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Big Brother Universe: Fashion, Casting, Comps, etc.

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I think the two-part intro was meant to divide the house, but it turned out it other dynamics (like misogyny) were too strong.


But hasn't the UK (Channel 4) versions included twists where there was a secret Big Brother house? I know one year there was a secret apartment inside the BB set where the evictees were sent to (eventually, I think, bringing them back) but I think there was also a season with a "Heaven and Hell" twists where there were two houses and neither side knew about the other until they met each other.


Both sounded like amazing twists (though ones that would require CBS to spend extra money on additional set renovations, so I don't see it happening) and those could make a double-HoH twist really electric. Too bad, if they were going to do it, this would have been the year to do so since they were already fixing up the set.

  • Love 1
Yes, if it would motivate some of the slackers.



I don't know. McCrae couldn't even be bothered to change his underwear, let alone take a shower, for days on end. Can you imagine how rank his unitard would smell by the end of the week? The producers would probably just give him new clothes for getting out of bed.

  • Love 2
And it only really became necessary to address this issue this season, but spell out in the contract what happens if a family member dies. Say for instance, for spouse, sibling, parent, child, you get pulled immediately and offered a spot on a future returnee season. No exceptions. For grandparent, aunt, uncle, cousin, niece, nephew etc. your aren't told until you get out. If you have a problem with that or you're in a situation where you feel that won't work, don't come on the show. The potential for sympathy to impact the game is really great, and undermines the point of the game.

I know in a few other Big Brothers they let you pick five possible events before entering the house, and if one of those five events happen they'll tell you but aside from that? No dice. Maybe that would work well here.

For example, one year they gave the hamsters an exercise bike and they had to do so many miles in 3 days to get a reward,( which I cant really remember but think may have been a margarita party or extra gym equipment?)

If it's the one I'm thinking of, that was from the old format and players won a larger amount of money to spend for food for the week (where they would have gotten a much more spartan budget if they'd failed).

The only way the dual HOH works is in a divided house. It doesn't work for this kumbayah happy family BS.


I think it would have been much more interesting had it been used last year for just that reason.


And while I'm at it, I just read this trainwreck isn't ending until Sept. 24. That's entirely too late. I've been saying for a while that this nonsense needs to start right after Memorial Day, and end before Labor Day. If they absolutely must come up with something to fill a spot until the new fall shows start, have a "lost footage" episode and a real reunion. Let grievances be aired. Let family and friends weigh in. Let us see the consequences of some actions.

That's a great idea. I was glad that they have been starting it in June rather than in July, but even earlier in June would be even better. And this would be a perfect show for a reunion. Even if it were hosted by someone other than Julie (except not Jeff!) and only available online, I'd watch it.

Edited by Kris117

I think that the person who wins POV should be able to name their replacement. This would stop the whole backdooring thing unless were to nominate someone in your alliance in hopes that they would win the POV. And if your alliance member doesn't win, you risk them going home. Then if you were to nominate two people out of spit or because they apparently said something to someone, and they win POV, they could then nominate your alliance member. 

  • Love 3

I think that the person who wins POV should be able to name their replacement. This would stop the whole backdooring thing unless were to nominate someone in your alliance in hopes that they would win the POV. And if your alliance member doesn't win, you risk them going home. Then if you were to nominate two people out of spit or because they apparently said something to someone, and they win POV, they could then nominate your alliance member. 

 that's Diamond Power of Veto, which they occasionally haul out when they need to rig a game.

  • Love 3

I hate to throw away the baby with the bathwater, and so am trying to redeem this dual HoH thing... is there any way it would work (better?) if when the pair you nominate win BoB, they come off the block, but you STAY HoH? You would want to nom strong players to win, but by doing so would also potentially alienate said strong players. I'm just thinking out loud here (which is more that AG and her cronies probably did before this season).

  • Love 3

What about periodically releasing wild animals into the house?  Like a bunch of rabid squirrels or laser sharks or dogs with bees in their mouth?

I think I'd feel too sorry for the squirrels or the bees. If they stung one of the hamsters, they'd have to die! None of them are worth the loss of a bee.

I'd like to see them set up a list of chores—dishes, cleaning bathrooms and kitchens, etc. Set up a calendar and rotate houseguests so that each task was done daily. If someone slacks off, they are immediately out the door (or up on the block).



I hate to throw away the baby with the bathwater, and so am trying to redeem this dual HoH thing... is there any way it would work (better?) if when the pair you nominate win BoB, they come off the block, but you STAY HoH? You would want to nom strong players to win, but by doing so would also potentially alienate said strong players. I'm just thinking out loud here (which is more that AG and her cronies probably did before this season.

That's how I thought it would work. Another possibility would be that the losing HoH goes up on the block as well—or allow the winning HoH to substitute the losing HoH for one of the nominees.

  • Love 1

The rigging at this point, for true fans of the show, is just so blantent that it's insulting.  Sadly, Grodner is there until 1.) The ratings dip, 2.) she's offered a better gig, or 3.) she becomes, 'literally', the victim a real bus getting thrown over her. 


I accept that a certain amount of reality TV is due to scripting.  I accept that people are there because of 'roles' that they accept to play.  But I am increasingly having difficulty swallowing that this show is a 'competitive' show, when it's so clearly designed around a predetermined narrative/winner that it takes away the rooting for anyone.


Why should I root for Donny, when Grodner won't let him go out after her precious Frankie?  It's more sad to get 'invested' in 'team donny', when you realize that, unless he's production's favorite, you are setting yourself up for disappointment as a viewer.  There didn't seem to be anything wrong with people playing their own game...and letting the seasons' story unfold based on people being thrown out of their natural environment, cut off from their daily life and their 'inner circles', and letting the ensuing personal 'insanity' that comes from that affect the game.

  • Love 1

I'm hoping this is the right place for this question. For those who feel the BoB was rigged for Frankie this week, any ideas as to how? I agree it definitely looked like he won too easily but can't figure out what they could have done to help him.

Previously posted in a different topic:

The competition design was such that the primary difficulty was for two players to coordinate their movements to keep the ball on plastic track leading to each target hole (hence Zach and Donny telling each other each move they were making in advance, and telling each other when to start/stop). A solo player didn't have to coordinate with anybody else, which greatly simplified ball control and allowed for speedier play on each target hole.


What's all the discussion about Caleb reneging on his decision to throw the BotB competition? Did they edit something out for the version of the competition we saw on Sunday's show?

He apparently tried to join the comp when he realized just sitting there was making it easier for Frankie. Production told him no, because he had already stated he would not participate. It was OK to drop out and rejoin, but you had to start to play at all.


This was not a new game, it had been used in a prior season. It was also scheduled long in advance to coincide with the CBS Thursday Night Football push. Frankie just got lucky. 

  • Love 1

Nicole has been hurt the most by production's shenanigans. I'm still a bit wary that Christine did win the Superheroes POV (easy enough to say that "this was her time"), which would have backdoored Frankie. But Frankie's BotB win cemented it, which should have been a slamdunk for Nicole to remain HoH.


I read somewhere (here? Joker's) that the "save" for the evicted houseguest will be used to keep Frankie in the game.


And I'm calling it: there will be an Ariana "concert" in the back yard or at the finale.

I read somewhere (here? Joker's) that the "save" for the evicted houseguest will be used to keep Frankie in the game.

Now, now... I'm quite certain the Mama Mia Production Trivia comp to re-enter the House was never meant to favor one HG over another....

And I'm calling it: there will be an Ariana "concert" in the back yard or at the finale.

Well, that just made my summer.

(And yes, I'm quite aware it will be autumn by the time the Finale rolls around.)

Heartbroken for Donnie.  I wish they at least could have a pet that he could hang out with and enjoy.  I think season one got to have a pug dog for a little while.  Give Donnie a dog, Big Brother!!!



(Carried over from episode thread.)  I've been meaning to post that here, Irritable.  If there was a season where none of the HGs had the relevant allergies or phobias, it would be awesome if there was a cat or dog in the house.  1) They're a source of amusement for both the HGs and viewers, and 2) it would do wonders for the mental health of those who are feeling alone or sad.  Plus, I just like cats and dogs.  Of course, there is the problem of who would scoop the poop.  I suggest the have-nots.  (I totally agree with those above who would like to see more creative, and practical, punishments for the have-nots, like house-cleaning duties.)


While I'm here, I could really do without DRs that narrate competitions I can see for myself,  And I would like more DRs where HGs narrate interactions they have in the house -- why they said or did what they did, and how they think it adds or detracts from their overall strategy, and for that matter, what their overall strategy is.  What's Cody's strategy, for example?  I have no clue.  Does he?  Force him to talk about it, and maybe he'll develop one.

Edited by Newbietunes
  • Love 1

If I could pick something that BB needs to change for this game to be more enjoyable, all the time... it would simply be stop rigging the game when you feel like it!  You chose these 16 people to play a game, for $500K.  That's you're one and only requirement, once that's done and they are in the house - let them play!  I don't care if it makes the actual game worse, but at least I don't have to fume over the fact that a competition or other activity was decided before it even occurred. 


If it were up to me, the BB house staff should only have one job - besides operating the cameras, filming the DR sessions, setting up/dismantling comps, and maybe giving out the occasional loud speaker messages - and that would be just to make sure it doesn't become violent between the HGs.  Other than that, no-holds-barred.    Don't even tell them to stop doing things that could result in injuring themselves; if they're not smart enough to use common sense, don't be their mother [set it up so that if they do hurt themselves by just being stupid, tell them its required to go to the hospital to get looked at, thus an automatic DOR]. 


Don't constantly go to Fish when people talk about production, sing, or whatnot.  Give feeders more camera locations to choose from.  Just how much is being missed when there's still 12-16 HGs in the house?  Basically what I want is, show everything, or at least a good deal more than is provided.


And last, but not least;  stop blacking out the competitions & Veto meetings!!  The feeds are a PPV venture, so that means paying to watch live events, not pre-taped old interviews!  Because you know, its not like its ever a mystery who won the damn things - or how the VM went - right after they get done and the feeds come back live.

  • Love 2

If there was a season where none of the HGs had the relevant allergies or phobias, it would be awesome if there was a cat or dog in the house.  

I don't think I'd do that to a dog figuratively OR - wait for it - literally.

1. There's no real grass or trees where a dog could be walked.

2. The dog might end up as neurotic as the HGs - although the HGs do set that bar pretty high.

My concern is solely for dogs, btw. Cats can go chew on a lamp cord.

  • Love 3

I'm so tired of the narrative THs that are rampant on reality TV. "So, we go out to the backyard and I see..." We can see it for ourselves, thanks.


Or "OMG, what is that? What are we going to be doing?!" Well, we'll all know two seconds later or after the commercial break.


I also hate the quick THs interrupting a host's sentence, like on Master Chef. "The winner of..." Contestant 1: "I really need to win this." "...this challenge..." Contestant 2: "I'm not ready to go home yet." "...is..[long pause]" Contestant 3: "I really want my kids to be proud of me." "...[name of winner]."

Edited by Scout Finch

I'm so tired of the narrative THs that are rampant on reality TV. "So, we go out to the backyard and I see..." We can see it for ourselves, thanks.


Or "OMG, what is that? What are we going to be doing?!" Well, we'll all know two seconds later or after the commercial break.


I also hate the quick THs interrupting a host's sentence, like on Master Chef. "The winner of..." Contestant 1: "I really need to win this." "...this challenge..." Contestant 2: "I'm not ready to go home yet." "...is..[long pause]" Contestant 3: "I really want my kids to be proud of me." "...[name of winner]."

With you on that one. Just once - ONCE - wouldn't it be refreshing to see:

"The winner of..." 

Contestant 1: "I don't care any more. Stick a fork in me, I'm done."

"...this challenge..." 

Contestant 2: "I want out of this hellhole and away from these psycho bastards. Where did you get these people? Devil's Island?"

"...is..[long pause]" 

Contestant 3: "Production's already rigged this comp AND the whole game, so why are we bothering? Just give her the damn money already." 

"...[name of winner]."

Now THAT show, I'd watch.

  • Love 3

I think they need to make the Veto competition more random.  When they make their nominations, they shouldn't know if there will or won't be a veto competition. Maybe some weeks there will be one, some there won't.   Might cut down on some of the backdooring, since backdooring has become Plan A and it's boring.  


Now of course that opens things up to producer manipulation, so maybe they can choose a Yes Veto/ No Veto coin or something, 


They also need to introduce more individual comps determined solely by how bad you want it.  That soccer kicking thing was a good one.  Everybody who does x number can compete in a veto competition.  Or you have a choice - compete in Veto or have good food/special privileges.  Those on the block would still obviously want to compete, but you'd begin to cut down on those just going along with throwing competitions or winning them for their alliance mates.  (Yes, an old Survivor trick -- offer people food to not play and see who's left standing.  Eyes are always opened)

  • Love 1

Notion for modification of the POV comps.

Not often - 2-3 times in a season, maybe - introduce a "POVPlus" with special properties:

1. There is no play/not play option; if it pops up in a POV comp, it MUST be played.

2. The POVPlus winner's choice is, s/he has the option of taking either one or BOTH nom'ed HGs off the block.

Hmmm... I wonder how a "double backdoor" strategy would work...? :)

  • Love 1

that's Diamond Power of Veto, which they occasionally haul out when they need to rig a game.

Well they should have hauled it out a few times this year. We could have used the entertainment.

I'd like to see the veto winners name the replacement nominee. I most instances the HOH and veto winner would pick the same person. But when it's not, then things could be fun.

I was never a big fan of DPoV. The power to pull the HoH's nomination off the block AND name the replacement represented too big an unwarranted usurpation of HOH power (unwarranted because they didn't win HOH in the first place), and made it too easy for Production to give their favorites an unfair advantage.

This year, I have enjoyed the BoB, other than people trying to throw it too many times (however, since that isn't foolproof, it has still worked out to provide some entertaining moments) because it puts floaters/weak players more at risk. I hope they use the 2 HOH/BoB premise the next time they do All-Stars. I have liked Team America as a twist but it would have been 100x better if it was ALL fun tasks like the starting a rumor task and if it didn't have Frankie in it. I don't know what the deal is with the no alcohol this season but I think they should have some in the storage room every night.


The suggestions I have are mostly things I liked from foreign Big Brothers:

  1. Marsha the Moose. Random missions for a selected houseguest that will involve a punishment if failed or reward if passed.
  2. A bigger, nicer house is better for us to look at and provides more places for people to talk privately, which means more game talk. In early seasons, the house was TINY (no upstairs HOH room, little crappy kitchen area) and claustrophobic to look at.
  3. Punish the houseguests when major rules broken, not the live feeders (by going to fish).
  4. Not have tons of outside influence, but have some way like in BBUK16 where they had a focus group and questions from people on the internet which gave some of them clues about how (un)popular they were.
  5. A secret veto once a season that is good for a few weeks that a houseguest can find after solving clues, like BBCA2.
  6. Alcohol every night.
  7. Twist for one season to suspend rule about consecutive HOHs, just to see a season of all competitive people try to beast it all the way through. I want to see a season play out where alliances aren't as important.


I am watching Season 5 at the same time as watching this season and I have to say, they have improved A LOT of things over time, for which I'm grateful.

  1. Food challenges used to be death to watch. They took forever and if they failed, who cares, because PB&J is not a punishment IMO. It is at least tasty, if repetitive edible food, unlike eating slop.
  2. Golden power of veto had 2 nominees and HOH all getting houseguest choice in veto. I think it is much better now with only 1 houseguest choice possible, so there is more of an element of chance.
  3. House is smaller and much uglier back then.
  4. Fewer live shows back then.
  5. Some of the voting was in diary room. Live votes are much better, just for the chance of last minute campaigning to work.
  6. Casting is better now. I feel like old seasons had a majority of summer campers/floaters with just a few game players.


So, while I always have suggestions and complaints, I think they do listen and reevaluate things and have vastly improved the show over time. The best thing they ever did was to change the format after season 1.

Edited by corgi shieldmaiden

I actually like how many people are made safe by the Battle of the Block scenario, but I also dislike how people have been able to throw competitions because they feel so safe.  So why not take it to another level by making the Power of Veto transferable?  If the HoH or BotB winner also wins the PoV and the immunity that accompanies it, they should be able to give it away.  In the event that they give it to a fourth house guest and that house guest uses it, that's five people who could not be nominated after the PoV is played.  I imagine that it could add a greater incentive to genuinely perform and it makes volunteering as a pawn seem even dumber than before because all of the actual targets could earn immunity.

I think it would be cool to have a season where all of the houseguests are newbies. I'm curious to see what people would do if they didn't have the previous seasons to use as a guide. Would they come up with the idea to "backdoor" other guests? Or would they come up with completely new ways to compete? I just feel like at this point, most of the houseguests are either using previous strategies or modeling their game after a previous houseguest (Zach trying to be the next Dr. Will, etc.) I think it would be interesting to see what they do if they actually have no idea what to expect.


I also think they should bring back the luxury competitions and the food competitions. I like when the houseguests hate each other but then need to work together to earn food/prizes/whatever. It adds a layer to voting because then they have to decide whether to risk losing help for food competitions or risk keeping a competitor for HOH.


I want them to get rid of the Have-Nots or at least slop. But I like the idea of houseguests have to do certain things to earn privileges. Like everyone should get cold showers until they earn hot water by keeping the bathroom clean. Or they lose any dish/glass/cookware that they leave dirty overnight. But don't tell them it's happening or why, just let them slowly lose stuff and not know why until they realize that the stuff *Clean houseguest* uses is still around but the glass that *Dirty houseguest* left out overnight has disappeared. It would add a level of paranoia and cause dissent in the house because in any group, there is always at least one person who doesn't think messy is bad and at least one person who likes things clean. The house might be tempted to vote to keep a clean person who isn't necessarily part of their alliance so they can keep having hot showers or to vote out a member of their alliance because that person doesn't mind cold showers (or doesn't shower at all) and keeps leaving their towel on the ground.  

  • Love 2

I would really hate the cast as newbies because you have people like Kaitlin last year who did not even what the POV was or how to use it she just made herself really stupid. I wish there were more double evictions. I also wished as part of finale night they did what they did in season 4 and let the jury see all the episodes.

  • Love 1

They should not be allowed in the kitchen to prepare themselves food unless their bed is made, clothes put away and nothing of theirs left in common areas. 


This should never have been named Big Brother. Big Brother is a fictional character in George Orwell's novel Nineteen Eighty-Four. He is the enigmatic dictator of Oceania, a totalitarian state wherein the ruling Party wields total power "for its own sake" over the inhabitants.  


So we have a voice that tells them to "stop singing!"  "Please go to the diary room."  "you cannot talk about production!'  Big deal.  


Stop letting them lounge around day in and day out.  Give them something to do and a punishment if they don't comply.  They can be fun things mixed with chores, certainly.  And if they sing there is a price to pay.  I have to say I do love it when they talk about production when the audio department is asleep at the wheel and we get a snippet. . 


Get rid of slop and dual HOH.


Stock the kitchen with rice, a protein drink, PB and jelly, bread and maybe a few other very basic items.  Have comps for them to earn alcohol and good food and pizza delivery. 


And NEVER cast anyone who is not a student or at least fan of the show.  If they have never watched the feeds they don't get on. 

  • Love 2

Based on the number of cast members that seem happy to go along to the F2 as a goat this year, I think they need to do a very simple casting change.  They need to screen and weed out the people who have a flawed expectation of how much 50,000 compared to 500,000 will change their life.


They need famewhores who don't even really care about getting 500K and people who really understand the difference that extra zero makes.


If they want to cast younger adults who don't really get how much stuff costs and how much of a cut the government will take in taxes yet, they need to sit them down with a financial planner as prep with the intent of educating them that 50K won't go as far as they think.  The cast needs to be unwilling to give up a chance at 1st place for a lock on 2nd or AFP.

Edited by ParadoxLost

They used to have tasks that needed to be done in order to win rewards for the whole house, but as in real life, it always degenerated to one or two conscientious folks shouldering the burden for the entire house, with little to no thanks from the lazy slobs who couldn't be bothered.  Apathy quickly set in, and once the conscientious folks were gone (also usually early evictees, because, who wants all that earnestness messing up their summer, plus all that time spent actually accomplishing the task left them little time to make alliances), the lazy slobs just declined to do the tasks and forwent the rewards.  As I recall, this was before they started regularly bringing booze into the house, so maybe that would have been a better carrot.

I think getting rid of the sequestered jury would add back in some volatility (e.g. less need to "not get blood on your hands" for fear of losing jury votes). It would also make the HGs more competitive since they can't bank on getting some money and a vacation once they get to jury. The problem with losing the sequestered jury is that the finale votes tend to be personal when the HGs get hurt feelings about things that were said about them by the Final 2 in the diary room/behind their backs. To help alleviate that issue, maybe the jury could be coached or guided by BB All Stars (or maybe the jury could be made up of BB all stars?!). It's a win-win. BB can bring in their favorite cast of ex-HGs (Dan, Rachel, Jeff, etc etc) and we get to see the hamsters' reactions to how their portrayed/perceived in and out of the house on finale night.  

I'd like to see them go back, just for one season, to letting the public evict. I know in the past the public evicted the most interesting HGs, but I think most people have watched long enough to know that the hamsters are supposed to be entertaining us, damn it, and now we would keep in people who are giving us something to watch. 


Instead of going to fish for singing or other infractions, equip the microphones with shock capabilities. 

  • Love 1

How about a partial sequestration...let the jury continue to be isolated from the opinions of the outside world, but give them access to the live feeds during their jury time in addition to the broadcast footage. It would work really, really well for a season or two and make for bitter and vindictive juries. Could be some good TV. I'd love to see the shock and dawning realization on the evicted hamsters faces as they rewind the tape in their heads and review what they've done and said in front of those all-seeing cameras and all-hearing microphones.

Towards the end of the season, it always gets boring in the BB house, but cameras capturing the no-holds-barred action in the jury house could pick up the slack. That, plus don't they get unlimited booze in the jury house?

  • Love 5

Generally I don't think changing how the jury votes works very well because it doesn't pay off until the finale and then by next season everyone adjusts.  Even if you change it every season, it doesn't yield drama until the last episode and if done wrong can ruin the season that follows.  In almost every case where the jury approach has been changed its because they had a major gaffe they didn't think of ahead of time, such as America voting, no sequester, seeing diary room vids, etc.


What the show needs to do is drop the formula a bit, or rather really commit.  They always come up with these themes and then they are so obvious that they fail because its figured out in week 1 or its repetitive.  They need to have more ideas.  If they want to have the "most twisted season ever" maybe they should spend time upfront making sure every day isn't so predictable.


Do something like the summer of paranoia, but never pull the same gimmick twice.  That is key.  Give some activities that get them out of the house to have fun like flying a banner plane {banner of their choosing} over the house or to the set of a CBS show that they want to brag about.  Give others things they want to lie about for strategy, like a secret room that lets one guest watch {not listen} to all the others for 24 hours {HoH used to have this}, another time they get live feed into the jury house, another time they get one-liners from joker's update and get to pick the conversation they want to see and hear in its entirety, get to read their twitter, etc.  You've got people lying about what they did and where they were and as more HGs kind of know what is happening when someone vanishes, the HGs start to sweat that their game is going to be screwed. 


And don't tell them how they get picked, have it be something they do in an HoH or veto competition that the viewer sees in advance and is watching for but is random to the HG.  Or have it be America's choice (but person and what happens to them in different polls for variety).  Just for giggles, do a couple after they've gotten in trouble with production for not having their mic on.  Maybe someone stays missing for the live show and JC refuses to tell them what has happened.

Edited by ParadoxLost

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