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All Episodes Talk: Let’s Talk About Dr Phil the Show


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Why is it so difficult for divorced people with kids to be decent to each other or at least think about the kids and what the chaos causes?   I know someone who passed a lie detector test and had most certainly (by admission to relatives) had committed the offense.  She maybe believed she hadn't coached the kids and/or that he was abusing him.  She. believed--so she passed the test.  She did have that little weird thing with the right side of her lip.

And I noticed this time Dr. P said he was "trained" as a forensic psychologist.  Is that different than being one?

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Why is this woman still with this absolute loser of a “man” when he won’t work, thinks he’s “King Crimson”, named his son “Crimson” without the mom’s permission? She’s as nuts as he is to stay with him and let him help her raise that poor child. Whenever he was presented with a truthful fact, he said “Well, in MY mind” so and so. Your mind is nuts, buddy. I don’t believe for one minute that he’ll do whatever he promised to do on the show. Run, honey, and take that little boy with you!

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The dude today was pathetic AF. I loved it when ICP said he had no talent and his music sucked. And his response was "I've been supporting you guys since I was 13!" as if that entitles him to ICP's unconditional love. Bitch, please. Also he can say all he wants about this being a career but if you aren't making a paycheck it's not a career. It's a hobby.

2 hours ago, DocOFtheDead said:

Anybody else find his regular voice quite funny??

It was such a disconnect for me because his "rapping" voice was so ridiculously affected, then his regular speaking voice was totally pinging my gaydar, NTTAWWT

  • Love 5
3 hours ago, DocOFtheDead said:


King Crimson?! 


I thought so.

But then it got worse.

My CC kept spelling it as “King Krymzon*.” (And, that poor child: Krymzon. Which—if true (and, while I’m often embarrassed for my closed captioning and its difficulties with spelling, I’m inclined to believe it, because: everything this episode)—makes the masks and the being subjected to his father’s “singing” the least of his problems.


*OK, I actually don’t remember if it was Krymzon or Crymzon. I’m also not sure it matters. The latter only has two rather than three letters Kri8ifleigh spelled, but the the former has the matching Ks in the awesome alliteration. Which I guess doesn’t matter if you’re the son and decide to be, like Dr. C/Krymzon and not MySonKingKrymzon like daddy hoped he’d be. ETA:see below)



Whenever he was presented with a truthful fact, he said “Well, in MY mind” 


OMG, he totally reminded me of Lily from Unexpected with that crap. (For those of you for whom Dr. Phil is far closer to the bottom of your “yeah, I watch that...” list than I, that was a 16 and Pregnant-like show, and Lily was one of the girls who was, well, 16 and pregnant and so dumb she didn’t know what a zucchini was. No connection between those facts to suggest a euphemism; she literally didn’t know what a zucchini was)**.

Anyway, as her mother was talking to her about plans with the guy she’d been dating a whole few months when they’d gotten her pregnant (ie, don’t assume he’s gonna be around forever), she looked at her mom as only a teenager can and said, “Well we’re already married in my head”. I’m trying to decide what mental wish to declare reality so we can join The King’s “Kareer” and Lily’s marriage on the trolley to the Land of Make-Believe.

Edited by methadonna
II got my answer: IHateAmpersands discovered he wasn’t just boring ol’ Crimson, too. But I got the wrong 2/3 “homophonic” changes. And I guess it was all for copyright reasons and not creative license.
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18 hours ago, Gam2 said:

Why is this woman still with this absolute loser of a “man” when he won’t work, thinks he’s “King Crimson”, named his son “Crimson” without the mom’s permission? She’s as nuts as he is to stay with him and let him help her raise that poor child. Whenever he was presented with a truthful fact, he said “Well, in MY mind” so and so. Your mind is nuts, buddy. I don’t believe for one minute that he’ll do whatever he promised to do on the show. Run, honey, and take that little boy with you!

She may have been intrigued by him in the beginning or had a rebellious, non-conformist side to her as well. Now, she has a child and is tired of supporting his ass after all this time so the novelty has worn off. She needs to take her son and live with her parents to get out from under all of that debt. No way would I work 3 jobs while my son stayed at home with his delusional dad. 

He kept saying that he was a good father but apparently just to the child that he uses to justify being a stay-at-home dad. 

Regardless of talent, King Krymzon is too old, too fat, and frankly does not have the looks or the charisma that it takes to be a sensation. Oh, and he is weird too and lacks personality. 

In my mind, I am a trust fund baby who is pursuing my dream of winning Power Ball. 

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1 hour ago, Showthyme said:

She may have been intrigued by him in the beginning or had a rebellious, non-conformist side to her as well. Now, she has a child and is tired of supporting his ass after all this time so the novelty has worn off. She needs to take her son and live with her parents to get out from under all of that debt. No way would I work 3 jobs while my son stayed at home with his delusional dad. 

He kept saying that he was a good father but apparently just to the child that he uses to justify being a stay-at-home dad. 

Regardless of talent, King Krymzon is too old, too fat, and frankly does not have the looks or the charisma that it takes to be a sensation. Oh, and he is weird too and lacks personality. 

In my mind, I am a trust fund baby who is pursuing my dream of winning Power Ball. 

We just finished watching this episode.  I think he had a regular job in construction until shortly after they got married, and then he decided he had to "follow his dream."  I guess she isn't entitled to follow her dream of being married to a man with a job.  And his other kids aren't allowed to follow any of their dreams, because Dad didn't pay child support and Mom has no extra money for little luxuries for them like college.

And I agree with those who think he pings loudly on the gaydar meter.

  • Love 4
20 hours ago, Gam2 said:

Why is this woman still with this absolute loser of a “man” when he won’t work, thinks he’s “King Crimson”, named his son “Crimson” without the mom’s permission? She’s as nuts as he is to stay with him and let him help her raise that poor child. Whenever he was presented with a truthful fact, he said “Well, in MY mind” so and so. Your mind is nuts, buddy. I don’t believe for one minute that he’ll do whatever he promised to do on the show. Run, honey, and take that little boy with you!

This. Did I miss something? What exactly are his redeeming qualities? 

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Just now, AZChristian said:

And that's good?

Debatable, really. From the portions of two of his videos that I watched, my opinion is he would make the world a better place by departing it. But when you're a woman who wants a man at any cost, his being alive is only a negative if you're .... twisted.

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Good reply by the person who said the wife and child were not allowed to follow their dreams by having a normal husband and father.  That kid isn't old enough yet to realize his father is an idiot.  There's just no excuse for the wife.  

How can anyone say they are a good father when they owe $20 something thousand in back child support?  Did wife think it would be any different with her?  Yea, she probably did.

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2 minutes ago, parrotfeathers said:

Good reply by the person who said the wife and child were not allowed to follow their dreams by having a normal husband and father.  That kid isn't old enough yet to realize his father is an idiot.  There's just no excuse for the wife.  

How can anyone say they are a good father when they owe $20 something thousand in back child support?  Did wife think it would be any different with her?  Yea, she probably did.

I would go so far as to say she thought she could change him.

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2 hours ago, parrotfeathers said:

Why do women think that?  I think it is a pretty common thought.  It never has worked for me!

I think that question is the first question Cain's wife's friends asked after he got kicked out of Eden for killing Abel. heh. I don't understand why anyone thinks that. People only change if they want to change.

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What exactly was the point of today’s show? Did those children get help or support? What was the resolution to the dispute between mom and daughter? And why was that shyster on there? There’s no way that the daughter is going to take Shill up on his offer of “counseling” or “support” because she thinks she’s the best mom ever. Absolutely nothing was accomplished by this show. I did laugh at Shill bringing on a dermologist (I think) who promoted another skin care line with Robin sitting in the audience. 

7 hours ago, Pondlass1 said:

Lately I can only endure the first 10 minutes of Dr. Phil before I have to watch something else or turn off TV.  Surely his ratings are falling? 

Me too!  He's become nauseating to me, and I used to watch everyday.  I can't stand anyone who constantly needs to have their ego stroked.  HE needs therapy.

I think it’s funny that we’ve gotten two “follow up” shows on the successses of folks on the show. They positively slobber over Shill. Apparently, his staff has been reading this site and/or others who’ve questioned why we haven’t seen them. And no Robin with her skin scam line in the past few days. Maybe they’ve finally gotten a clue.

  • Love 1
4 hours ago, Toaster Strudel said:

The update on Matt & Mike was alright, on the original show I thought the kids were OK and that the parents were horrible. Really I wanted an update on whether the parents are still horrible. Disappointed!

Couldn’t take my eyes off of the black eyebrows on Dr Phil in the original Matt and Mike clip. Kept thinking it was part of a gag but nope, it must have been the makeup department getting back at him for something 

On 1/22/2018 at 4:29 PM, Gam2 said:

What exactly was the point of today’s show? Did those children get help or support? What was the resolution to the dispute between mom and daughter? And why was that shyster on there? There’s no way that the daughter is going to take Shill up on his offer of “counseling” or “support” because she thinks she’s the best mom ever. Absolutely nothing was accomplished by this show. I did laugh at Shill bringing on a dermologist (I think) who promoted another skin care line with Robin sitting in the audience. 

Such a letdown...I can’t believe I watched for NO resolution.  The daughter and psychic were looney tunes.  I thought he would at least trot out the CPS guy but, no.  And is Robin that hard up for promos?  I’m so tired of talk show hosts selling their HSN/QVC/whatnot.  It’s bad enough when x celebrity comes on and slips in a promo for a product.  

Well, I knew it would happen, but it's a lot sooner than I expected.  The good shyster has some people on Monday's show to talk about the Turpin family.  The horror of that family was discovered on January 14, and not two weeks later he's got a show on it.  Make no mistake, the show has already been filmed, as they showed excerpts from in on commercial breaks on today's show.  Watching people come out of the woodwork to get their 15 minutes of fame, or in the case of the fake GoFundMe accounts, money, is horrible.

As for today's show, the druggie mom has no intention of ever taking care of herself and has a whole slew of excuses.  She's a lost cause.  The daughter that has her mooching mom living with her needs to kick her to the curb.  The daughter who wants nothing to do with either of them has an annoying voice and I agree that she shouldn't have to parent her mom, but I don't like her anyway.

  • Love 7

2 things about the psychic episode 


1) dr Phil told the guy psychics and mediums are illegal and he can be arrested for it , yet didn't he have John Edwards on the show a few years ago to read the audience ? 

2) Dr. Phil was talking about scamming the whole episode and how it's wrong to charge someone for a service , yet he cuts the show short to sell a false face cream . If the face cream really worked , why would robin need so much plastic surgery? 

That being said , the psychic guy was delusional but it made for good tv so , whatever 

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I have been watching some reruns on OWN back when Robin's teeth were shorter.  There have been some very interesting episodes.  He also had more energy, was thinner and sharper. I am not faulting him for aging, just making an observation.  

On many he finished with, "I will get you some help with this."  So much better than listening to the raps on the treatment centers that are the best in the country.  

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On 1/11/2018 at 4:27 PM, PortaBella said:

Yes Flyingdi, thank you!!  Every time dr sophy comes on, he is smug, cold and extraordinarily judgmental. I’m forever shocked by his attitude. 

I feel the same way. I can't think of anytime he actually gave anyone on Dr Phil's show any practical advise. He usually says something condescending and borderline insulting. I'm almost convinced Phil has him on the show just to be mean to the guests.

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On 1/22/2018 at 3:29 PM, Toaster Strudel said:

Psychic medium who talks to 'spirit' 24/7 and is the messenger of god is a run-of-the-mill cold reader, and not a good one at that. He and his wretched disciple Shayna were two average paranoid delusionals needing institutionalization until a good med regimen is figured out.

He cracked me up, he's so bad at being a psychic! I think the daughter might have been the only person who believes him. 

More seriously though, i do think that she was in need of some professional therapy. The fact that she'd fall for the guy's obvious nonsense, suggests she's got some emotional issues.

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I finally saw the episode where Mormon couple who might lose their kids because false accusations of molestation. While I think the dad probably needed a kick in the pants for blindly following the elders at his church, I thought Phil was unnecessarily mean to the mom. The lady asked him for help and he was really condescending for much of the show. And what was his great advise for getting her kids back? "Make the case worker your best friend." What?

And Dr Sophy was there to add nothing of value except his super villain looks.

On 1/27/2018 at 11:03 AM, Jaclyn88 said:

2 things about the psychic episode 


1) dr Phil told the guy psychics and mediums are illegal and he can be arrested for it , yet didn't he have John Edwards on the show a few years ago to read the audience ? 

2) Dr. Phil was talking about scamming the whole episode and how it's wrong to charge someone for a service , yet he cuts the show short to sell a false face cream . If the face cream really worked , why would robin need so much plastic surgery? 

That being said , the psychic guy was delusional but it made for good tv so , whatever 

Uh, seems like you may not have listened to him.

He said it was illegal in the state he lived in if the service was paid for.  In fact he said it three times.  He flat out told the guy that if he wasn't charging people for it, it was fine.  If he was, that's when the problems started.  Since I'm fairly sure John Edwards didn't collect $5 from anyone in the audience and tickets to Dr. Phil are free....

As to your second point....beauty products are a billion dollar a year industry that includes just about every Hollywood actress, model and anyone else who can get their hands on a decent doctor to mix up their concoctions and they are all in the shop on a regular basis so.....


15 hours ago, ed2962 said:

I feel the same way. I can't think of anytime he actually gave anyone on Dr Phil's show any practical advise. He usually says something condescending and borderline insulting. I'm almost convinced Phil has him on the show just to be mean to the guests.

Aren't we all sitting on here with the same attitude?

Hell, I watch the show just so I can feel better about myself.  90% of the guests leave me saying "Hey, at least I'm not that fucked up."

Sophy says what I'm thinking half the time.  I have no issues with him being mean to people who can't pull their head out of their asses long enough to realize they're abusive and 100% at fault for why their lives suck.

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42 minutes ago, CaughtOnTape said:

Sophy says what I'm thinking half the time.  I have no issues with him being mean to people who can't pull their head out of their asses long enough to realize they're abusive and 100% at fault for why their lives suck.

I never cease to be amazed by the people who know that what they're doing is not working and yet are also unable to apply some reason to the situation in order to change their behaviour and improve it.

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10 hours ago, CaughtOnTape said:

Uh, seems like you may not have listened to him.

He said it was illegal in the state he lived in if the service was paid for.  In fact he said it three times.  He flat out told the guy that if he wasn't charging people for it, it was fine.  If he was, that's when the problems started.  Since I'm fairly sure John Edwards didn't collect $5 from anyone in the audience and tickets to Dr. Phil are free....

As to your second point....beauty products are a billion dollar a year industry that includes just about every Hollywood actress, model and anyone else who can get their hands on a decent doctor to mix up their concoctions and they are all in the shop on a regular basis so.....


Aren't we all sitting on here with the same attitude?

Hell, I watch the show just so I can feel better about myself.  90% of the guests leave me saying "Hey, at least I'm not that fucked up."

Sophy says what I'm thinking half the time.  I have no issues with him being mean to people who can't pull their head out of their asses long enough to realize they're abusive and 100% at fault for why their lives suck.

But if you're going to have an expert on the show you'd think said expert would have something either  practical or insightful to say as it relates to his profession.  Sneering at the guests that he's supposedly there to help just makes him come off as a jerk, not someone who's telling hard truth.

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It was a great idea to bring Michelle Knight on the show today. I could tell she felt, and expressed, the raw emotion the Turpin girl might have felt while escaping. I hope she gets in touch with the siblings, she'd be someone they can talk to, who understands their experience, and give them hope.

  • Love 6
8 hours ago, Toaster Strudel said:

It was a great idea to bring Michelle Knight on the show today. I could tell she felt, and expressed, the raw emotion the Turpin girl might have felt while escaping. I hope she gets in touch with the siblings, she'd be someone they can talk to, who understands their experience, and give them hope.

I'm leaving that episode for my wife to watch. I'm trying to remain uneducated about the Turpins. I don't want to deal with the anger I'll feel about people treating other people (especially their own children) like that, once I know all the "gory details".

  • Love 1
On 1/29/2018 at 9:54 AM, CaughtOnTape said:

Uh, seems like you may not have listened to him.

He said it was illegal in the state he lived in if the service was paid for.  In fact he said it three times.  He flat out told the guy that if he wasn't charging people for it, it was fine.  If he was, that's when the problems started.  Since I'm fairly sure John Edwards didn't collect $5 from anyone in the audience and tickets to Dr. Phil are free....

As to your second point....beauty products are a billion dollar a year industry that includes just about every Hollywood actress, model and anyone else who can get their hands on a decent doctor to mix up their concoctions and they are all in the shop on a regular basis so.....



Uh, fairly  certain John Edwards didn't go on the show for free. He was being paid for his services, as he does whenever he does a reading.

As to your second point, I don't know. If I had Robin's face, I wouldn't be promoting face cream. I'd be promoting plastic surgery. No one's buying that her face creams are magical. When Cindy Crawford does a commercial, it looks more realistic. Just saying..

  • Love 2
1 minute ago, Jaclyn88 said:

Uh, fairly  certain John Edwards didn't go on the show for free. He was being paid for his services, as he does whenever he does a reading.

I suspect the difference here is that John Edwards was probably paid an "appearance fee", which would be different (and separate) from being paid to do readings - either by the show or the individuals who received readings. This is just a guess, of course, because I'm not a lawyer or involved in any of the relevant industries and have no experience with these things.

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