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Everything posted by BusyOctober

  1. Am I getting micro dosed thru my tv? I swear I am seeing Nicole Kidman’s face morphing into a porcelain statue with each episode. Her accent and her acting seem to be getting incrementally worse too? I think I am only tuning in each week so I can see her final transformation completed. I was never a big fan of Kidman, but this mess, on top of her performances in The Undoing and Big Little Lies seals it. Nine Perfect Strangers is truly the trifecta of shitty Nicole Kidman series. She’s lucky she has supporting actors and moderately good writing to hide behind.
  2. Regarding the money owed to the victims Tom represented… I feel like Erika has the attitude “better me than others” re. the money from “The Firm”. Does she think each of those victims was going to get mmmiiilllYEONS to live the high life? Like they were planning to join country clubs, purchase several homes they will never live in, invest in private plane shares, and buy tacky unflattering porn star designer clothing? I don’t think any of the cancer and burn victims were practicing choreography and curating costumes for a new “pop star” career. I would bet my life that not a single orphan or widow was shopping for a glam squad ahead of getting their 1st check from Girardi Keese Those settlements were never going to be tickets to The Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous for any one of them. Once their world famous Ponzi scammer lawyer took his cut, each person was only getting a fraction of what Erika the C**T spent in her lifetime with Tom. Any money the victims were to receive was going toward medical bills for multiple surgeries, various types of (probable) long term therapy, rent. It was going to provide modest stipends for minors and families who lost parent(s) and as a result, have less or no income to live off of now. Erika should be made to pay back her LLC’s portion of the stolen money. She should also be forced to personally visit and apologize to each and everyone of the people who were affected by her illegal and immoral actions. Sit in their small homes. See the piles of bills. Watch caretakers dole out medications. Listen to the men women and kids tell her how the accidents that brought Tom into their orbits were slightly less horrifying than what she and Tom have done to make the rest of their lives a never ending fucking nightmare.
  3. Nicole Kidman and her immovable face look extra harsh this episode. I just want to rip that wig off her head too. It’s too long, so thin and ropey. I don’t think that’s her real hair, (which is also too long for her IMO). Personally, I am 80% enjoying this enough to keep watching til the end. I think 2% of my disinterest is the music, 18% is Nicole Kidman.
  4. I debated watching it….I recorded it. But after reading the posts here, I will just delete it. This season was a washout, waste of time and sad. This was my favorite RH until last year, and now I am all for yanking it off the air. The OG cast has worn out their welcome…how much more Countess cabaret and Ramona ranting can be squeezed out of this? They are probably the only two who will be able to go back to their lives, their man hunting and 65 BFF’s and be happy/fulfilled. Sonja needs deep deep therapy and I can’t watch her decline any more. It isn’t funny, and it hasn’t been for years. She is teetering on the edge, and her mental health is failing. It’s terribly sad that no one from her family (the non-Morgans) has convinced her she is delusional and needs help. And rehab. As for continuing the show with the “new kids”, no thank you. I didn’t mind Eboni’s “preaching” as much as some did. I just wish that wasn’t all she had to offer in the beginning. Then once her story line expanded to show us more of her life….ZzzZzz. Leah is a screaming banshee with zero interest in developing relationships with any of these women. She is an immature brat who never got over Mommy and Daddy not giving her 250% of all their attention and energy when Leah was a child. Bershawn may be a nice woman, but i didn’t get to see enough of her to make a real opinion. And frankly, I wasn’t invested enough in the entire show to really want to know more about her. Bringing Bethenny back isn’t the answer to salvage this franchise. That would make it just another BethenMEEEE project. No one wants to see her bulldoze her way through the other women again. As much as I really liked Dorinda (most of the time), I don’t think she should return either. Dorinda should move on and Make It Nice with her books and appearances while she can still cash in on her “celebrity “. Rumors of Tinsley coming back don’t compel me to stick around . I don’t need to see/ hear her wailing about her lost love, crying over her frozen eggs, or her mom bemoaning the fact her daughter is manless & childless. RIP RHONY.
  5. Normally Duff and his team do incredible stuff that is so clean and perfect. I know his “monster” was supposed to look like it was “Frankenstein’d” together, therefore, a bit messy. But this cake was not Duff’s usual level of work IMO. Plus I was a little miffed his team copied characters from Toy Story and Rudolph. The (Big Baby) doll head, the purple mean (Lotso)bear, the spotted elephant and some other toys were copies. Even the premise of creating maniacal toys from scavenged parts is a rip off from Toy Story. I completely get representing recognizable toys like LiteBright, Etch A Sketch, Barbie/ Ken parts, the screaming cymbal monkey (yes, also from Toy Story, but also a real toy)…those toys were probably in everyone’s nostalgia files. Buddy’s team deserved the win for that Dino. The details, the sugar work, the textures…spot on! I don’t usually like a lot of Buddy’s stuff, but this one was a winner. Plus, the way Buddy says “CHAW-KO-lit” is like nails on a CHAWK board for me.
  6. Ha! I was wondering how many of the guests threw Amy’s painted rocks instead of rice when Amy and MyMan walked back up the aisle. Seriously, I am sure the reception area was littered with those stupid “favors” when the party was over.
  7. So in last night episode, Erika claims the other women are torturing her, and is begging the others to look at my life!, then faux-cries and blubbers asking the women to “have compassion “. What the actual fuck, lady??? Go ask the burn victims and cancer patients Tom (& and you) swindled about what torture is after receiving multiple operations and chemotherapy. Ask their families about the torture of having false hope that bills will be paid via their settlement money, but never receiving it. Drop a line to the families and children who lost loved ones in a plane crash about their torture knowing the compensation due to them is as dead and gone as their parent, child, wife, husband. Why don’t you pull you EXXXPENSIVE bleached head out of your bleached asshole and look at lives of all the people irrevocably damaged by you and your despicable octogenarian scum bucket sugar daddy. Try to use your acting skills to emote empathy. Maybe watch a few clips of Mother Theresa, Princess Diana, or Eunice Kennedy Shriver to learn what it means to have compassion. Save the fake tears and emotionally choked speeches. Stop twisting your stories that have become so obviously a tangled ball of lies that only illiterate idiots like Kyle and Rinna could possibly believe. Do not demand unquestioned respect, friendship, support. Refrain from your threats, because everyone except Kyle and Rinna know they are as empty as your soul. Without your stolen millions and the entire sham of existence you created, you have nothing but your c**ty self to go home to every night. Let this be everyone’s answer to Erika’s pleas for compassion: How many fucks do I give? How many fucks do I give? None, not one, zero, zero, zero, done
  8. Rinna needs to lose what ever that Bowie wig’s name is. Hideous. That bell needed to be jammed down her throat. Dorit’s braids were stupid, and her wedding dresses were nothing new. PK giving each one a name was so pathetic. Plain to see he doesn’t have a degree in marketing or branding. “The Woman”?? “ The Pearl”?? Love Dorit claiming she was “in her element” at Kathy’s…you wish, you social climbing poser!! She better be taking notes from Erika’s situation because PK a and her financial BS will come home to roost some day. Erika is such a bitch. Fake. Cold. Liar. Twat. All things I felt from her first season. She has zero tolerance for anyone who doesn’t kowtow to her. She has shown very little interest in most conversations or events that weren’t about celebrating or elevating her. She is a shitty actress with her fake clipped speech pattern., and her feigned dejection that “her friends” dare to question anything going on. “Have compassion” for her?!?!? Are you fucking kidding me?? Does Erika even know the definition of that word? Does she know what “irony” is? Kyle is a fool. She has a very low IQ because she can’t recall conversations or string thoughts together on her own. She totally misunderstood and misconstrued what Sutton had said in regard to Erika just days before. Go Sutton, go!! Go after that lying, stealing, heartless wench and her ever growing ball of bullshit. Sutton will not be the one eating crow at the end of all this. She will be serving it to the Erika Jayne sycophants. So, Kyle, Rinna and Dorit had better be ready for that dinner bell to ring. Their blind devotion to Erika is going to make them all look more foolish than ever before. I want to shake Kyle, Rinna and Dorit and yell in their faces, a la Andy Dufresne:“How can you be so obtuse? Is it deliberate?”
  9. Not sure if it was nerves, or self confidence, but James, the BS, and all his big smiles and giggles came across as a very bad investment. I know he is a veteran, but he couldn’t have gone too far in rank. I doubt his commanding officers allowed him to smile and giggle and bullshit his way out of not completing assignments and orders. This guy was enamored with the idea of “owning a business”. He probably would have been just as uninterested in the product if he was selling crayons or sponges or nail guns. A good business owner or leader in a business needs to know the product to be successful. If you can’t list what the hell goes into you pies, I’m not buying one.
  10. I think it's 8 episodes not 6, so there are 3 more still. Thank you Nellise…maybe 3 more EE’s can make a difference. And maybe the Lottery Winner and his Influencer wife still have a chance to get some screen time. Their individual stories and their couple story have been nothing but tropes so far.
  11. How is this all going to wrap up in one more episode?? Or will this same group continue in Season 2?? I don’t see how that would be possible…they are more than half way through their session. But, if Bart Simpson can still be in 4th grade, and Nicole Kidman still gets acting roles with her disturbing frozen face, bad wigs and egregious accents, anything is possible. This started off promising (didn’t read the book- don’t see a reason to now), but the pacing is slow, too little movement once the characters’ stories are “micro- dosed” to us. I almost fell asleep during this episode…and I didn’t have a bowl of Quaker Oats to break my fall.
  12. Yawn. Zzzzzzzzzz. Not sure about the future of this show, if this “finale” and the low number of comments here are any indication. So, it’s been nice snarking with everybody over the years. See you around the caviar bar at one of Lu’s cabaret shows!
  13. I was going to say I don’t get the gut-seizing fear some of these women have when it comes to challenging Erika. But if I were Dorit, Rinna or Kyle, I guess I would be afraid of all my skeletons and legal entanglements being dragged out of my designer closet (or garage in Rinna’s case). I don’t think anything those 3 and their husbands may have done is anywhere near as reprehensible as Tom and Erika’s “alleged” crimes. But image is everything, and these HW’s are dependent on public perception for getting work & income, so I kinda see why they tread lightly. They are driven by the same motivation as Sutton, but coming at it from another angle. Sutton is concerned about her (and her family’s) reputation and future business & social opportunities being compromised by a “guilty by association “ factor. So Sutton is speaking out and questioning Erika’s BS to stay clear of any potential blowback. Yet, Rinna and Kyle and Dorit are keeping quiet, and seemingly supporting Erika because they are worried their own reputations are at risk if they enrage the Ice Queen with simple, basic questions. Rinna, Dorit and Kyle are too stupid to read an entire newspaper article, so I don’t expect any of these Three Stooges are sharp enough to appreciate the irony. They are condemning Sutton, who is just trying to keep her “Sutty Buddy Butthole” out of the spotlight, while protecting their own A$$ets with silence.
  14. I want to discuss the party at Crystal’s home. OMG, the yard, the styling, the decor, the incredible tablescape, the freaking flowers…stunning! THAT’S how an afternoon party in Beverly Hills should look. Classic, timeless, elegant. Crystal (& her party planner) know what they are doing for sure. Crystal looked lovely as well. Take note, DUH-rit and ErICK-a….not a designer label showing or mentioned, and yet everything about Crystal’s event looked like a Town & Country editorial. In fact, even Kathy’s dress gave me Town & Country vibes…from the Spring 1979 edition. I will say, that despite COVID, I thought the “launch party” was going to be a bigger deal with more guests. Not just another get together with the same bunch. Dorit is a nonentity. She is in danger of being labeled “boring” as everyone says Teddy was. If it wasn’t for her stupid fake accent, and idiotic clothing, she would have nothing for Bravo to air. Erika is a soulless, heartless, narcissistic automaton. The more she tries to act guileless and innocent of what she & Tom are accused of, the more I am convinced Erika was not only aware of the Ponzi scheme, but that she was an active participant. Garcelle and Sutton and Crystal are still my MVP’s.
  15. Re. Tom and Erika’s tacky and dark mausoleum… At one point when Erika first joined the cast, she showed off her “chapel” she had designed. I believe she said she had worked on that project, and it was not part of Mrs. Girardi #1 or #2’s design. The article posted above mentions Erika was involved in a 6 year long renovation. In the current season, when Erika was spinning her tale of woe and saying how mean and controlling Tom was, I swear I heard her say: a) he was a controlling SOB throughout their marriage, b) she wasn’t allowed to change anything, that she moved into the house the previous wives vacated. Re. Tom’s 2017 12 hr coma inducing cliff diving car accident and his resulting “diminished capacity”…apparently there is NO record with any hospital or police dpt of this accident. If it was as bad as Erika is claiming in 2020…multiple broken bones, concussion, head trauma, blackout…wouldn’t he have had to receive professional medical attention? Wouldn’t “The Firm” notice he was in a cast or limping or even missing from the office that Erika supposedly drove him to daily?? To quote the Thompson Twins- Lies lies lies yeah (They're gonna get you) Lies lies lies yeah (They won't forget you) Lies lies lies yeah (They're gonna get you) Lies lies lies yeah
  16. I hate to kick someone when they’re down….except Erika. She looked really bad at Kyle’s dinner. Makeup and hair was a mess. Her outfit was not good. Was she going for “down-trodden” and whatever she thinks “poor” looks like? Her acting shtick isn’t getting better either, and she’s been preparing for one hell of a role when it’s trial time. The self driving to the party was just a tad OTT too. Her world weary, monotone, apathetic manner of (not) answering any questions was laughable. Rinna is a garbage person. Whatever dirt that is tying her to Erika’s butthole will come out eventually. Her reputation suffered last year after attacking Denise (on top of her past bullying of other previous cast mates), and I can’t wait to see how she’ll try to wiggle out of her blind loyalty to Erika’s complicity in Tom’s serial thievery. Dorit is not quite a garbage person, but she is cutting it close. Her two faced attitude with Sutton and Erika is so typical for her. She is just so stupid. When she told the group of girls that she too had “consulted with people” about potential damage via association w/ Erika, the editors revealed her crackerjack legal eagles were PK and Boy George?!?!? Although…PK giving advice on navigating treacherous waters of financials woes has worked so well for him already. He hasn’t been jailed. He hasn’t paid back loans or debts. And he keeps getting to move into multimillion dollar homes every 6 months. Maybe Erika will hire PK as an advisor on how to temporarily dodge the karma train. Sutton is smarter than she’s given credit. Aside from being literate enough to read and comprehend a newspaper article (even a really long one), she is savvy in the ways of detecting bullshit. I would watch her over Dorit or Rinna any day. A show with Sutton, Garcelle and Crystal as front runners would be much more enjoyable. Kyle and Kathy can be “friends”, but Dorit, Rinna and Erika can fall off the planet anytime.
  17. People like Erika don’t often have a “Ebenezer Scrooge” lightbulb moment when their past behavior catches up to them. There is no heart to “grow three sizes” like the Grinch after witnessing human kindness. Even if she is found guilty of any part of this illegal activity, and even if she does minimal jail time, Erika will not emerge with a new personality. Unlike Scrooge, Erika will deny her culpability in making the lives of victims even worse through her actions. She will lie until her dying day and play the victim herself. I just hope ANY future book or movie or tv show deal is drawn up so Erika doesn’t receive ANY profit off her bullshit life story. All money earned by this heartless woman should be garnished for the victims and their families until they get every cent due…plus pain and suffering damages.
  18. I just watch this week’s episode. Boy, this series sucks. I hate everyone. I admit I haven’t been watching with my full attention, so any plot questions I have are my fault, I guess. But then I blame the writers and the actors for making me lose interest. I don’t know what Strangeways’ issues are that cause his panic attacks. Do his superiors know about it? I don’t get why the long suffering wife let herself suffer so long. Yes, she’s married to a cheating son of a bitch and it’s awful he slept with her sister, but she was pretty young herself when she married him, so his asshole behavior and preying on young women shouldn’t have been too much of a surprise. Why is she catatonic all the time? Is she an addict? Is George’s sister in love with him? Frances is stupid and her revenge plot is stupid.
  19. I find it apt that Erika’s staunchest defender is the illiterate Rinna…the woman can’t read any article longer than a Tweet, nor focus much beyond a 2min YouTube clip. If Rinna could read and comprehend at a Freshman high school level, she would be able to peruse all the actual news articles coming out about Tom and Erika and make the connections that the rest of the world is making as the story unfolds. Her blissful and willful ignorance keeps her in the dark and makes her Erika’s perfect lapdog…she’s a Giradi-Keese/Lhasa Lippso mix.
  20. This is true of just about every single one of the Housewives, across every franchise! I only watch NY and BH, but I have seen and heard much more egregious stupidity and classist stuff from Ramona, Sonja, Rinna, Dorit, Luann, Dorinda, Brandi, Kyle, Kim, ERIKA…
  21. While Sutton’s statement is not correct, my interpretation is she meant what Tom (and Erika) have done is not “just” someone cooking the books, or embezzling funds from a corporation. Yes, those are crimes, and people do suffer as a result of the crime. But if/when caught and if/when tried, these “white collar” criminals usually receive light sentences or are confined to “country club-esque” prisons. I think Sutton was commenting more on the depth and seriousness of Tom (and Erika’s) crimes, and the potential actual hard jail time they face. Dorit is the person I’d call fucking stupid for not getting Garcelle’s question if all of Dorit’s “help” are POC. Dorit didn’t even digest the question for a second to see what was being pointed out to her. If your kids only see black and brown people in positions of servitude, that fosters a mindset that POC are some how less-than. This is only one element that creates white privilege. It doesn’t matter how friendly you are to them, or what great bonuses you gift them at Christmas, these people are still hired help who work for you.
  22. She has aged herself with this outfit and the glasses. She looks like the 70 yr old “hip and groovy “ grandma that was hermetically sealed in a time capsule circa Boca Raton, 1973. Are the glasses because she is high as a kite? She is acting more manic than usual. Rinna has a fucking nerve jumping on Garcelle over any conversation she had with Erika. Not that Garcelle needs to be defended, since she did nothing wrong, but Garcelle only brought up an issue Erika herself discussed. Erika’s divorce, Tom’s alleged behavior, Tom’s alleged “emotional abuse”…these were all things Erika herself has been talking about on a realty show, Twitter and Instagram. This is completely opposite from what Denise’s situation was with Rinna. Rinna was the one jabbing and poking and needling Denise over the (gasp!) affair with Brandi. That was gossip from a thirsty famewhore. Yet Rinna went after Denise in the name of “finding the truth”. Garcelle continues to rise above the core RHOBH mindless twits. She is an amazing person. I am loving Sutton more this season than last, even with all of her histrionics early on. Crystal is growing on me too. Maybe it’s because these three can recognize Erika’s BS, and aren’t going to blindly kiss her ass while Erika is manufacturing lie upon lie.
  23. Amy is just miserable around people, huh? She gives everyone the most sour grimace if they aren’t talking directly to her. The eye rolling and the disdain for everything and everyone that isn’t about AMY has become so obvious. Doesn’t she realize if there are no other people in her orbit, she ceases to be the center of the universe? Chris is always so cordial and friendly to all of Amy’s family and friends. Amy acts like she can’t stand the presence of any of Chris’s friends. And she can’t take a joke. With all Amy’s pomp and circumstance over this wedding to MyMan, and her giggling blushing bride shenanigans, I guarantee next season (and many more years after), she will refer to herself and MyMan as “newlyweds “. I think it’s very weird Matt and Caryn aren’t invited. In the real world, not many exes would invite each other to their 2nd weddings. But for a tv show, and after all the hoopla about this wedding, AND Matt letting them use the farm for it, it’s weird. Especially since everyone BUT Amy gets along with everyone else. I have no love for those stupid sculptures Matt bought, but I really wish he’d pull the ultimate passive-aggressive fuck you and just deposit them in random places all over the farm before the BIG DAY. Every wedding portrait should have Sasquatch or a T-Rex sculpture photo bombing Amy and Chris’s in the background. Then we can hear Amy bitch how “Chris and I’s wedding” was ruined.
  24. These women are reprehensible. When Leah said in her TH “It’s not about YOU, Ramona!”, I think the editors cut Leah off before she could add “It’s about MEEEEE!!!!”. Ramona and Sonja were their obnoxious selves, but Eboni gave as good as they did. And Leah acted like her immature, emotionally stunted self. Everyone was supposed to stall the Shabbat ceremony so they could take turns holding the phone to show her big baby ass what was going on, and to be the center of attention. She’s like the bratty child someone brings to a cocktail party because they couldn’t get a sitter, then the brat runs around the room trying to get everyone listen to her tell a joke/sing a song/ do her solo tap dance from last year’s recital. I feel so bad for the hostess and the other 3 guests. I’m sure that poor beleaguered woman Archie thought agreeing to be on this sinking ship shit show would be a way to promote her foundation. Nope. This RHONY coven will not tolerate one moment of camera time not focused on any one of their shrewish outbursts. And I for one liked Archie’s oversized napkins. Conventional cloth napkins aren’t wide enough to cover most laps. I would appreciate my entire dress or pants being protected! Ramona and Luann have traveled, have lived in NYC and the Hamptons for decades. I can’t believe they haven’t tangentially absorbed some inklings of Jewish culture. How could they be so ignorant of the difference between “Shabbat” and “Seder”?
  25. If it’s a video of her in Chicago (or her other theatrical “performance” with her mascara smeared face), that would be in violation of the Geneva Convention’s stance on torture. Erika could tack on “war crime” to her ever evolving rap sheet.
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