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Everything posted by BusyOctober

  1. Absolutely NONE of this season made sense. It was 10 episodes of Aniston and Witherspoon trying to out do each other with their Emmy reels (and side note to the Academy, DO NOT feed their vanity or reward Apple+ for this shitshow). Who thought showing us 30 minutes of Alex sweating and suffering through COVID a would be compelling tv? Most of us watching either had COVID or knew several people who did. Most of us probably know at least one person who died during the early months of the pandemic. It just happened, so thanks but no thanks for the up close and personal view of what COVID looks like. And since both Alex and Bradley have been written as insufferable self-centered assholes, why would anyone be invested in either of them, or their health and welfare? There isn’t one main character that I would tune in for if there’s a 3rd season. I think I only liked seeing scenes with Cybil or Mitch. I would rather have had more focus on Mitch’s ex-wife and kids and the aftermath of Mitch’s awful behavior. The rest of the of the cast was uninteresting for 10 episodes. Chip is a stupid fool, throwing away potential happiness to be an emotionally abused doormat for Alex. Daniel is not charismatic or talented enough to be lead anchor. Anytime Corey speechifies he sounds like he’s on a cocaine fueled rant. And he’s a shitty network exec! He convinced the network to blow $25million on Alex’s ‘comeback’!! She worked all of what? Three days before spiraling into her pity party and going AWOL! Mia wasn’t given enough to do to be interesting. Stella was a boss in name only. I never cared about Laura’s or Maggie’s side stories, and I think both actresses were wasted doing this soap opera. Season 2 didn’t just suffer from a sophomore slump, it hit the skids and went into a death spiral. I can’t imagine this getting picked up for a 3rd, but since it’s owned by Apple and they have enough money to literally wipe their asses and flush it, The Morning Show will probably be back. But I won’t be.
  2. I don’t live in NYC or L.A., never been to Paris or Milan or Tokyo. In these and other global fashion capitals , do chic, fashionable people really wear any of these type of designs? Or hats? Or giant floral gloves? I get all the comments about the designs being “red carpet ready” or visualize their “girl” at the Met Gala…high end, haute couture, flamboyant, even absurdist gowns are expected to stand out and WOW the audience. But those kind of events aren’t happening every day. So is Project Runway just looking for the next red carpet designer? Thank you judges for letting Katie go back to her family and preventing her from showing me any more Rainbow Brite clothes. Maybe there is a customer for Katie’s Clown Couture, so good luck to her and her brand.
  3. I wonder if some of the designers ate Mexican for dinner, or maybe watched “Ferdinand” before bed? Octavio made a hideous Mariachi jacket that even the most cartoony comic mariachi member wouldn’t wear. Then we get the Matador costume. Those were the two worst of a bad costume parade. Katie’s frumpy dress was just awful, like most of her stuff. Her model looked absolutely mortified to have to walk that mess down the catwalk. I can’t believe Nina was encouraging her to do her stupid collars and Rainbow Brite doodads.
  4. My guess is Terri and Justin have had or are currently having an office fling. They both seem waaaay too emotionally involved and triggered by each other to be just colleagues. Loved Sean (or Curtis?) comment about Justin’s giant sippy cup and his behavior were very out of place at such a nice dinner experience. Double loved Fraser’s assessment that these band o’bourbon bros must have won the charter in a lottery. So obvious these realtors have no appreciation for the lap of luxury they were lucky enough to score. Applebee’s is too high end for these ass clowns.
  5. I don’t know how old Katie is, but seeing her aesthetic these last few weeks, I wonder if she watched “Cheers” and got fixated with “Nanny G”? Same Peter Pan collar, but Emma Thompson’s Nanny G comes off as a stately matron compared to the clown colors and frou frou scalloped appliqués in Katie’s designs.
  6. Sydney’s goodbye TH was probably one of the most real ones over the years. She didn’t try to come off as faux humble, or fake grateful for the experience, or even pretend to be chagrined that she had been played. Nope, Syd just let her true self shine. Her immature, sour, bitter, entitled, teenage temper tantrum self. Buh-bye, Sweetie. Personally , I am thankful you didn’t make the jury so I don’t need to see YOU anymore. As for the rest of this episode, it’s really on for background noise while I scroll through various Primetimer forums. I look up occasionally to see who’s winning a challenge or for some of the tribal shenanigans, but the days of me intently watching and eagerly anticipating alliances and backstabbing ended a long time ago. I don’t even know the names of a third of these players, and we are at the merge. I have paid enough attention to know I dislike Shan intensely, and I will use the rewind button to rewatch many times when/if she faces her downfall. I hope it is spectacular.
  7. Aside from all the multiple car crashes with multiple flips each, 12 hour comas, broken necks, ankles, eye surgeries, burglaries and snow in Pasadena, one of the most puzzling things in the giant pit of lies and fantastic stories Erica has dug is about her “paychecks”. She claims she “turned over” all her checks to Tom. As in paper checks??? Bravo, Bravo, Fucking Bravo actually cuts paper pay statements?? In 2021?? And even if that is the case, Erica would have to endorse them in order for Tom to deposit them, especially since she “hasn’t been inside a bank in 20 years”. Or is she claiming Tom signed her name, and she will charge him with forgery and check fraud in addition to his lengthy rap sheet?
  8. As much as Alex’s manic hysteria over “THE BOOK!!!!” is so overwrought, I much preferred spending time watching Alex rant on rave with Mitch, and Mitch and Paola scenes vs. Bradley, Laura, Corey and Chip. I have zero interest in any of the Network people since the writing for that side of this show became a badly written soap opera. I have liked Reese Witherspoon in the past, but Bradley has become so unlikeable (for me). I don’t like Julianna Margulies as an actress, but I kinda hope Laura sticks around long enough to turn and burn on Bradley. But if Laura ends up taking over for Alex, and this show focuses on her, I will stop watching. I really like Steve Carrell, and I wanted to see the outcome of any litigation re. his past actions. But if Mitch is dead, I don’t know if anyone else can hold my interest. Purely speculation, but Alex is definitely getting COVID. Why else have her take a sip out of Mitch’s water? That was such an obvious “hint”. I know Mitch only had 2-3 more days left of isolation, but I got COVID on day 11 of my doctor-advised TEN day isolation, so Mitch could’ve definitely been positive. So if Alex is carrying COVID back to NYC a on a presumptive crowded international flight, she will potentially infect many travelers. And when she waltzes back to the studio to cover her AWOL ass, which of her coworkers will be the first one impacted? My guess is weather guy, millennial guy or Daniel.
  9. I never thought Erika was “beautiful “ during her stint on RHOBH. She’s always been overly styled, overly made up IMO. Make up was so heavily applied, no matter what the occasion, so she always reminded me of caricature of blow up sex doll. And her clothing choices were mostly as garish as her make up. Always trying to be “in character” based on whatever whackadoo fashion fever dream Erika and Mikey were experiencing in the moment. Erika’s on camera appearance was always hard/harsh/fake. Rather than enhancing some of her potential good looks, Erika used makeup and hair and clothing with the same insight and instinct of a 4 year old who gets into Mommy’s closet. Now with her glam team gone (allegedly), and her funds for routine facial filler maintenance have dried up (allegedly), plus the stress of trying to keep all her lies (not alleged) about Tom straight, Erika’s face is really showing the strain. She looks bloated, but yet her facial features have only gotten sharper regather than softening with a little additional weight. Her reunion look is an amalgamation of Joan Crawford’s 4” wide eyebrows in Mommy Dearest & Bette Davis’ terrifying pancake makeup and lipstick in Whatever Happened to Baby Jane, Kathy Bate’s menacing anger in Misery, and poor Marilyn Monroe’s drug addled puffiness before her death. Maybe Erika is auditioning to be cast in the next season of “American Horror Story”? All the women on these reality shows are “playing a part” to some degree, but I think Erika is one of the most inauthentic people on tv. She’s always in character. I don’t think there’s anything real about Erika, other than her love of herself, money and having an OTT lifestyle.
  10. So, is the rest of this season going to be an hour’s worth of egomaniacs sitting in very dark rooms complaining that being wealthy/famous/ successful is “soooo hard, you guys!!”? Because if so, I don’t know if it’s going to make it it to another season. I may not make it through this season. I’m trying to stick it out to see Mitch’s outcome, but damn Show, it’s getting more difficult every week.
  11. Meg (??), the red head who can’t shut up and wants to white woman-splain cultural appropriation and racism can STFU. “Waaaahhh, I was a chunky white girl who never saw plus size people on teeveeeee!” Oh poor baby…she must have a hell of a hard time…how does she deal with all the PTSD from that tragic childhood? Thank God Project Runway cast her to speak on behalf of all the brown and black people, and bring their collective suffering to the forefront. 🙄
  12. Julianna Margulies has ruined an already blah season so far. I don’t know what it is about her, but after she left ER, I just can’t like her. I watched the Good Wife for a few seasons, but had to quit because it got too soapy and was past its expiration date IMO. JM just seems like a real diva, and I find her hard to like. And I so believe her character is using Bradley. Lara is a predator and looking out for #1, so Bradley is gonna feel the sting eventually (purely speculation, not a spoiler). And I’m ok if Bradley gets stung. Not liking her so much so far. I love Steve Carrell in everything he’s done. I know he is playing a real asshole here, and I don’t want to see Mitch earn a redemption halo. If Mitch has to die or be written off, so be it, but I will miss seeing Steve Carrell act. What Mitch and Fred (and probably every Exec in that building) did was criminal. It was disgusting and impacted so many people in a very long term way. A heartfelt “sorry I coerced/ forced you to have send with me” is not ever going to be enough. Alex’s panicked rant over the book’s content reminded me of a Rachel Greene panicked rant. Alex’s was meant to be serious drama but I just kept seeing Rachel running around the apartment freaking out over something she or Ross did.
  13. If you have HBO Max, Series 1-3 of the UK aversion are available
  14. All of these advantages and their complex “if-then” logic are making me think the Survivor planning dpt used Ben Wyatt’s “Cones of Dunshire” game as inspiration. How did they think adding MORE advantages/idols/ hints with EXTRA intricate dependencies was what the Survivor fans have been clamoring for this year? It’s still early in the game I guess, but I have no favorite team or player yet. Plenty of “who is that??”, a few “UGH, STFU already” and mostly “meh” players for me.
  15. All these switchback stories of Erica’s are making me litigious. I think I need a personal injury lawyer to sue Bravo and Erica for pain and suffering. Watching Erica play both sides of her many lies all season has given me whiplash. My neck hurts bad as if I were a passenger in one of the Giarardi’s Fabulous Fleet of Flipping cars. Erica’s personal style and makeup were never great IMO. Even when she could afford professional stylists at the height of her Sugar Daddy bankrolled “career”. But now that she’s “broke”, and the whole world knows she is a lying thief, I think she is doubling down on her transformation into the ultimate Disney live action villain. Her makeup and hair are excessively more fake and cartoonish and ridiculous now than most of her past “looks” (although that red latex dominatrix get up from a few years ago still makes me laugh the hardest).
  16. Ana is definitely a sociopath. She will forever be looking for her next mark to take advantage of and do whatever it takes to live in her fantasy world. She definitely deserved jail time and restitution. When I first heard of this woman (can’t remember when or where), I was completely on Rachel’s side. I thought she was taken advantage of and saddled with huge debts due to that trip to Morocco. I remembered her side of the story as her company made her pay back some of the changes she put on her corporate Amex, plus was held responsible for her own personal credit card. But this 20/20 episode dug into Rachel’s story and come to find out, she did not have to pay back most of the charges if any. I thought she wrote the book to use the money to pay down her credit card bills, but now it sounds like she walked off with whatever she earned from her story. Which is fine; she made money off her experience like millions of others have done. But she shouldn’t keep presenting her has a victim of financial fraud to the same degree as Bernie Madoff or Tom Girardi’s victims FFS. Yes, it was frightening to be threatened with prison time in a foreign country, it was upsetting to find out your friend betrayed your friendship and trust. I guess I was turned off by Rachel’s “poor little me” sob story, because in the end, she didn’t suffer from the financial fraud she kept saying was so devastating. Does she suffer from lingering trust issues? Maybe, and that’s hard to live with, however she has a roof over her head.
  17. Erika’s “look” at the outdoor dinner was a cross between a latex blow up doll, a Disney live action villain and Tammy Faye Bakker. In other words, she looked as wretched on the outside as she is on the inside. Her lipstick is especially awful this season. I am no “Influencer” nor do I do makeup tutorials on Tik-Tok, but is the over drawn, dark lipliner and non coordinating lighter lip color coming back?? That seems to be Erika’s go-to this season. Her sunglasses on the yacht were ridiculous. Sure, Erika, sure…your lawyer called you “courageous “ because you expect to get nothing after “walking away” from your marriage. You know why you expect to get nothing? Because you KNEW you and Tom were pissing through every fucking stolen dime, you psychopathic cunt. Rinna, no one wants to do stuff with you because they are afraid you will be taking notes and filing away receipts to use against them later. Or you will run and tell the other cows what was said. Apparently all the wine poured for Dorit, Rinna and Kyle at the vineyards was actually Kool-Aid. Their unwaiving, unquestioning lap dog behavior is pathetic. Erika was thawing toward Sutton because after realizing she is flat broke, and Sutton had previously offered to float her some money when Erika first announced her divorce, she figured she had better try to pry that “closed door” open again. Garcelle for the WIN!!! “Never have I ever stolen anything” OMG, I cackled so hard, my daughter thought I was choking. Garcelle and Sutton are my imaginary BFF’s for the shade they are bringing this season.
  18. I really liked this episode, but the jewelry stolen off dead bodies was just not believable. Maybe a ring here, a gold chain there from an occasional body could “go missing” but stripping the deceased of ALL their jewelry just wouldn’t happen. Every friend or family member who has passed had their jewelry on for the wake. Before the burial service, the funeral director always gave the jewelry back to the spouse or children, in private and in a velvet bag. I don’t know of anyone in this present age who would want to be buried with their gold and diamonds! Unless it was in their final wishes as a ‘screw you’ to greedy relatives.
  19. Not sure if it’s COVID’s fault but this season sucks. Hate it. Aarti,Shinmin and Eddie seem like nice people, but there is NO chemistry between any of them. Eddie always looks/sounds like he’s either repeating what the produce is saying in his ear piece or he’s reading off cue cards. Aarti lost all her credibility IMO because of her constant presence in Guy Fieri’s orbit. Shinmin has the judging credentials, but there is just no connection between the judges and the contestants. I have no clue what a Zack (D-Bag) Bagans is, but I don’t care to know more than shown already. His “museum” sounds like a cheesy side show attraction that would be on the seedy side of the old Vegas era. No thanks. These contestants are lacking too. Some sugar work is good, but a few of the final “cakes” in both episodes looked so amateurish.
  20. So, in addition to Erica being an expert in oh sooooo many areas - law, anesthesia, head trauma, physics (in reference to rolled automobiles), dressing like a blow up sex doll, and overall general cuntiness- now she is an expert in the proper care of Alzheimer’s patients. If she really was so educated about this horrible disease, then she wouldn’t make derogatory statements about care facilities. Saying “there’s no coming back” once admitted as a patient like there’s a different outcome possible? There is no cure for Alzheimer’s you dumb twat. It is a fucking degenerative disease, so once a person is diagnosed with dementia, there is no getting better, no coming back. My grandmother had Alzheimer’s and spent the last 3 years of her life in a very good nursing home. Despite great care, attentive nurses and our very frequent family visits, her mental faculties still declined BECAUSE ITS ALZHEIMERS! And further more, if her crooked sugar daddy hadn’t stolen millions to support their ridiculous lifestyle, and if he hadn’t cheated his whole career and called attention to his shadiness, he still could have had enough money to allow him to have top notch, 24/7 in-home care for the rest of his life. But Tom and Erica were greedy sociopathic fuckers. If Tom will be relegated to receive “subpar” care from the same state-run facilities that Tom’s victims have to settle for, then karmic justice has been meted out.
  21. Just finished this. No need to pick up the book, unless it is 180 degrees opposite of this pile of Kidman vanity project shit (ex.- good character development, sensical continuity, engaging storytelling…). WTF indeed. No matter who is cast and how much I typically enjoy the actors’ work, I will not be fooled into watching anything else Nicole Kidman produces and/or stars in (or god forbid, anything she “sings” the opening credits for either).
  22. I seriously doubt if she's "riding" it; she can barely walk. Looks like she's just hanging on to it. But Tori. The bigger question is did Lilah Bean ride that scooter like she owned it?
  23. Am I getting micro dosed thru my tv? I swear I am seeing Nicole Kidman’s face morphing into a porcelain statue with each episode. Her accent and her acting seem to be getting incrementally worse too? I think I am only tuning in each week so I can see her final transformation completed. I was never a big fan of Kidman, but this mess, on top of her performances in The Undoing and Big Little Lies seals it. Nine Perfect Strangers is truly the trifecta of shitty Nicole Kidman series. She’s lucky she has supporting actors and moderately good writing to hide behind.
  24. Regarding the money owed to the victims Tom represented… I feel like Erika has the attitude “better me than others” re. the money from “The Firm”. Does she think each of those victims was going to get mmmiiilllYEONS to live the high life? Like they were planning to join country clubs, purchase several homes they will never live in, invest in private plane shares, and buy tacky unflattering porn star designer clothing? I don’t think any of the cancer and burn victims were practicing choreography and curating costumes for a new “pop star” career. I would bet my life that not a single orphan or widow was shopping for a glam squad ahead of getting their 1st check from Girardi Keese Those settlements were never going to be tickets to The Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous for any one of them. Once their world famous Ponzi scammer lawyer took his cut, each person was only getting a fraction of what Erika the C**T spent in her lifetime with Tom. Any money the victims were to receive was going toward medical bills for multiple surgeries, various types of (probable) long term therapy, rent. It was going to provide modest stipends for minors and families who lost parent(s) and as a result, have less or no income to live off of now. Erika should be made to pay back her LLC’s portion of the stolen money. She should also be forced to personally visit and apologize to each and everyone of the people who were affected by her illegal and immoral actions. Sit in their small homes. See the piles of bills. Watch caretakers dole out medications. Listen to the men women and kids tell her how the accidents that brought Tom into their orbits were slightly less horrifying than what she and Tom have done to make the rest of their lives a never ending fucking nightmare.
  25. Nicole Kidman and her immovable face look extra harsh this episode. I just want to rip that wig off her head too. It’s too long, so thin and ropey. I don’t think that’s her real hair, (which is also too long for her IMO). Personally, I am 80% enjoying this enough to keep watching til the end. I think 2% of my disinterest is the music, 18% is Nicole Kidman.
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