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Everything posted by doesntworkonwood

  1. I love Roger, I hope we see more of him!
  2. I have mixed feelings on the episode. In general I did find it incredibly predictable, which meant some of the pacing felt a bit off for me. I liked the beginning and the introduction of Bill, but I think I'd have preferred the episode if it was a bit more focused on Bill and her character rather than the MOTW (which I thought to be quite weak). I'm not sure how I feel about Bill, it could go either way really. She could turn into the typical Moffat archetype or (hopefully) she could settle in and we could learn a bit more about her. That said, I did like how the story line was fairly simple and not convoluted (except for the engine oil travelling through time and space thing). I hate River Song, so I hate any mentions of her and seeing her photograph just made me roll my eyes. I'm looking forward to the rest of the series though, safe in the comfort that if I don't like anything, Moffat will soon be gone.
  3. To be fair, the Monarchy at the time of Victoria is vastly different to now, or even the 1950s. Public appearances were rare, because the monarchy was considered separate to the rest of the country. It wasn't until WWI when the monarchy took on a bigger role in public life and 'duty' became an important thing. So you can't really compare how the monarchy acts in The Crown vs Victoria because of that.
  4. I hope they go for someone relatively unknown. It would be nice for them to come without baggage. I'm actually looking forward to the 'Chibnall Era'. Hopefully there can be a bit of a change to the show, I'd like it to me more 'friendly' if you know what I mean, and also less focused on #StrongButSexyFemaleCharacter AKA the only women that Moffat is capable of writing. Hopefully the next doctor can bring about more of a sense of fun and wonder. My favourite scenes are when The Doctor and the companion get to explore the alien planet/historic landscape. Hopefully more of the budget will be spent on decking out the scenery and cool prosthetics rather than the big explosions Moffat was fond of. As an example of such scenes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XXNBe5AxZc0
  5. Whitney was doing rows, and to be fair she did have good form for the rows. For the rest of it? Not so much, but when you're 400lbs I don't think form matters as much as actually moving around. I mean, it's not like she can really injure herself on anything she was doing besides the deadlifts (and they were probably low enough weight that it's not likely anyway). There's no way that I or anyone I know would be able to do a push up, or a row, or a sit up with that much extra weight on us.
  6. I've been waiting for Judge Rinder to go since week 1, his facial expressions annoy me so much.
  7. I think I'm going to take a break from reading this board. Part of that's because I'm not enjoying the show as much, it feels more like an obligation to watch so that I can come here and read about it rather than because I actually want to watch the episode. Part of it's because I'm not really a fan of the way people talk to each other any more. My favourite thing about the board was the snark, I like being able to both love a show and criticise it. However, I feel like the snark is moving away from being about the show and the writing and the characters, to being aimed at other posters and not in a jokey way. I also think that the tone of posts have gone from 'I disagree' to 'You are wrong and I am right'. I like reading about the different opinions on the show because it's interesting and they have made me change my mind on things, but that's all they are. Opinions. This board was my first two sided experience with fandom. Every other place on the internet is either fairly one sided unless you already know people (like tumblr and twitter) or too big or too small to actually have a back and forth. I think that this board not only allow for that but also lets conversation thrive, so I'll be sad to walk away from it. Especially considering that I've been here since season 2.
  8. I think that the ending of this episode sort of fixed what was my second biggest problem with the Arrow episode (that Oliver didn't seem to want to come back). However, it just exacerbated my biggest problem with Arrow at the moment, which is Felicity not having much of anything to actually do. In this episode Felicity was smart and helpful and present, whereas in the Arrow part of the crossover she felt more like an afterthought. I feel like that's something that's been going on a lot this season on Arrow.
  9. The episode definitely felt more like Arrow 100 than the crossover, which was actually what I wanted but I didn't like the execution. The dream world was a bit cloying, and the real world didn't have any sense of urgency at all. I've never hated Barry as much as I did when he didn't let Wild Dong die. I was really disappointed with the writing of Felicity this episode. She didn't get to do anything, or even say anything. I'm pretty sure Wild Dong got more lines that her (mostly because all of her lines were interrupted). Felicity is the reason that I've watched the show for 100 episodes, so whilst I really enjoyed Moira, the fact that show not only didn't celebrate Felicity, but minimised her role in the real world, means that it didn't work as a 100th episode for me. I think it focused too much on what the show had without celebrating what the show has got. I think it would have been much more interesting if Oliver actually wanted to go back to the real world, not because of obligation, but because he's actually happy there.
  10. I think it was an okay episode. I only watch Arrow and I therefore only care about the characters on Arrow, I didn't care for much of the story. This is my only meeting with Wally and I could have done without his whinging. I think that was the worst part of the episode, and it really made me glad I stopped watching The Flash since halfway through season 1.
  11. For the record, it would take me wayyy more than ten years to get over a guy cheating on me with my sister, and I would never ever ever get married to him. I don't think 'it's been 10 years' is really an argument that I can buy into, with the way that Oliver and the entire family was then, you'd have to change so much. I'm not sure if I want to watch all of the episodes in one go over the weekend or to watch them as they come out. The first one means if it's bad, I only get annoyed once, the second one means I'm less likely to turn off because it's in small doses.
  12. Ehhh, I used to follow Stephen and generally knew about all of his campaigns. I stopped following and have only just heard about this one when you guys posted it. I don't think it's about spitefully refusing to not give money to charity, I think it's more about apathy (the drop of rating shows that people don't care enough about the show to watch it). People don't care about the show, people don't care about SA and therefore aren't playing close enough attention to what he's doing. And that's reflecting in his t-shirt sales. If anything, if the show was going well and the rating were still steady like last years, his t-shirt sales should have increased because he's widened his media presence with TMNT2.
  13. I think the frustrating thing is that Oliver's story is tied intrinsically into his interactions with the women in the show. Like obviously, Oliver is a guy and the show is about a guy, but most of his major relationships have been with women (Laurel, Moira, Thea, Felicity). His character growth is tied to women (how he treated Laurel in the past, admitting he's the Arrow to Thea, falling in love with Felicity), and yet these women aren't allowed to be... women. The show places a massive amount of importance on these characters (through Oliver's relationships with them), but then doesn't really follow through with them as characters in their own right. They're not even allowed to acknowledge each other most of the time. It's a really weird writing choice, and it shows how much TIIC actually know about writing women.
  14. I think my biggest problem is that I think that there are actually multiple ways that he could have answered the original question. Yes the tone of the person was harsh, but it was a fairly easy question to divert without alienating people. He could have spoke about how Oliver's relationship with Susan was good for Oliver, or how Felicity's relationship with DTH is good for Felicity. He could have spoke about how they're working together (and he did at the end, he could have just skipped the first bit of his answer). He didn't have to go straight to 'you can't always get what you want' (which is a dumb statement because we're talking about something people voluntarily watch) and 'she could be dead'. I understand it's his job to go with whatever line they're marketing right now, which is why I'm usually very dismissive of his answers about the show. But his answer wasn't about the show, his answer was about the fans. When you're talking about actual people, that requires a bit more diplomacy.
  15. Yeah, I don't really care about what's going on BTS wrt whether he's friends with EBR or not. What I do care about is the fact that I hate the character, I find what the actor says about the character just makes me hate the character more, and the fact that RG has had more interviews and media attention than the people I care about listening to, which just makes me hate the character more.
  16. For me, my biggest issue is that they're not writing for her, but writing around her. On paper Havenrock and DTH look like stories about Felicity, but in practice they haven't been. Havenrock lasted all of two episodes and maybe 5? short scenes. She literally watched a bomb being dropped on a city, and in the circumstances it would make sense that she would internalise that to a significant degree. Honestly two episodes is not nearly enough time to deal with that, and the fact that the writers seem to think they have is ridiculous. The thing about DTH is that he himself is nothing but a plot contrivance, which means during a lot of Felicity's scenes with him she becomes that too. The scenes are nothing actually to do with her, and that's evident by the fact that we don't know Felicity's actual feelings on DTH besides that she doesn't know if he's 'real'. The story line is far more about how Felicity has moved on and therefore Oliver can too than anything actually strictly relevant to Felicity. If it was about her we'd know how a) she feels about DTH, b) how she met him, c) why she chose to be in a (at least on his side) serious relationship with him and d) if she's actually happy with him. Obviously there's a lot more and I admit that with my biases it would be difficult for me to like DTHs anyway, but the fact that this is all certainly a plot point and hasn't forwarded the story line and character development of Felicity (or even taught us anything new about her) shows that the story isn't about Felicity at all. It's a bit early to judge maybe, but these and the bunker seems to be her only story lines. I admit that I have liked her scenes so far in the bunker, and I think most of them have been in character and interesting. I'll also admit that I always enjoy Felicity in the bunker as it reads to me as 'her place' (not in a put her in her place kind of way, but in a this is her home and her is where she runs the show way). However, her bunker story isn't actually a story. She's just there as that's part of the narrative of the show. This isn't actually a story line at all.
  17. I'm in the UK so I hope I'm not stepping on any toes and apologise if I get anything wrong. I stayed up all night (didn't go to sleep until 10am UK time) and I watched the BBC coverage. First of all I have a question, which is that Trump did his acceptance speech before every media outlet accepted that the 'projected' result would be his win. I'm pretty sure he started it before even Fox news confirmed it. Is that the usual thing? Do you guys just go on projected votes? What would happen if at the last minute in the last few wards of the state the voting switched it (because let's face it, most of the states were pretty close)? Sorry, it's just in the UK, no constituency is actually declared or even 'projected' and treated as though they have been declared (which is the vibe that I got) until every single vote is counted. As a side note you guys are really quick at counting votes. And second I just wanted to comment on the way the international media and politicians treat Trump. We've had politicians in the UK go against what they've previously said about Trump and I think that it's really disappointing that they've done that. I don't think that it sets a good precedent for the state of global affairs, essentially politicians (like Theresa May and Boris, as well as Hollande) who have a lot of power bowing down to awful pressure to have a 'good relationship' with a man who doesn't even care about the people of his country, let alone the people of other countries. I don't know if I've recieved a biased report of his campaign (though I've been getting all of my information from the BBC and they fact check everything) but the general mood in the UK has been weird. Particularly with Brexit just happening (and with the fact that it might not happen because of the court decision) and the international outrage from American at that result, everyone is a bit surprised that Trump was even a contender. I hope you're all doing okay. I remember back in June I cried a lot, and I've cried today too. I think the thing that's most getting at me is the fact that my entire family has depended on the NHS a lot (from everything to my braces, to physical conditions and also mental health), so the idea that not only does America not have something like that in place, but that people are actively trying to get rid of Obamacare which alleviates a significant amount of cost (and stress and everything else that comes with being sick) astounds me. I'm quite worried for the people, particularly with chronic conditions, that aren't going to have that safety net any more.
  18. I meant that the election would be called. Last GE Obama was proclaimed winner at ~04:30 UK time. It's past 6 here now, and it doesn't look like anything else is going to be called soon. Our commentators have ran out of things to say, they just keep saying the same things over and over again.
  19. It's 5am in the UK and I've been awake all this time. I thought you guys would be done by now.
  20. I wonder if he realises that fan theories have been a thing since at least Star Wars first came out? Probably a lot earlier than that. The point is if you're writing anything that is serialized, you've got to expect fan theories. An even if you aren't, you've got to expect fan theories. Historically, fan theories don't ruin shows. Bad writers do.
  21. At this rate her videos will have much more viewers than the actual episodes themselves.
  22. My opposition toward nuCanary is less so anything to do with Oliver and Felicity (which I doubt they'll drop because it's definitely a factor in bringing in viewers) and more so 'we've already had two (three if you include Evelyn for 1 episode), why do we need another one?'. Especially with all the newbies, what could she actually bring to the table? We don't need any more muscle, Oliver has already got help leading his team with Felicity and Diggle, and Felicity and Curtis pretty much cover the tech side. Felicity already has connections to the SCPD, Oliver has connections to the DA's office (because you know, he's mayor), we've got Lyla with connections not only to ARGUS but also the POTUS (when the show remembers), they have Rory on the team plus they're still friends with Barry if they've ever got problems with metahumans. They've got their hands in every pot, what is she actually going to do?
  23. Someone responded to Fanta saying that most people who are against cultural appropriation also advocate for minorities the rest of the year, and she replied saying she knows they do but that the tweet is aimed at the people who don't. Like what? Anyway, I don't think you have any leg to stand on telling people to care more about something than another thing, when you don't care about the first thing yourself. As far as I'm aware neither Emily nor Fanta have ever 'advocated for minorities' on their twitter feeds in their life, so they have no right really to go around telling others to over another issue*. *Like seriously what does advocating for minorities even mean anyway? Isn't being against racist depictions and stereotypes of minorities a way of 'advocating for minorities'? Why is one means of 'advocating for minorities' okay and another not? Oh I know, because you personally aren't offended by it.
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