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Everything posted by doesntworkonwood

  1. Was it just me or did they keep that bad punch in?
  2. BBC Three is aimed at 18-35 year olds. It's an online channel now, but it has always tended to focus on 'younger' people. Not really family friendly, but it's a channel that's come out with some really good content since it started. Not just Torchwood (and DW Confidential back when it was on), but some of my favourite programs like Some Girls and Bad Education. For a point of reference, it used to be where Family Guy was on.
  3. I think, now that I know that Moffat isn't actually writing it, Class could be quite a success. The Sarah Jane adventures was absolutely amazing, and this seems to be picking up on that sort of theme. It's going to be on BBC Three, so it will be interesting to see them make it to fit within that demographic, but if it did well with Torchwood, I don't see why they wont be able to.
  4. With shirtless Diggle and shirtless Oliver... I see what they mean about getting back to basics.
  5. You know the stunt directing has gone downhill when they can't even get a punch right. What was it that everyone was saying about Bamford?
  6. I don't think it was super bad or anything, but it definitely was quite 'try hard'. You could tell that just by looking at the music they used in the film. I also found it quite boring, for the last hour and a half I was just checking my phone to see when it would be over. It didn't really know what to do with itself, and I think that might be because they had the two plots going on, one with Harley and the Joker, and the other with the Enchantress. It's quite difficult to do that in an ensemble movie because it puts the focus on only two or three of the cast whilst ignoring the rest. And that leaves everything disjointed.
  7. Did anyone watch the womens 48kg weightlifting? I thought it was fantastic, it's so amazing how strong these women are despite being so small. Tanasan was so much fun to watch.
  8. City Of Heroes is taking place a week before, on the 19th - 21st. I'm guessing that a few of the cast members (namely SA) are going to use it as an excuse to spend the week in England, whilst others are going to pick and choose.
  9. The Olympics have pushed back this years season of The Great British Bakeoff, so I'm not very happy with it at the moment
  10. I bought it and finished it today. You really really should pass. It's not very good, and I've decided that I'm going to ignore it as far as canon goes. As far as the two worst things about it: It honestly reads like very very bad crack fanfiction. I can't believe this is an actual play.
  11. I think this might be it actually. Everyone has been emphasising the effect FlashPoint has on Diggle in particular over any of the other characters in Arrow, so it's either a) something to do with his brother or b) something to do with his current family, Sara and Lyla. Since the Flash crew haven't met Andy, I'm very much leaning toward Lyla is dead and Sara never existed.
  12. As far as concrit goes, quite frankly as soon as you put something into the public sphere there are going to be people that react negatively towards it. It doesn't matter if you're speaking to a group of friends or if you've put it on the internet, it doesn't matter if it's about politics or religion, or just about a tv show. Either way, not everyone is going to like what you say, and that's okay. For me, fandom is about back and forth. It's not just sitting on my own watching a show, it's watching a show, talking about it, laughing about it and criticising it with people all over the globe. Part of that is fanfiction, and quite frankly the back and forth is the best part about that. Being able to discuss characterisation, why people have got a different set of ideas about a character than other groups of people, why would the show work in a different universe, what changes to the show would affect the characters the most. Back and forth isn't just giving kudos, it's not just leaving a comment saying that this is the best fic ever. I think that banning concrit essentially just shuts down that conversation, not just because people can't post concrit but because people might be afraid to post anything beyond 'this is amazing' and that's not really fandom to me. As far as a baking analogy goes, if you give your friends a cake with too much salt in it, they're going to tell you it's salty. If you tell them it's blueberry and it's actually strawberry they're going to comment on it. I don't really know anyone who doesn't want to get better, or go further with their hobbies. It's not a job, an you do it for free and you put a lot of love into it and you don't owe anyone anything and I understand that, but I don't get why people don't want to improve on something if they enjoy it and love it so much.
  13. I watched Ghostbusters last night and, whilst it was a bit slow to start, I did enjoy it. The plotline was good, and I agree that it was very much a buddy movie. Honestly, besides a few one liners, the movie would have been exactly with men in it. Except for the Chris Hemsworth parts. They were very good.
  14. It looks like there's going to be a referendum in Scotland (and potentially Northern Ireland) so I'm really upset. It feels like my country is breaking apart. At least we've got until October before anything happens (probably). Unfortunately our economy is already fucked. Please don't let the same thing happen in America guys.
  15. Well, it looks like Brexit is happening. The stock market is in shambles, Japan has had to stop trading. We've essentially entered a period of extreme uncertainty, and that's across the globe and not just in the UK. Th referendum is essentially the government asking the public what they want to do. Cameron can technically do what he wants to do, so technically we could stay in, but if he did that he would essentially be telling the British public that democracy means nothing. Quite frankly, I think the vote is far too close for us to essentially overhaul our entire way of life, but that is very much a personal opinion and has no effect on anything whatsover. On a slightly related note, I've been up all night and I've got an exam in a couple of hours and work afterwards. This isn't going to be a fun day.
  16. Referendums are only used for very very very important things over here, that's why there's only every been 3 that the whole country has taken part in. The EU is a very very very important thing because it will affect everyone's day to day life, from buying things abroad and going on holiday to the power of their vacuums. I think it's quite important that people get an individual say in it, but because of this we need the British public educated using facts. Unfortunately neither the remain or the leave campaign have been using actual facts, and instead have been exaggerating things and attempting to smear the other campaign. We're left with a very close vote and people who do not know what they are voting for let alone why.
  17. Hey Guys! I'm not sure how in tune you are with British Politics, but tomorrow is the most important vote that we'll have in a very long time, the referendum on whether we should stay in the European Union. The campaigning has been going on for a while, and whilst there was a lot of awful language going on on both sides of the campaign, everything seemed okay until it came to head a few days ago when one of our MPs, Jo Cox was murdered. This article was written in response to that, and whilst it's very much focused on the event in question, I think that it pull up very valid points about the language used in politics, and I think it's very relevant across the globe, particularly in America where you guys are gearing up for an election. http://blogs.spectator.co.uk/2016/06/a-day-of-infamy/ The gist of it is that when a politician (or anyone really) uses extremist language, they cannot be surprised when their followers react using extremist actions. Politics should be about instilling hope in people, and not fear, and that should reflect in peoples language and actions. Sadiq Khan, the new mayor of London, called for a 'kinder' politics when he won his campaign, and I very much agree with him. When campaigns are built on fear and mistrust, that trickles down into the lives of regular citizens and breeds an awful atmosphere, where we're scared and unwilling to voice our opinions and feelings and we can't trust those around us.
  18. It didn't work in S3. That's probably part of the reason they killed her.
  19. At COH EBR was fantastic, and her panel was great. KC's panel was fine too, though I can't really speak much of her behavior or anything because I didn't go out of my way to see her, unlike with EBR. The problem with cons is that people have paid for a service, and they do have a right to be upset when they don't get that service. Obviously, we can't expect everyone to be John Barrowman levels of entertaining, but turning up, being on time, being mentally present and attempting to engage with fans should be expected. If an actor isn't willing to do that, then I'd rather they not go to con at all. That goes for everyone.
  20. Tbf, it's half term in the UK so all of the kids have been off school for the past week here. Still a stupid move but there probably was a logical reason for it.
  21. He and Megan Fox got about the same amount of screen time I'd say, but his character didn't really do much at all. The movie would have pretty much been the same without him.
  22. I watched TMNT2 yesterday, and unless you're below the age of 12, I wouldn't recommend it. I get that it's a childrens film (and I'll admit the only reason I watched it was because I got free tickets and SA) but there was literally nothing there for anyone older. And SA definitely plays the straight man so much better than a character like Casey Jones. I don't think he was particularly bad, but I don't think he was great either.
  23. It was just... so long and it didn't have to be? I don't mind emo Harry, because Voldermort was back so he did have a pretty good reason, and it was fine after Ginny snapped him out of it (AKA why I love her), but I feel like most of it was filler and not even the fun interesting kind
  24. I just like to see her hitting people with large objects
  25. 7>6>3>4>1>2>5 Only because 5 is a bit of a drag at times, so whilst I love parts of it (the final battle at the ministry and the DA) it's the most difficult to get through out of all of them.
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