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All Episodes Talk: Let’s Talk About Dr Phil the Show


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That guy on today definitely needs a kick in the ass. Along with his delusional wife. She basically said they ran from the police at the border so "they wouldn't find the bong." Bullshit that it was an accident and they didn't see the crossing stop.

The kid's still in denial and I expect he'll be in trouble again if they don't send him to jail for a good length of time.

  • Love 5

Yep, he's a keeper all right. He lives rent free in their house (before he left for CA to begin his "career" as a drummer), damages their property, sends truly obscene and obnoxious emails to his MOTHER, runs from the police for 29 miles at the border because he had a bong in his car, runs from the charges from the Feds, etc. He and his wife both need to go to jail for a long stretch to think about what they've done. I bet after the show, they both ran as fast and as far as they could. Losers. 

  • Love 2

Another case of a brat blaming his over-indulging parents for all his woes.   I'm getting pretty tired of hearing how these parents turn to Dr. Phil as some sort of savior.  Any health professional or counselor could offer advice and support.  I'm sure most of them would tell these parents to STOP ENABLING the shitty behavior by giving these brats easy ways out of the jams they put themselves in.  That means no food, no rent, no money, no bail, no attorney fees, no cars or rides to pick up drugs/friends/booze.  Especially if the "child" is a 29 year old married manbaby.

But going to a local licensed professional would mean paying for it out of their pockets and missing out on a free trip to L.A. to whine and cry on TV.  Seeking non-televised help or guidance also would not provide a free stay at thousand dollar per day "treatment" centers.  Without the help of Phil, these parents and out of control kids would have to not only pay for the exorbitant cost of treatment on their own, but they'd need to hope and pray daily that a bed becomes available since most of these rehabs are filled to capacity across the US.  There are so many cases of of drug and alcohol addiction, as well as a sad number of mental health disorders that do require professional care. But there are so many more people who can't afford the help than the middle class, hand-wringing people that get free "help" from Phil (courtesy of his product placement friends).  

I'm not a shrink or qualified to make diagnoses.  I'm just over all the drama of spoiled brats being labeled "depressed" or suffering from some psychological problem when really many of these people just need a good kick in the ass.  If my child ever wrote me those manipulative cruel disgusting emails Little Drummer Boy sent to his mother, I would tell him to go f#%* himself and change my email account. I also got the idea that this guy was hoping his 15 min of fame would kick start his career.  Same for his stupid wife with the egregious vocal fry. If parents are supposed to support their kids unconditionally, never apply rules and never ask questions, then where the Hell are her paragons of parental permissiveness?  Go ask them for food and a roof and a golden ticket to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame you think your jerko hubby "deserves".

  • Love 11

I think the biggest problem with Phil "helping" people by putting them up in a nice rehab spot.... once it's over, they're on their own. Which is why the guy from Survivor, raging alcoholic, was back on the show 3 times, I think. Once Phil's people are gone, these folks go back to their old ways. Does Phil ever have a success story followup?

  • Love 2
22 minutes ago, cooksdelight said:

I think the biggest problem with Phil "helping" people by putting them up in a nice rehab spot.... once it's over, they're on their own. Which is why the guy from Survivor, raging alcoholic, was back on the show 3 times, I think. Once Phil's people are gone, these folks go back to their old ways. Does Phil ever have a success story followup?

Rehab doesn't work for the overwhelming majority. It is up to the individual to be motivated to quit.  Many/most successes happen without AA.  The biggest problem with Phil is that he doesn't know this!  He just keeps sending them Origins.  

  • Love 3
31 minutes ago, farmgal4 said:

Please tell us:  What was the arrogant, ungrateful, self-entitled little bitch like in high school?

We didn't run in the same circles - I was pretty clean cut and ran with the athletes, and he was definitely into things that weren't my scene. He was always in a band, wore a Mohawk and heavily gauged ears.

His parents are actually phenomenal people, and it's very sad it got to this point. I also have it on pretty good authority that heavier drugs are a bigger problem than the show made it look like they were, so take from that what you will. He is in rehab now. Everyone is beyond appalled at his behavior and how self-entitled he was.

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, Gam2 said:

Thanks for the inside information. I couldn't believe how he treated his parents and how horrible his wife was to them. I can't imagine why she thought they should support these two losers.

I turned this off right before the predictable end.  Lemme guess, Phil sent him to his 'best in the country' dual diagnosis center on South Padre Island, right?  

  • Love 3

Seeing this "drummer" made me so angry!!  I couldn't believe he sent that e-mail to his mother and laughed when she said she couldn't sleep because she was worried about him.  Then to say, in so many words, that they kind of owe him.  This after admitting that the wife's family consistently gives them money.  The mom sent food cards, restaurant cards but this man brat wanted money.  

I look at the "children" in my life and I am so proud of them.  Between three girls, there are four bachelor's degrees, and three masters degrees.  Plus two are working on teaching credentials and one is going back for a second master's degree.  They are amazing young women who work and study. they have amazing sense of self and are aware of their strengths and what they want to improve.  When I see 'children' like these parents have (include Madison, her sister, the wannabe ghetto girl, and this musician) I just want to hug my girls!

  • Love 7

The boy who murdered had been coached by his lawyer and a psychiatrist/psycho therapist on how to answer questions to fit with the obvious insanity plea that is planned.   He is not right in the head, got that, but the transparent push toward that defense slapped you in the face.    

On the bright side he doesn't have to go to rehab!  Black humor, forgive me. 

  • Love 7

Penguina, congratulations on raising three fantastic children! Ours have also made us proud as adults. However, we've know some truly fine people/parents who have had multiple children turn out well and one oddball who could never make good decisions and ended up on drugs/in jail. There but for the grace of God. 

  • Love 6

Gam2, exactly!  There are many parents who raise wonderful children and one turns out to be the "rebel" or the "cool" one!   It is not a case of terrible parenting but of a child who did not learn the lessons that his/her brothers and sisters learned and internalized.  With luck, experience, and maturity he/she turns it around. That is what I have observed.  

  • Love 6

Holy cow!   Is PsychoEx on today's ep from another planet or what?  Seriously, something is way off with him.  I mean, I guess it's been pretty common through the years for $hill to have ex-husbands or ex-boyfriends on who have way-off-base accusations about how slutty, drunk, mean, or terrible the ex-wife/GF is, but I don't know that I've ever seen one with as slow an affect as today's PsychoEx.  Seriously, I thought he was at risk of falling asleep on stage.  Usually these exes are hyper and loud.  This one seemed like it would take him 30 minutes to answer if someone asked him his name.  He looked physically not-right, too - sunken eyes, pallor, at least 20 years older than NotSlutMom.  I also can't imagine him on active duty in Iraq - I mean if he pulled guard duty on a perimeter 1/4 mile outside of base, an insurgent could be all the way to the base door before PsychoEx even choked out the first syllable of "Halt..........Who..............Goes.............There".  I guess they figured if he ever got captured and the bad guys were trying to interrogate him they'd fall asleep waiting for him to say something.

$hill obviously was SO done with PsychoEx from the opening bell.  He didn't even get the cursory "Thank you for your service" that $hill usually gives even to the scummiest ex-soldiers.  $hill's tone throughout was one of barely-concealed mockery.  Not unprecedented from $hill, but highly unusual.  He also gave him a generic offer of "some help" - he didn't even merit a trip to $hill's Super-Duper Double Diagnosis Center or the PNP center or any of the other rackets facilities $hill usually pimps.

Because I have an irresistible urge to be an equal-opportunity nitpicker, I've got to throw the flag on NotSlutMom for finding fault with PsychoEx for trying to disrupt "Cayden and I's bond."  Come on, kindergarten teacher!  It's "Cayden's and my bond."  That's just one of a limited number of grammatical crash-and-burns up with which I will not put!

  • Love 9

The Ex husband was scary. As a teacher myself though , I could never imagine going on TV and discussing my personal business where all of my student's parents could hear.  Of course I don't understand anyone wanting their boss or co-workers knowing their sex lives . Where I work the parents are on the snooty side and I bet they would ask the principal to fire me if I was ever on Dr Phil. 

Back to this show: the psycho dad looks physically ill and why can't he work? but I give a side eye to the wife who cheated as well. 

  • Love 3

PsychoDad was terrifyingly ghoulish. Like a mix between...I dunno...Lurch and Smeagol. Nosferatu and Ted Bundy. His dry, Dateline Keith Morrison affect and perpetual hand under chin creeped me out. And how on earth did he get the new boyfriend's ex-wife's number? I'd be afraid to come home, turn on the light and find him sitting there, cross-legged rubbing his thumb and forefinger together mumbling about all the men I must've met at Starbucks today.

As far as the mom goes, I laughed when she said she doesn't introduce her son to anyone until it's serious, then proudly says she didn't introduce him to her new squeeze for a whole two months. All of them seemed trashy. 

  • Love 9

Today's show was really aggravating. It's a domestic violence couple. The husband was abusive to the wife, and he said he was afraid of her because she was trained and had been in the military. She insists on staying with him even though he beats on her. He even trashed their hotel room before the Dr. Phil show.

Here's the thing that bugs me: I'm not at all insensitive to domestic violence victims, but I feel like we often want to talk about it in black-and-white terms and it's usually more complicated than that. By complicated, I'm not talking about morally, but circumstantially. Dr. Phil did told the guy that no man should ever put his hands on a woman in anger. And said he's a chickenshit coward for doing it. And then he had the audience stand up if they don't think men should hit women. Ugh.

We get it, but what about the women who hit men??? He said she's been physically violent with him, and Dr. Phil told him if she starts hitting him, walk away or run. Because you know, fuck your sense of self-worth and self-preservation. If you have a violent woman on your hands, just let her get it out of her system. Because Reasons.

I don't understand why women allow themselves to be pandered to like that. Trust me, if a man says that a man should never hit a woman and isn't the least bit interested in whether a woman hits a man -- and is more than willing to charge it to the game if a woman is the aggressor --  he probably has some other ideas about how women ought to act...and you probably wont like them. It's just super condescending.

  • Love 2

I really don't understand the kind of desperation that must go into staying with someone who is a dick. Sorry, Mr. ClareWalks, but if you ever hit me (especially around our kid) or hurt our child, you'd be GONE. There would be a dust cloud, I'd leave so fast. Far better to be single than deal with that crap.

  • Love 7

I have a friend, a good-sized guy, and his wife beats on him all the time. He stays with her for their kids. But says his wife goes off her meds and gets violent. He won't talk to anyone about it, therapy-wise. But I wasn't buying what this guy today was selling, there were no photos of his injuries to back up his claim.

  • Love 5
11 minutes ago, 27bored said:

We get it, but what about the women who hit men??? He said she's been physically violent with him, and Dr. Phil told him if she starts hitting him, walk away or run. Because you know, fuck your sense of self-worth and self-preservation. If you have a violent woman on your hands, just let her get it out of her system. Because Reasons.

Huh? Dr Phil was saying to leave if she starts hitting you, so that you CAN have self-preservation. Not to let the woman keep hitting you, but to leave the situation without hitting her back. I know there are female abusers and it is inexcusable, but men have a massive strength, power, and size advantage over women and therefore when they get violent (even in self-defense) it can cause a lot of damage that maybe they didn't mean to cause. It's much easier for a man to accidentally kill a woman than the other way around.

  • Love 7

I really don't understand the kind of desperation that must go into staying with someone who is a dick.

I...didn't really get a desperate vibe from her. I know that's often par for the course with these kinds of cases, but I got the slight feeling that when they're at home she has a tendency to show her ass. That's not in any way a justification for him beating on her, but pragmatically speaking, it's hard to play the abuse victim if you're starting fights and just wind up getting the worst of it. People will feel sorry for you on GP, but guilt is harder to get rid of.

Huh? Dr Phil was saying to leave if she starts hitting you, so that you CAN have self-preservation. Not to let the woman keep hitting you, but to leave the situation without hitting her back. I know there are female abusers and it is inexcusable, but men have a massive strength, power, and size advantage over women and therefore when they get violent (even in self-defense) it can cause a lot of damage that maybe they didn't mean to cause. It's much easier for a man to accidentally kill a woman than the other way around.

Dr. Phil was letting her off the hook. Where is the indignation and moral outrage that she would initiate a physical altercation with him to begin with? She was sitting right there. What about her leaving the situation before she thinks okay to initiate a fight? And if you're in a heated confrontation, it's a little rich to expect one person to have enough sense to walk away while having ZERO expectation that the other person learn some emotional modulation. To Dr. Phil, all is right in the world as long as it's the man getting his ass whooped. And I understand men are physically stronger than women, most of the time, but I'm talking about acting on anger with the intent of causing someone physical violence. And a shitty double standard. If a man picks a fight with a stronger man, we would look at him like an idiot for not recognizing that as being a a bad idea. We wouldn't call the stronger guy a bully for defending himself or being provoked.

I don't want to come off as defending this guy, because he does seem like he has some problems, but I didn't like the fact that he glossed over her role in any of their problems.

Edited by 27bored
  • Love 2

I was punched by a man, ONCE.  I was knocked to the ground and it felt like my face had fallen off.  He socked me like a man.  I never want that to happen again.  I've been told by a man, that if a woman slaps him, she deserves a punch.  I disagree most heartily.  A slap is NOT equal to a punch.

  • Love 12
2 minutes ago, ClareWalks said:

I really don't understand the kind of desperation that must go into staying with someone who is a dick.

I'm not so sure desperation is 100% of it with SoldierPunchingBag today.  I think she has other motivations for tolerating the abuse:

  1. She thinks it's a normal part of a relationship.  In one of her taped pieces, she said something like, "People in relationships fight.  It's what they do."  On stage, she said to $hill something like, "People yell and scream at each other."  I think she knows there's something wrong with the degree of abuse, but I don't think she realizes there's anything wrong with the existence of abuse.
  2. She uses it to get things that she wants from the relationship.  I have no doubt that she can and does wind up DeskJobDouche into going upside her head.  Bad on him for lacking the impulse control to stop from doing it, but I think she knows exactly what to do to get a violent reaction from him.  Why would she want a violent reaction from him?  Because she can milk the apology train.  She said at one point, "We have a great relationship.  He's a great father."  What she probably means by that is, "He lets me have my way on just about every point of controversy between us because he feels so guilty over the last can of whoop-ass he opened up on me."  Also, as long as he's hitting her, her mom will be a fierce ally.  The mom can't be easy to get along with.  Neither can SoldierPunchingBag, for that matter, and I would imagine they've been at each others' throats all her life.  Now, though, they have a common enemy.

When $hill asked her early in the show whether what DeskJobDouche had done up until now crossed the dumpability line, she said, "No," emphatically.  When he asked her whether anything more DeskJobDouche could do would reach that line, she said, "I don't know," but it seemed to me she wanted to say, "No."  I think she was being totally honest.  I think she sees the occasional beating as the price of poker for having the rest of the relationship go the way she wants.  Recall that the title graphic of the episode was, "My Daughter's Boyfriend ..... ," so clearly the mom was who wrote to $hill asking for help, not SoldierPunchingBag.  I don't think she sees that much of a problem.  When $hill started to get on her case about her responsibility to the child and to the child's mother (herself) not to put up with abuse, I think he cut bait quickly because he could see that the logic was right over her head.

Bottom line:  the biggest victim here is the child, with two grade-A douche-canoes for parents.

  • Love 7

I think they were both abusers. And they decided it was a good idea to have two babies together?!! What the hell is wrong with these people who bring innocent, defenseless babies into these volatile situations? I am so tired of women who have children with their "boyfriends" or "fiances".  It's not hard to avoid pregnancy. There are multiple ways to use birth control. How irresponsible and stupid can people be? And I blame the men as much as the women. No wonder there are so many sweet children in foster care. This makes me so sick. 

  • Love 7
8 minutes ago, Gam2 said:

And they decided it was a good idea to have two babies together?!! What the hell is wrong with these people who bring innocent, defenseless babies into these volatile situations?

Exactly.  I'm convinced that to people like today's loser couple, it's all about "Look at me!"  Being pregnant and having a baby makes them the center of attention in their own world.  They make decisions on whether to have kids and how many to have based on their own feelings, not the best interests of the actual or potential children.

It's the same reason why today's SoldierPunchingBag would never leave DeskJobDouche, no matter what.  It would never in a million years occur to her that the example they set for the child(ren) outweighs her own felt needs from the relationship.  It's all "ME ME ME ME ME ME" for the both of them.  Disgusting.

  • Love 6

Jpc1, I totally agree but we see these same sad decisions made over and over again. Just read the news every day-boyfriends killing their girlfriends children, husbands killing their ex-wives and their children. This world is going to hell in a hand basket very quickly. No morals, no ethics, no family upbringing, no modeling good behavior, no ..... nothing. 

  • Love 7

I can't stand Travis Stork, I'd love to see proof he has graduated from med school (and not one from the Caribbean) because he sounds like a moron.

His new book The Belly Diet (conveniently published by Dr $hil's son) sounds like quackery just from the stupid title.

Edited by Toaster Strudel
Stork not Wall LOL
  • Love 1
22 minutes ago, Toaster Strudel said:

I can't stand Travis Wall, I'd love to see proof he has graduated from med school (and not one from the Caribbean) because he sounds like a moron.

His new book The Belly Diet (conveniently published by Dr $hil's son) sounds like quackery just from the stupid title.

I hope you mean Travis Stork, just because I would be terrified that choreographer/SYTYCD alum Travis Wall was practicing medicine ;)

  • Love 1
2 hours ago, Toaster Strudel said:

I can't stand Travis Stork, I'd love to see proof he has graduated from med school (and not one from the Caribbean) because he sounds like a moron.

His new book The Belly Diet (conveniently published by Dr $hil's son) sounds like quackery just from the stupid title.

Could be quackery, but the guy graduated Duke Phi Beta Kappa and got his medical degree with honors from U of Virginia.  Emergency med at Vanderbilt.  All nationally accredited and respected programs.  

Sold himself down the river maybe, but not a moron by any means.


  • Love 2
23 hours ago, jpc1 said:

She uses it to get things that she wants from the relationship.  I have no doubt that she can and does wind up DeskJobDouche into going upside her head.  Bad on him for lacking the impulse control to stop from doing it, but I think she knows exactly what to do to get a violent reaction from him.  Why would she want a violent reaction from him?  Because she can milk the apology train.  She said at one point, "We have a great relationship.  He's a great father."  What she probably means by that is, "He lets me have my way on just about every point of controversy between us because he feels so guilty over the last can of whoop-ass he opened up on me."  Also, as long as he's hitting her, her mom will be a fierce ally.  The mom can't be easy to get along with.  Neither can SoldierPunchingBag, for that matter, and I would imagine they've been at each others' throats all her life.  Now, though, they have a common enemy.

I agree with this. I'm hesitant to say abused women push their abuser's buttons because it sounds like victim-blaming, but when you consider the fact that she stays with him after the abuse, and seemingly needs a reason to leave him -- as if physical violence isn't enough -- it makes sense that there's some deeper power dynamics at play. And the mother's motivation is a little suspect, too. One would think a grandmother would be more interested in getting her grandkids and her daughter OUT of the situation, not trying to press baby daddy into changing. But the mother threatened him to go on the show, and said she was scared he was going to kill her. I completely understand her concern, but that's why you just get them out of the house and call the cops on him. Unless of course she and her daughter have a strained relationship anyway and use the dude as a way to get closer.

I also thought this was a very messed up couple. Plus mom berating the baby daddy for being an abuser but not addressing the fact that her daughter was also an abuser. I'm not sure how much Dr. Phil will be able to help them but as always, it's those poor, helpless babies who are suffering the most and will continue to suffer with these dysfunctional people. The way this guy kept smiling throughout this show just creeped me out. I have no hope that he'll do anything to change nor will she no matter how much "therapy" they receive. Sad, sad for those sweet children.

  • Love 1
On 3/8/2017 at 2:43 PM, Toaster Strudel said:

I can't stand Travis Stork, I'd love to see proof he has graduated from med school (and not one from the Caribbean) because he sounds like a moron.

His new book The Belly Diet (conveniently published by Dr $hil's son) sounds like quackery just from the stupid title.

I'm curious why you don't like Dr. Stork.

He's for real.  Several years ago, pre-"The Bachelor", I needed to go to the ER at Vanderbilt Medical Center and he was my doctor there and treated me.  I like him a lot.  Not just for that reason, but because I think he has a lot of good stuff to say and he has a cool personality.

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, Toaster Strudel said:

That Makenzie kid was mimicking adult behaviors around her.  That's my theory.  Where else would she pick up cursing?  She seems to dislike her mother, maybe she has good reasons.

Offering poison to a friend?  Hitting the pet rabbit?  Sitting in the road in front of oncoming traffic?  I'm not bald and I'm no Expert, but I think that kid might have problems beyond bad parenting. 

  • Love 4
11 hours ago, Aquarius said:

Offering poison to a friend?  Hitting the pet rabbit?  Sitting in the road in front of oncoming traffic?  I'm not bald and I'm no Expert, but I think that kid might have problems beyond bad parenting. 

Could be, but it could really be as simple as bad parenting. In particular, abuse. When I was young (pre-teen years through my early 20's), the disharmony and general shittiness of my life would make my brain physically hurt, and enough so that on multiple occasions I seriously considered stabbing myself in the head to stop the pain. Even today, now that I'm in my mid-40's, this can still happen to me if enough stuff goes wrong at once. Of course, I'm better able to handle it and am no longer tempted to stab myself in the head. Her sitting in the road might be a similar response.

  • Love 3
On 3/11/2017 at 9:05 AM, MrSmith said:

Could be, but it could really be as simple as bad parenting. In particular, abuse.

I completely agree it's probably an issue of abuse.  I make a distinction between bad parenting and abuse, and generally Dr. Phool does too.  (I've heard the term "mandated reporter" many a time but I did not hear it in this case.)  Sending these parents to classes where they can learn to positively reinforce their daughter's good behavior is sort of skating around what seem to be real concerning behavioral issues.  I've always heard that violence towards animals is a red flag for serious issues.  Rabbits are so docile that I cannot imagine a situation where hitting one (hard, from what I understood) could be attributed to any aggression on part of the animal.

Why Phool put all these very disturbing behavioral issues up on his Big Board, and then came to a conclusion that all the child needed is positive reinforcement behavioral training, without mentioning the very real possibility that abuse might be occurring (which may not in fact be the parents), truly mystifies me.

  • Love 4

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