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Everything posted by Shrek

  1. Isn't that only if you're buying the car & you then pay sales tax whereas if you win it as a prize it is taxed as income so that whatever you tax rate is determines the cost to you, not the cost of the car, so more like a $10,000 tax cost. Unless of course you are a Canadian or British taxpayer & then you pay nothing on prize winnings.
  2. Have you seriously never had cereal for dinner just because you couldn't think of anything else that sounded good?
  3. Another measly 1/5 for me this week.
  4. I don't know but it may be the alternates or more likely they are the people who check wrong answers just in case the answer is another version of the correct answer, or when the answer originally given as correct is not and the scores need updating after a break.
  5. Madonna is another one who is notable by her absence, her advisors probably said the same as Cindy Lauper's and whereas Cindy ignored them Madonna probably went with what they said.
  6. So abuse is okay by the producers I guess, there is no other reason that grangela would be anywhere near 90 day anything after the way she behaved on the last resort. How can they even entertain her being allowed to be on anything after the way she was towards Liz and just about anyone she comes into contact with? ABSOFUCKINGLUTELY RIDICULOUS !
  7. Alyssa said exactly the words and the wording I’ve been using for months & she is 100% correct, the country is sleep walking into a dictatorship. It’s just another one of the many reasons that Alyssa is worried about her own safety which is why I don’t think she would take a job with him again, but I’ve been wrong before.
  8. Isn't this the same boat as Rachel struggled on as well because everything is so far away & the chef really needs a helper to do the running around & help prepping.
  9. She would be crazy to think he wouldn't go after her & the same applies to anyone he feels has wronged him.
  10. Did Britbox stop showing this? There has only been one episode in 7 days.
  11. It does fly internationally, it's just not in the name & it's quite a bit less than the other 2 NY airports.
  12. Sunny was very quiet today & not her usual look at me self. As for Christie I thought the only person interrupting him was Joy after he said Biden was too old at 82 which really pissed her off as she took it as an insult to her because she is the same age as Biden & she was like a dog with a bone trying to get him to backtrack on the comment which to his credit he wouldn't do.
  13. Whataboutism doesn't matter in this case as he was more than happy to convert, she just had to show her face which to her christian fundamentalist brain was a step too far.
  14. Anyone can be bribed with the right incentive.
  15. We gave up with this bunch around episode 12, we had 3 recorded but just decided to delete them & any future recordings as the people had no spark at all, good or bad, and we just lost any lingering interest we may have had. Will have a look at the new batch but I won't hold my breath that they will be any better as it has gone downhill with each new group just doing it for the gram.
  16. I get what you're saying but the people who go straight back to hoarding & never follow up with all of the tools the people put in place for them comes under the heading of "you can lead a horse to water..........." . They just have to celebrate the few wins they get and keep plugging away at the hoarders. If the show seems exploitative then you don't have to watch it, I watched 10 minutes of that Shauna Ray (sp?) programme and never watched it again for the very reason that it seemed exploitative to me.
  17. They might just be using the more commonly recognized version of the bird, there have been lots of pictures only an American would know, the wife knows some & I've never seen them or heard of them so I doubt there are any shenanigans going on.
  18. If you haven't already watched this then I would definitely add it to your must watch list, Prince for one does not come out of it well.
  19. So I did a little digging because I was bored & Rob the knob's car is quite sought after in good condition despite being almost 20 years old, but what amazed me is that the trunk he holds up with wood could be fixed for less than $30 for the hatch struts. Shows what a cheap ass he is if he can't spend $30 to get that fixed.
  20. I walk with a limp sometimes & always with a cane but there is absolutely nothing wrong with my legs, just my back.
  21. For some reason I remember it being called an Allen key so a mix of both yours but never once have I heard it called an L wrench, ever.
  22. There's a few different makes floating around, at least 3 or 4 that I know of.
  23. I was catching up on some of these & there was one that really annoyed me. As usual it was to do with a parking lot accident & some idiot female who thought her shit didn't stink & that it was okay to have no license & no insurance because she had hit an older car. Anyway, what annoyed me was that the guy who's car was hit had an older vehicle but he had 3 estimates for repair, one was really high at 3.5k and one was a lot lower at about $1500 but the car was only worth $3.5k and Dimango kept asking the poor guy if the repair was $3.5k did that make the rest of his car worth zero. I don't think she was being awkward but it did strike me that she has no idea how insurance works & what it means to total a car when the damage is more than the car is worth so they give him the lowest estimate & we never did find out what the middle estimate was, unless I was too busy ranting about Dimango to have heard it. Personally I would have given the guy (a retired police officer) the highest estimate available plus another $10k just for her attitude. Now I need a lie down & a blood pressure tablet after even thinking about the case.
  24. Well it's up to him if he leaves before he's told to fuck off but it's certainly not up to him if he stays.
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