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Everything posted by BusyOctober

  1. I hope Dina and the bird crazy vet live happily ever after! They had more chemistry in a 3 minute scene than Amy and Jonah have in 2 seasons. Honestly, Jonah and Sandra had more chemistry than Jonah and Amy.
  2. I feel bad for Gloria to a point. Same for the airline employee Mob Jerry befriended. They were put in worse financial difficulties after their “wins”, but they both (and all the other “winners”) made the choice to participate in a shady and criminal enterprise. There are not very many shortcuts to getting rich, and the ones offered up by someone who tells you he “knows a guy...”should be the ones you run from. Of course Jerry Colombo and Uncle Jerry were going to make money off the saps they suckered into the sham. Members of the mafia may be portrayed as uneducated or even dumb, but they are not stupid when it comes to coming out on top, especially when money is the motivation! I also don’t feel too bad for Colombo’s wife (or as I call her, “Red Robin”). She knew she was marrying in the mob. While I was watching this, my husband walked in while Red Robin was on. He said”My GOD!! Is that the girl from Jersey Shore?!? Snooky??”
  3. Re. Adoption scammer...what Gabby did was absolutely horrible and I feel sympathy for her victims. It seemed like she was very low functioning in addition to whatever other diagnoses Dr. Phil, Gabby and her dad threw out as excuses for her evil actions. However, she is pretty sly and intelligent enough to figure out this kind of deep level scam. So, mental illness is a definite, but I don’t know that I’m convinced she’s mentally challenged. Am I missing some details on the woman from whom Gabby stole pregnancy pictures, her ultrasounds and her identity via Facebook. Did Kendra publicly post her very personal photos? And her ultrasound pics with her name, DOB, hospital or imaging center, date of ultrasound, etc? Even if she did only post to her “FB friends”, she really should have redacted all of that info so NO ONE could see it and accidentally share it! She left a gaping hole in the already flimsy “security” of the internet! I am not blaming the victim, but she has hopefully learned how to use privacy controls on all her SM accounts. And edit or crop personal identifying data from your posted pics, people!
  4. Leslie Jones needs to be back every week. Victoria’s disaster was bad enough from the front, but when the model went back down the runway and that fluttering non cape thing had its full moment...wow. That looked like one of my Nana’s 1970’s housecoat pinned on the shoulders. It just did not make sense in any way shape or form. Then we get to the “denim diaper” which is what I called Victoria’s workroom attire...I actually said out loud to no one “Is she wearing a denim diaper-thong?” Victoria’s entire outfit had no business ever being stitched together. An abomination. As is her shittty attitude and stank face during judges critique. I do not understand how that was kept over Delvin’s. His was not great, but it wasn’t the level of craptastic of Victoria’s. Sergio’s was pretty but I couldn’t see the tie dye. Woo for Geoffrey!!! Final 4 for sure.
  5. Same here, re. Sophie, but I'd also add that I have NO recollection of Denise or Michele. I even had to look up some of the "new kids" like Nick & Wendell to jog my memory. I recognized Ben, but I was thinking "Huh...he actually WON?". And I have watched every single season. Tony and Ben need to go ASAP, but they won't go before some of the women get booted first, because that's the way Survivor universe works. "Men strong like bull! Help in challenges! Girls are girls...not strong, no good athlete like MEN!" I still love Rob. I don't know what it is exactly. Even his first season when he was an unlikable snotty brat on Marquesas, I was rooting for him. I think he has a gift of smarmy charm and manipulation with a touch of hypnotist magic. Sandra was a past favorite, but she has been drinking her own Queen Kool-Aid too long. Enough with the "How DARE Rob not tell me his plans!" Bye, Queen. Hi Yul! You may not win this thing, but I hope you stick around for a long time. My hate for Tony still burns bright. But I have to say my searing loathing for Parvarti was suddenly calmed down when she and Rob were talking. I could be on board for that alliance, but I still wouldn't trust her for a second.
  6. I am not a big fan of adult Kate (I like the actress a lot though), but this episode was pretty good. I am very glad she spoke up and basically told Toby to Step Up or Step Off. Whether you’ve been in an abusive relationship or not, the biggest factor in making a healthy one work is communication. Honest, straightforward talk from both parties about what each needs/wants and what are the deal breakers. It doesn’t mean everybody always gets what he/she wants 100% of the time, but once it’s out there, the couple can go into negotiating mode. Nothing will kill a relationship faster or harder than unspoken desires or frustrations. I told my now husband when we while we were dating that if I do something that he really can’t tolerate, big or small, let me know! Because I sure as Hell will be letting him know mine. I told him I refused to let “loading the dishwasher wrong” be the reason for a divorce. What kind of jobs do Kate and Toby have that they can keep affording all the round trip LA-to-PA plane rides? Or fancy seminars at luxury resorts? And what jobs allow them to take so much time off? I can TV-splain away Kevin’s ‘money is no object’ flying budget...he’s a movie star. Even Randall’s finances have to be questioned though. He’s a full time City Council member but I don’t imagine that salary, minus a mortgage, 2 car payments, Beth’s dance studio, the 3 kids’ activities, food, clothes, iPhones, etc.etc.etc. leaves a lot of discretionary income for monthly flights to check in on his mom and sister.
  7. My now ex-BIL and his parents go to Disney world 2 times a year. They bought a time share after my sister married into the family (clue #1 these people were cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs). They have been doing these biannual trips since my oldest niece was 3 months old. Her little sister is only 14 mos younger, and having 2 babies in diapers was not a deterrent to getting on a plane twice a year. My sister went along with this insanity for a few years until she became ill and couldn’t travel for a couple of years. But even that didn’t stop the ex BIL and his parents. My sister divorced the Disney Dope when the girls were 7 & 8, so she escaped the madness. The girls are now 13 & 14 and they still go twice a year. A few years they even went an extra time so the kids “could experience the magic of a Disney Christmas”. I think the kids were toddlers for one of those trips...neither remember the “magic”. They both have told my sister they don’t want to go any more, or at least maybe cut back. But Dopey and his parents, Tweedle Dee & Tweedle Dum, guilt those poor kids into going....”we are getting older! What if this is the LAST year we can do this as a family???” Because of their idiocy, it really skewed my attitude toward Disney World. We did take my daughter <<once>> when she was 5 for her birthday. She had a ball and so did my husband and I. She is 11 now & remembers a lot of the trip. She was not in diapers, could walk around without a stroller, carry her own little backpack, and ate regular meals vs. baby food or bottles. Why anyone would do a trip like that with toddlers or infants is sheer madness to me. And for what it’s worth, when I was there, I saw A LOT of over tired, cranky or frightened toddlers being dragged around the parks. One mom was even screaming at her 3 year old for crying when Winnie the Pooh stopped at their table during a character meal. “Why are you crying?!? You love Pooh!! We spent a fortune to eat here so you could see Pooh! Take a picture with Pooh!” I think even Pooh was ready to call the authorities.
  8. I recorded it but I will wait to see some comments here before I watch. I do not like Jim Carey at all, so I want to hear if he took over the couch. He has either been OTT “ON!!” I his interviews, or very sanctimonious IMO. I have never enjoyed any of his movies and personally think he’s overrated.
  9. I’ve seen this story before, but I still don’t understand the asshole’s motive for killing the mother of his child so brutally. Insurance money? Pissed off because she broke up with him? Mad because she asked him to keep the baby so she could get some rest? I don’t understand. If it was plain old rage that Kelsey discovered his affair with the Rodeo Queen, did they ever say that? I don’t recall Dateline coming up with a real reason. The asshole told his “beauty queen” (really??? Maybe in a town of 3000, I guess??) Kelsey was abusing the baby but that was just his ruse to get her to do the deed. I am also baffled by the police investigation and the search of Kelsey’ condo after she went missing. They had no forensic team in there until Rodeo Ho brought them there for a tour? And that sociopath was able to clean that much blood spatter off 18’ white walls and ceilings in only 4 hours??
  10. Basement dwelling sister who lives in the Messy Mansion / Tacky Taj Mahal / Clutter Castle is not necessarily faking her issues, but I think she’s a product of her environment and has learned how to capitalize on whatever illness or condition she has. Her manner of speaking reminds me too much of how Elizabeth Warren speaks, and it annoys me to no end. That breathless, weary, put upon fragile whispery voice sets me on edge because it just sounds so fake and overly dramatic. The mom is a hoot, but me thinks she is a hoarder of (perceived) expensive tchotchkes. Poor Kim had better have 1-800-GOT JUNK on speed dial for when her mom passes away.
  11. Is Anthony Head the guy from the 80’s/90’s coffee commercials? Folgers, I think??
  12. Episode 1 got me hooked! Love everyone so far, and I have many many questions. Off to watch Ep. 2...
  13. Agent Doug is going to wear on my nerves I think. He's a 'show boater' for sure. If I had to be next to him at work, I'd request a new desk. He's the type of 'lookit me!' blowhard that I'd walk away from at a cocktail party. However, the first episode was pretty good. I knew nothing about this fraud, so it's interesting.
  14. Most of the finished cookies looked like inexperienced 1st graders decorated them. Not impressed. The edible paper looked horrible on Anthony’s (Reggie’s too). Never mind the rest of his execution was bad too, but just leaving all that white space around his stamp (leaf? oval? feather?) was a bad choice. Why not trim the paper a bit closer to the stamp? And what did his stamp shape have to do with the beachy theme on his plate? Grayson is the one to beat.
  15. And her “Taylor Swift red lip” only exaggerated the yellow tinge of her teeth.
  16. I really enjoyed this show! I have watched every season of Project Runway and all it’s spin-offs. I think Next in Fashion was a welcome take on a fashion competition show. I liked Alexa and Tan as judges/hosts. I liked that the other judges were credible and knowledgeable, but didn’t behave as if they were the Fashion God’s gift to the world. On PR the judges are mean and snarky, or they act as if a crime against humanity was committed b/c some contestant left a raw edge on a garment. I think the NiF designers were on the whole more talented than a lot of recent PR folks too. I liked that there was no real ‘drah-ma’ and cattiness. I didn’t miss seeing the apartment scenes. Focus was on the designers and the workroom and the clothes. The team concept worked in my opinion, and I liked that they had all the material and notions on set vs watching the crazed run through Mood every week. The NiF weekly challenges were interesting and didn’t seem gimmicky. Plus, no product placement BS or required use of the ticky-tacky accessories wall. Minju and Daniel were 2 of my favs from the start. I cried when Minju won, and I thought her collection was amazing. The wedding dress was just beyond. I hope Minju’s sister backs off from holding back Minju’s creativity. I also hope Daniel has a lot of success and gets a lot of positive attention for his business. When is season 2???
  17. Just watched “Abducted”. So sad for Heidi and her family. Those poor kids. I hope that the murdering kidnapper and her accomplice get put away forever. Texas has the death penalty and I think that would be justice. Andrea Canning was in her typical ace reporter mode. Wide deer in headlights stare and stunning probing questions like asking the mother of the murdered woman and grandmother to the kidnapped infant “How did you feel when you found out baby Margo was alive?” Heidi’s friend with the dark hair and the gray sweater annoyed me to no end. She seemed like she was auditioning for her own show. I don’t doubt she was a true good friend to Heidi but in every interview segment she managed to make the moment about herself. When asked about the relationship between Heidi and the bitch who killed her, “Did Heidi trust her?”, this woman replied “I trusted her!” She just came off as trying too hard to prove she was Heidi’s bestest BFF ever. The other friends interviewed didn’t have that same need to be the center of attention attitude.
  18. So do the designers know in advance if their models have had recent bikini waxes or Brazilians? Two episodes now we’ve seen extremely high cut and narrow leotards style tops that expose quite a lot of the pubic area! How awkward would it be if the model went to put that reverse thong on and announced that she believes in staying au natural when it comes to personal grooming!
  19. Hated pretty much all of the designs. I consider myself a liberal prude. I have no problem with how anyone wants to explore sex, (as long as it doesn’t involve minors & it’s consensual). I think what makes something or someone “sexy” is personal and spans a very broad spectrum. So get your freak on with fetishes if it is your thing. However, I don’t care to know what your fetishes are. I don’t want to hear about bondage or S&M or ball gags, or sniffing underwear, thanks. If and when I do, there are plenty of resources on the internet to do ‘research’!
  20. Ferai and Kiki should’ve gone home. They have been in the bottom 3 times and every single thing they sent down the runway had one thing in common re. judges comments....”too much going on”. Both ladies, but Kiki mostly, need to learn to edit.
  21. National Floors Direct and those damn unfunny sock puppets need to be whisked off my TV immediately. As if the puppets weren’t bad enough, one of them actually delivers the line “National Floors Direct?! I seen their commercials!” That egregious grammar assures the puppet, the puppeteer, the copy writer and the director their places in Hell right next to the people responsible for Kars 4 Kidz.
  22. Haven’t watched the good Doc in a week or two, but finally caught the last 30 min today. First 14 min (minus ads)Angry, angsty teen is going off the the “real working ranch” for therapy and hopefully won’t be angry and angsty anymore. Then the last segment was some new (to me) mail order meal subscription service for “busy people” who can’t find time to make healthy meals at the end of their busy day. Must be better and more healthy than the other 875 meal subscription services out there, because Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodriguez endorse it! Well, you’ve sold me! If anyone can convince me that I need this heat & eat baggie in a crock pot business, it’s multi millionaire celebrities. JLo and ARod are just like me! When I get driven or flown home from touring or acting or endorsing products, and it’s the nanny’s and personal chef’s night off, it’s good to know I can grab a bag o’ beans and rice and ladle it out for my kids in 15 minutes! Good God, I assume Phil or Robin the Robot or one of the sons is somehow financially involved in this company. And the samples looked horrible! Mushy, nondescript bowls of slop. The spokeswoman demonstrating the stuff actual described one dish as “casion”. I assume she was trying to say Cajun, but no regional cuisine modifier is going to make that look appetizing.
  23. Hi all, I'm looking for any forum that might be out there for "Little Dorrit". I know it's an older program, but I just stumbled across it on Amazon Prime. I'd love to read what others thought of this production. Thanks!
  24. Almost fell off the couch at Geoffrey in his most flamboyant, Pride Parade regalia peeking from the background and asking Christian, “Did you know I’m gay?” He is a bit neurotic, but Geoffrey is really funny and sweet.
  25. I must have missed A LOT of the beginning, and several key points along the way. First, what made Grafton any more desirable to invest in than other surrounding (and I assume, flooded) communities? Not knocking this little city, and I feel awful for all the residents who lost homes and businesses. Was Grafton a well known vacation spot on the Mississippi before the flood? Was it a hot fishing or boating or riverboat gambling destination pre-flood? Otherwise, I don’t understand how Marcus and his money is going to “create” a brand and turn Grafton into another Branson or a resort hotspot like in the Ozark lakes. And I am a proud American, I am grateful for every veteran who has served or is currently deployed. But, is a ginormous flag going to be enough of a draw to bring in tourists and inject the city with tourism dollars? My other big question is what 2nd, 3rd...9th job did the Mayor have to support his family??? His mayoral salary was only a tad over $3k for God’s sake! His wife had a little ice cream shop, and now another new tchotchke store, but how did this family afford to live? I really do wish the best for this community, and any of the other towns in flood zones. I prefer the original format of The Profit, and I hope more businesses are profiled vs. Marcus doing drive through therapy sessions.
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