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All Episodes Talk: Let’s Talk About Dr Phil the Show


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I didn't see the Dr. Phil episode, but know someone in real life who had to make the decision about what sex to raise her child. It was 16 years ago, and they did do a test to determine what the chromosome marker was, and it was XX. There wasn't a possibility to just leave both organs, because neither one was complete. There was no urethra at all, no uterus or ovaries and the testes were where the ovaries should have been, not outside of the body. There was a vagina but not an opening, and a penis.

They had to surgically create the urethra, so she had to chose which sex. If she choose male, in her case, they would have put the urethra through the penis and then added a scrotum so he appeared visually like all the other boys. If female, they would remove the penis and testicles that were in the wrong location and create an opening for the vagina, which in her case was complete except for the opening. She was born in  April, and she was the 20th child at the hospital in Albuquerque born with that condition. As I understood it, it's not as rare as we would think, and the norm is for the organs to not be complete. If the penis was complete, even with the XX chromosome, she probably would have chose that, but as it was, the female surgery was simpler, quicker surgery, and she was concerned about the anesthesia risks, even though the doctor said the risk was low.

She's lived as a female for 16 years and doesn't seem to think she is the wrong sex. If she did decide she wanted to be male, her family would support the change, but there literally was no other option but to choose for her at birth, because the urethra has to go somewhere. With the girl in the episode, both organs may have been there, but it's unlikely that they were both completely operational.

Edited by Christina
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I have never been so grossed out as I was by the self-blinding woman and that is saying a lot as I'm a nurse and have seen many things. But for some reason, looking at that lady with the serous bloody liquid oozing out of her eye was just so bad.  Of all the times Dr. Phil has needed to give someone his personalized handkerchief, this was it.  I had to quit watching because I swear every time the camera cut to her, there was the blood running down her face.  I just wanted to scream, for Gods sake, somebody give that woman a Kleenex.

How the heck does the medical profession even begin to treat someone with this obsession?  

  • Love 6

Just watched the one with paranoid Dad thinking a thank you note from his 7 yr old grandson was a death threat because the kid made the zip code look like 48K2 (48162).  Grandpa took it as 48 (his year of birth) K (kill) 2 (people) meaning his son was going to kill him and his wife.  Dude was scary. I would move 2000 miles away.

  • Love 8
3 minutes ago, OhioSongbird said:

Just watched the one with paranoid Dad thinking a thank you note from his 7 yr old grandson was a death threat because the kid made the zip code look like 48K2 (48162).  Grandpa took it as 48 (his year of birth) K (kill) 2 (people) meaning his son was going to kill him and his wife.  Dude was scary. I would move 2000 miles away.

And his response letter said it must have meant that his son was going to kill him in his birth year of 1948. WTF, is he gonna TRAVEL THROUGH TIME? That guy was so fuckin' insane, I can't even.

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I haven't watched an episode this week yet, but saw a commercial for an upcoming episode that I think airs Thursday, July 14. It started off with Dr. Phil saying something about a African-American woman seeing her African-American boyfriend shot by the police. The commercial then devolves into her arguing with her sisters over who is the prettiest princess, or something. 

If he uses the shooting as a lead-in for something totally unrelated, I think I will be done with his show forever. I've taken long breaks in the past when I've felt that he was being extra exploitative of someone's issues, only to cave when he deals with an issue that interests me or airs a commercial that looks interesting, but it is absolutely tasteless and douchey to use a hot-button issue and not deal with it.

I don't know what he can add to the discussion, but I expect there would be something of interest of a psychological nature. If it is only, "We'll get you someone to talk to about that, but first let's trash your sisters! Tell us how unsupportive they were during this time," I don't think I want to accept that from him.

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Too hot to do anything, so I DVR Shill daily and make hubby watch (I watch/ff regularly, hubby does not).  Hubby was APPALLED at struggling foster dad's segment. Man had fostered troubled kids for years, gets into a situation where troubled (and large) teen tries to duct tape dad into a chair. All Shil can do is blame the dad for sitting in the chair and allowing the child to start to tape him. Yes, not the best thing to do, but Shil- Why are you blaming the VICTIM in this scenario?  Back to hate-watching. Really disappointed in Shil- no offer of a dual-diagnosis treatment facility. :(

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Shil always blames parents for everything. No matter what they do, they are always wrong. The focus here should have been on how to deal with an out of control Foster child, not what the dad did wrong. I honestly don't know why people ever go on this show unless they are dying to get into one of Shil's so called facilities, because to me he offers zero help besides blame.

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On 7/13/2016 at 7:07 PM, Christina said:

I haven't watched an episode this week yet, but saw a commercial for an upcoming episode that I think airs Thursday, July 14. It started off with Dr. Phil saying something about a African-American woman seeing her African-American boyfriend shot by the police. The commercial then devolves into her arguing with her sisters over who is the prettiest princess, or something. 

Quoting myself, here. I spoke to my mom a bit ago, and she said she watched this episode and the only thing she remembers is the sisters yelling back and forth and over Dr. Phil, and that the shooting was addressed as it involved the sisters' feud, but didn't remember him addressing it as a global issue. So, hopefully, it's not a tasteless ratings grab like I feared.

On July 13, 2016 at 9:41 AM, OhioSongbird said:

Just watched the one with paranoid Dad thinking a thank you note from his 7 yr old grandson was a death threat because the kid made the zip code look like 48K2 (48162).  Grandpa took it as 48 (his year of birth) K (kill) 2 (people) meaning his son was going to kill him and his wife.  Dude was scary. I would move 2000 miles away.

One state away from us OSB! Glad I live an hour away from PA. Less likely that I will ever pass that very sick man. Now he really need Lawliss ! Dr. Phil really kid gloved him through the back door. Just this once I agree with him.   

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On July 13, 2016 at 10:23 AM, Brattinella said:

That man has perfected the art of pretending to be "normal" whilst still being delusional as hell.  All that scoffing and squinchy face, I don't know how his family can even talk to him. He needs a good long stay in a nice recovery house, with medicine for his illness.

I don't know how to quote more than one post so I just chose this one. Not trying to single anyone out here. 

Agent Orange is a bitch. Our Vets were exposed and the government banked on them dying and the effects would die too. That's not what is happening though. Our father's DNA was permanently damaged by it. They passed this damage on to their children and in turn we have passed it on to our children. Not to mention the charming effects of PTSD our families have endured. I do not know this person on the show but I am familiar with the havoc this family displayed. Not many people know about this issue and its severity so I understand the reaction from those that do not know. Trust me, I'd much rather not know. 

Anyway, my point in this response is to respectfully pass along that there is much, much more to this episode that the "Dr" didn't bother to look for. Personally, it's disgusting to think the info is out there and not one person producing this show bothered to check it out. Maybe they did and chose not to include it, I don't know. I just thought I'd speak for those that can't anymore, while I can. I lucked out in a way. My genetic defect that I was unaware of didn't kill me but it certainly tried. It would have been nice to have a heads up before I fell ill. The information has been out for many years but unfortunately we didn't know that. Thanks to me finding my way onto the top of the organ transplant list and my sister's death, my kids might have the knowledge and we can find the their medical options before any sudden need. 

Sorry to be the downer! Just thought I'd pass a little info on because "Dr" Shil sure didn't. Quite the opposite as we all saw. Thanks for reading my long post. 

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Thank you, MissMel, for giving credibility to the fathers reference to Agent Orange.  

I think the thing that was brought out by the show is that the father said that his SON had been damaged mentally because the FATHER had been exposed to Agent Orange. Passed through DNA.....kind of "I'm fine! It's my son who's crazy"  

i actually kind of loved the son and his wife for being so loving, caring and tolerant (re: wife's rejection) about the fathers strange delusions..I wonder if I would have been so compassionate if my father had accused one of my children of threatening to kill him because of awkward penmanship!  

The flowsheet from the son to the dad, outlining dads flawed logic, made sense to me.  He was appealing to his dad's logical mind instead of emotional mind.  Didn't work, but I get it.  

I wonder why the wife/mom wasn't there?  My guess is that she is concerned about her husband feeling angry, betrayed and outnumbered.  

That father is very lucky that his son/wife didn't give up on him years ago.....


  • Love 4
46 minutes ago, LisainCali said:

Thank you, MissMel, for giving credibility to the fathers reference to Agent Orange.  

I think the thing that was brought out by the show is that the father said that his SON had been damaged mentally because the FATHER had been exposed to Agent Orange. Passed through DNA.....kind of "I'm fine! It's my son who's crazy"  

i actually kind of loved the son and his wife for being so loving, caring and tolerant (re: wife's rejection) about the fathers strange delusions..I wonder if I would have been so compassionate if my father had accused one of my children of threatening to kill him because of awkward penmanship!  

The flowsheet from the son to the dad, outlining dads flawed logic, made sense to me.  He was appealing to his dad's logical mind instead of emotional mind.  Didn't work, but I get it.  

I wonder why the wife/mom wasn't there?  My guess is that she is concerned about her husband feeling angry, betrayed and outnumbered.  

That father is very lucky that his son/wife didn't give up on him years ago.....


Thank you.  I must have missed the reference to Agent Orange, sorry to offend.  I loved the son and his wife, too.  I was intending no disrespect in regard to his delusions and trying to appear normal.  I didn't mean that as deviousness, just a coping mechanism.

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I wasn't offended at all. Hey, I'm new to this myself and I certainly felt it was quacky and smelled of a conspiracy theory at first. I get it. I have much more information so I think a little differently now. I found out my mother had her suspicions early on but of course, she was told there was no proof. She left it alone because the PTSD was much more prevalent in the way our was family [dis]functioning.

I'm not sure what all the issues are that the father and family are dealing with. There's plenty if you ask me but I'm no expert.  Survival is at the top of the list when suffering with PTSD. It's now documented and accepted that that it's on passed on through to everyone who sticks around to be part of the Vet's life. It seems so normal though. It's not until one gets away from the day-to-day that we realize it's only normal to us. People who haven't lived with it generally dismiss it in a lighthearted way. I still chuckle and say "I know. We're weird" or "at least I got my crazy honestly". Things like that.

Yes, the physical damage and mental damage(?) are both passed on. I hesitate to say mental damage because it doesn't feel like it's not right. It's hard to reconcile what your brain knows is not normal but it honestly feels normal. I've never experienced anything different so to me, it's normal. Except  I know now, it's not. I had a hard time watching this family so I zoned in and out a lot. (Survival/coping mechanism) I'm pretty sure the confusing/odd parts are textbook PTSD in action. It's difficult for me to watch but someone who hasn't lived with it would chalk up to "those people are scary crazy". That's cool, I get it. Guilty of it myself before I realized we were crazy too. (So-to-speak)

The AO causes mental issues as well as the PTSD. Double whammy, lucky us. The wives end up shouldering the brunt of it, too. It's exhausting for them and a lot times people's opinion is that it's stupid to stay. That's what she prepared and trained to do back then though. Some walk away, some stay, and others have that choice made them. The kids are faced with it too. I won't get into all that because  I'm veering way off topic and need to stop. 

Anyway, I hope I offered a little bit of insight. God knows this show didn't. It's very confusing whether you are familiar with it or not. My sister and I thought we figured it out as adults and moved on as best we could. Of course, we didn't have anything figured out-much like this family on the show-we just didn't know we hadn't. Much like this family on the show. My sister died at 41 and I fell ill just before my 41st birthday. I am currently 41 and she would have been 45 this year. It's all new to me and I'm not explaining it very well. Watching this show ridicule this family was disturbing to me and misleading to anyone not familiar with this at all. Everyone involved in getting this show to air should be ashamed of themselves, IMO. It's was a perfect opportunity that was wasted from where I stand. Thankfully many actual medical professionals have more knowledge than Phil on the subject. It was Mayo that made the connection in my family, my specialists that kept me alive, and now I'm getting the help to get my kids all the information my family didn't have. That's why I tuned into this shitshow. I wanted to see what direction and options this family would be presented with. We all saw how that turned out. 

Thanks for reading another long, venting post. I apologize, Mods! It's hard not to get distracted talking about it. This show really riled me up, obviously. (Not any posters, only the show. I hope I didn't ruffle anyone's feathers with my rambling. I only intended to share some of my experience in relation to what was shown on this episode.)

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I just finished the episodes with the delusional dad and came away from the show with the belief that the dad's behavior was a result of his exposure to the Agent Orange. It seemed clear to me during the episodes that Dr. Phil was agreeing with the dad that it could cause the mental issues, and was offering sympathy when the dad was showing distress for passing it to his sons. I dislike A LOT of the way Dr. Phil addresses issues with his guests, and often feel like he has a "point and laugh" approach before offering them help, because it makes better viewing. In this show, that man was in desperate need of intervention for his mental health because he was not capable of knowing that he wasn't functioning correctly mentally. I left these episodes with the understanding that Agent Orange caused the mental health issue and grief over the loss of his son exacerbated it to the point that he was a danger to himself and others. Grief can cause paranoia over a loved one's death without an underlying mental health condition, too. So many people want to see murder where suicide is the cause, for example. I thought Dr. Phil did a good job of acknowledging and not ignoring the Agent Orange.

Dr. Phil telling the son that his bullet-point approach was wrong by repeating how wrong it was usually just irritates me, because it comes across like rubbing salt in a wound when the person isn't denying an error, but in this case, I think the dad needed to hear that the son was wrong, too, and driving the stake in with a battering ram was for his benefit. There was one point where the dad was saying how none of the items on the list Dr. Phil provided for paranoia and delusional thinking applied to him but did to his son and daughter-in-law. I was thinking how hurt the son must feel, but when the camera showed him, his face was just registering concern for his father. When the dad said he would see Dr. Lawless if his son and DIL did, the son was nodding and I thought he would probably go into an inpatient treatment center if it meant his dad would too. I hope that the mom is getting some peace from this; she must have felt in the middle for years.

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I don't know how I missed the AO reference (although the phone rang ).  My BIL was in Nam and was exposed.  PTSD to the max.  He couldn't watch fireworks (the noise) or drive and had OCD really bad.  You could see yourself in his shoes and was always dressed to perfection...vest, ties, pressed pants everyday, everywhere.  He started having jaw pain and went to the VA to get checked out.  "Oh it's only an impacted molar, we'll fix it".  Didn't help and the pain got worse but they just kept blowing him off.  Died of jaw cancer within 9-10 mos.  VA system is a travesty.  That explains a lot about Dad on the show.  Thanks.


Side story.....a friend of mine came in my store today and we had a nice chat since we hadn't seen each other in a while.  He's a sax player and travels a lot.  I used to be in a blues band with him a while back....do I have stories..;-).  Anyhoo he was in Vegas once and was walking my the High Rollers room when he heard someone yelling.  He said I know that voice.  Looked in and Dr. Phil was berating a young waitress for something.  My pal leaned on the door jamb and just  stared at him.  Phil saw him and said "what are you looking at?"  My pal responded "I think I'm looking at an asshole"  Phil just hemmed and hawed.  I had a good laugh.  Just had to share.

  • Love 8
On ‎7‎/‎16‎/‎2016 at 4:49 PM, OhioSongbird said:

Side story.....a friend of mine came in my store today and we had a nice chat since we hadn't seen each other in a while.  He's a sax player and travels a lot.  I used to be in a blues band with him a while back....do I have stories..;-).  Anyhoo he was in Vegas once and was walking my the High Rollers room when he heard someone yelling.  He said I know that voice.  Looked in and Dr. Phil was berating a young waitress for something.  My pal leaned on the door jamb and just  stared at him.  Phil saw him and said "what are you looking at?"  My pal responded "I think I'm looking at an asshole"  Phil just hemmed and hawed.  I had a good laugh.  Just had to share.

Thank you so much for this OhioSongbird.  I watch this jackass just for the snark and next to Bill O'Reilly he thinks of himself as the smartest person in the room - always lecturing people on how they "should" behave.  I think he needs to get real with himself before he adopts a holier-than-thou attitude.

Edited by PsychoKlown

I have watched Dr. Phil sporadically on and off for years, but one thing I've been wondering is that in the past, about 10-12 years ago, he featured several shows with morbidly obese people, some of whom were bedridden and unable to leave their homes. He had arranged for help for them, but what was the outcome? I only remember the one lady who went from 330 to 750 lbs (allegedly because of a spider bite), a follow up a year later showed she had lost close to 200 lbs. Are there any other success stories?

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I don't think Dr. Phil wants to advertise his 'success rates' because I don't think he's really all that successful at what he claims he does.  He's more interested in making money off of people's problems, selling books, and shilling for his friends that have treatment clinics and such.  The internet is full of people complaining about his tactics and his lack of real help, especially after the footage is in the can.

Edited by Zahdii
  • Love 6
On 8/26/2016 at 10:07 AM, Zahdii said:

I don't think Dr. Phil wants to advertise his 'success rates' because I don't think he's really all that successful at what he claims he does.  He's more interested in making money off of people's problems, selling books, and shilling for his friends that have treatment clinics and such.  The internet is full of people complaining about his tactics and his lack of real help, especially after the footage is in the can.

I am watching his show right now, with the sound off.  This is an obese bike-rider who did a GoFundMe, and people donated money, and clothes, and beef jerky, and bike parts and bike repair.  This poor guy biked to Florida as the first leg of his cross-country ride, where his ailing mom happened to live.  He stayed there with her until she died.  Phil is crucifying this guy for STAYING there a couple months after!  It is his MOM!  People donated money to help this guy lose weight by a cross-country bike ride.  SO WHAT if he hasn't completed the agenda yet; it is HIS AGENDA!  Such self-righteous idiots, and Phil is the biggest one! And ALSO so what if he made some money??  Doesn't everyone want to make money?

ETA: I almost never watch his show, and will not ever again.  Phil is a hypocritical MONSTER.

ETA: 1 more thing.  My family had a saying "You pays your money, you takes your chances".

Edited by Brattinella
  • Love 1
On 8/26/2016 at 11:07 AM, Zahdii said:

I don't think Dr. Phil wants to advertise his 'success rates' because I don't think he's really all that successful at what he claims he does.  He's more interested in making money off of people's problems, selling books, and shilling for his friends that have treatment clinics and such.  The internet is full of people complaining about his tactics and his lack of real help, especially after the footage is in the can.

Totally. Remember the Dr. Phil family? Granted, they were disasters from the beginning, but years of his "help" and they ended up 100 times worse. 

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On ‎8‎/‎29‎/‎2016 at 4:25 PM, Brattinella said:

I am watching his show right now, with the sound off.  This is an obese bike-rider who did a GoFundMe, and people donated money, and clothes, and beef jerky, and bike parts and bike repair.  This poor guy biked to Florida as the first leg of his cross-country ride, where his ailing mom happened to live.  He stayed there with her until she died.  Phil is crucifying this guy for STAYING there a couple months after!  It is his MOM!  People donated money to help this guy lose weight by a cross-country bike ride.  SO WHAT if he hasn't completed the agenda yet; it is HIS AGENDA!  Such self-righteous idiots, and Phil is the biggest one! And ALSO so what if he made some money??  Doesn't everyone want to make money?

ETA: I almost never watch his show, and will not ever again.  Phil is a hypocritical MONSTER.

ETA: 1 more thing.  My family had a saying "You pays your money, you takes your chances".

Don't you just love it when he lectures people on eating problems?  He looks like ten pounds of baloney in a five pound bag and has the gall to lecture people on their weight.

And by the way, his son's a rock star in case you missed any of the two thousand times he announced in on his show.

6 minutes ago, PsychoKlown said:

Don't you just love it when he lectures people on eating problems?  He looks like ten pounds of baloney in a five pound bag and has the gall to lecture people on their weight.

And by the way, his son's a rock star in case you missed any of the two thousand times he announced in on his show.

Very true.  He needs to knock it off.

And, yeah.  I saw his "rock-star" son perform on his show a long time ago.  Um, nope.

The most annoying thing to me is when Dr. Phil, in an effort to sell more books, tells hyper-obese people "all you need is a plan." Like, they didn't KNOW carrots are healthier than Hot Pockets, that's why they're so fat. It's condescending. These people have ADDICTIONS, not massive ignorance. If a dude's addicted to heroin, Dr. Phil hooks him up with Origins, but if he's addicted to gas station burritos, Dr. Phil screams at him and throws him a copy of the 20/20 Diet.

  • Love 2
11 hours ago, Brattinella said:

And, yeah.  I saw his "rock-star" son perform on his show a long time ago.  Um, nope.

..and what is he about forty?  And the other chestnut.  He's an entrepreneur.  Was it this site or somewhere else where a poster had intense hatred for Jay that he referred to him as "mysonjay" because that's what the good (ahem) Dr. would say whenever referring to him.   Phil is no better than that loosah's on his show who coddle their snowflake kids.  He does exactly the same.  What really is the difference between the Phil's "rock star" (for the life of me I can't remember his name, is it Jason?  Craig?) and the couple supporting their 43 year old wannabe rock star except that Phil has a few bucks to throw his son's way?


54 minutes ago, ClareWalks said:

The most annoying thing to me is when Dr. Phil, in an effort to sell more books, tells hyper-obese people "all you need is a plan." Like, they didn't KNOW carrots are healthier than Hot Pockets, that's why they're so fat. It's condescending. These people have ADDICTIONS, not massive ignorance. If a dude's addicted to heroin, Dr. Phil hooks him up with Origins, but if he's addicted to gas station burritos, Dr. Phil screams at him and throws him a copy of the 20/20 Diet.

Yes.  Yes.  Yes.  But that is assuming Dr. (ahem) Phil knows what he's doing.  He doesn't.  I sometimes deal with people with addictions and it is a powerful force.  That dope spit-screaming at him is not going to change one thing.  Except perhaps that guy feeling really down because he was embarrassed in front of tv camera.  And what was the point of those other two?  Don't they have jobs?  Don't they have hobbies other than following someone on facebook?  Still confused about that one.

Younger son is Jordan. Born in 1986 -- adds up to 30 sometime this year. (Looks older... is living the rock star life prematurely aging him?) I remember him being a student at USC the same time my son was there. My kid's a good 5 years younger, so was JM on the 6 year plan? At $50,000+ a year for a non-scholarship kid* that's a pretty penny for a Rock Star degree.

*Assuming non-scholarship because Dr. Phil said back in 2011 something about that his kid was "no great scholar." But then again, the Dr. consults with USC doctors and professors quite often.... Who knows what deals are made behind the scenes?

Edited by amacmom
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I've been to a few tapings of the show. What you see on the show is very accurate on what happened during filming, not much editing going on. Got a copy of the 20/20 diet book at one show. (Or maybe they give them out at every show now?) I'm not in the market for a new diet, but skimmed some chapters and did find some good advice about analyzing lifestyle/diet/habits from a psychological point of view.

  • Love 1
On September 3, 2016 at 8:26 AM, PsychoKlown said:

..and what is he about forty?  And the other chestnut.  He's an entrepreneur.  Was it this site or somewhere else where a poster had intense hatred for Jay that he referred to him as "mysonjay" because that's what the good (ahem) Dr. would say whenever referring to him.   Phil is no better than that loosah's on his show who coddle their snowflake kids.  He does exactly the same.  What really is the difference between the Phil's "rock star" (for the life of me I can't remember his name, is it Jason?  Craig?) and the couple supporting their 43 year old wannabe rock star except that Phil has a few bucks to throw his son's way?


Yes.  Yes.  Yes.  But that is assuming Dr. (ahem) Phil knows what he's doing.  He doesn't.  I sometimes deal with people with addictions and it is a powerful force.  That dope spit-screaming at him is not going to change one thing.  Except perhaps that guy feeling really down because he was embarrassed in front of tv camera.  And what was the point of those other two?  Don't they have jobs?  Don't they have hobbies other than following someone on facebook?  Still confused about that one.

I'm watching the episode with the mom and son who do heroin together. Is Dr Phil for real?  I just now lost total respect for him. He's yelling at these addicts because they don't make sense, don't own up, make excuses etc

what??? That's what addicts do

hes shaming them. If he doesn't want to spend " his " precious money on these people then don't have them on

  • Love 2

The heroin people are awful people but I always hate Dr. Phil even more. He is asking them questions and no answer on earth would be acceptable to him. Why ask then? Why not listen with compassion and try to find out what types of things in the mom's childhood might have led her to addictive behavior. Then he throws a hissy fit because his name was mentioned in a private text message between mother and son. They weren't even really talking about him at all. This doesn't mean I like or even excuse these people. But Dr. Phil is supposed to be handling them in a professional way. Instead he browbeats everyone and then sends them off to a treatment center. No chance to make arrangements for their jobs or apartments nothing. Although I always wonder how people can go on TV and say these types of things and then return to a job. My teenager watched part of this with me and thinks the whole thing is fake with actors. Stranger things have happened I guess. 

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I have just about reached the end with him. Yelling at addicts is wasted breath. How is that therapeutic? And he is so damn ageist, which is surprising since is is an old blow hard. So what if she has grandchildren? Must we call her Lyin' Granny?  I'm not sure what that episode was supposed to accomplish. I alway turn off the last 15 minutes or so if the show while he hawks his new book, product, Robin's new crap or his latest, "Dr on Demand". What a freaking racket that is. 

  • Love 8
11 minutes ago, morriss said:

I was flipping through channels today and came across repeat of an old show.  They showed Robin, and I immediately thought- she needs to cut down on the face-lifts.  If she has any more, she is going to look like Kenny Rogers ( he has no eyelids left from all his procedures).....lol

Word. If she gets pulled any tighter her eyes will be on the sides of her head like a damn hammerhead shark.

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, Gam2 said:

Please stop, Dr. Phil, with the idolatry of your special snowflake, Robin. We do not care about her. She looks like a plastic doll who thinks WAY too much of herself. Blech. Go away, Robin.

She looked extremely plastic today....almost to the point that she's afraid her face will crack if she shows any expressions.

On Dr. Phil's facebook page there was a picture of him and Robin riding in his convertible.  I don't know if it's still there or not but Robin turned to look at the camera and honest-to-pete it looks like her neck is a cowl.  She has so many wrinkles on her neck.  Convertible+sun+plastic surgery+time = The Scream Mask.

What the hell happened to this man? Id be afraid to speak about any problem I had. He just yells at everyone , calling them liars when they say that's not what they said or what happened. Or he brings out his staff to prove you a liar. He is an asshole and his wife sickens me! These two shows this week just happened to tape because I set my dvr to tape only new shows a couple years ago. I won't be watching the new season. And why are they saying all new shows start next week. What are these this week?

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1 hour ago, kathybgd said:

 I won't be watching the new season. And why are they saying all new shows start next week. What are these this week?

They seem to air shows that they kept in the can during the regular season and call them "new" over the Summer. The "all new" ones have probably been taped recently.

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For the second day in a row, Dr. Phil made the entire show about him and his wife and did virtually nothing to try to understand what was going on with the mother and daughter. Everything now is about how people are somehow disrespecting him and his staff by not having papers from years ago readily available. If he were really a talented therapist, he wouldn't need mounds of paperwork to diagnose and help people. And just so you know Phil: My son just started college and needed his childhood immunization records. His pediatrician would not give them to me because he is 18. It doesn't matter if the records are from childhood, only adults can get their records unless they sign a Hippa form saying the parent can have them.

I really can't stand looking at Robin she looks completely unreal and not at all like a 60 year old woman. Now watch when Phil has a high profile guest or case: his demeanor totally changes. I would hope noone will consent to go on this show and he will have to either change his asshole ways or get cancelled. And note to all parents out there: Don't go on this show unless you want to blamed for anything and everything. You can't get a word in edgewise and if you do, you are accused of being a liar. 

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I notice when he accuses these poor guests that are on their to get some sort of help, they look at him shocked that he would yell out that "NO! " That,s not what they said or did and brings out his staff to prove himself right. Some of his guests are literal jerks that deserve to be called out, but these past shows have really angered me on the way he has come across. He's a big blowhard who has let his success go to his head and that trying to be forever young little miss walking off the stage with him each day looks ridiculously like a little girl in her glamorous ensemble walking off the stage with daddy, but close up of this woman is terrifying.  Also, I can,t forget one day last season my daughter, who NEVER has time to watch any T.V. just happen to have this on one day and texted me to watch Dr. Phil. She (my daughter) watching Robins phoney behavior when her hubby "surprised" her  felt like vomiiting) because her act was repulsively OTT ridiculous! I don"t know which of these fools disgusts me more.

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