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Everything posted by BusyOctober

  1. I was so looking forward to this season. Personally, I don’t mind the cartoons because it helps relate the history of the topic and my middle schooler has learned a lot watching Cosmos with me. However I agree Tyson comes across as “pretentious “ or trying too hard to get an Emmy (or an acting gig). The dramatic pauses, the serious intonation...I find myself falling asleep. Maybe he has a future on one of those sleep inducing podcasts or apps instead.
  2. Likes: the amped up budget, the production quality, the onsite seamstresses, Tim Gunn, Esther, Sabato, Ji. Meh: Heidi....she looks different around her eyes. Not sure it was her bangs, her makeup or a recent procedure that hasn’t settled. Also meh on Nicole Ritchie. Hate: French judge’s monstrous eyebrows...OMG! So distracting and unattractive. They were 3x’s the thickness of even the most overworked, colored in eyebrows. HAAAAAATE: Martha Twinkle Starlite Glitter Girl. She is exhausting and I will be fast forwarding through her scenes and manufactured drama until she gets CUT.
  3. Maybe America Ferrer has the right idea and is bailing on this show. It just isn’t as good as it once was. I think putting Amy and Jonah together was a mistake. Amy has lost IQ and humor points since getting promotion. Jonah is now a needy whiner who also seems to have been dumbed down. Matteo and Garrett’s misanthropic and self centered personalities were funny in earlier seasons because they weren’t purposely out to hurt or demean people (to their faces anyway) with their actions. Now they are just raging assholes. Even Cheyenne has turned mean vs. vapid and clueless. Glen, Sandra and Sayid are my favorite characters. Even Glenn the robot has more charisma than the supposed main characters.
  4. This is the first season I’ve watched. After seeing the obnoxious “personalities” in Ep 1, I can say this will be my last. The Mystikka loudmouth and the Slob Bro’s were just so damn annoying. Their food didn’t look great either. I don’t get the toast people. At all. I guess I’m not clear on Lunch Ladies either. Maybe I am either too stupid or too uninterested in food trucks to watch this. Peace out.
  5. When you have challenges making cat and dog motif baked goods, shoe-horned into a “spring” themed show, it is time to pull the plug. Cats as eclairs? Dogs who do sports activities? WTF? Everything looked so amateurish. Hearing the bakers describe some of the flavor combos was gag inducing. These people deserve better than this to show their skills. And the stupid puns and jokes need to stop. That crap didn’t play well on the kids version, it surely doesn’t belong here. It only encourages camera hogs and attention whores <<cough Arin cough>> to attempt their witticisms. Stop it.
  6. The DNA tests showed the woman in the barrel, Marylese, was the bio mom of the oldest and the youngest little girls. The middle child was not genetically related to Marylese or her daughters. Terry Rasmussen is not genetically tied to Marylese’s girls, but he is the bio dad of the middle child. I don’t believe the genealogists have found the last victim’s relatives but they are working on it. How did Lisa’s grandfather never look for his daughter after she left NH for parts unknown....and never think to call the authorities?? I am guessing he and his daughter did not have a great relationship? I mean, she went missing in the 1980’s, not the 1880’s. There were methods for looking for missing persons 30+ years ago! I wonder where Denise’s 3 Rasmussen siblings were for this story? I understand if they opted to remain off camera. Rasmussen had 4 kids with Denise’s mom, but she only mentioned her brother a couple of times. Whatever happened to poor Lisa? Again, I completely get what she would choose not to be involved in this story. I hope for all her trauma as a little girl that she found normalcy with adoptive or foster parents and made a successful life for herself.
  7. So whether Jack lived or died, Randall still ends up a self important asshole with delusions of superiority. Got it. The therapist told him to open up to his mother about his anger over her withholding the William info for all those years. I don’t think for one second the therapist meant in any way, shape or form that Rebecca owes Randall the chance to continue his savior fantasy. She didn’t give Randall license to exploit his fragile mother with such an outrageous demand. What a shitty, selfish, self absorbed thing to do. Kevin shouldn’t be the only one not speaking to Randall after this. Beth should kick his ass to the curb too. Beth is the bigger saint of the Pearson clan than everyone makes Jack out to be, or that Randall sees himself to be. Good God! How has she put up with Randall’s numerous acts of self indulgence? GAH! And what the hell does Randall even know about this trial? Does he know for sure Rebecca will receive the drug being tested? Is this a beta test or 2nd generation that has shown some inconclusive but promising results in earlier trials? Otherwise, it’s really a roll of the dice. Rebecca could maybe see some improvement. OR her quality of life is diminished more rapidly by being in a strange place, in a clinical environment, away from friends and family just because Randall “never asked her for anything”.
  8. Arin?? And his up-speak?? Are really?? Super duper annoying?? I yelled , “Stop it!! Just STOP IT!” at the TV. And I don’t think he deserved the win based on the look of it. A lot of bakers used berries as their “spring” fruit. I know fruits and veggies are in season at different times in various regions, but berries are summer fruits in my New England Yankee mind. At least there wasn’t any damned rhubarb in site this week.
  9. I still like Zach Woods and Hugh Laurie as comedic actors. I am struggling to find a reason to watch Season 2. I honestly do not care what happens to any of the secondary or tertiary characters. Do they die? Do they get rescued? Does someone finally take control? Does Frank find his balls? Does Karen finally get murdered for being a side-shitting ultra a-hole? Just so many errors and misses in the continuity of the story. If Karen had been elevated to the inner circle of decision makers and people with authority, then why the hell didn’t she know about jettisoning the extra weight from the BACK was the ultimate (and only) plan? Why send only one 2-seat shuttle in a time of major crisis? Way too many annoyances for me to spend time listing. On the bright side, maybe the side-shift has helped the ship escape the ring of shit and dead bodies?
  10. Pool guy was one of the most annoying people on this show. The rapid fire talking made me FF’d thru the rest of his pitch. No effing way I would let people borrow my pool or backyard. I wouldn’t ever let strangers use my primary residence as AirBNB either.And WTF with the buddy in the pool? So whackadoo! Why not have him do the “funny” bit at the beginning then get off the set? Distracting and weird. The lady with the kids drink was just so out of her league re. her finances. Pizza thing sounded cool, but I would be hesitant to have a 900 degree table top device around a crowd. Robert almost set the place on fire on his first attempt to look at it. Meh on the car divider thing. I only have one child, so not an issue for me personally. I was raised in the 70’s and 80’s by a no nonsense single mom, so my sister and I did not ever cause disruptions in the car...physically anyway. We definitely had yelling matches, but mom pulled the car over and told one of us to get out when that happened. Ride continued in silence. Granted, parents were allowed to speak harshly to their kids back in the day without fear of Protective Services showing up. And cars with bench seats were about 15 feet wide, so plenty of room for 2-3 kids to avoid the “he’s on my side! She’s touching me!” arguments.
  11. I HAAAAATE rhubarb. I hate the way it looks- celery (also gross), but it’s red. I hate the smell. Mostly it’s the taste. It’s just awful! I have tried it in pies and preserves and mixed with berries. There is no amount of sugar or other added flavorings to remove the rhubarb-iness from my tastebuds. And why is it called a fruit? It’s a vegetable! Unfortunately this won’t be the last time I have to look at rhubarb on this show. It seems to be the only staple in the “Spring” pantry.
  12. Maybe Kevin can do some research and find a 9-month long clinical trial for Randall?? Honestly, I've gone from loving Randall in Season 1 to actively hating him in every scene he's in. And I wasn't a big fan of Kevin's at first, but now I think he's the only voice of reason. Still not on Team Kate one bit. I don't like her character in general, but mostly its adult Kate I don't like. I've been to NYC a few times, and mostly walked from place to place (walked from the UN to the Park Plaza, and from the Bowery to Rockefeller Plaza). But even I know if you are on a train and miss a stop or go in the wrong direction, you jump off at the next stop, walk over/under to the train platform on the other side and take the next rain back in the right direction. Or, you know, maybe listen to someone who knows the city/subway system better than I do? Jack and Randall are very much alike; they both think they are the only people capable of nurturing or directing or leading the people they love. Over it. Speaking of Jack/Milo - maybe its because the Saint Jack angle is wearing on my nerves, but the way Milo speaks drives me CRAZY. It's like he's trying to talk without moving his lips, kinda clenching his jaw or something. It just seems very fake or put on. Ditto for Randall's "seriously smug and sanctimonious" tone he uses to man-splain (Randall-splain??) why, once again HE is right, and the others are babbling idiots. Rebecca's speech about 'next time' really hit me. We all have limited 'next times', regardless of horrible diseases like cancer or Alzheimer's. Don't defer happiness to 'next time'!
  13. We rented a stroller for a trip to Disney several years ago. We we were flying from Boston to Florida with our 5 year old. Even though she didn’t use a stroller at home, we figured little legs would get tired fast, so better safe than sorry. A friend told me about this company in FL that did onsite delivery and pick up of strollers (and other baby gear like cribs or pack n plays). It was a great! We didn’t have to deal with getting the stroller through airports or on the plane. When we checked into our hotel and got to our room, the stroller was in the room already. When we left, the company came to the hotel to get it. Long story short, this type of business has existed for a while, at least for hotel type travel. And many hotels will supply a crib for a fee. Coconut ice cream sandwiches looked awesome, but I’m on the East coast, so I may be out of luck. Toothpaste bits is a good idea, and the recyclable glass jar is good for sustainability I guess. But I think it may take a lot of marketing bucks to change the way consumers think about toothpaste and the impact of packaging. Glasses thing was cute, but my first thoughts were a).Very easy to knock off & b). They only make one shape?
  14. At the beginning they mentioned Sandra was diagnosed with MS, and it got so bad she needed her husband’s care, and I think she couldn’t work anymore. After the murder, her illness was never mentioned again. If she was so debilitated before the crime, she sure didn’t look worse for wear after 21 mos in prison. Did her symptoms miraculously go into remission during her ordeal? The son was defiantly squirrelly. I think he put the gun in the car, and he was just too helpful to offer up clues to pin murder on his mother. The husband had 40+ guns in the house so he could ‘be ready in case he needed one’. Well, that plan didn’t work out, did it? Just when his home is allegedly invaded, the only nearby gun ended up in the wrong hands! And if they were gun- totin’ gun-lovin’ gun-havin’ folks, why was the murder weapon so rusty? Don’t must gun owners keep their guns in good condition? Or maybe with so many guns too keep up with, a few got lost in the maintenance cycle?
  15. I knew the kid in a coma would wake up once both parents got the big freeze. The passengers are finally showing anxiety/fear/panic at their situation. Everyone has been relatively calm about their situation. Maybe humans develop an extreme ability to chill in the future? Delayed for 3 years, or even 6mos?!? Most people freak out if they have to wait behind 2 cars in a McDonalds drive thru line. Why is the supply shuttle a 2-seater coupe? Wouldn’t Mission Control think it might be a good idea to send additional (non-actor)crew or at least a doctor along with assorted ‘flavorings’? Just one one many many questions.... Despite this show being a bit of a literal shit show, my love for Hugh Laurie hasn’t diminished. I am not going to miss Harris, but gotta say, I will miss Sarah* a bit. * character Sarah, not actress Sarah
  16. I think truck drivin’ Sis won the JJ Guinness World Record for “Longest Uninterrupted Storytelling by a Plaintiff”. Wow. JJ never lets anyone ramble on and on with such a lengthy backstory!
  17. The Birds Eye ad for ‘riced cauliflower’...the woman comes in the kitchen to see her partner making “stir fry”. She looks mighty confused, and says “Rice????” as if rice in a stir fry dish is unnatural and affront to God. He says, “I got you babe!” and shows the bag of cauliflower. And all is right in her world, I guess? I know eating more veggies is important and things like “rice” and “noodles” made of vegetables is a good option. But in this ad, there’s no hint given why this lady is mildly shocked or dismayed by the idea she may have to eat rice.
  18. I can not WAIT to see this! That woman was one of the rudest, unlikable people ever to be on this show! 🍿🍿🍿
  19. This episode proves that the stupid twists ruin the show. Time spent making hideous eggs took away time from decorating the cookies. These kids are all pretty talented, but most of the cookies looked sooo sloppy. They didn’t have time to ice the cookies properly...everyone’s cookies were naked on one side. 3D cookies would have looked better if they gave them more time to flood and dry the icing on both sides. If this were the first time I was seeing the four of them bake, I would assume they pulled random kids with no experience off the street. Poor Morgan...if anyone missed what the theme was, I don’t think too many people would guess “dinosaur” if presented with Morgan’s plate. Grayson did the best looking cookie.
  20. I have those handles in my kitchen and I am constantly getting caught on them! I ordered them when I remodeled my kitchen because I liked how simple they were. Little did I know I’d be sacrificing a favorite old worn out tee shirt and my bathrobe sleeve on two different drawers. But I didn’t like the casket handles enough to switch them out again. Richard Lewis is making me very sad and anxious as the season goes on. He looks so...lost and bewildered in some scenes. I don’t know if he’s ill IRL, but he has the same pain killer induced, hundred yard stare my dad had when he was in final stages of cancer. Same drawn face and tautness around his mouth too. And so so so very frail. I recognized Bobby Slayton’s voice before I even saw his face! Great stand up comic. I’m sorry his character won’t be coming back this season. Not a big fan of Nick Kroll, but he did a great job playing the smug maitre d’. My friends & I recently went to see a comedy show at an old theater in Boston. There were restroom attendants in both the mens’ and ladies’ rooms. I left a tip even though I didn’t use any of the stuff just out of guilt.
  21. I don’t work out, but for those that do, I guess the resistant weights were the most sensible item in the tank. Pubic hair potions and lotions? Whaaa? Are people (i.e.-women) really being judged or shamed over their choice to have or not have pubes? As far as I know most people in most daily routines are not disclosing their “choice” of pubic hair maintenance. Most of us are not looking around the office wondering what, if ANY conditioner Suzy in Payroll is slathering on her nether region. This is one “under- represented market segment“ that doesn’t need to be raised (razored??) to anyone’s attention. I don’t have a dog of my own, but the majority of the ones I have come to know via family & friends do not have such erudite pallets, nor have I heard of rampant ennui over their daily bowls of kibble. Don’t a lot of dogs eat smelly slippers, trash and their own excrement??? Why would anyone spend $13 on seasoning for poop eating pets? Ping pong is fun, but not sure those guys were ready to go National with franchises. Maria did not come across as likable or being easy to work with. But the woman is an amazing athlete and spokesperson, and she looks like she could kick any of those Sharks’ asses up, down and sideways.
  22. I have seen the story about “Killer” Karl Karlson before. For once though, Dateline had some new sides of the story I didn’t know before...like the dead horses in the “mysterious” barn fire, or his first insurance scam with his truck catching on fire and getting a payout. I am so glad his surviving children and his brother saw him as the sick psycho he was. I was worried the grown daughters and teen son would be brainwashed to be on his side. Only a true sociopath would opt to sit for a televised interview to plead his innocence. Not an ounce of emotion at the time of the crimes, and not any sign of remorse once he was caught. He has to be truly evil to set fire to his home with 3 toddlers and his wife inside. Yes, he got the kids out, but I think that was only to add to his “dramatic tale of heroism “. Trapping humans and animals to be burned and suffocated?? Dropping a car on your son and walking away while he was still alive?? If there is an afterlife, I hope Karl is roasting over a spit for eternity.
  23. I'd add Christian as one in need of a thesaurus. His many variations of "amazing" were over the limit last night....you will do AH-MAY-zing things, your talent is ama-ZING, you are an a-MAZ--ING designer, we'll miss your AAA-mazing work... I'm happy Geoffrey & Nancy are in the final four. I would be really happy for either to win. I guess I'm OK with the other 2 in the finals if it's based on work only. I'd swap Maquis for Victoria for a personality based final. Sergio is smug, but that guy can sew! His designs are derivative, but honestly, who's isn't? I'm not a fashion history maven, but just watching PR for years, I've seen a lot of derivative stuff on this runway. Shirts as dresses, pants as shirts, menswear on women, women's wear on men, latex and neoprene gowns, backwards clothes, chains and strings and human hair...someone at some point has done all of these things. I think Sergio's main faults are 1) he chooses very high profile designers for his "inspiration"- so much so that even casual fashion TV show watching people can say "hmmm, that reminds of something I've seen..." 2) Sergio doesn't acknowledge he was borrowing or riffing! He has convinced himself he alone is some bottomless font of originality. If avant garde is French for "WTF?", then I guess Victoria's earring boob hammock makes perfect sense. SO, I guess that means I have to admit, Victoria did do something we haven't seen on the runway. I don't think I need to see that again. The Vessel looks incredibly cool! I wonder if any other designers would do a show there? Now that PR did it, it seems like a natural breath taking venue. Or have other shows been done there, and PR was derivative? Although, if I were a model, I'd petrified to walk down even one flight of those stairs in gowns and heels!
  24. I was initially glad this show was coming back, but after these past 2 episodes, I’m not so sure. I feel like it’s the same plot line over and over and over for all 3 main characters. And maybe that’s what the writers are intending? That once you make bad decisions, you keep making more bad decisions? But I am tired of the same story every week/season...Dean is a serial cheater, Beth could be a bad ass boss, but also wants to be the bestest PTA mom EVER!, Annie is a mess who will sleep with any man who maintains eye contact for 15 seconds. I think the only people I like are Ruby, Stanley and Ben. The whole scheme of getting strange criminals and parolees to launder the money....how else did they think that would go? Of course the guy was going to attempt to wipe you out! And even though it looks like Beth ‘won’ the battle by threatening the guy, Beth has put herself, her kids and her sister and friend in more jeopardy than when they worked for Rico!
  25. Not to mention there are no stalls in the women's room either. If it was a single bathroom, then no walls needed, but if you have two or more toilets, 99% of female users will expect privacy. And what about handicap accessible facilities? ADA rules apply to small businesses, Larry! Plus, the pants issue...does Larry expect all the female customers at Latte Larry's will be wearing skirts and dresses? Good luck getting your permits to open. What's the payoff going to be for the always hot cups? What about customers who do take out? Is Larry going to let those go out the door? I know this is all a farce and done for the ridiculous implausibility that we have come to love in Seinfeld & CYE. But there are some things that I just can't pretend away.
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