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Carlin and Evan: But Mostly Carlin!

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12 hours ago, cereality said:

people on other threads are saying Erin's video hinted/said Tiff is pregnant too. 

I got that impression from the miracle pregnancy announcement. One of the girls (I think, or it may have been Carson) mentioned praying for Tiff & Lawson and it almost sounded like pregnancy for L&T was a done deal. They left it in, so who knows?

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These two need to get themselves a regular bedroom set...you know something with drawers.

I watched that stupid fast food challenge video the put out. Ridiculous and immature; just childish and a waste of gasoline and money if you ask me. If I ate that combination of fast food in one day, I would be sick. I gave them a "dislike". I hope they don't do that again and post it.

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Have they said anything recently about Carlin's seizures and that in-patient test she was supposed to have?? She seems to be doing okay, but Evan never seems to mention going back to being an electrician after he did all the schooling for it. They almost appear to be on a permanent vacation. I had so much hope for these two becoming productive citizens, but now they seem as bad as the Duggars.

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As for electrician - on a recent Q&A YT they pretty much said he isn't ever going back. They went on about how he only did electrical school bc he needed something to do bc his receptionist job wasn't going to support a family, but it was never his passion. Apparently all the rest of us work for passion 🙄. And then went on about how is living his best life home 24-7 with his wife and kids (yep they said that) and working at BSB and doing YT, and yes he did openly say YT is a job for them - so they are at least "acknowledging" that's where the $ is coming from. They are under the delusion that he can go back to being an electrician any time he wants. Good luck with that - the further you get away from your school and training, you will forget how to do things, and you have zero experience on your resume. Sure he can tell people he has zero experience bc he had to care for his wife and sometimes people can be understanding and yet they all know how to use Google. So when they google you and realize that for 5 yrs you've been snarfing down cheeseburgers on YT, they may also question your - taking care of wife - reasoning for not working.

They also went on about how now isn't a time to decide re going back to electrical [lol - after saying he isn't going back] bc Carlin still can't drive. It's interesting how they feel that an electrician salary of at least 70k (bc it's more like 110k for new union electricians in my high cost of living city so Knox prob gets him at least 70k) is not worth it bc Carlin would have to take 2-4 Uber rides/wk on the wks she actually shows up to her hobby shop.

As for the EEG - IDK maybe someone follows that more. I tend not to listen when they talk about that. My big picture view is whenever it comes up they grouse about how the drs/health system aren't making her a priority so she's STILL waiting. I understand that healthcare is slow right now bc so many ppl have so many post Covid complications, but are they genuinely still waiting on a test ordered 9 mos ago? Or is it that they never schedule it and whenever they go to schedule, they are told - ok we are scheduling 3-6 mos out right now (which is likely) and then they don't schedule, months slip by, they do the call again and oh look, we'd have to wait 3-6 more mos. But that's just my impression.

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15 minutes ago, cereality said:

Or is it that they never schedule it and whenever they go to schedule, they are told - ok we are scheduling 3-6 mos out right now (which is likely) and then they don't schedule, months slip by, they do the call again and oh look, we'd have to wait 3-6 more mos. But that's just my impression.

It’s my impression also.

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1 hour ago, cereality said:


As for the EEG - IDK maybe someone follows that more. I tend not to listen when they talk about that. My big picture view is whenever it comes up they grouse about how the drs/health system aren't making her a priority so she's STILL waiting. I understand that healthcare is slow right now bc so many ppl have so many post Covid complications, but are they genuinely still waiting on a test ordered 9 mos ago? Or is it that they never schedule it and whenever they go to schedule, they are told - ok we are scheduling 3-6 mos out right now (which is likely) and then they don't schedule, months slip by, they do the call again and oh look, we'd have to wait 3-6 more mos. But that's just my impression.

We know it was never scheduled at the time it was initially recommended.  Somewhere last summer, maybe July, the neurologist recommended the 5 day EEG and Evan complained that there was a 3 month waiting list for the test and it couldn't be done before October.  He seemed to feel they deserved extra special priority for the test and was a bit pissed that the doctor apparently wasn't wiling to put Carlin at the top of the list.  Anyway, he then said they were going to pursue some other testing 'first'.  I think it was the cardiologist and other stuff.  However, they apparently didn't bother to make the appointment for the EEG to save her place in line so she could get it done if the other stuff didn't pan out.  Oh no!  Instead, there was Evan in October, griping that NOW she couldn't get it done until January.  Which she didn't do, of course.  It appears the window for the test is around 90 days and they have stubbornly refused to schedule it, instead, wanting someone to make an exception for Carlin so she can jump the line for dramatic purposes.

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I suspect they know the EEG isn't necessary, and that's why it hasn't been scheduled. 

Carlin needs a psychologist, not a neurologist. Evan needs a kick in the ass. 

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When I first starting following them on Instagram, I really got sucked in and felt bad for Carlin and felt like Evan was really working hard at the electrician training and getting a regular job, unlike so many fundies and reality stars we see. Now I feel like they're a bigger scam than some of the Duggars. 

If Carlin gets pregnant again soon, that will be proof the seizures were never a big deal and they exaggerated the whole thing. I started to be really suspicious when they got on a plane to San Diego for a wedding after being in the emergency room the night before. But I didn't want to be too cynical and judge them prematurely. 

And I have never in my life seen people outside of My 600lb Life eat so much fast food. 

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15 minutes ago, Heathen said:

I suspect they know the EEG isn't necessary, and that's why it hasn't been scheduled. 

Carlin needs a psychologist, not a neurologist. Evan needs a kick in the ass. 

Yes, I think your recommendations are excellent.  I think they do realize, somewhere in their dumb little hearts, that whatever it is she is doing when she has these episodes, she is not really having full blown seizures and they are afraid that, if the EEG gets done, there goes their storyline.

I think Carlin also genuinely cannot imagine spending 5 days in the hospital and not gallivanting off to Starbucks or Chik fil a on a whim.  They may have also asked about filming in the hospital and been told that Evan could not be there 24/7 and that the staff wasn't going to allow them to run willy nilly through the unit in search of content.  And their kids were not only not welcome to spend the night and they are too young to even visit a neuro unit.  Carlin would cry about missing her babies, but even more so because causing Layla to freak out seeing electrodes on Mommy's head would be such a great internet moment for them.

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10 minutes ago, Kellyee said:


And I have never in my life seen people outside of My 600lb Life eat so much fast food. 

Carlin better thank her lucky stars she still has a mid-20s metabolism, because all that crap food is gonna catch up with her eventually. 

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23 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

Carlin better thank her lucky stars she still has a mid-20s metabolism, because all that crap food is gonna catch up with her eventually. 

She’ll probably look just like her mom before she knows it. 

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They also found out how much a five day hospital stay for the test cost too and might interfere with more important spending like cars, furniture, vacations etc.  I wonder if they have any bills, medical or otherwise that are in collections.  

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5 minutes ago, Kiss my mutt said:

They also found out how much a five day hospital stay for the test cost too and might interfere with more important spending like cars, furniture, vacations etc.  I wonder if they have any bills, medical or otherwise that are in collections.  

They definitely have medical debt. I recall them worrying about it in one of their previous videos. It sounded like they were fishing for a fan to start a GoFundMe. Hopefully they worked out some sort of payment plan, though. If I'm not mistaken, medical bills are the number one cause of bankruptcy. 

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Carlin fractured her big toe. I have never seen anyone so happy to be in medical offices. She even included a picture of herself on a hospital bed on one of her Mother’s Day stories. 🤦🏽‍♀️


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Something is mentally wrong with them.

Her toe was already jammed but oops THREE people stepped on it on Mothers Day + another sister drove a scooter over it and then today she hits it with her other foot?? Uh usually when injured, after the first person nearly steps on you - you'd back up from the crowd to protect yourself, not just stand there as others step on you + drive scooters across your foot?

She surely looked VERY happy and smiley headed to the dr and then walking around their lobby, reception, and parking lot barefoot.

And Carlin, you have zero idea what "walk of shame" actually means. Maybe spend some time at a real college and that'll show you that you neither "party party" nor have ever done the walk of shame.

Anyone else left the impression that when she goes "we got a GOOD dr" that = someone who isn't telling us to stop filming + is going to do something we can put on film.

Now at home Evan is "dragging" Carlin to the sofa. Uh Carlin - you are already on one side of the sofa; you can hold onto the side of it and hop or sit on it and move your rear to whatever location you want. And as Carlin lays on the couch, the xray is strategically on the sofa so it'll be in the camera shot + Ellie has been called in . . . .

Edited by cereality
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4 hours ago, cereality said:

Anyone else left the impression that when she goes "we got a GOOD dr" that = someone who isn't telling us to stop filming + is going to do something we can put on film.

I have mentioned before the person I know in real life, EK, whom I believe to have factitious disorder as well as factitious disorder imposed on another. This is a belief shared by others. I have seen for years that when a doctor or vet (she's a cat hoarder) will not give her what she wants, which is attention, she labels them as "incompetent" or "selfish" or "in it for the money." You get the idea. When she does get a vet or doctor of any specialty who gives her what she wants, she becomes devoted to them, talks about them all the time, visits them as often as possible, says they might be able to "get to the bottom of this." For those who'd like to read more: https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/factitious-disorder/symptoms-causes/syc-20356028#:~:text=Factitious disorder imposed on another,the intention of deceiving others.


Topic: Evan is either very gullible and/or a world-class enabler, much like EK's husband. 


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These are only screenshots from the video. It was the most ridiculous thing I have seen recently from these two. Evan basically tossed her on the couch. She has a “boot” for a reason. She can freaking walk. If she continues this nonsense she’s going to do more harm than good to other parts of her body. She in not NWB.






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So Carlin was in a little pain with her injured toe, but when she confirmed a break, all of a sudden she couldn't walk?

Those poor kids having attention whore parents. And those poor suckers who follow and believe the Stew Crew.



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Is she losing her Reddit leghumpers? The people who for years have defended every little thing - now a good % of them are saying she misses the attention she gets from health things and very little attention is on her right now due to so many pregnant sisters with special announcements.

Reddit also pointed out that yesterday the dr gave her a boot that was just like a flat velcro slipper to keep her toe still. Today at the neuro's office - she is wearing a boot up to her knee?? People are saying they've had significantly less sturdy boots for full on foot injuries and others are saying with broken toes, usually it's more like tape it to another toe and get on with it (like people DIY it or if they go to a dr, the dr just tapes it).

Did they stop by a medical supply store or do an Amazon order for that boot?

Also 2 kids at the neuro's office really!? WTF I know you all don't have jobs or lives but these are serious doctors offices where they need silence; the person who waited 3 mos for their follow up really wants the dr to do their exam and answer questions in peace without screams from the room next door which chose to haul along their 1 + 3 yr olds. Could they not have dropped the kids at G&K's for an hour?? I'd say Evan could just wait in the car for an hr with the kids but let's be real I think with both of them attending the appointment, they probably only understand 50% of dr instructions, so with just Carlin attending - she'd probably spend her whole time talking to the dr about her foot injury and whether she can get a pedi, instead of what she's there for.

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I have broken a couple of toes. First time it was my little toe.  It needed to have a pin put in it and I wore a shoe much like Carlin was wearing. 
Second time it was my big toe and I had to wear a boot BUT my foot was also broken and I was on crutches for 2 weeks before the boot.

Once I got the boot I had no issues walking.

Are we really surprised that Carlin is playing this up for all it’s worth? 🙄

It’s all about the clicks and always will be.

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55 minutes ago, cereality said:

Is she losing her Reddit leghumpers? The people who for years have defended every little thing - now a good % of them are saying she misses the attention she gets from health things and very little attention is on her right now due to so many pregnant sisters with special announcements.

Reddit also pointed out that yesterday the dr gave her a boot that was just like a flat velcro slipper to keep her toe still. Today at the neuro's office - she is wearing a boot up to her knee?? People are saying they've had significantly less sturdy boots for full on foot injuries and others are saying with broken toes, usually it's more like tape it to another toe and get on with it (like people DIY it or if they go to a dr, the dr just tapes it).

Did they stop by a medical supply store or do an Amazon order for that boot?

Also 2 kids at the neuro's office really!? WTF I know you all don't have jobs or lives but these are serious doctors offices where they need silence; the person who waited 3 mos for their follow up really wants the dr to do their exam and answer questions in peace without screams from the room next door which chose to haul along their 1 + 3 yr olds. Could they not have dropped the kids at G&K's for an hour?? I'd say Evan could just wait in the car for an hr with the kids but let's be real I think with both of them attending the appointment, they probably only understand 50% of dr instructions, so with just Carlin attending - she'd probably spend her whole time talking to the dr about her foot injury and whether she can get a pedi, instead of what she's there for.

Broke 3 toes at work last year (2 still hurt).  I got them taped up and one of the velcro shoes for walking.  I have a very high tolerance to pain and jesus did it hurt like hell the 1st night.  I was told to stay off of it for a couple of days and keep it elevated.  My husband carried me nowhere.  He did however get me snacks and drinks.  They'd best get insurance if they are depending on Carlin's health to get them Insta views.

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I just watched her stories and Carlin is positively thrilled. This broken toe saga is the happiest I've seen her in weeks. And why not? It's going to get her everything she wants. Attention, tons of sympathy comments from the leghumpers, content for YT, etc. Plus, she can't possibly be on her feet at BSB filling orders, so she'll sit at home with her leg propped up sourcing wholesaler sites for more cheaply made dresses. And how much do we want to bet they'll be taking off for Nashville tomorrow or Friday? Carlin can't/won't chase after two kids, so Evan's parents will pick up the slack.

I also want to add it's incredibly inappropriate to film in a medical center lobby. I saw brief glimpses of other patients in the background, faces and all. I'm shocked a staff member didn't tell her to stop. 

There was also no need to drag the kids to Carlin's neuro appointment. With all the Bates relatives in the area, nobody could watch the kids for two hours? Kelly, Michael, Addie, Ellie and Callie were all busy? No church friends that could lend a hand? I know E&C think it's the cutest thing ever that they travel as a pack 24/7, but there's no way they can give their full attention to the doctor when they're trying to wrangle two restless kids. They treat everything in life like it's a big joke or a social media photo op, and it's so distasteful. 

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I guess it’s easier to fake hobbling around for weeks on end than it is to fake seizures. I bet her toe feels fine on days she wants to do something. Too bad she didn’t go to college because she could have majored in theatrical performance. 

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22 minutes ago, GeeGolly said:

Nothing has changed and she's had no new tests, so what magical answers could Carlin and the Giant Boot have at this point?

It'll be however many minutes of banal, boring bullshit followed by ten seconds of "Nothing new! Same meds! But look at my knee-high boot on my poor precious broken TOE that I had to go to the ER for!" 

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5 hours ago, cereality said:

others are saying with broken toes, usually it's more like tape it to another toe and get on with it (like people DIY it or if they go to a dr, the dr just tapes it).


That's pretty much what my doctor gave me a couple of months ago.  I went in wearing arch support flip flops and she said I'd probably be more comfortable in those than a shoe and the velcro sandal that Carlin had.  

I had the boot when I actually broke my foot and ankle.  

Carlin just has to go for the drama whether needed or not.  I didn't even tell anyone when I broke my toe.  So Carlin paid about $50 for an uncomfortable boot she didn't need or borrowed one just to try to drum up internet content from people who don't know any better?

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2 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

Nothing has changed and she's had no new tests, so what magical answers could Carlin and the Giant Boot have at this point?

But we must tune into their YouTube so we can find out! I have a feeling the doctor told them the same things as previously but as we’ve seen before, C&E only hear what they want to. And don’t seem to grasp or understand what the doctor said.

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A few years back I dropped a hammer on my 'pointer' toe. It was broken, bruised like nothing I've ever seen before and actually peeled at one point like a snake.

I was given the Velcro shoe and told to wear a tight sock to bed if it bothered me when I slept. It was my TOE, not my heel, not my ankle and not my shin. So a SHOE, again, for my TOE.

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1 hour ago, Absolom said:


That's pretty much what my doctor gave me a couple of months ago.  I went in wearing arch support flip flops and she said I'd probably be more comfortable in those than a shoe and the velcro sandal that Carlin had.  

I had the boot when I actually broke my foot and ankle.  

Carlin just has to go for the drama whether needed or not.  I didn't even tell anyone when I broke my toe.  So Carlin paid about $50 for an uncomfortable boot she didn't need or borrowed one just to try to drum up internet content from people who don't know any better?

I wonder what kind of bill they’ll get for her emergency room visit?

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6 minutes ago, AstridM said:

I wonder what kind of bill they’ll get for her emergency room visit?

Maybe they use the Gil Bates method of "paying" medical bills. 

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2 minutes ago, Heathen said:

Maybe they use the Gil Bates method of "paying" medical bills. 

I don't remember how/if Gil paid his bills. I just remember them using the ER as a doctor's office.

Edited by Salacious Kitty
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Just now, Salacious Kitty said:

I don't remember how Gil paid his bills. I just remember them using the ER as a doctor's office.

If I'm not mistaken he claimed inability to pay and the hospital wrote them off. 

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Just now, Salacious Kitty said:

I don't remember how Gil paid his bills. I just remember them using the ER as a doctor's office.

And not paying the bill.

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6 minutes ago, SMama said:

And not paying the bill.

Exactly. Paying Carlin's bullshit medical bills would cut into their vacation/Starbucks/eating out/shopping/nails and hair money. 

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12 hours ago, Heathen said:

Exactly. Paying Carlin's bullshit medical bills would cut into their vacation/Starbucks/eating out/shopping/nails and hair money. 

Let's not forget Top Golf visits and saving for a much needed Tesla!

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So kid's shoes on wrong foot, instead of a simple regular shoe she goes for a clunky athletic shoe, and she's back in what the doctor gave her instead of the boot.  

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Carlin doesn't have a black ballet flat or a black canvas sneaker? Or even a low profile white sneaker?

She's wearing the clunky high-top sneaker to make sure everyone notices her ortho shoe. Her church friends must tire of her very quickly.

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