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All Episodes Talk: Let’s Talk About Dr Phil the Show


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OMG. I just saw a link to that Shelly Duvall exploitation interview elsewhere and came to see if anyone saw it here. There should be laws against this shit! OMG. My heart is breaking for her -- and here's this bottom feeding asshole exploiting this woman's clear dementia for ratings! 

What has become of us?

2 hours ago, Brattinella said:

Having Shelly Duvall on is just despicable.  Rotten bastard, Phil!

I could not agree more Brattinella.   You pretty much covered my feelings.

42 minutes ago, Giant Misfit said:

What has become of us?

Follow the money.  That's the only reason I can give for this travesty.

I'm a fan of court shows and there are so many people/instances/situations that I can draw on from clients I see on a weekly basis but you won't see it.  I have an obligation to my clients to treat them with the utmost respect.  They might be having the worst day or even the worst month and they are respectful to me.   Once, a client was off his meds and took a swing at me.  He really didn't comprehend what was going on - I said something that triggered his anger and he threw a punch on the side of my head.  I caught the punch with my clipboard.  A few weeks later he apologized and it was forgotten. 

The point being that I do not understand how he can parade ill people in front of the camera for his monetary benefit.  If anyone suggested taping a session of mine - absolutely no way.  I am utterly speechless over this.

I have heard that he is getting skewered on message boards.  Good.  But nothing will change. 

I can't watch him do what he does.  He'll sugarcoat it and trot out his homespun advice but in the end he's the one whose bank account is getting fatter and fatter. 

There really should be a national boycott on this. 

1 minute ago, PsychoKlown said:

The point being that I do not understand how he can parade ill people in front of the camera for his monetary benefit.  If anyone suggested taping a session of mine - absolutely no way.  I am utterly speechless over this.


I watch Phil from time to time only because I'm too lazy to change the channel after Judge Judy ends. Most of the time, he's showcasing crazy ass criminals and pseudo-famewhores so...whatever. Those people get what they deserve as, I presume, they know what they're doing and what they're getting into. But this? This is beyond the pale. This poor woman is clearly in the throes of what? Schizophrenia? Dementia? I don't fucking know but you know who else doesn't? Dr Goddamned Phil. If he were so concerned about her mental state, then get her to a hospital first -- not a television studio. And there's the matter of consent. How could she possibly consent to this? 

I can't figure out if I'm more heartbroken than outraged. And Dr Phil sleeps great at night on his pile of money made on the backs of the mentally ill. Nice life if you have no conscience, I guess.

I only ever watch his show if I happen by and see something I want to learn more about.  I could probably count on one hand the episodes I've seen since the inception of the show.  JJ is on immediately after, so I sometimes change the channel before.  I watched a tiny bit of the show today, it was (UGH) a couple who had sex with their own preteen daughter.  It made me sick.  He DID refer her to someplace or other, but he is anything but benevolent.

47 minutes ago, bethster2000 said:

I have bipolar disorder.  Mental illness, mine or anyone else's, is not acceptable fodder for some spectacle on a talk show.

So true.

One more thing - I hope she had a medical exam with a real doctor before appearing.  She needs to be diagnosed and by someone who know what he or she is doing.  You can't look at her and say she's this or that - you need to have tests run and most importantly you need someone to interpret the results correctly so the proper dosage of medication can begin.

Sideshow Phil is NOT qualified to diagnose her no matter how many times he has been a court appointed mediator, counselor or whatever else is his trigger word that day.  He's not even licensed.

I'd like to slap him upside the head with my clipboard!  And it's one of those clipboards that are really strong (I had to get a new one when my clients' hand cracked it).  I need an aspirin.

1 hour ago, bethster2000 said:

I have bipolar disorder.  Mental illness, mine or anyone else's, is not acceptable fodder for some spectacle on a talk show.

The show hasn't aired here, in SoCal, yet so haven't seen it except for the Coming Up  excerpts.   I'm sure Shelly Duvall had people representing her on her behalf, and that Dr. Phil has a team of attorneys, mental health experts......etc. who looked into this from a legal standpoint.  

My go-to opinion is that Shelly has no money left and is not doing well on her own (ahem, understatement).

She needs help.  Dr. Phil will provide it for her, I'm guessing.

BTW, as much as we criticize Dr. Phil, he does send these people to top-notch recovery clinics.  All expenses paid.  For most of these people, they can't afford squat.  I have a mentally ill niece who has wreaked havoc on the family. Stolen money, forged checks, jailed a LOT. Bi-Polar, but won't take her meds because she doesn't have to, per the law.

i struggle with the criticism on this board because I'm not sure you know what it's really like!  

  • Love 7
17 minutes ago, LisainCali said:

BTW, as much as we criticize Dr. Phil, he does send these people to top-notch recovery clinics.

Maybe he should send them there first before exploiting their full-blown psychosis for ratings? 

I have a family member with bi-polar disorder and I certainly know what the struggle is like. I would never, ever want to see her exploited by this man or put on display to be consumed as entertainment. 

13 hours ago, Brattinella said:

Wow, do you work for him, Lisa?

Ha!  No, I began watching this show in the beginning, got tired of it and stopped watching for a few years, then back again, then off, etc., but I do think it's permissible to have a different opinion.The mental health field is horribly underfunded and there is so little help for average families with a mentally ill relative.  

I think Dr. Phil provides common sense help for those who watch that is financially unavailable to most of us. And yes, ratings are the be-all, end-all of tv shows.  And the people working in tv make a lot of money, and I don't have a problem with that, either.

thanks for following me, Bratt.  I do get a kick out of it.  ?

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14 hours ago, LisainCali said:

The show hasn't aired here, in SoCal, yet so haven't seen it except for the Coming Up  excerpts.   I'm sure Shelly Duvall had people representing her on her behalf, and that Dr. Phil has a team of attorneys, mental health experts......etc. who looked into this from a legal standpoint.  

My go-to opinion is that Shelly has no money left and is not doing well on her own 

Okay, I'll be the cynic. My go-to opinion is that she's a washed up actress who is trying to revive her career. I guess pretending to be crazy on Dr Phil is one path to getting roles in Lifetime movies. The sheriff of Nottingham, shapeshifters, Illuminati AND an implant? Come on.

Very sorry to hear about your niece. I hope she gets well. 

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1 minute ago, glowlights said:

Okay, I'll be the cynic. My go-to opinion is that she's a washed up actress who is trying to revive her career. I guess pretending to be crazy on Dr Phil is one path to getting roles in Lifetime movies. The sheriff of Nottingham, shapeshifters, Illuminati AND an implant? Come on.

Very sorry to hear about your niece. I hope she gets well. 

That is a good theory, actually. It definitely worked for Gary Busey! (I mean, he actually is kind of fucked up, but he definitely capitalized on it)

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I don't thnk Phil does anything useful except send people off to treatment centers. This works for some people, but viewers watching at home can't afford these places, don't have childcare for weeks on end, and/or  have jobs they can't afford to leave. Other than that, unless it's a high profile case Phil spends most of the time arguing with overwhelmed people over slight discrepancies in mounds of paperwork. 

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ClareWalks: Exactly! Shelley Duvall has always been a bit... off-center. It's true that mental illness can escalate but really this just seems like a publicity stunt to me. I can hear Dr. Phil's producers in the pre-interviews. "Come on, Shelley, more nutty! MORE NUTTY! Play to the back rows! What about the Illuminati? Can you work them in?"

I hope she gets whatever it is she wants out of this. And I sincerely hope what she wants is not mental health help from Dr. Phil. That's like going to Jerry Springer for marriage counselling.

Edited by glowlights
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I have had some relatives who had to get mental health help.  No stigma there.  I only have a problem with folks USING the mentally ill for their own benefit.  Like the lady who made friends with this elderly demented man, married him, got power of attorney and cleaned out his savings.  People like that should be horsewhipped.  And if Phil is using Shelly for publicity and not intending to help her, well he needs tarred and feathered.

And, Lisa, I am not following you.  Heaven forbid!  I will not reply to your posts anymore, how's that?

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16 hours ago, Brattinella said:

Wow, do you work for him, Lisa?

Take a stroll around the internet and you'll see he is being ripped apart and rightfully so.

I suspect he has HIS "team" fanning out to write complimentary posts.  Couple that with friends of HIS "team" and you have a large area covered.

As a mental health worker I am appalled that this is happening.  People with mental illness are fragile and sometimes make poor decisions.  The jackals who prey on them should be held accountable. 

I have no desire to watch pig-eyed McGraw lick his rubbery lips in anticipation of ratings and an opportunity to hawk something "mysonjay" is promoting.

Robin must really need an update with the plastic surgery for him to bring this circus to town.

I admit... I shame watched it and it was sad sad sad.  I will burn for this but Shelly is hella funny name-checking so many random people. I just laughed when they showed her in the limo and the GPS voice announced the next turn and Shelly barked out "You better stop it, Connie Chung!"

I just barked out in amazement when Phil said that they returned Shelly to her BOYFRIEND! I wish they showed that dude - he has to be a real cracked out meth mess OR a saint in human form.

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I watched as well. She needs a lot of help and I don't know what Phil thought he was going to accomplish taking her across the country. She will be much better off getting help closer to home. I would like to see her boyfriend as well. I feel terrible for her and I hope she can get some real help. It sounded like she has struggled with her mental health for years, didn't she mention that some director wanted to have her see a psychiatrist during filming?

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6 hours ago, LisainCali said:

I think Dr. Phil provides common sense help for those who watch that is financially unavailable to most of us.

There are services (for the time being) in most everyone's area that help with mental health treatment for those who cannot afford it on their own. Your local division of Health and Human Services is a good place to start. The worst and last place to start: Dr. Phil. In the absence of an actual clinical care person, the Internet is chock full of articles written by actual mental health professionals with actual licensing. 

Just a note, I am responding to your post, not following them.

Dr Phil is a Vulture ... I was upset watching his exploitation of Shelley Duvall .  In between segments with his giant screen witth all the words she said , " explaining her illness "  - f^ck you dr d^ckhead!   Then he drags and ms duvall in a car , plane - to get her help ....yeah ? More like hoping to get a freak out on tape .  I hope he gets LOTS of hate for this episode 

*** this is assuming shelleyduvall is mentally ill . If she's a koo koo actress looking for publicity , then eff them both 

Edited by DNR
Ninja edit
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My niece has schizophrenia.  If Shelley was faking this she was doing a brilliant job because that's exactly how my niece is without medication.  The giant chalk board of word association was entirely unnecessary.  We get it.  Her mind is racing,  jumping from one word to another unable to distinguish reality from delusion.  That's why Dr. Phil trying to "reason," with her was absolutely ridiculous.  Once Shelley gets on medication and her brain is no longer a blizzard of dopamine, she will be able to focus enough to listen to a (real) psychiatrist, talking common sense to her.  Not before that, while she thinks your producers are her dead friends, Phil. 

We got help for our niece the usual way.  Call the police when she's being a "danger to herself or others," even if you have to exaggerate a bit. Have her forcibly committed.  Wait a few days for the medication to take effect and bring her home, grateful that the voices have stopped. Waiting for the ill person to seek help herself is usually not very effective, because you're asking her to use her sick brain to make good decisions for herself.

I had very little respect left for Phil McGraw, but that little bit is gone now. He knows better.

Poor Shelley, I always loved her acting and her sweet, gentle fairy tell readings.

I just checked and found my favorite Shelley Duvall thing on YouTube.  "Bernice Bobs Her Hair," by F. Scot Fitzgerald.  It's Shelley (Bernice) facing off the original mean girls.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tR-vCv4cgnA

Edited by JudyObscure
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22 hours ago, LisainCali said:

But doesnt mentally ill imply that someone does not makie rational decisions when actual facts are presented?  

When I am having an episode, yes.  Absolutely.  I need to have people advocate for me during those times.  I am lucky to have a loving and understanding husband and mom.  Right now, I am stable (thank God) and I can handle most things "normal" people can.

That poor woman, Shelley Duvall, looks like she has been to hell and back.  I hope someone is looking out for her.

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I think it was exploitive, but I'm trying to put myself in her family's/friends' shoes.  Maybe they had reached their wits end and thought the show would be a good way to get her into treatment-"you're going to be on tv again...your fans miss you..."  Or, like an ambulance chaser, Phil got wind of her story and thought it would be ratings gold.  I hope it's the former.  Maybe a bit of both.  Ultimately, I really hope she can get help and she has people in her life who have her best interests in mind. It's very sad.

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6 hours ago, Arynm said:

I watched as well. She needs a lot of help and I don't know what Phil thought he was going to accomplish taking her across the country. She will be much better off getting help closer to home. I would like to see her boyfriend as well. I feel terrible for her and I hope she can get some real help. It sounded like she has struggled with her mental health for years, didn't she mention that some director wanted to have her see a psychiatrist during filming?

Unfortunately the "help" she's getting in Texas is alternative treatment because she refused to take meds. Best case scenario is this was a publicity stunt because otherwise... 

I really hope her boyfriend is on the up and up.

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I didn't watch for several reasons (on principle and because I was working) but there were a few in our office who planned to record it.

Since this has been in the news I've been thinking about it and have formed opinions (professional and personal) but what I mentioned at work yesterday was that she was (and probably still is) a likable person.  She appeared to be well liked and I haven't looked extensively on the internet but there doesn't seem to be anything negative about her as a person.

She was married, dated Paul Simon, friends with several of her colleagues....so where are they now?  Why can't they rally around her?  Why can't they "make a few calls" type of thing?  Are the people in TinselTown that shallow?

Growing up, there was a man in our neighborhood who was experiencing mental illness.  Late at night he took a sledgehammer to his front steps.  The next day the neighbors got together to help the family.  Where's that kind of action now?  I know it isn't the 60's but for all the lecturing and scolding the entertainment industry has given us lo this past year - where are they now?  Shelly Duvall made a boatload of money for a lot people.  Where are they? 

The Norman Lears, Rob Reiners and Stephen Spielbergs of Hollywood can tell us as little people how we should think (and scold those who don't).  I'm not sure they even know Shelly but for glorified humanitarians they sure are dropping the ball on this one.  She was in a romantic relationship with Paul Simon - where is he? 

Methinks the Great Hollywood Humanitarians are too busy looking to pad their pockets than they are actually helping anyone.

I don't normally watch the morning news shows.  (Or the evening shows, for that matter.)  But I was chopping stuff for the crockpot this morning and turned on the telly for company.

Fox's national news show did a feature on the Dr. Phil/Shelley Duvall episode.  Apparently a LOT of people are up in arms with Dr. Phil for exploiting Shelley.  I hope SOMETHING gets his attention so he stops this Jerry Springer-esque tumble that his show is taking.

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22 hours ago, Madding crowd said:

I don't thnk Phil does anything useful except send people off to treatment centers. This works for some people, but viewers watching at home can't afford these places, don't have childcare for weeks on end, and/or  have jobs they can't afford to leave. Other than that, unless it's a high profile case Phil spends most of the time arguing with overwhelmed people over slight discrepancies in mounds of paperwork. 

Kudos to you, Madding crowd.  You described Phil and his show to perfection with this.  

I could not watch the Shelley Duvall interview.  I turned it on just long enough to say to my husband; "do you know who that is?"  and that was enough to make me feel shameful and embarrassed.   Empathy is all I want to feel for that woman.

Edited by Cementhead
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Until His audience turns away this will continue.  The supply as always is never the problem as much as the demand

the whole show was deeply uncomfortable and heartbreaking but did anyone else notice  the "psych nurse" with whom she was travelling in the car  hunched over her phone seemingly oblivious to shelleys discomfort and increasing paranoia during the interview/questioning through the window?   I would have thought her job would be to pay attention to the patient and monitor what was happening with her.  It bothered me perhaps because I was so agitated already at the exploitive  circus he's created 

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2 hours ago, Dahlia said:

Until His audience turns away this will continue.  The supply as always is never the problem as much as the demand

This!  I didn't watch the Shelly Duvall segment beyond the first 10 minutes or so, because I found it heartbreaking.  But really, the only way to protest a tv show is with the remote.  

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Shelly and her people set this up in desperation, clearly.   She refuses to take medication so I don't see how anyone can help her. I think those around her hoped that being on TV and getting help through this avenue might be the magic bullet to get her to take them.  It is all about medication; talk therapy or a program is fruitless. She has a chemical imbalance and she cannot think her way out of it. 

I always thought Shelly had questionable mental health as I watched her in movies. In her rambling she mentioned  when making The Shinning someone (director?) spoke to her about seeing a psychiatrist. 

Unless you have a Neilson box on your TV, no one knows if you watch or not. 

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9 hours ago, PsychoKlown said:

She was married, dated Paul Simon, friends with several of her colleagues....so where are they now?  Why can't they rally around her?  Why can't they "make a few calls" type of thing?  Are the people in TinselTown that shallow?

Growing up, there was a man in our neighborhood who was experiencing mental illness.  Late at night he took a sledgehammer to his front steps.  The next day the neighbors got together to help the family.  Where's that kind of action now?  I know it isn't the 60's but for all the lecturing and scolding the entertainment industry has given us lo this past year - where are they now?  Shelly Duvall made a boatload of money for a lot people.  Where are they? 

The Norman Lears, Rob Reiners and Stephen Spielbergs of Hollywood can tell us as little people how we should think (and scold those who don't).  I'm not sure they even know Shelly but for glorified humanitarians they sure are dropping the ball on this one.  She was in a romantic relationship with Paul Simon - where is he? 


What lecturing and scolding, the fact that many supported Clinton? If a decades-over boyfriend of mine developed mental illness, I wouldn't take it upon myself to get him psychiatric help. I would leave it up to his family. Duvall's mother, cousin and boyfriend apparently contacted Dr. Phil and while I think it was a dumb move, that's their choice. It's not Norman Lear's responsibility to step in and get her treatment.

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On 10/15/2016 at 8:53 AM, Madding crowd said:

He never gives real advice anymore. He argues with people for awhile, writes on his whiteboard and then sends them off with some recovery center. Once again I didn't like anyone in this family. The loser living big in the car was the worst, but I also hate the judgy, sanctimonious family. The sister had no right to be going into her sister's personal accounts. 

I really hate that board thing he does with his finger.

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So Shelley was dragged all the way to California, traumitized because she didn't even know where she was and where she was going. Then she goes right back home to some nameless, faceless "boyfriend" that we never saw and were told nothing about during the show. What exactly did this do to help her? You cannot reason and have a rational conversation with someone who is not reasonable and rational. You'd think even Dr. Phil would understand that. I am terribly sad for this ill woman and every other person who suffers this kind of terrifying mental illness. Shame on you, Phil. Shame on you.

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I saw a very short something about Stanley Kubricks daughter stepping in to help her.  She has set up a go fund me account


I have to ask, has she (Shelly) burned her bridges or something? Where are all the Hollywood people? Where is Stanley Kubrick after the stink he made about the show? Why is it his daughter that is trying to do something and not him? I don't get it.

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3 hours ago, slasherboy said:

If both my parents and raped me and filmed it from the time I was 11-13, the last place I would want to be is on Dr. Phil's stupid show.  Is it just me?

But she did.  She mentioned several times that the reason for speaking about this on TV was the hope that someone might see the show who was being abused or to alert people to this happening and maybe they would pick up on fishy behavior from adults they knew or neighbors.

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I haven't seen the Shelly Duvall episode, don't plan to watch it. But I am currently living with my bi-polar sister. I cannot force her to take medication or keep her appointments, she's 60 years old. Today, I haven't heard her leave her bedroom since early afternoon. I assume she's asleep, I am not allowed to interrupt her sleep, even if it is for 36 hours or more, and I don't know if she's tossing and turning or if she's asleep. We hardly talk, I get too angry. 

And though I'm not a therapist, counselor, case manager, I did work in psych for many years, did utilization review, unless you work in psych or insurance dealing with psych, you've probably never heard of it. I reviewed patient charts to request additional time in the hospital or additional sessions for outpatient therapy. I've reviewed thousands of patient charts. I live with mental illness all over my family, I hate it, I hate what it does. 

Yes, there are some community services available, in this area, it can take weeks to get appointments, and then patients are expected to keep them. Some mentally ill people are unable to do that, they can't be relied on to take their meds and if they are an adult, they don't have to. And many times, the family is overwhelmed and cannot do any more. I am at this point with my sister. I have my own depression and I cannot deal with hers. She won't. I think she kept her appointment this past week, I have no clue if she's taking her meds. Every now and then she gets manic and will be up for over 24 hours. I hate those times as much as I hate the 36 hours of sleeping. Sometimes, I hate my sister. She found a lump in her breast a couple of months ago. I explained that she needed to make a doctor appointment and get it checked, it's too much trouble. I have only asked about it a couple of times, because if I bring it up, I'm harassing her. I think it's several things, she's scared, she has never had a mammogram and basically refuses to "put her titties in a vice". She said that I told her this, I know I did not because I despise the word "titties". I think she heard a comedian describe it that way many years ago and I agreed. However, it's a few seconds of discomfort. If you find a lump, please go get it checked. So, I'm angry, I'm very angry. She also has a long history of drug use, it goes along with bi-polar, frequently. I call it the gift that just keeps on giving. I probably need to go back to Al-Anon, but since my car was totaled because of my sister's food hoarding, it's difficult. I'd read my books...but they are packed away and I haven't a clue where. I hope to get to move in a couple of months, I truly don't know if I'll ever talk to my sister again.

That is one picture of mental illness, and I'm probably not the only one dealing with crap like this. I'll bet Miss Duvall's family has been through hell and back and maybe they have their own mental health issues. I will not judge. I don't know that Dr Phil will help or hurt, I hope at the very least, someone gets educated and seeks help. That may be all we can ask for. 

I forgot to mention, it seems to me like Paul Simon has his own mental health issues, think I've read something about it.

Edited by friendperidot
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@friendperidot , I'm sorry about your situation, and for the problems your sister and other family members are having.  I can't imagine how hard it is to live with so many difficulties, especially since you're dealing with your own depression.  I hope you're able to move out soon and spend more time on you, and hopefully there will be other help for your sister.

I wish I had some really helpful advice, but all I can offer is my good wishes for you.  Take care.

  • Love 5
12 hours ago, Fatkat said:

What lecturing and scolding, the fact that many supported Clinton? If a decades-over boyfriend of mine developed mental illness, I wouldn't take it upon myself to get him psychiatric help. I would leave it up to his family. Duvall's mother, cousin and boyfriend apparently contacted Dr. Phil and while I think it was a dumb move, that's their choice. It's not Norman Lear's responsibility to step in and get her treatment.

No. Not lecturing and scolding about Clinton.  But, as we say in the mental health field-  if that's what's occupying your mind-  everything you see, read and hear will be directed towards that obsession - then I can understand why you would jump to that assumption but that's not what I meant.  If you've ever read any of my posts you know I am not political.  Not on this board.

The Lears, Reiners and Spielbergs often berate "society" on how it overlooks those who are not as fortunate.  May I even go so far to say that Lear himself has said that we have an obligation to prop up those who have fallen.   And I would be the first to applaud him in that respect.  Yes, as a society we should help those who have fallen.

But it seems that "one of their own" who has fallen is left by those very people who tell us constantly that we need to help.   As the saying goes perhaps they should "clean out their own backyard" before cleaning out anyone else's.

And you're right, there is no obligation for Paul Simon to help her, why would someone who had a relationship many years ago step in to help a former lover?  Silly me for even suggesting such a thing.  Once we're done with people...we're done, or should be.  Please excuse my idiocy.

And to comment about Lear, no, he has no responsibility either.  But I just thought since he's so outspoken about others helping the downtrodden he might put his money where his mouth is.... Again, I apologize for thinking that those with good fortune might somehow practice what they preach to others.

Different rules for different players, I guess.

@friendperido. I am so sorry to hear about your living situation. I hope you can get out soon. love to you

it reinforces the post I made on the previous page. 

I don't know how Norman Lear et all even entered the conversation here. No one can step in and help Shelly nor is it their responsibility. She refuses to take medication. That is her road to a better  life. 

I feel certain her mother asked/begged Dr Phil to help her and Shelly clearly agreed. I think she was happy to be in front of a camera again . 

Edited by wings707
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But it seems that "one of their own" who has fallen is left by those very people who tell us constantly that we need to help.   As the saying goes perhaps they should "clean out their own backyard" before cleaning out anyone else's.

How does anyone know who Paul Simon supports financially?  

She will have a SAG pension for life.  How she looks and lives has little to do with money woes, I suspect, and everything to do with her mental illness.

friendperidot, I am so sorry about your situation.  

Edited by LisainCali
Added a comment
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Friendperidot, thank you so much for sharing your story.  It's the only way the rest of us can learn what it's like.

People don't realize that the often repeated,  "Why doesn't her family or friends get help for her?" only makes a sad situation worse.

What help would that be?  Make an appointment with a doctor that the sick person won't keep, but you still have to pay for?  Have an "intervention," so that the patient will have all his paranoid delusions confirmed about people organizing against him?  Too much pressure, even from one trusted family member, is often seen as evidence that that person is working for the enemy -- the government, the demons, the Martians.

Slip medication in their coffee?  Moral issues of trust aside, those are highly controlled substances, prescriptions don't come easily, and the cost is around $900 per month. We paid that out of pocket for years. 

Our moderately sized town has no psychiatrist.  There is a  Mental Health Clinic, that has a visiting psychiatrist from another city come one day a week, to treat and prescribe for the whole town.  There's a nation wide shortage.  We had a tax levy at the last election to increase the clinic's funding, but it didn't pass.

Our laws should be changed so that the combined efforts of family members and doctors can get involuntary commitment for sick people when needed, for at least a month.  Right now it's something like 48 hours.  Only after they have their disease under control can they make good decisions for themselves. 

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