with his obsession with Natalie and constantly needing to save her. Every single episode, he has to glance over at Natalie. Has to inject herself into her cases and offer assistance. It's getting really tired. At this point, one of them needs to leave the hospital. If Will can't come to work without always constantly thinking about Natalie, he needs to leave. Or if Natalie can't handle the tension posed by will and wants him, as she said, out of her life, she needs to leave. 

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