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Everything posted by Shrek

  1. Tip who? The only people I tip at a hotel are the maids if I've stayed more than one night & the person who brings my suitcases up to my room if I use that service, same applies for valet parking if I use that. Edited to add that I'm British so tipping doesn't come easy as hardly anyone gets tipped in the UK, or didn't when I lived there. I usually let Mrs Shrek do the tipping amount at restaurants because I still struggle with the right amount. I have also been known to ask the server if they get the whole tip or if they have to share, I give more if they get it themselves & they've done a good job.
  2. Everyone is forgetting that Ukraine (& most of Europe) gave up their nuclear defenses on the agreement that the USA would intervene if anything happened like has done. The orange felon doesn't believe that any agreement made before 1/20/25 (including his own) is now null & void because he didn't make it since this term started. Everyone in Europe now realises this & I'm sure the wheels are in motion to get away from relying on the USA for anything. He wants to gift Europe to Putin by staying out of the way while he gets to bully the rest of the Americas, north, south, and everything in between, into bending to his will. The other worrying thing is that Trump has ordered a pause in US cybersecurity & offensive against Russia. This seems to have flown under the radar with everything else happening. Putin must think Trump is an idiot, or he's in on the whole thing.
  3. Sure why not? As long as Trump doesn't run for a third term or just refuse to leave before he's carried out in a box, they have nobody with the same pull either. JDV has less chance of being the next Republican nominee than anyone within the Trump crime family & someone needs to start calling them just that, in fact every member of the Democrats needs to start using that immediately & stop being so nice & polite. At the moment all the Dems are off on their own tangent & are achieving nothing. They have nothing to lose but are too busy pussyfooting around everything to be effective.
  4. She may just be smeared as one, but I personally find her annoying in the extreme & I can't put my finger on why specifically. Anyway, she's under 60 years old so she has no chance. One of the biggest Democratic problems as I see it the lack of coherence, everybody seems to be off talking about their own little problems or pet talking point.
  5. It has nothing to do with her being a woman & everything to do with her being an extremist & people see her as being one step short of a communist, which puts off a lot of people. She makes Bernie seem like a moderate and even when she's calm, she comes across as angry & loud. I don't think Fetterman is the answer either.
  6. Are you saying that the basketball teams have different names to the football teams & it was the football teams names that were used or am I missing something? I thought most basketball teams used the same mascot name as the football team from the same college. Why did they have nothing to do with basketball? I'm British & don't watch either so your comment is a little confusing to me.
  7. She just does her social media, but he is (I think) in the air force or one of the other services.
  8. I think I missed that part, but don't people dunk their grilled cheese into the soup? I too am a clean as I go type person, but Mrs. Shrek is a pile it up & clean it all at once type. I stay out of the kitchen if she's in there as it drives me crazy & all I want to do is clean up & then I just end up getting in the way. I love French onion soup & sometimes have it when it's over 100 degrees so I would have been over the moon with it being served no matter the temp. I also hate any cold soup as well as tomato soup so there's that as well.
  9. So, are you saying that @cinsays is unemployable or just a lay about who doesn't want to work? I get that you seem to think you're better because as you say "you actually work for a living", I can't quite decide which one you were aiming for there, maybe you could be more direct in your attacks on others. 🤷‍♂️ As for your attempt at justification of Musks involvement of running the government & running a cabinet meeting and comparing it to a president's wife attending to report on an initiative, which most first ladies have done, it is disingenuous at best. Or are you saying that the president & Musk are married, or should be? If they are then more power to them but I think we can all guess which one is the bottom. Using false equivalencies is, they think, a master stroke very often used by both sides to distract from what is really happening, as you have done here.
  10. Yet another 0/5 for me.
  11. Do you honestly think Alyssa or someone else wouldn't have said something along those lines IF it was true in any way shape or form, which it's patently not? I mean Alyssa spent her first turn singing the praises of Musk & his wonderfulness in his business dealings like she wants to have his next child.
  12. More news on the Gary situation. https://www.tmz.com/2025/02/25/below-deck-gary-king-sued-sexual-battery-bravo/
  13. Haven't watched the latest episode but so far you have to wonder why some of them even manage to get out of bed & get dressed. Someone with zero restaurant experience but an actual back bone would do a better job than some of these spineless idiots.
  14. I have no idea but it's still WELSH not welch.
  15. Again, it has nothing to do with what they're supposed to do or what they write down because 5 things could be a lot smaller than one thing that's big or takes up a lot of time, but it has everything to do with firing people.
  16. Trust me when I say from experience that he'll get sick of dating a model sooner rather than later.
  17. Shrek

    All Episodes

    He also keeps gaslighting his daughter in the worse possible way, so much so that Mrs Shrek was getting quite irate while watching it & admitted that it had triggered her somewhat. As for Austin, I don't think he hits the button to get her out & he seems to revel in causing her as much pain & suffering as possible. Even his father looked at him at one stage as if to say, "OMG did I raise THAT?". He actually looked both shocked & surprised at the same time, yes you did raise that sir. No thanks needed @Dirge, I was also feeling I was the only one watching.
  18. Because it's meaningless & only meant as a reason to fire people who don't meet Musk's idea of what someone should do. There are much better & meaningful ways to find out what someone does.
  19. Is that the same guy who called a Playstation 5 a Playstation, which only the first one is known as?
  20. There is waste in every department of every company & probably a lot more in government BUT the way to try & fix that waste is not to just fire everybody & anybody just because it seems like a good idea. If you asked any level of manager of any company, they will almost always tell you that the people below them could be doing more as would their bosses BUT the answer still isn't to fire everybody at whatever level suits one person who knows absolutely nothing about that job. I get that it sounds like a good idea to get rid of waste, but you first need to know what that waste is and not throw out the good with any bad, which is what is happening. But now they want some people to come back because they were fired by accident, how about "FUCK YOU!" Elon & his pet orange felon. I saw there was an ad for the new Tesla, it's called the Tesla SS and it goes from 0 to 1939 in 5 seconds.
  21. How this gets renewed as old & stale as it already is yet something like Bookie which is original & laugh out loud funny gets cancelled after 2 season is a mystery that normal people like us will never fathom.
  22. And just like Alyssa, it made her seem insincere at times.
  23. As far as I'm aware I didn't say she didn't know. I was replying to the comment about her saying that she didn't ever want people saying that she was a DEI hire & that Sunny looked like she wanted to say something. I want someone to say it to her whenever she's bleating on about DEI hires.
  24. Back to the now all too usual lately 0/5 for me this week.
  25. Someone needs to tell her that she was, maybe she'll stop looking so smug then, but I doubt it as she is positively giddy every time someone mentions the orange felonious one.
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