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Carlin and Evan: But Mostly Carlin!

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Personally I'd feel uncomfortable watching two kids who were complete strangers. It's not like it was only for an afternoon. I don't know the timeline of Katie's labor, but Carlin and Evan had to have been at the hospital for at least sixteen hours. Good luck to the "sweet friend" who probably didn't know Layla stays up past midnight and hasn't the slightest semblance of a routine. Hopefully there's enough Cheese Puffs in the cabinet to keep her compliant. 

Just now, GeeGolly said:

I wonder how Carlin took over Josie's #1 spot with Katie. Maybe due to the freewheeling, casually employed husbands?

I remember Katie's wedding feeling a bit awkward. She chose Josie to be her MOH back when they were still besties but by the time the ceremony rolled around, it was pretty clear she was closer to Carlin. It's almost like a chicken and egg scenario. Did Carlin hone in and steal Katie, or had Josie already dumped her in favor of Lydia? One things for sure though, Erin has certainly gone scorched Earth in distancing herself from her siblings. It's none of my business, but damn it, I wish a Bates adjacent would spill the tea. 😆

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4 hours ago, cereality said:

Nice to see they had no problem dumping their own kids on a stranger to go sit at the hospital. I get why Carlin was there but really Evan - couldn’t miss out huh and stay home with your own kids?? No doubt it was some sweet friend from the Clarks’ church watching the kids and I realize that mom and dad do leave kid 1 with someone to go birth kid 2 but to me it’s different here - unknown babysitter, strange house, and oh yeah this is only your SIL’s kid not yours so you don’t need to be there. Fear not they prob threw a bag of chips at Layla as they ran out cameras in hand.

I was wondering that too. How long did the sitter get stuck there? I hope the kids had spent some time with the sitter. Imagine Layla waking up in the middle of the night to a stranger's face.

Why anyone would want their brother-in-law sitting in their pre-birth hospital room, that I don't get at all. There are 3 other people there who can take a picture.


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I wonder if E&C have realized yet that they're about to lose their NJ party party pals. Don't get me wrong, I think Katie will be slow to adjust to motherhood just like she was slow to adjust to marriage; I foresee Addie/Ellie spending A LOT of time in NJ in the next 3-6 mos as Katie complains about OMG it's SOOO hard, she doesn't sleep etc. Not that Addie/Ellie can help with that, but I do see some dumping of the baby on them during the day so Katie can sleep, primp herself, shill shit on IG etc.

BUT ultimately I do think Katie will take to parenting like she did marriage and she and Trav will be better parents - or strive to it - more than E&C. While I think Trav is kind to Katie [more than we feared given what we know of Daddy Clark], I do think he has some expectations re how his home will run. I mean pre wedding ditzy Katie proudly went on and on about not knowing what to do when Nathan's wife was like turn this oven off in the next 30 min and then bring that dish with you in the car to the dinner we're hosting. Like went on and on to the point that Nathan's wife was about to slap her. 14 months later Katie cooks at least a few days a week - bc she shouts out her SIL/MIL for simple recipes; she's shown herself FaceTiming Michael as Michael walks her thru a recipe; she has said before that certain dishes freeze well. So yeah while they probably do eat CFA, Olive Garden, pizza half the week, I think at some point Trav clarified that he was not going to eat CFA daily for the rest of his life.

I think the same will be true of parenting for both of them. They'll act ditzy at first like Hailey is a Gucci bag to carry around and pass off to some family member when they need a break, I also don't see them being the types who are like woohooo Evan/Carlin are here -- let's drop the kid off at the Clarks' [or all 3 kids - lol the Clarks would likely just say no to Evan/Carlin's feral kids] or hire a babysitter and woohoo Top Golf and cheesesteaks until midnight. Or worse yet, lets just bring the kids so we can party party and they can sleep on the floor anywhere.

Somehow I can see Hailey at least having bed times, meal times, food that isn't chips. Katie has already mentioned consistency for things like potty training. These are things Evan/Carlin haven't managed in 3+ yrs and they pat themselves on the back when they give their kid pre sliced cheese + a slice of avocado + beans straight from the can + a stack of tortilla chips bc OMG we made TACO SALAD.

I feel like having a family life is part of why Z&W are distancing themselves from E&C lately [and likely some work tension with these morons too] and I can see the same happening with Katie/Trav. There was a time when Whit was all too happy ditching her kids/Zach and going out to dinners with Evan/Carlin or 10 pm ice cream runs and now we don't see that at all; one of the times that Carlin was trying to "convince" them to do a date night after an entire day together at work, Whit looked horrified and was like uh we have to get home . . . . Hope they realize that especially once Hailey is mobile/needs a schedule, Katie/Trav won't be up for hitting up the beach or NYC bc Evan/Carlin are bored.

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11 hours ago, Dehumidifier said:

I was wondering that too. How long did the sitter get stuck there? I hope the kids had spent some time with the sitter. Imagine Layla waking up in the middle of the night to a stranger's face.

Why anyone would want their brother-in-law sitting in their pre-birth hospital room, that I don't get at all. There are 3 other people there who can take a picture.


All I can say is that, towards the end of my OB career, about 5 years ago, I was doing a delivery.  Hospital policy is that the person giving birth could have as many 'support people' in the room as they wanted.  The patient in question had somewhere around 6 or 8 including his mom, her mom and the FOB (father of baby, technical term).  Then there were a group of folks, male and female, around the same age as the parents-to-be, early 20's.  The patient was positioned for delivery, I was washing my hands and putting on gown and gloves.  I stepped up to the patient only to find a young guy standing in my place (yes, he was RIGHT THERE) looking at her 'action'.  He had a phone in his hand, taking pictures and providing play by play to who knows who.  He told the person on the other end,  'Yeah, my girlfriend's friend is having a baby, you would not believe how disgusting this is!'.  I got the impression he wasn't even sure of the new mom's first name.  The nurse had to tap him on the shoulder to get him to step out of the way so I could do my job.  It was at that moment that I knew I was just about ready to quit OB.

People who view childbirth as a spectator sport, a public entertainment for their benefit, are not rare.  Alas.

Edited by Notabug
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This makes me wonder what the Clarks really think of Ma and Pa Bates. Actually all of the inlaws, the Smiths, the Keilens, the Websters, etc. Ma and Pa Bates don't really fit in to the same mold as the said above. 

Edited by Spazamanaz
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46 minutes ago, Spazamanaz said:

This makes me wonder what the Clarks really think of Ma and Pa Bates. Actually all of the inlaws, the Smiths, the Keilens, the Websters, etc. Ma and Pa Bates don't really fit in to the same mold as the said above. 

I always had the feeling that the Clarks grit their teeth and barely tolerate most of the Bates clan. Back when Momma Clark had a bridal shower for Katie you could almost feel her holding back from asking KJ to get off her as* and help. So I don’t think Daddy and Momma Clark are stopping by to visit in Tennessee.

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Ironic I recently posted on Erin's thread about the unhealthy competition among the sisters and how KJ&G may have contributed to the animosity. Then leave it up to Carlin, bless her heart, to post and make it clear.  Those kids never got a chance to be feel important. I have wondered why the guys don't seem as competitive but their golden penis status got them attention the females in the family never get, except for popping out a new baby every year. It is important for Zade to learn to share, but I think it's mean to get him jealous to get that shot. That's what happens when your existence is only about being Baby # whatever, and Grandchild # whatever. Carlin should be fostering trust with her children not a sense that will be abandoned for the new kid. 

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8 minutes ago, SMama said:

It is important for Zade to learn to share, but I think it's mean to get him jealous to get that shot.

I’m picturing this in a video they will post. It will be similar to Layla waking up from a nap, and the Christmas tree was gone. There she was crying, all for a video.

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20 minutes ago, ginger90 said:

See ya!!


HAHAH. I was just going to post that in that IG where Carlin is holding the baby and Trav is playing guitar, there are a LOT of bags on the bed and looks like Evan is running around maybe packing. Yep they wanted out of there ASAP - Katie got home this morning and these 2 hit the road at 6 pm. Not saying it's bad for Katie/Trav to finally get some time to be alone with their baby. But nothing screams WE ARE HERE TO HELP than leaving 4-6 hrs after the mother and newborn get home. Just as well - you know they were not going to cook a single meal, left behind not one freezer meal etc. so better for Katie/Trav to just do it on their own and with help from MIL/SIL if they need help.

I know some people prefer to drive at night with kids so they'll sleep but Google says it's a 10 hr drive and the drive over to NJ took 17. Starting a 10-17 hr drive at 6 pm on a long weekend when others are also trying to get home?? [Though I realize it isn't a long weekend for all + these ppl's lives are a long weekend so they prob don't realize others had off.] Sounds super safe. IDK maybe it's just me but I hate sharing the road with the large trucks that travel overnight esp on weeknights.

6 hours ago, ozziemom said:

I always had the feeling that the Clarks grit their teeth and barely tolerate most of the Bates clan. Back when Momma Clark had a bridal shower for Katie you could almost feel her holding back from asking KJ to get off her as* and help. So I don’t think Daddy and Momma Clark are stopping by to visit in Tennessee.

Mama Clark has to be breathing a sigh of relief that all the Bates are gone. She'll likely stop by the house with dinner etc. and not have to worry about feeding the boorish inlaws. I mean these are the same people who showed up to the baby shower early - G&K, Evan/Carlin, John - pizza in hand FOR THEMSELVES, and proceeded to eat and talk about how good it was while the Clarks run around setting up the food, utensils, tables, chairs before the party. Their only help was offering up 15 yr old Addie who made some balloon decoration!? Mama Clark's inner Jersey girl was about to come out. These people couldn't be bothered to help even though they came early, and they couldn't wait like 30 more min to eat when the party started?!

We've already seen the Smiths' disdain for the Bates too. They could barely contain their disdain as they were given a tour of the Bates' sty which no one bothered to clean before company arrive + saw Jeb/Jud's feral behavior; something like ice cream was being served and Jeb/Jud - who were 5-7 yrs old at the time - were sticking their fingers into the entire tubs of ice cream until Bobby told them they couldn't do that as the food was for everyone?! So yeah I think all the inlaws question the Bates' manners, child rearing, and house running, as well as their general lack of interest in their grown kids. Even though we've never seen them, I'm sure Mrs. Paine and Webster could join that convo - ahem - Mrs. Paine came and stayed for weeks after Erin's surgery to take care of her and the kids while her local mother didn't bother and no doubt the Websters noticed that the Bates left before Alyssa was even discharged from her heart surgery!?

Edited by cereality
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Carlin is 1000% Kelly Jo's daughter. Baby, mom, and dad are home. There are meals to be cooked, laundry to be done, diapers to change, and two exhausted parents if Hailey is a poor sleeper. This would be the time to come in (or the two previous weeks) and help the new parents find their way. With SBaby we had a 15 hour difference when we arrived home to adjust to, and she fought it all the way. Thankfully we had a freezer full of meals that lasted us over a month. 

The Clarks just be happy to get some baby time without the added shenanigans of the party crowd. That being said, it's good Katie had a sister by her side for what could have been a traumatic experience. I'm the opposite, I do pain alone, and don't consider childbirth a spectator sport. 

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I think the Stew Crew has to hurry back to Tennessee, it’s been weeks since they free loaded off his parents! It was one of Evan’s sisters birthday the other day so I’m sure there’s a party, and the Crew certainly can’t miss that.

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Of course Carlin and Evan had to leave NJ ASAP.  Katie, Travis, and Hailey are home now and Katie and Travis aren't able to take C&E on trips to NYC or wherever.  C&E don't want to risk maybe having to help with the baby, or meals, or cleaning. Doing all the things they should have been doing to help Katie and Travis.  They could have cooked and put meals in the freezer so Katie and Travis would just have to heat something up, but that would be thinking about someone other than themselves.

Edited by Lisa418722
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C&E probably don’t know how to cook something and freeze it for eating later. Yeah those two were a big help. I think Katie wanted Carlin in the delivery room because she was seemed very anxious about the whole process. Hopefully Carlin was able to distract her and help her that way.

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C&E left Layla’s party planning to his family and if I’m not mistaken she shared a previous birthday with one of Evan’s sisters. I don’t recall Layla’s first birthday, and neither will she, but I hope she had just one for her. Did Josie out plan Carlin with Hazel’s birthday party? The competition continues…

Edited by SMama
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1 hour ago, SMama said:

C&E left Layla’s party planning to his family and if I’m not mistaken she shared a previous birthday with one of Evan’s sisters. I don’t recall Layla’s first birthday, and neither will she, but I hope she had just one for her. Did Josie out so Carlin with Hazel’s birthday party? The competition continues…

I remember Layla’s first birthday was an actual party because Joy Anna flew in for it. I am ashamed I remember this 🤦🏻‍♀️

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I think E&C getting a taste of Katie's good life in NJ has them in bougie mode. Katie has a $1700 bassinet and trendy car? Well, we're so busy and important and rolling in money, we need a party planner for a one year old's birthday! The competition just never ends. It must be exhausting. 


1 minute ago, BitterApple said:




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IIRC on an old episode of BUB KJ was all over Whitney and her party planning skills. It was about how organized Whitney was, her decorating skills, you name it and Whitney could do it. Once again I don’t recall the occasion, maybe Erin’s baby shower. It was back when Whitney was skirts only and eager to please Mama B. So Carlin doesn’t remember about the party planner she sees daily when she is in town, or Whitney is no longer keeping sweet. 

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1 hour ago, writerwoman said:

I remember Layla’s first birthday was an actual party because Joy Anna flew in for it. I am ashamed I remember this 🤦🏻‍♀️

Oh gosh I remember it now too. The party planner was Josiah Duggar’s wife! Whose name I’ve forgotten….

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The way Carlin featured herself with Baby Hailey just seems weird to me.  Anyone else?  And Mama B went on and on about how great Carlin was and then, oh yeah, good job Katie.  

I was not surprised her and Evan got out of there as soon as the baby came home.  Her job was done.  Does Zade have a personality?  Does he ever play?  He sits so quietly and contently no matter who is holding him.  He must have a very calm personality.     

Also, I can just hear Mama B while sitting in the waiting room or birthing room, on her phone constantly as she makes arrangements for herself, and the kids left at home, for the next couple of weeks.  Who can take Jud and Jeb?  Who wants Ellie or Adde?  And where does Callie go?  I never see her.  I can only imagine the phone calls and texts Kelly makes daily to keep the constant going in her daily routine.  

Edited by ranchgirl
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What are Tennessee’s rules around homeschooling? I know they’re probably extremely lax, but generally the kids are supposed to have a regular teacher (usually a family member unless other formal paperwork has been filed). 

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1 hour ago, SMama said:

IIRC on an old episode of BUB KJ was all over Whitney and her party planning skills. It was about how organized Whitney was, her decorating skills, you name it and Whitney could do it. Once again I don’t recall the occasion, maybe Erin’s baby shower. It was back when Whitney was skirts only and eager to please Mama B. So Carlin doesn’t remember about the party planner she sees daily when she is in town, or Whitney is no longer keeping sweet. 

Or Whitney said "you've gotta be effing kidding me! I've got four and a half kids, you've got two! And I do all the work at the boutique, you fruitcake!"

I like that version better. 😄

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1 hour ago, Heathen said:

Or Whitney said "you've gotta be effing kidding me! I've got four and a half kids, you've got two! And I do all the work at the boutique, you fruitcake!"

I like that version better. 😄

I must defend Carlin here! She technically has three kids, and she’s barely out of the womb emotionally. 😂

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Joy's due in about 6 weeks. The Stewarts can fly down there soon and do another baby watch. They should just make it a gig and travel between siblings and friends to 'comfort' expectant mommies - The Baby Watchers. Soon Carlin will be calling herself a doula. 

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51 minutes ago, SMama said:

I must defend Carlin here! She technically has three kids, and she’s barely out of the womb emotionally. 😂

Does she have three kids or is she one of the three? Hmm, difficult question here! 

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11 minutes ago, GeeGolly said:

Joy's due in about 6 weeks. The Stewarts can fly down there soon and do another baby watch. They should just make it a gig and travel between siblings and friends to 'comfort' expectant mommies - The Baby Watchers. Soon Carlin will be calling herself a doula. 

I can absolutely see her calling herself a doula. Evan can bill himself as a neonatal photographer/videographer. 

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5 minutes ago, Heathen said:

I can absolutely see her calling herself a doula. Evan can bill himself as a neonatal photographer/videographer. 

It might be bad for business that Carlin insists on being in all the photos!

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You know the 10-12+ hr ride home last night was spent in serious discussions of "what's next for us" -- i.e. how do we generate content to keep the $ rolling. I mean they've been home for like 3 wks since Christmas and had like zero content besides drs. appts.

I assume that's why they cooked up the - Z needs a fancy party with a planner bc it'll be a few weeks of content showing the party itself + the tribute to Z YouTube like they did for L + the planned chaos/mishaps leading up to the party. Wouldn't be surprised if they've gotten Mama B to hold off I Love You Day until late March bc then Katie/Trav will be at their kid's party too - to make it seem bigger.

I suspect we'll be seeing a lot of Z's bday, another trip to Nash in a week or two for E's sisters bday - and you know they don't go to Nash for less than 5-10 days, trip to see Joy after she delivers, and drs. appts. Snooze. Hope they're realizing people are losing interest - I mean Evan's NYC dream trip garnered 110k views (=$550) - yep that's the kind of engagement you quit your job over.

Found it interesting that Mama B dropped in the Carlin appreciation post that Carlin was experiencing headaches [yet still stayed by Katie's side]. Uh they do realize Carlin is neither a dr or nurse and wasn't NEEDED in L&D right?! But I expect that lines up with more dr. appt stuff.

And totally agree with @BitterApple- having lived Trav/Katie's life for 3 wks where money is not object and being jealous of that, they're convincing themselves money is rolling for them too -- cue party planner for a 1 yr old and a Tesla by yr end, I guarantee it.

Honestly I think these 2 will announce a pregnancy by summer/fall bc they are bored out of their minds + think of the DRAMA of high risk and many many drs appts given Carlin's meds etc. leading to easy weekly content for 9 mos [or 6-8 mos if they hold off telling for a bit].


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35 minutes ago, cereality said:

Honestly I think these 2 will announce a pregnancy by summer/fall bc they are bored out of their minds + think of the DRAMA of high risk and many many drs appts given Carlin's meds etc. leading to easy weekly content for 9 mos [or 6-8 mos if they hold off telling for a bit].


I was just thinking, before I read the end of your post, that they'll have a pregnancy soon. FOMO. Attention attention attention. 

It's Carlin and Evan we're talking about. They'll probably announce the pregnancy before he falls asleep, or before the stick dries! 

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I don't think Evan would go for another baby right now. He is the most disinterested dad and they still have more than a few months of Zade cute influencer baby left. And three days home alone with Evan and the kids will stop Carlin's "baby fever" right quick.

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1 hour ago, cereality said:

You know the 10-12+ hr ride home last night was spent in serious discussions of "what's next for us" -- i.e. how do we generate content to keep the $ rolling. I mean they've been home for like 3 wks since Christmas and had like zero content besides drs. appts.

I assume that's why they cooked up the - Z needs a fancy party with a planner bc it'll be a few weeks of content showing the party itself + the tribute to Z YouTube like they did for L + the planned chaos/mishaps leading up to the party. Wouldn't be surprised if they've gotten Mama B to hold off I Love You Day until late March bc then Katie/Trav will be at their kid's party too - to make it seem bigger.

I suspect we'll be seeing a lot of Z's bday, another trip to Nash in a week or two for E's sisters bday - and you know they don't go to Nash for less than 5-10 days, trip to see Joy after she delivers, and drs. appts. Snooze. Hope they're realizing people are losing interest - I mean Evan's NYC dream trip garnered 110k views (=$550) - yep that's the kind of engagement you quit your job over.

Found it interesting that Mama B dropped in the Carlin appreciation post that Carlin was experiencing headaches [yet still stayed by Katie's side]. Uh they do realize Carlin is neither a dr or nurse and wasn't NEEDED in L&D right?! But I expect that lines up with more dr. appt stuff.

And totally agree with @BitterApple- having lived Trav/Katie's life for 3 wks where money is not object and being jealous of that, they're convincing themselves money is rolling for them too -- cue party planner for a 1 yr old and a Tesla by yr end, I guarantee it.

Honestly I think these 2 will announce a pregnancy by summer/fall bc they are bored out of their minds + think of the DRAMA of high risk and many many drs appts given Carlin's meds etc. leading to easy weekly content for 9 mos [or 6-8 mos if they hold off telling for a bit].


If that was Evan’s “dream trip” to NYC, he’s more pathetic than I thought. 🤣

35 minutes ago, GeeGolly said:

I don't think Evan would go for another baby right now. He is the most disinterested dad and they still have more than a few months of Zade cute influencer baby left. And three days home alone with Evan and the kids will stop Carlin's "baby fever" right quick.


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Haha - back to the EFF YOU internet - we COOK and we have money LOOK STEAK. Northcrest Medical Center huh - Evan thinking of getting his medical office receptionist job back? Northcrest is in the Nash area and presumably where Evan worked pre Carlin, interesting to be rocking that gear 5+ yrs later.

I don't think either of them WANTS a baby, but I think Evan is counting the bucks and will soon realize that a baby is the only thing that'll keep income flowing so he doesn't have to get a job bc no one cares about their doctors appointments or how "busy" they are at the boutique.

Reality is they're both always going to be disinterested parents whether they have 2 kids or 5. We can tell how little they engage with their kids - even compared to their siblings who aren't rocket scientists but still appear to TALK to their kids and teach them little things. We can tell the kids are being raised to sit in front of a TV and stuff themselves full of junk so they'll just stay quiet so mommy and daddy can scroll IG or make useless YTs. But they know they "want" [have to have to fit in with their families] more kids, so they'll have them.

Yeah Z is supposedly cute now but if they make a baby in say July, that baby doesn't arrive until next spring - by which time Z will be 2 and a whole lot less cute [I don't mean physically, I just mean people are much more enthralled by little babies than toddlers].


Edited by cereality
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