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All Episodes Talk: Let’s Talk About Dr Phil the Show


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I was so sickened by the woman who was using a couples twins on her Facebook page, portraying them as her own kids.  She was so whacked out, denying that she was guilty of anything.  She didn't break any laws that I'm aware of, but the level of denial is maddening and scary.

Damn, I'm watching right now and see it's a 2-parter.  The preview has even more damning evidence and this Ashley freak is still denying she used the couples pictures. She has the dead eyes and demeanor of someone who could be found with a dead body in her basement and keep saying "I didn't do it".  Imma be pissed if she gets an attitude and walks offstage tomorrow, then comes back with some lame sob story.  

15 hours ago, patty1h said:

I was so sickened by the woman who was using a couples twins on her Facebook page, portraying them as her own kids.  She was so whacked out, denying that she was guilty of anything.  She didn't break any laws that I'm aware of, but the level of denial is maddening and scary.

Damn, I'm watching right now and see it's a 2-parter.  The preview has even more damning evidence and this Ashley freak is still denying she used the couples pictures. She has the dead eyes and demeanor of someone who could be found with a dead body in her basement and keep saying "I didn't do it".  Imma be pissed if she gets an attitude and walks offstage tomorrow, then comes back with some lame sob story.  

You had it right about the dead eyes.  Unfortunately, I think we will be hearing a sob story, followed by a sympathetic offer of treatment (not that she doesn't need it).  I hate it when these horrible, destructive people get that look that says "Finally, the world sees that I am the real victim here" when Phil sends them to therapy. 

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4 hours ago, Bunnyhop said:

You had it right about the dead eyes.  Unfortunately, I think we will be hearing a sob story, followed by a sympathetic offer of treatment (not that she doesn't need it).  I hate it when these horrible, destructive people get that look that says "Finally, the world sees that I am the real victim here" when Phil sends them to therapy. 

I'm betting on some kind of abuse excuse

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Yeah, this lady is insane. I haven't seen part 2 yet but I'm guessing she remains as "who, me?" as in the first part. Agree totally that, though the parents aren't to blame for this woman's stalking, it does highlight the importance of knowing who you are sharing your kids' photos with. Sharing a ton of photos with total strangers online because you are "proud" of how cute they look seems a bit wonky to me.

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After watching part 2 of Ashley the picture stealer, I have no sympathy for her.  I was so sure she was gonna have a sob story of a miscarriage or horrific accident that caused her to lose babies, but she made up everything and just lied and lied and lied. Maybe she needed to create some sort of happiness and those twins gave her that, but her dead eyes and dead silence in the face of all the evidence was scary and off-putting.  I've heard of people who create fantasy lives using other people's details but whoa, Ashley reached a new level. The framed photos in her home just show a unbelievable level of delusion.

Dr Phil mentioned Ashley's husband - are they still together, and what did he think about pics of twins popping up all over the house.  I imagine a husband laying in a bedroom, like on that "My 600 lb Life" show, trapped in a home while Ashley creates her own perfect world.  I wanted Phil and those parents to give Ashley a vicious face slapping.

I kinda don't understand why the twins mother didn't stop posting pictures after she found out this outrageous behavior.  I know she was using her site for her kids modelling and her headbands, but she had to weigh which was more important.

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2 hours ago, patty1h said:

I kinda don't understand why the twins mother didn't stop posting pictures after she found out this outrageous behavior.  I know she was using her site for her kids modelling and her headbands, but she had to weigh which was more important.

I will never understand why people put their kids on FB.  We have seen over and over where these pics are being misused by people like Ashley and even predators.  It is not worth it.  Even the Girls Scouts don't use pictures but merely have the girls make up an avatar to send to their families for sales events.  FB and Linkdin are so over and even damaging.

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Didya know that Dr. Phil testified before Congress? 

Did the parents get a restraining order against Ashley? It is nice that the parents want Ashley to get help and all but she strikes me as someone who isn't interested in what other people want. She will move on to victimizing someone else in some other way.

Dr. Phil should have held the parents accountable for having pictures of their children on the Internet. The police most likely told the parents to make their settings private and to block Ashley. 

I miss getting photos of the children in my life. Pictures get posted on FB or Instagram instead. A relative just had a baby and sent me a link. I ordered my own photo so I could put it in frame.

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Although I have sympathy for the parents of the twins, ummmmm, once they were alerted that a nut job was stalking their children WHY THE HECK didn't they stop potentially putting their girls in danger by continuing to post their kids pictures online for public consumption?  The parents of the twins seemed educated so what gives?  I just don't get it.  I'm all for people posting pics of their kids, etc. but keep the FB settings on "private" or for "friends only".   I realize the mother has a (business) "boutique" page but she didn't need to use her kids pics on her website.  I know its a shame she shouldn't be able to do so if that was her choice but too bad, so sad.  If I found out my kids were being stalked via social media I'd immediately stop putting their mugs out there on social media especially if my stalker knew the area where we lived.  Just sayin'.

Also, I am too lazy to watch part one of this episode but what kind of fraud did Ashley commit?  Dr. Phil mentioned she had been prosecuted for fraud.

Edited by beesknees
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Wow, Ashley is truly a worthless sack of shit. What kind of job could this psycho bitch possibly hold? Is there a reason we shouldn't just put a bullet in her head and roll her into the river and move on? Is there any type of "help" that could change her into something resembling a person? Scary. She reminds of that brain damaged catfish bimbo from a week or so ago. There's no redeeming a certain type of stupid, soulless person, only eliminating them completely your existence.


Although, I too wondered why the parents continued to post 4 years worth of pictures if they're so worried. Nobody cares about your headbands, dear!


Also, Adaya and Kamberlin? Those are names only a single mother could choose. I bet Ashley has a dream wedding book with pictures of her and Channing Tatum in her closet. Pathetic and insane.

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Well, not what I thought Part 2 would be. I too expected some sob story to explain Ashley's actions.  I'm glad we didn't.  I have to wonder whether she will submit to the therapy.  She seemed more interested in getting off that stage (and back to FB) than going to therapy.  This woman is dangerous.

About posting kids' photos on FB:  We don't have kids, so I wasn't too well-versed on the pitfalls of posting my nieces and nephews pictures on FB, as I thought only my "friends" would see them.  One of my brothers works for a premier rehabilitation/homeless outreach organization in my town.  He had to ask me to not post pictures of his kids at our family get-togethers.  He maintains a FB page devoted to his organizations good works.  When I posted the pictures and tagged him, they showed up on his page.  Apparently, he would then hear from people who had not completed rehab, saying things like "Your daughter is really pretty." or Your family looks really happy."  I was horrified to think that I might have put those kids in harm's way!

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2 hours ago, Bunnyhop said:

About posting kids' photos on FB:  We don't have kids, so I wasn't too well-versed on the pitfalls of posting my nieces and nephews pictures on FB, as I thought only my "friends" would see them.  One of my brothers works for a premier rehabilitation/homeless outreach organization in my town.  He had to ask me to not post pictures of his kids at our family get-togethers.  He maintains a FB page devoted to his organizations good works.  When I posted the pictures and tagged him, they showed up on his page.  Apparently, he would then hear from people who had not completed rehab, saying things like "Your daughter is really pretty." or Your family looks really happy."  I was horrified to think that I might have put those kids in harm's way!

Yikes!  I don't think you have the authority to post other people's kids.  This is where FB is getting very bad.  I realize you had no idea the harm you could cause, as do many parents.  We have got to stop putting kids out there on the internet.  I think FB should be used by organizations and is very harmful for individuals.

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8 minutes ago, jumper sage said:

Yikes!  I don't think you have the authority to post other people's kids.  This is where FB is getting very bad.  I realize you had no idea the harm you could cause, as do many parents.  We have got to stop putting kids out there on the internet.  I think FB should be used by organizations and is very harmful for individuals.

I was just posting pictures of our family parties, dinners and so forth with group and individual photos of all of us on my own page, never dreaming that anything bad could come of it.  I enjoy playing with my FB page and was even reunited with my middle school best friend of nearly 50 years ago because of FB. Maybe when we geezers complete the total takeover of FB that I keep hearing about, this nonsense will stop.  But no more kids!

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Dr Phil forced her to come clean quite easily because he had proof.  On thing that slid by was a message the couple received from "someone" saying they went to high school with an Ashley, blah blah blah.  The message was odd and fractured.  She denied she sent that but I was clear, to me, she did.  Dr Phil seemed to think so, too. Pushing her to admit it might have been edited out because that was something she could deny, knowing there would be no proof.  

If I were the couple I would get a restraining order should she be spotted anywhere near them.  It doesn't matter if the likely hood of them seeing her in close proximity is low, it sends a message that the law could become involved with one slip. 

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Ashley is scary.  People like her are why my Facebook page doesn't have family photos and I'm careful about posting personal information online.  I even try to avoid posting the state that I live in and such things.  A determined person could still glean a lot of info about me and my family, but they'll have to work for it.

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41 minutes ago, ClareWalks said:

I found what I think is Ashley's blog. No mention of having any kids now, though. She may have deleted a LOT. But she does "follow" a bunch of blogs with pics of other people's kids.

This is her; her picture is on there.  Last entry was 2015 so she has done some serious house cleaning.  I wonder if the twin group on FB has closed its doors!  

I too feel the parents of the girls are nuts.  They have learned nothing.  I hate when people tag others without their knowledge.  It has gotten to the point where people won't be in pictures anymore.  I get it.  Every job you apply for and every school someone applies for will be googling names.  Having an innocuous tag could hurt them.  You never know the lives of people you interact with and whether they have a stalker, an angry ex, or in my nieces case, a strict, well known Catholic university she applied to.  Someone's tag almost did her in.

I am surprised that Dr. Phil kept the insanity going by showing the world the very pictures in question.  He could have blurred them.

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It was necessary for him to show the pictures to drive the point, not only home to Ashley but for viewers.  Kids change so much as months go by I don't think showing their images made a difference.  Hopefully the parents and their twin groups stop picture posting. 

On a different note but related.  Just posting too much information on a message board is dangerous.  Years ago now, a woman was posting on Annie's Rat Terrier Board; I posted on there, too.  That woman spoke of her pregnancy often and she also had some puppies for sale.   A poster drove a long way to get a puppy from her but her mission really was to cut her baby out of her abdomen and steal it.  She did just that and the woman died.  The baby was recovered. 


Edited by wings707
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I missed part 1, but from what I saw yesterday, it was total bizarro-world. While I do feel for the parents, I too kept asking myself WHY would they continue to post their kids' pics for the world to see once they knew about Ashley? The mother seemed like she only wanted to confront Ashley and get her to admit to it, ok then, but now they've been on national tv and have exposed themselves to who knows how many other crazies who might want to target them. Sorry folks, but there are a lot of sickos out there and it's up to you to protect your children, not to just whine about how violated you feel....and then continue with the same behavior that made you a target in the first place.

IMO, facebook is the scourge of the internet but that's another story. 

As for Ashley, she obviously has some deep-seated issues and I'm not sure what kind of help they can give her. She almost reminded me of someone on the autism spectrum, I really don't think she could explain her obsession because I'm not sure she understands it herself. 

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I was flipping between the show today with the manic woman Amber and other channels.   I didn't catch the nature of her problem - drugs, booze, mental illness or a combination.  All I know is that it was exhausting watching her for the few minutes I stayed on the channel.  Who could live with that?

To me, Phil is not doing people like this woman and Ashley the picture stealer from yesterday any good.  They are beyond benefiting from a "talking to" from the old country doctor.  They're buried under layers and layers of sickness and Phil's tough love ain't penetrating that.  I guess it's good for May sweeps, but they should not be on a stage in front of an audience, they should be in a ward or facility with a nice hot bowl of medication and/or therapy.

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Amber was high as a kite made out of sheets of cocaine with a crystal meth tail.  Too many questions that will never be answered...

why would Phil allow such a train wreck on tv?  Her condition should have been assessed before the cameras went on and she should have been arrested for the litany of drugs in her system.

why are Amber's parents and sister (& Phil) looking for ways for this nut job to get her kids back?  Amber is a lost cause and any attempt towards "reunification" will only hurt those kids.  She doesn't want them back anyway, so that should speak volumes to CPS.  However, based on experiences with similar horrible human beings like Amber, I know CPS holds reunification as the Holy Grail of serving and protecting children.  

Why waste very expensive therapy on this person?  Psych beds and rehab beds are so sadly limited.  There are thousands of people more deserving than this piece of crap.  And if she's only going for TWO WEEKS, then Phil and Robin should just take stacks of thousand dollar bills and piss all over them.  I don't think Amber can even last 2 hours in a treatment center.  Even if she could make it to 14 days, she is so profoundly damaged, 2 weeks won't even make a dent in fixing her.

I get that addiction is a disease. I know from experience with family members, getting sober is a very long and difficult road.  However, Amber hasn't had the revelation that she needs to change her life.  Until she decides for herself she needs help, help offered will not work. But until that time comes, if ever, she does not need the rest of the world to make excuses for her disease. Her family should not condone and enable wreckless, dangerous, and illegal behavior.  Call the cops if she gets in car.  Don't give her money.  Don't let her crash on your sofa.  Tough love is tough, but keep enabling and it will end badly. If Amber is on roads, driving under the influence and kills herself in an accident, that would be sad.  If she kills innocent passengers, other drivers or pedestrians, that would be tragic.

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In regard to creepy Ashley: I don't know why this was a two day show. One day one, Phil asked her questions over and over and she stared straight ahead like a zombie. I wanted to know more about her like does she have a job? What do/did her family think about the many hundreds of pictures online and in her apartment? Does she live alone? Does she ever have visitors? Was she diagnosed with any mental illnesses? We didn't find out much.

As for the parents, I think they could have done more but there are crazy people out there and you have to live your life. I put pictures of my son on my private fb page, but someone could hack into it if they really want to. Just this past weekend, a woman was in a deli here in Chicago and when her 8 year old went into the bathroom a man was waiting there and choked her unconscious. Luckily the mom heard a sound and got in just as he was dragging her into a stall. The point is, you have to try your best to watch your kids but there will always be crazy people out there no matter what you do. I think the parents should have taken pictures down from public sites, but most people use private Facebook sites with no issues. I did like the way Ashely was led off the stage like she was being arrested. LOL

Edited by Madding crowd
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Very disturbing woman. 

If this kind of thing does not drive the message home about what can hapoen with FB, nothing will. I had someone copy a photo of mine showing a specific landmark in Malibu. He posted it later on a group page and claimed he took the photo. I quickly jumped in and provided the proof it was my photo. Certainly nothing compared to what this disturbed individual did, but it goes to show how your average, normal adult will use your photo for their benefit. 

Edited by SPLAIN
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11 hours ago, ethalfrida said:

Although the woman was apparently disrurbing I didn't think the questioning manner was justified. No, no hand holding but the bullying technique was not professional. And, I agree the parents should have stopped posting the photos. 

I think this line of questioning was needed and that is why he did it.  It is not his normal style.  I am a lone voice here who believes he is skilled.  

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I don't think that Dr. Phil is bullying his guests.  Dr. Phil asked Ashley a series of questions trying to give her an out and get her to offer an apology to the parents. She was sticking to her story! At some point he had to let Ashley know that he already knew the truth. 

Today's Amber story was scary. Unfortunately, Amber's children are better off in the custody of DCFS. If parental rights have to be terminated, sooner is sometimes better for the children. She doesn't seem to have any attachment to her children. Very sad.

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May 16, 2016
“My Fiancé Admits to Putting His Hands on Me and Pouring Ice Water on Me, But It’s Partially My Fault For Provoking Him”

Jordan has alleged that her fiancé, Kyle, has “verbally abused” her and that she has bruises on her arms and legs which she says she gets from “take downs,” and she says she’s tired of it. Kyle vehemently denies being responsible for fighting with Jordan, and he says that “take downs” are merely him trying to stop Jordan when he claims she is being physically aggressive toward him. Despite her complaints, Jordan insists that she partially provokes Kyle with her “annoying” behavior. And, on Tuesday, Jordan’s mom, Lynn, who says she wants her daughter to leave her fiancé, speaks out to Jordan and begs her to reconsider staying with Kyle. Will this couple decide to call off their wedding, and will Jordan want to walk away from a man she claims she loves so much she is afraid to leave? Don’t miss Jordan’s shocking decision.

And, on Tuesday, Jordan’s mom, Lynn, who says she wants her daughter to leave her fiancé, speaks out to Jordan and begs her to reconsider staying with Kyle. Will this couple decide to call off their wedding, and will Jordan want to walk away from a man she claims she loves so much she is afraid to leave? Don’t miss Jordan’s shocking decision.


May 17, 2016

An Engaged Couple Divided: Will Kyle and Jordan Call Off Their Wedding?

Dr. Phil continues his conversation with Jordan and Kyle, a young engaged couple who came to the show to tackle “major issues” they are facing before they get married. Jordan claims Kyle, who has a black belt in karate, has pushed her to the floor, hurt her eye, and left bruises on her body during physical holds he calls a “take down.” Kyle not only denies abusing Jordan, he says that “take downs” are merely him trying to stop Jordan and that she shares blame for their relationship problems. Hear Jordan’s mom’s words to her daughter. Plus, Robin McGraw shares how the Aspire News app, created by her foundation When Georgia Smiled, could help save a life and shares warning signs of an abusive relationships.

Plus, Robin McGraw shares how the Aspire News app, created by her foundation When Georgia Smiled, could help save a life and shares warning signs of an abusive relationships.

May 18, 2016
Schoolyard Setup Exclusive: Drugs Planted in a PTA Mom’s Car

Former PTA President and mom volunteer Kelli Peters claimed she was terrorized and framed by a fellow mom and high-powered attorney Jill Easter and her Ivy League educated husband, Kent. After a school spat, Kelli says Jill and Kent hatched a diabolical plot to frame her, secretly stashing bags of drugs in her car. After DNA evidence was collected, they both were arrested. Jill, who has now served time for her part in the incident and changed her name to Ava Everhart, speaks out for the very first time in an exclusive interview with Dr. Phil. She says no one knows the real story of what happened.


May 19, 2016
A Mom’s Dilemma: Her Infant or the Love of Her Life?

Kristina wrote to Dr. Phil for help “finding out the truth” about her boyfriend, Jayson, who lost his rights to their newborn son because he had also already lost rights to his other children due to sexual abuse findings. Kristina says she loves Jayson and believes him when he says he never harmed his kids. However, Kristina’s mother, Mary, says she is convinced Jayson is dangerous and guilty. Jayson says he wants a chance to prove his innocence and be reunited with Kristina and their son. And, on Friday, Jayson takes a polygraph.


May 20, 2016
Jayson’s Polygraph Results Revealed: Kristina’s Decision

Dr. Phil continues his discussion with Kristina, who is conflicted over whether she should believe her boyfriend and the father of newborn child, Jayson, who lost his parental rights due to accusations of past sexual molestation -- accusations he denies. What does Dr. Phil discover about their relationship? And, what does Jayson say when asked if he’s been abusive with Kristina? And, Jayson takes a polygraph about the sexual abuse allegations. You don’t want to miss the results! Will Kristina choose to be with the father of her newborn child and risk losing the baby?

Edited by Jaded
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The woman in the schoolyard setup case was saved by a police officer immediately realizing something didn't make sense. That couple could have gotten away with setting her up if not for that officer listening to himself and following up on his initial impressions. The woman, Kelli, may not have gone to jail, but the married couple may not have been caught and who was setting her could have went unsolved or unproven if the cops hadn't acted so quickly. There was a video of the husband on the phone at a hotel and the hotel said that the security tape for that area taped over itself pretty quickly. 

All because of some slight they thought Kelli had given their son. I think that everyone agreed that it either didn't happen at all, or that it was blown massively out of proportion by the nutjobs. I will watch in hopes that Dr. Phil tears into her, but kind of don't expect him to, because she seems like she will be so deep in denial and/or assistance that she was right in her actions that he will give up trying. 

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I have a question I was watching rerun today with my girlfriend. This episode is from 2011 (I believe). It was called teenage confessions and the part I'm wondering about is the addicted to pills part and she was also bullied in school. Was there a update on her? Now I'm curious on if got clean or not? This reminded of a friend from school she was doing the same thing including meth after me not talking to her for about 5 years but I got her off of it after her parents begged me to help her because she would maybe listen to me. I paid thousands of dollars on her for rehab and other stuff. 3 years later she's sober and has a whole new group of friends, plus she moved away and she thanks me every time we see each other! I wasn't letting her kill herself. Now the episode has me wondering I think her name was Allie and her mom was Anna?

I'd have to drink, too, to live with him.....though, ladies, do not put up with that shit!!!!  I had a good friend who acted a lot like Jordan.  "Oh, but he loves me.  I know he does. I looove him so much. I provoke him."  On and on....excuse after excuse.  She finally came to her senses after he put her in the ER for the 3rd time. Last time he broke her nose and cheekbone.  Thankfully no kids.  Jordan and she were both broken emotionally.

Just ain't right.  I'm married 45 yrs and I have pissed my hubby off more times than I can count (and visa-versa...;-) ) but we have never laid a hand on each other.  Leave the room, go for a drive,  anything......if a man hits you once and you don't call him on it he will do it again.

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Kyle undoubtedly sucked, but Jordan was such a pathetic loser! Most of her stuff seemed rehearsed to me, and even then she was super annoying. I can't imagine dealing with her when she's boozy. She definitely had that bloated drunk look, and it may not be PC, but if she gained a bunch of weight she's now selling a different package than she originally advertised, and you takes your chances playinh that game.

But these two are only together because they both have such severe deficiencies they know they can only maintain a relationship with a similar such wreck.

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I think tomorrow's show may end with her believing it is best to leave him but she won't and we won't know that unless he does a follow up next season.  I do not believe she can walk away; she is there in hopes of him seeing the light and realizing how he is treating her and change.  He will say he understands and will change. He won't though.  We will see her mom next week and perhaps with her influence she will have the strength to walk away.   

Edited by wings707
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I think that he will tell the truth ONLY up to the point where HE believes it is the truth FOR HIM.  I think his misogyny is so entrenched, and the adoration of himself will not let him tell an absolute untruth to her about changing his behavior.  He will weasel the words out that SHE will believe, but he will not agree in public to change anything that he thinks is perfectly okay behavior.  What a waste of skin.

I didn't watch either of this 2-parter other than the intro on Monday.  I shut it off and cancelled the DVR.  Yet another abused, mistreated, low self-esteem victim had to go on a national TV show to have Dr. Phil mansplain to her that she needs to leave her tormentor. And I'm sure there were numerous references to Robin's "foundation". And lots of camera shots of Robin's bobble head nodding in agreement while attempting to force her frozen face into an expression of sympathy.

This could have been done over email for chrissake.

Dear "Dr." BusyOctober-

My fiancee is mean to me, puts his hands on me, humiliates me and makes me feel like a worthless heap.  However I luuuuuuurve him with all my heart!  He's nice to me...sometimes, and I already picked out the wedding dress of my dreams.  I realllly want to play dress up and be a princess and get lots of presents and have all the attention on meeeeeee on my wedding day.  I'm just worried that my abusive fiancee (who I LOOOOOOVE sooo much) will leave bruises on my arms. My dress is sleeveless, and David's Bridal won't take it back.  Should I stay with my piece of shit boyfriend?  Please tell me what to do because I am just too stupid to figure it out for myself or to heed the advice of every friend, family member and complete stranger who I've told my sob story to in line at Walmart.  Thanks!

 Dear xxxxx,

Yes, you should leave him. Preferably before you make the cliched mistake of getting knocked up by him because you think having a baby will fix everything.


Doc Busy

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