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Everything posted by BusyOctober

  1. I didn’t get why Izzy was so shocked that people aren’t supposed to take shells, coral, and other flora and fauna from places they visit. That has been a known practice/rule for decades. When I was a teenager back in the 80’s, my dad lived in Singapore, Thailand and Malaysia as a dive master for UK company for several years. I spent 3 summer vacations visiting him in those countries as well as a few adventures to Borneo, Papua New Guinea and New Zealand. We snorkeled and surfed everywhere, and the #1 rule for anyone on the boats or in the water or on the beach was DO NOT TAKE ANYTHING. No shells, not even sand! And my dad was really strict about this, and the beaches and tourist sites had signs everywhere to remind tourists. This isn’t a new “sustainability” movement, Shane.
  2. I don’t know if this is right, but I think Randolph himself was the reason for the delays. He kept firing his attorneys, so then the new batch of lawyers needed time to create their case...until he fired that team. Wash, rinse, repeat. Plus I think all the debate about getting Beckie’s murder (NOT suicide) brought in caused delays. I think the DA was ready to go for years, so other than waiting for Randolph to be happy with his defense team, and pending the decision on I for from the Utah trial, I don’t believe the prosecution was to blame for this case dragging on. As for why he stayed in jail all that time, I don’t know the law about remand or release pending trials. But thank God whoever made those decisions kept his fat, greasy , stringy haired ass locked up. I was wondering about his children from his 1st marriage. How unfortunate that the son looks exactly like his waste of human skin father. My recording cut off, so I missed when the next trial will be. I hope he’s convicted again and all the people he has destroyed can have one moments peace of mind. That fucker should die a slow painful death behind bars.s
  3. The shoe idea sounded good, but 1) there was another heel replacement shoe on Shark Tank a few years ago, 2) the shoe material looked like plastic and not very comfortable. I don’t wear heels anymore, and even when I did, I didn’t spend a lot of money on shoes. I guess in today’s fashion circles, $150 is not a lot of money for a pair of shoes, but I don’t think people are paying $150 for plastic shoes, are they? The young lady made a good pitch though, and knew her stuff. The freezer storage trays looked like they will solve a problem for some folks. Not me, but I can see them doing well. Bathing suit was not interesting to me. I am one of the 40+ consumers she was pitching to. You know how I solved the hard-to-get-on-when-wet swim suit dilemma? I switched to wearing board shorts and a coordinating tankini top. Game changer! Mom and daughter sauce company had a great story, and I’m glad they got a deal. Regarding Kendra Scott...you guys? Did you know she started a BILLION a dollar business??? From right inside her own home?? And she’s from Wisconsin?? And also, people told her she would never succeed, but she DID! She has a BILLION dollar business!I dislike her more than the SPANX Shark, but not nearly as much as the Drybar Shark (My most despised Guest Shark will always be that smug douchey cowboy shirt wearing asshole who always reminds everyone he was in on the ground floor of Uber). Why do these guests have to read and re-read their resumes and list their achievements and aaaallllll the times they were told ‘no’ every.single.time. they open their yaps?
  4. BusyOctober

    S01.E01: Pilot

    I think the writing needs improvement. I love Keenan, I like Chris Redd. Never a Don Johnson fan, but he was OK. The only coworker I like is Fortune Feimster’s character (but I like her comedy). The Producer woman talks waaay too fast, and the pitch of her voice bugs. Blonde up tight twit character needs to go ASAP. I will give it a few more tries because I want Keenan to do well. I am hoping for a 70-30 split of time between the home life and work life. I’d prefer 90-10 to be honest. Don’t like the coworkers much and the sad 10 person “studio audience” is a useless out of place prop.
  5. I forgot to mention something else that really bugged me about Benita...her choices of wedding gowns. Whether she thought the Pope would be present or not, none of those gowns showed were suitable for a Catholic ceremony in a Catholic church, I the middle of the headquarters of the Catholic See. I am not Catholic, but when I went to the Vatican several summers ago, I knew in advance there was a strict dress code! I wore a long skirt, a shirt with 3/4 sleeves and I had a head covering. I loaned my scarf to a woman who showed up in a tank top because no bare shoulders allowed. How Benita ever thought she’d get away with those deep plunging, sleeveless, backless, hip-hugging, sequined and bedazzled dresses (including one with a TEAR AWAY skirt to reveal an even sluttier micro mini dress WITH A SIDE SLIT) in the presence of THE POPE just solidified my low regard for Benita. She has no common sense. What she does have is the fashion sense of a Bratz Doll looking at Quinceanera/Sweet 16 dresses.
  6. Apologies PsychoKlown! But I am glad to know you didn’t choke, or damage your trachea and need Dr. Pathological Paola’s Play-Do synthetic windpipe surgery.
  7. A lot to unpack in the “True Lies” episode...yikes. #1 The Pope: it doesn’t matter how revolutionary or radical the Pope is, as of right now, he would never: -marry 2 divorced people, especially when one of the party ISN’T A CATHOLIC -allow same sex couples to receive communion #2 Benita: for a supposed smart and savvy woman, she was very easily duped or too “in love” with the money and cachet Paolo offered up. I think Benita was a little bit of a narcissist...lots of photos of herself all dolled up, and the whole European Escapade with her Super Sleuth Squad. And she needs to stop the plastic surgery. She looks like Janice Dickenson’s younger (by 20 minutes) sister. Her lips in the TH’s with the frosted pink lipstick were truly the worst over done over inflated lips I’ve seen since I stopped watching “Botched”. At least she looked a little less deformed in the “present day” interview. #3 Benita, pt 2: as a mother to a young daughter, and as a person of means with access to investigate connections, why didn’t she do a background check on Paolo earlier?? I wouldn’t go meet a guy for coffee without hitting up Google first, never mind get involved romantically with someone who would possibly be meeting my child. She was doing a documentary on him FFS! Doesn’t part of that process involve researching your subject? I am by no means a money grubbing gold digger or materialistic, but if I was given a “diamond” ring that’s allegedly valued at $100k, I would be sure to get it appraised pretty quickly after receiving it just for insurance purposes. #4 Paolo: not a lot to say here. Sociopath, psychopath, butcher, murderer, bigger more dangerous liar than Madoff IMO. I hope his victims’ families can find a speck of justice knowing this asshole has been exposed Lots of questions too... Who paid for the designer dresses? I hope the designer and his studio weren’t stiffed! How was Paolo allowed to operate and insert synthetic organs to begin with? Don’t they have to do clinical trials? Don’t medical devices need to be OK’d by some governing body, even in Europe or Asia? It’s OK for a “surgeon” to go to the local Michael’s craft store and fabricate a “trachea” out of the same foam my daughter used to make a model of atoms and molecules for her 7th grade science fair?
  8. The nickname shtick has already worn my last nerve. I would love to call the contestants friends and coworkers and ask if those really are their nicknames on the job site or did the casting directors just hand those out on the first day of shooting. Head of casting: “Ok, this year we are only referring to the contestants by their “ nickname” from “home”. Makes them seem more blue collar-y, right? So, we have “Knuckles” for Liz since she got a paper cut on her pinky. “Zeus” for the electrical dude... you know, electricity=lightening bolts= king of the gods. We still need one for the brick layer guy, Michael. “Bricks” is too obvious. Any ideas?” Casting assistant 1 “Which one is Michael?” Assistant 2: “The Jersey Shore guy...you know, the one who wanted his eyebrows waxed.” Head of casting: “ BINGO! “Eyebrows” it is!”
  9. If those two idiots get a show on Magnolia Network with the Shiplap Queen, it further seals the deal for me to never pay for Discovery+. I hope by making Chip & Joanna’s repetitive makeover show ‘exclusive’ to the streaming channel means I won’t have to see them again. (As an aside, my friend went to their bakery in TX. She waited in line for 4 hours to get cupcakes to bring home. She tried one when she got back to her hotel and said she had better, moister, more flavorful cupcakes made at home with a Betty Crocker mix. Not worth the time or money she said. Even her cupcake obsessed sister thought they were ‘meh’). As for Odd...she is constantly responding to questions about how her excessive screen time affects her kids and oh-so important romance of he ages with Jerk. She justifies and rationalizes as if she is the only person dealing with this. Many of us working parents HAVE TO spend part of days in front of screens, either at home or away from home. That’s called “holding down a job”. Most of us working moms have felt extra layers of guilt for decades about not spending enough time with our kids, or for not making fancy meals, or not being able to attend a child’s school event because of work. Then we feel guilty because we question if we are giving enough time to our jobs. We work for economic reasons and for self fulfilling reasons. We work because most of have to. Odd is not suffering through anything millions of parents haven’t done for hundreds of years. The best we can do is find that balance, but it is hard. But you know what isn’t hard? Putting down the @%#$& phone when you are with your children on “their” time. And don't force your kids to be in photos just to inflate your own ego. There is no reason to take pic after pic of you and your kids doing simple, everyday activities. And we all know Odd isn’t taking one picture and posting that one. I would guess she poses the kids, reposes them (#thighgap!), then spends several minutes/ hours applying filters, choosing the best one (#thighgap!), and coming up with her pithy (aka, misspelled, grammatically incorrect) captions. Put the phone DOWN.
  10. I have seen more mature social interactions at my 13 year old daughter’s school dances compared to whatever the hell Elizabeth and James are doing. Elizabeth must have lived a very sheltered life. I think she was constantly told by family & friends she’s awesome, she’s an amazing free spirit gifted unto the world to share her light and energy with other less spiritually elevated folks. I would also guess her educational resume is about as unremarkable as her work history. I can see her in 10th grade staring in befuddled wonder at the D in math or English on her report card. She wouldn’t understand why constantly forgetting to do assignments, or passing in essays with “like, you know” repeated 30 times in the one paragraph weren’t earning A’s. She’s always looking for credit and praise for just showing up or being present. “But I worked really hard!” Ummm, no. No you didn’t. Putting on your uniform and standing around until you are given explicit direction doesn’t count as working hard. I don’t think Elizabeth could comprehend her duties even if Dr. Seuss or Mr. Rogers were her managers.
  11. Thanks for the info AZChristian. I live in New England and you can’t throw a rock without hitting a “Ye Olde Candy Shoppe” around here. There are also some really good traditional candy houses. I just Googled the price of 1 lb boxes of fudge from 2 of the oldest, best loved ones. $13.50 & $15.50, both charge $4.95 for shipping. As a bonus, these products are all made by hand by food safety certified employees in clean, state inspected shops that have been in business for over 125 years combined. So for my money, and the health of my loved ones, if I ever want to send candy, Amy’s Little Salmonella Kitchen would never be on my go to list.
  12. How much does she get for that fudge, plus S & H? I refuse to look at her website, but I am curious to know. I am guessing she charges more than what it would cost someone to go to their own local candy shop and pick up a box. You don’t even need to have a candy store near by. Everyone sells fudge! You can buy it at CVS FFS! Though I have never watched any of her “cooking” videos, I do recall what a slob she was in her own kitchen, and how unhygienic she was. Dog and cats crawling on counters, dirty dishes everywhere, licking fingers and spoons, and then re-dipping them into whatever ungodly mess she was making...GAG! I also remember the bakery she was using for some of her products was in violation on health codes. I would never order any food items from her!
  13. Loved the YoNo guys! So glad they got a deal. I may buy 1 or 2 of the clips. I hate putting my purse on the floor. The Nightcap drink cover is awesome. Spiking drinks was an issue when I was in college in the 90’s, and it is still is. Some guy I met at a party put something in my drink. I was fortunate that whatever it was wasn’t strong enough or I recognized something was wrong. I told my roommate that I felt weird, and disoriented even though I had only had a few sips of my first drink. She told her BF & he told me the guy I was talking to had been accused of drugging girls before. He kicked the guy out of the party, and walked me back to my dorm. I went to the campus cops the next morning, and they basically told me “be thankful” that I wasn’t assaulted and there wasn’t much they could do since “no real harm was done”. From that day on, I always kept whatever I was drinking (alcohol, water or soda) close to me, with my hand over the cup/bottle. If I did put it down, I wouldn’t drink from it again. I also never allowed anyone to hand me a drink. Cookie/brownie lady better get a 2nd job or write another book. She has A LOT of debt to pay down. Ski wax sounds like a good idea. If it works as well as the petroleum based kind, it’s definitely a greener way to go.
  14. That woman was only 55?!? OMG! She looked 10 years older. Can’t the Queen of Versailles afford some retinol or hyaluronic serum? I hope she never is the same room with Jane Fonda, Lily Tomlin or Candace Bergen. Or Betty White.
  15. Elizabeth is closer to a lobotomized avocado compared to the 17 year olds I know.
  16. So sad for her family and friends. But Lauren’s story made me angry. Were those campus cops living in a bubble frozen in 1918 instead of 2018? Were all of the officers 60-70-80 years old, so “wimmins” problems and those fancy high tech thingymajiggies scaled “cellular phones” were foreign to them? They seemed to think Lauren was some silly female who was just having a spat with her boyfriend. After they hung up, I wonder if they rolled their eyes and blamed “that time of the month” for her “hysteria”. Did not one of the idiots taking Lauren’s calls ever hear of stalking, cyber bullying, or sexploitation plots? Did any of those officers receive training in sexual harassment or domestic abuse? A bright, well spoken, respected student athlete calls for help or to report concerns MULTIPLE times about the same guy, and no one takes it seriously? Lauren and her mom had to request the escort to get the car, the Kampus Keystone Kops didn’t offer first after hearing the details. Why wouldn’t the cops check him out or run a warrant search or verify his fucking name or confirm he was a student? It just seems odd that in 2018, the school’s police dpt had autonomy and separate authority from the local city police. I think they said there were approx 30 campus officers for the entire 30k student population. The entire university let that poor woman be murdered and it all could have been prevented. Easily prevented with a few simple calls, checks, interviews with the asshole imposter, Lauren’s friends and Lauren herself. I am in no way blaming the friends, but I wish one of them had reported that asshole was basically living in Lauren’s dorm. Maybe things have changed, but when I was in college, even if your BF/ GF was a student at the school, having an extra person “squatting” in the room ( beyond the occasional weekend visit) was not allowed. You could lose your own housing as a consequence. I am glad the dimwit University president stepped down after her outrageous behavior. I am thrilled the school was successfully sued and had to pay millions for their gross negligence.
  17. Just watched “The 30 Year Secret”, and I am outraged by the “friend” Dawn who kept the secret. She is a horrible, selfish woman. I just cannot believe she had zero scruples and lacked any remorse for what she had done. Even though Carl seems like he was an asshole husband to Tracey, he deserves at least an apology from Dawn. I was just itching to slap Dawn’s smirking face when she was explaining her reasons for protecting her own murdering husband, and letting Carl face years of suspicion and gossip. She was looking out for her own best interests, and didn’t want to disrupt her “happy” family life. She seemed so condescending when she was saying how Tracey wouldn’t leave Carl because she wanted that idealistic family, and thought if she just rode out the difficult times, all would be well. Well, you stupid cow, you did the exact same thing!! You stayed with a fucking murder (who probably did proposition Tracey for an affair), then kept your mouth shut so your life wouldn’t get messy. And Dawn’s fake emotion when she was describing how after she came clean to her kids, that they took the news with “love and forgiveness “. Of course they did....those now adult children were raised by a murderer dad and a mom with no empathy or conscience, so their sense of morality is in the trash can with their parents. I am glad the real murder was finally caught, but man, do I wish there was a charge the cops and DA a could make stick to Dawn. Horrible person.
  18. I didn’t have COVID, but with all the political BS and COVID news, I stopped watching almost all network tv around April. I have been keeping up with Dateline (as long as it was not about politics or COVID). But my tv watching has mostly included Andy Griffith, and rewatching every season of: Schitts Creek (twice), Parks and Recreation, The Office and The Good Place. Quite a few old BBC and Masterpiece period dramas too. As for those two assholes who murdered their friend for no other reason than just for kicks should both serve their life sentences. Duncan is a true sociopath. He and Nathan were both “bad seeds” since they both committed other crimes after killing Ron. With Duncan out on parole, it won’t surprise me if we see a future ep of Dateline where this “charming” manipulative prick has permanently damaged another family.
  19. Ditto! I felt the same about each pitch/product. The drink combo flavors sounded horrible, but I have a very unsophisticated palette. I hate herbs/florals in my drinks, bubbly or alcoholic. The Quevos could be a big, new idea, but egg whites gross me out, so even if they were the tastiest chips on earth, I would need to never know what they were made of to try them. I really liked the coffee guy. Not so much his “influencer” side kick guy. I think his coffee gadget could be a thing but it needs to be cheaper. Definitely interested in biodegradable pods though! Diaper cream applicator fairy...ugh. I am not wowed by any of these “better” baby gadgets these inventors (and baby gadget companies) come up with. I had a baby 14 years ago, my mom had me 44 years ago. Other than disposable diapers, car seats, and a few safety items, I think today there are so many products that parents could skip buying, and still manage to raise a baby into childhood.
  20. I like Ted Danson in most anything he does. Bobby Moynihan is funny and I enjoy his goofiness. Holly Hunter is worrying me. I think she is a good actress, and “Raising Arizona “ and “Broadcast News” were both good comedic movies for her IMO. I liked her in “Succession” as well. But this character is....not great. I get that she’s supposed to be an over zealous public servant who is committed to doing right be her city and community, in the same way Leslie Knope was on “Parks and Rec”. But HH’s acting seems too over the top or forced here. Maybe it will settle in after a few more episodes? Even “Parks and Rec” had growing pains and character changes from its 1st season. I don’t like the Mayor’s staff at all. The juxtaposition of millennials and the unhip, 70 year old fuddy duddy isn’t new. Or funny. I don’t want to keep seeing those two (I do not know their names) act like whining middle/high schoolers every single week. Yes, this is a comedy, but there must be other humorous avenues to explore for these characters other than stereotypical tropes of twenty-somethings are vain/immature/incompetent.
  21. Watched the newest ep with Glen Close and John Waters. They both had A LOT going in their lives and in their ancestors. Who knew Glenn was part of “Up With People” ? I wouldn’t think John Waters would be surprised to learn somewhere in his southern ancestry that there was involvement with slavery. Same for Glenn since her Virginia born grandmother mentioned having a ‘Mammy’. It must be jarring to be confronted with the news that your 2-3-4 GG grandparents owned other human beings. In the context of present day, it is almost unimaginable that people committed such heinous acts against humanity. I guess I would feel uncomfortable, and have a hard time meeting Dr. Gates’ eyes if he told me my family had slaves. However, I would think most people in the 21st century would feel the same way. So it kinda bugs me when Dr. Gates asks, “how does that make you feel to know your 2x GG was a slave master?” Who is going to say, “Well, sorry about the dehumanizing of generations of people, but thank goodness Granpappy made our family fortune on tobacco!” My Irish and Italian ancestors didn’t land in the US until the 1870 through 1910’s, so I don’t know if there’s any direct ties to slavery in this country. There is a family story that one of my maternal grandmother’s GGG uncles, in the 1700’s was a Cardinal in Rome...who also owned a brothel and was by poisoned by one of the ladies who worked there for not supporting his 4 children he had with her.
  22. How old is Elizabeth? I mean chronologically since her mental and emotional age come in at 14. Maybe it’s the editing folks amping up her inability to do anything, but by this stage in the season, shouldn’t Elizabeth know to tie her hair back for service, check laundry constantly, stay busy because there is always something to do? She still can’t pour a drink properly, still can’t work at a faster pace, even though she’s been doing the same tasks for weeks. As for her love sick, let’s get married “relationship” with James...sigh. You don’t “fall in love” at summer camp, on reality shows, or with someone you meet on a yachting a part time job.
  23. The slices of sauce just look and sound so gross! All I can think of is the texture being like a fruit roll up....chewy ketchup?? NO thank you. I get squicked out when there are dried remnants of ketchup or mustard around the cap. Blurgh🤮 The bracelets and the makeup seem like such over crowded spaces. I can think of 5-7 “bracelets with a mission” companies. And multiple that by 100 for the makeup business! The champagne shooter was fun, I guess? But I like drinking champagne, so it always looks like such a waste of good bubbly when teams spray dozens of bottles all over the place in celebration. Plus, I feel really bad for the person who has to clean it all up later.
  24. In general, I am neutral about Chrissy Teigan. However her two commentaries during the past and present community meetings were the best, funniest parts of this episode. Loved how she “didn’t get all the singing” from her husband! “And his last name isn’t Legend...it’s McGruff, like the crime dog.”
  25. My two favorite Dr. Rick scenes: 1) in the group trip to the store, when the lady is on speaker phone yammering about how she’s having a BIG LUNCH, AND JUST A SNACK FOR DINNER. That is my mom...putting her calls on speaker in public spaces, but only after she answers it by saying “Hello? Hello?? HELLOO???” in ever increasing intensity and volume because she “can’t hear a thing in this noisy store”. 2) the seminar when Dr. Rick says “You got up early. No one cares.” Again, my mom. She will call me (then my sister)to enumerate all the tasks she’s completed since rising at 4:30. Then shame me for “still” being in bed at 7am. On a Sunday.
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