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All Episodes Talk: Let’s Talk About Dr Phil the Show


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 There is a brainwashing that goes along with abuse and that is why people on the outside often make that statement which in turn just makes it harder for victims to get out. I get people's frustration but she emotionally needs help to get out at this point.

 He is a classic abuser. He totally sees himself as the victim in the scenario. Pretty hard to fix that mindset. I agree she has her own problems but she doesn't deserve to be hosed down, spat on, and verbally and physically abused. 

  • Love 7
23 minutes ago, Brattinella said:

I fail to see how anyone can rationalize Kyle's behavior!  Nothing she did deserves that kind of shit/mindfuck/psychopathy or whatever you want to call it!  She needs to get OUT.  Now!

There were some real psychos on Twitter who were bitching out anyone who dared say Kyle was a jerk. "SHE is the crazy one!" At least we here at PTV know that, even though that girl sucks, it doesn't justify abuse. No wonder she drinks, she has to deal with his ass. But then again, a bottle of wine a night...girl, that's too much. For your own health, you need to ditch the Patrick Bateman wannabe and quit the hooch.

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I'm sure you saw lots of "man-hating bitches" comments on twitter.  I personally, do not hate men.  I hate SOME men, especially those who are monstrous to their wives.  I agree that Jordan shouldn't drink that much wine, but I do understand why she does.  If I were stuck in a nightmare life like that, fearful for my very life, I would drink too!  AND sleep all day, as long as I could escape this hell!  Like I said in a previous post, I believe she has gained a minor amount of weight in the 2? 4? years they have been together.  If this is the case,  I KNOW what this dynamic is, from the fat woman's POV, to the miserable excuse of a man who would use that as a weapon!

This is why I don't do twitter.  I'd be up seething all night long.

  • Love 6

Well I guess I'm the only one here who thinks Ashley  might be a blackout alcoholic who bruises herself stumbling around the house all night, running into walls and clipping the doorknobs with her hips. 

She said she drinks one bottle a night, but he said she drinks 3.  She didn't correct him.  Who drinks alone till 3:00 in the morning every night?

I'm jaded because I watched a woman at a business function fall down on the dance floor, run into tables, spray her hair in the bathroom with air freshener, and then flail and scream at her husband as he tried to get her in the car to drive home. 

A couple of days later some women were talking about how her husband is such a bad guy. I did tell them what I saw.  Bruise on the back of her right arm?  Left hip?  Sprained wrist? Yep yep yep  

Doesnt mean he doesn't hit her but I know she did those things to herself. 

  • Love 4
7 minutes ago, LisainCali said:

Well I guess I'm the only one here who thinks Ashley  might be a blackout alcoholic who bruises herself stumbling around the house all night, running into walls and clipping the doorknobs with her hips. 

She said she drinks one bottle a night, but he said she drinks 3.  She didn't correct him.  Who drinks alone till 3:00 in the morning every night?

I'm jaded because I watched a woman at a business function fall down on the dance floor, run into tables, spray her hair in the bathroom with air freshener, and then flail and scream at her husband as he tried to get her in the car to drive home. 

A couple of days later some women were talking about how her husband is such a bad guy. I did tell them what I saw.  Bruise on the back of her right arm?  Left hip?  Sprained wrist? Yep yep yep  

Doesnt mean he doesn't hit her but I know she did those things to herself. 

Very interesting and astute take on things.  I had not thought of that.

I could buy that she had done all those things to herself IF he wasn't such a bad, bad liar. Just looking at the guy and watching how he was answering Dr Phil's questions, you could tell he was hiding something. Plus he clearly physically styles himself after Patrick Bateman, as I said...someone should tell him "American Psycho" isn't a how-to manual.

  • Love 6
23 minutes ago, wings707 said:

I didn't watch the second part and accidentally deleted it.  How did it end?  Phil offer therapy? Did he send her to one of his AA places?  Did you think she saw the light at all?   

He did offer her help, and he really wanted her to acknowledge that this was a VERY dangerous situation.  He (I think) was trying to couch his words so as to not be antagonistic towards Kyle, who was sitting right there.  Very fine line!  His solution was pretty much:

GET OUT!  That was his first directive, then she could fine-tune her other problems.  I do hope she saw the light!

  • Love 3
3 hours ago, Brattinella said:

Is that you, Kyle?

No, Brattinella, it's me, Lisa.  ?  I have no opinion about Kyles abuse simply because Ashley's story took a dark turn for me when Ashley didn't contradict him when he called her out on her nocturnal hours and wine consumption of more like 3 bottles.  Also, she yelled at him for "embarrassing her on national tv".  

I certainly am not defending him. He seems like a jerk to me.  But he also said he has a video of her behavior while drunk. Dr. Phil "does his homework!"  and usually has a binder on the people he has on his show.  He had to ask Kyle if he had brought it.  That also looked like Gotcha! Journalism because it doesn't seem like Phil had interviewed him at all.  

This one just bothers me.  But I guess I'll survive ?

I am glad you can move on, Lisa.  I cannot move on from the monster that Kyle is.  I would have been happy if the crowd had torn him limb from limb.

Jordan certainly DID contradict his "3 bottles" statement.  I've been on the receiving end of this kind of abuse, and people tend to draw back into themselves, and not express their feelings for fear of being physically hurt.  I'm sure she was embarrassed and humiliated, but Kyle SURE WASN'T.  I don't understand how you can look into his face while he is saying "Really?  Do you really BELIEVE I have been physically abusing you?" and see NOTHING there.  Abusers will do stuff like that, pretend that their victim is crazy, or making it up.  That is what he was doing, is pretending.

I really hope Jordan does not give him another chance to hurt her.

  • Love 8
8 minutes ago, Brattinella said:

I am glad you can move on, Lisa.  I cannot move on from the monster that Kyle is.  I would have been happy if the crowd had torn him limb from limb.

Jordan certainly DID contradict his "3 bottles" statement.  I've been on the receiving end of this kind of abuse, and people tend to draw back into themselves, and not express their feelings for fear of being physically hurt.  I'm sure she was embarrassed and humiliated, but Kyle SURE WASN'T.  I don't understand how you can look into his face while he is saying "Really?  Do you really BELIEVE I have been physically abusing you?" and see NOTHING there.  Abusers will do stuff like that, pretend that their victim is crazy, or making it up.  That is what he was doing, is pretending.

I really hope Jordan does not give him another chance to hurt her.

Oh, but she will. I don't think for a moment she's going to leave him. She was really hoping Dr. Phil was going to "fix" him, so now she's backed into a corner, because she said multiple times how much she loved him. They're in some kind of horrible, abusive, codependent thing.  I don't believe she's capable of leaving him.

  • Love 5

The lawyer, Jill Easter cannot give Dr. Phil a straight answer on the charges to which she plead guilty. Most of us would be able to say unequivocally what we were arrested for and be able to explain it with clarity.  Jill is hung up on technicalities to distance herself from the actual events. It is like someone accusing her of robbing a bank on Tuesday and being upset because it actually happened on a Wednesday.

  • Love 4

God, another real prize of a woman on today's show, the stupid bitch who moved a child molester in with her and her two kids after knowing him for two weeks. She disgusted me instantly, as this exact setup resulted in a child's murder in my home state (Google Sarah Foxwell). She should have her kids taken away if she's choosing a pedophile/slampiece over her (undoubtedly horribly damaged) kids. 

I wish they would start putting Twitter handles up for these dopes so we could trash them directly right good. Maybe that would dissuade some of the garbage willing to put their baggage in the street for a free trip to LA from crawling out of the woodwork. 

  • Love 5
14 minutes ago, NoirDetective said:

God, another real prize of a woman on today's show, the stupid bitch who moved a child molester in with her and her two kids after knowing him for two weeks. She disgusted me instantly, as this exact setup resulted in a child's murder in my home state (Google Sarah Foxwell). She should have her kids taken away if she's choosing a pedophile/slampiece over her (undoubtedly horribly damaged) kids. 

I wish they would start putting Twitter handles up for these dopes so we could trash them directly right good. Maybe that would dissuade some of the garbage willing to put their baggage in the street for a free trip to LA from crawling out of the woodwork. 

Just the episode title, "Should I choose my kids or the love of my life?" I feel like anyone who would even have to ASK that question, should never have custody of children. I already told my husband, "if I ever had to choose being with you over our son's safety, your ass is gone instantly, and I'd expect the same vice versa."

  • Love 6

She should never have moved the man in with her kids. However, Phil was pretty close to doing slut shaming with his statistics about women who bring men into their life when they have children. What about men who are divorced or single dads? Is it OK for them to date and move in with a woman? There are plenty of good guys who will genuinely love a woman and her children. Dr. Phil suggested that for a woman to dare have a relationship she is a bad mother. 

It seems to me Dr. Phil does a good job with high profile type cases like the lawyers who set up the woman who worked at their kids school. When it's everyday people, he let's slip his own prejudices, especially towards women. This is not to suggest this woman was in any way right, it's just that Phil lumped her in with any woman who dares to have a relationship while she is a mother.

I didn't get a slut-shaming vibe from this episode, though I don't think theres anything out of turn in telling a single mother not to bring every lowlife from Tinder to Sunday dinner to meet her brats. There's no such thing as casually dating a single mother.

But she should be shamed. Moving in a child molester, having a kid with him, failing to read his court documents...all that has nothing to do with her being a slut, but rather a discarded woman with very little self-worth blinding herself to danger in order to keep a warm body that expresses some interest in her.

Mother-shaming, perhaps. 

  • Love 1

He would say the same thing to a single dad.  You just do not involve your children with a new partner until your relationship has progressed to the point that you know he or she will be as permanent part of your life.   And you introduce your children slowly.  You just don't move them in without the kids getting to know them first. 

  • Love 6

She should never have moved the man in with her kids. However, Phil was pretty close to doing slut shaming with his statistics about women who bring men into their life when they have children.

Slut-shaming or not, Dr. Phil is correct about this one. Bringing an unrelated guy into your house and leaving him unattended with your kids puts the risk of sexual abuse through the roof. Especially some guy she didn't know but loved at first sight 2 weeks ago. And its not the same for single dads, because women have a much lower rate of molesting young children. The real truth is this woman put her desperate need for companionship above her kids' safety. Even sitting up there with all the evidence that her baby daddy is creepy, she felt the need to point out that he didn't molest HER kids. As if she even knows for sure. I doubt her dumb ass was even paying enough attention to notice.

All the kids in this situation should be put up for adoption. None of these people are fit guardians.

  • Love 8

Agreed. I wouldn't call it slut-shaming either. Hell, be as "slutty" as you want. If you want to bang a dude in a bar bathroom, knock yourself out! It's when you bring home some guy you barely know, introduce him to your kids, and give him a key to your house when you need to just STOP what you're doing. It's more idiot-shaming than slut-shaming.

  • Love 9

My point was related to him saying that a single woman should never bring a man into her home, even if they are married because statistics show a 20-30% higher chance of abuse in the home. That part is wrong. And no, he has never told a man he cannot be married or have a live in girlfriend until his children are 18.  Of course you shouldn't bring in a man after two weeks or one who is a sex offender.

i don't have a horse in this race; I've been married over 20 years and have never been a single parent. But I think a single parent can find a partner and shouldn't have to wait until their children are out of the home.I just didn't like the approach Phil took.

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I'm not sure how he came across that statistic, but every time he says "non-biological male," it cracks me up. It sounds like he's talking about bringing transgender men into the house or something. I want to be like "Phil, you mean non-biologically related, right?" Yet another example of ol' Phil making little sense.

  • Love 5
45 minutes ago, ClareWalks said:

I'm not sure how he came across that statistic, but every time he says "non-biological male," it cracks me up. It sounds like he's talking about bringing transgender men into the house or something. I want to be like "Phil, you mean non-biologically related, right?" Yet another example of ol' Phil making little sense.

Yeah, doesn't UNRELATED mean the same thing?

  • Love 2

I am all for people with kids finding partners and dating, but I am starting to firmly believe that this woman should not be allowed to introduce her kids to any of her men again until they (the kids) turn 18. And I just cannot believe how desperate she must be. She needs therapy if she would rather have THIS man than NO man.

  • Love 2

I had serious doubts about this guy from the moment he explained that he obviously couldn't have committed the crime he was imprisoned for... because he was already in prison for doing the same thing. Someone in that much denial, you simply should never trust.

I'm sad to say Phil was absolutely right about unrelated men in the home being more of a danger. There are some wonderful step-dads, but I've known of some terrible things happening as well. But really, anyone, related or unrelated can be a danger to children, and it is part of a responsible parent's job to notice, to watch, to guard, to ask and to damn well read the bloody paperwork.

  • Love 6

I just read an article regarding this couple in the Daily Mail, and the wording is VERY ambiguous as to whether she chose her children or the love of her life.  This is how she put it:


'CPS gave me a choice. They said if I don't sign the piece of paper that would keep Jayson out of my son's life, they would have to take custody of all three of my children,' she said. 'Jayson hasn't seen his son now for two-and-a-half months.'

I hope this pathetic woman has grown a spine and chosen her kids!  He isn't even allowed to FATHER any more kids, after molesting his four other children.  Gah!

  • Love 3
1 minute ago, ethalfrida said:

Seriously? Did they say that? How would that be monitored?

Well, they certainly are not allowed to force sterilization on him.  I'm not sure if I can post a link to the article, but it is in today's Daily Mail.  They have a internal search feature so you can find it easily.

  • Love 1
On May 19, 2016 at 5:43 PM, Brattinella said:

I am glad you can move on, Lisa.  I cannot move on from the monster that Kyle is.  I would have been happy if the crowd had torn him limb from limb.

Jordan certainly DID contradict his "3 bottles" statement.  I've been on the receiving end of this kind of abuse, and people tend to draw back into themselves, and not express their feelings for fear of being physically hurt.  I'm sure she was embarrassed and humiliated, but Kyle SURE WASN'T.  I don't understand how you can look into his face while he is saying "Really?  Do you really BELIEVE I have been physically abusing you?" and see NOTHING there.  Abusers will do stuff like that, pretend that their victim is crazy, or making it up.  That is what he was doing, is pretending.

I really hope Jordan does not give him another chance to hurt her.

Gaslighting, it's a thing. I felt that Kyle was definitely gaslighting Jordan, making her question her own sanity and feelings. I hated when she kept saying, "but honey..." to Kyle. You don't "honey" anyone who abuses you! Sadly, I have a feeling she may go back to him.

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, ethalfrida said:

Seriously? Did they say that? How would that be monitored?

I re-read the article.  CPS will take his children if he makes more.  I believe that is why he got her pregnant, to have another victim available.  I still can't find where it specifically says that she has chosen her children instead of him. 

Peaceknit:  Yep, gaslighting.  I remember Ingrid Bergman well.  What a horrid man.

  • Love 2

May 23, 2016
Sandra And Joey Return: Will Sandra Finally Take The Polygraph And Drug Test?

When exes Sandra and Joey first appeared on the show, they were engaged in a bitter custody battle with accusations ranging from physical abuse and poisoning ice cream to feeding their girls moldy food and teaching them how to steal. Sandra even accused Joey of sexually molesting one of their daughters. Joey absolutely denied these allegations, called them “outrageous” and accused Sandra of coaching the girls to make up what he called “outlandish lies.” 

Linda, Sandra’s neighbor, didn’t know who to believe and wrote to Dr. Phil to get answers. 

Sandra and Joey agreed to take polygraph and drug tests to help prove they were telling the truth. Joey passed both tests but Sandra did not take either. 

Now, Sandra is back and has agreed to take the polygraph and insists that she had not coached her daughters. Will she take the polygraph this time? And what causes her to storm off stage? 


May 24, 2016
A Custody Confrontation As Sandra Storms Off: Will She Return?

For the past two years, Sandra and Joey say they have been in a bitter battle over custody of their two young daughters. This bitter battle has included accusations of death threats and physical abuse, and an allegation by Sandra that Joey inappropriately touched one their young daughters. Joey not only vehemently denies her allegations, he calls them “outrageous” — he even passed a polygraph test last time he was on the show — and he claims Sandra coached the girls to make the statements. 

Sandra is adamant that she has not coached her children. She now says she believes her daughters were lying, and again says she’s willing to take a polygraph. But before the test results are revealed,  Sandra walks off stage. Find out why. Will she return to hear the results?


May 25, 2016
Ex-Major League Baseball Player Now Facing Major Problems

Richie Lewis was a three-time All-American, hall of fame college pitcher, who became one of Major League Baseball’s most electric personalities, striking out some of the game’s greatest players. But now, his wife Andrea and their three children claim since Richie was forced to retire from the majors due to an injury, Richie says his life has no purpose without baseball and he has no reason to live. Richie’s family claims his depression and alcoholism have led him to become a sloppy, blackout and abusive drunk, who has become a public embarrassment to himself and his family. Richie insists the only issue he is facing is depression from leaving the game he loved. 

Before coming to Dr. Phil, Richie demanded no one discuss his alleged alcoholism, and he threatened to walk out of their lives forever if they did not honor his demand. What happens when Richie finds out he is indeed part of an alcohol intervention? 

Plus, Richie’s college teammate Deion Sanders drops everything to fly to Los Angeles to surprise and help his dear friend. Will all this effort convince Richie that he needs help?


May 26, 2016
Exclusive: Accused Freeway Sniper Speaks Out

In August 2015, a string of freeway sniper shootings caused a wave of panic that left Arizona residents fearing for their lives. After weeks of searching for the sniper, authorities said they had linked a gun to four of the I-10 shootings – and that gun had belonged to 21-year-old Leslie Merritt Jr., and he was arrested. But Leslie proclaimed his innocence saying his gun was at the pawnshop during the time the shootings occurred. 

After 222 days behind bars, Leslie was released and all charges against him were officially dismissed after a prosecution expert testified that he could neither exclude nor identify the bullets in question as having come from Leslie’s gun. But to this day, people, including officials, say they believe they had the right man and Leslie is the Arizona sniper. Today, Leslie speaks out for the first time in an exclusive interview. Find out what it was like seeing weapons drawn on his girlfriend and baby daughter on the day he was arrested and the tactics he claims were used to try to get him to confess. 

Leslie will also respond to the question on so many people’s  minds, “Is Leslie Merritt an innocent man who was locked up for almost a year for a crime he didn’t commit?”


May 27, 2016
A Hidden Pregnancy and A Faked Abortion: “Is There Hope For My Relationship?”

ATwenty-year-old old Courtney and 23-year-old Ryan met on a popular dating app a year ago and Courtney just gave birth to their child. But Courtney claims Ryan has been cheating throughout their relationship and suspects he still is. Ryan says Courtney’s temper can get violent and her lies are just as bad – in fact, he says she lied about having an abortion for three months. The young couple moved in with Courtney’s parents and sister, who all admit they know almost nothing about Ryan, and until seven months into her pregnancy, didn’t even know Courtney was pregnant!

Dr. Phil dives deep under the surface of this young couple’s dysfunctional relationship to figure out what is really going on. Hidden Pregnancy and A Faked Abortion: “Is There Hope For My Relationship?”

  • Love 1
26 minutes ago, Showthyme said:

Sandra's rapid speech reminds me of Octomom. Interrupt, talk, justify. Rinse, repeat. I wanted to reach through my screen and tell her to STFU.

I wish you could've! I am amazed that Dr. Phil didn't come down on her much harder than he did, but it looks like that's part of the bait he dangled for the cliffhanger til tomorrow.  This woman has to be one of the most annoying people I've ever listened to.  I'm ticked that I'll have to hear her babble on again tomorrow, but I admit it - I want to know how she either tried to get out of the polygraph again or failed it miserably.  There is something wrong with her.  It may just be that she has a very low IQ, but I'm not so sure.  

  • Love 5

Sandra is whirlwind of crazy, stupid and totally unwanted all wrapped into one fat, gross package, though I do find it hard to believe she was once a normal person at all, which makes me question the husband's mental stability once upon a time. 

But there's no doubt who the psycho is now. Again, I'm left wondering what type of job/existence someone this jacked up can hold together, and if there is any "functioning" version of this person that's worth redeeming in the first place. She is actively fucking up her kids and her ex. I think this white-glove, let's reason with the nutcase approach is not the way to go. 

Part of me thinks a shallow grave in a riverbed and a dumb story about her running off to another planet to live with aliens is the best case scenario for those kids, but I'll settle for a straitjacket and iron bars. 

I know she's sick, but I still hate her.

  • Love 8

Yes she is sick as shit. She talks a mile a minute and has an excuse for fucking everything. I love her excuse for getting up around noon, that is was because it was summer, not because she is a crappy mom. 

I hope that the father gets custody. Can the husband use this footage in court?

My boyfriends cousin is like this: feeding/creating drama in her life. Soon nobody is gonna wanna deal with her crazy ass. 

Edited by tardistravler
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