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Everything posted by BusyOctober

  1. I couldn’t believe the disastrous brownies! They all over complicated and over thought it. The best brownie is enough on its own merit. I rarely add anything sweet to brownies when I make them. Whether I make them from scratch or the best box mix on the planet, Ghirardelli, I add espresso powder in the batter. I have done a swirl of raspberry coulis toward the end of baking, and the tartness helps cut the sweetness of the extra fudgey ooey gooey ones I make from scratch. I abhor cream cheese brownies! I have never had one that was palatable, let alone delectable. Leave the cream cheese where it belongs; 1) a schmear on a fresh, NY style (non-rainbow) bagel 2) cheesecake 3) mashed potatoes. Naked cakes and geode cakes in the showstopper? Was the challenge to time travel back to 2018? I have seen some elegant naked cakes, but in general? meh. Much like my hatred for cream cheese brownies, I do not like geode cakes one bit. I can appreciate the skill needed to create them, but they always end up looking like a confectionery diagram of a vagina. Someone somewhere once made that comparison to a geode cake, and now I can’t unsee it.
  2. He looks looks like the actor Alan Ruck to me. Alan Ruck with -a dash of Paul Lynde in his smarmy “Uncle Arthur” years & a pinch of Waldo of Where’s Waldo (mostly because of the striped shirt)
  3. Like most people on the planet (okay maybe the Northeast region), I love a fresh hot from the oven NY a style bagel. The rainbow ones have been around my neck of the woods for years, but I think they look unappealing. Onion, Everything, Egg, Sesame...yes! Absurd colors (and chocolate chips and raisins) are a big NO a for me. I found a bagel recipe during quarantine days and I made them a few times. They weren’t that difficult to make, and adding the barley malt to the water bath really helped them brown and get that distinctive chewy outer crust. Only problem is they were best eaten same day. After a day or two they lost their texture and had to be toasted. Anyway, Lotte and Mark (star baker) are my favorites so far. Gotta say, I wasn’t really impressed or tantalized by most of the breads this week. I HATE soda bread. The idea of sausage or salmon chopped into it is so much worse. Rainbow bagels were hideous. As for the show stopper, meh. It was more “style over substance” IMO. I can appreciate the artistry of the plaiting and designs of some of the bakers, but besides that, meh. I guess my bias comes from my undying admiration for Paul Jagger’s legendary “Lion” bread sculpture. THAT a was impressive and looked like something I would want to eat.
  4. OMG. Amy and her moving methodology are what my OCD a nightmares are made of. So much crap! No organization! Nothing was prepared for the movers! Bags of rocks that mean something special? Four hundred mugs and tea cup and saucers, and eleventy million platters? What the hell?? When is she using serving pieces and place settings for a White House State Dinner sized event? Stacks of paper and bins... if I were Matt or Zach or Chris, I would make Amy’s mountains of random shit disappear bit by bit. There is no way Amy knows exactly where or what each piece of her “memorabilia “ is. Amy can’t make a decision, period. She may have a real phobia about it, but I think she does it as a passive aggressive weapon. I haven’t been a fan of Matt’s, but I sympathize with his frustration over Amy and her sloth like pace. Tectonic plates and glaciers have moved faster than Amy Roloff. If (big IF) Chris ever does move in, it won’t last long. Nothing in that house will be his. And it will take Amy forever to get furniture to “her” liking for Chris to sit on. Once they start “playing house”, he will quickly get tired of being Amy’s average height landscaper and handy man.
  5. Unfortunate and infuriating as it is, these two pieces of shit may end up doing very short time, or no time at all. I think their lawyers will pin it all on her dead piece of shit brother. And since he can’t refute anything, the lawyers can pile on the accusations. Pretty much every bit of evidence could be viewed as coincidental or circumstantial in the eyes of the law. But everyone knows Vallow and Daybell were behind the entire thing. The more upsetting thing to me is that no one raised the alarm early enough to help these kids. Teachers, family, friends...they are all eager to tell their concerns to 48 Hours, 20/20 and Dateline, but where was the call to action while they were having their suspicions and worries? Tylee and JJ were failed by more than just Lori. “See something, Say something” indeed. I feel horrible for JJ’s grandparents, but they should have been screaming for help from local, state police and child welfare authorities sooner. I know they lived far away, but I would have begged, borrowed or stolen money to get on a plane to confront Lori face to face. And all of Lori’s “dear friends” and fellow cult members are guilty by association IMO. Lori starts babbling about how he husband and kids are zombies, and must be eradicated from the Earth, and they’re all, “ hmmm...interesting. Pass the cookies please, and tell me more how I can be one of God’s Chosen Fucktwads for Eternity!” One of my first questions would be, “Well, these dark spirits seem to be drawn to you, Lori. I mean, at least 3 in your own family! Ever think maybe it’s YOU who is dark and evil? Maybe YOU should do the world a favor and kill yourself?” This episode was about JJ and Tylee, but the whole story is never told on any of these crime shows, even Dateline’s ridiculously repetitive “2 hour” episodes. We hear bits and pieces about Lori’s stable of dead husbands, her whackadoo family...But there’s no full account. What about her older son from hubby 1 or 2? Tylee’s dad? Chad’s 5 kids? Her cousin and her husband were involved tangentially if I remember from one of these crime shows...what’s up there?
  6. re. Brandi’s sons piping up on their mom’s behalf and her “worth”...Of COURSE Brandi’s teenaged children know her financials, and how much she makes. Because she is a horrible parent. I am sure those boys have heard Brandi’s drunken wailing about their dad being a rotten SOB, his new wife being a home wrecking whore, and how they can’t have nice things because dad won’t give her more money. Many divorced parents have stipulations in their divorce that neither parent should discuss financials with minors. The kids are just supposed to know they have a safe, clean home whether they are in mom or dad’s custody. They need to know their school, clothing and extracurricular activities will be provided for (if possible). They shouldn’t be told, “you can’t go on the school trip because your dad hasn’t paid me this month.” I would extend this principal of no detailed money talk with kids to the parent’s individual finances (salary, rent, bills, etc.) too. Yes, as kids get older, it is OK to discuss some money matters and set realistic expectations; for example- needing to choose between playing football or basketball because the cost of both isn’t feasible. But actual details of who has how much in the bank is not meant for kids to worry and stress over. Brandi is horrible...as a person, as a friend and as a parent.
  7. Rinna’s lipstick will probably be a Costco-sized dispenser to cover all that acreage. Instead of an easy-breezy Cover Girl lipstick tube, it will have to be a lipstick silo.
  8. I saw a mention that Caitlyn Jenner 🤦🏻‍♀️ and Sophia Hutchins (????) have been approached about joint RHOBH. If anyone from the Kartrashian realm joins, I will be gone next season. Kris Jenner, Caitlyn Jenner, any of their “K” named spawn, or their rotating stable of husbands/ BF’s/baby daddies, or grand children do not need one more minute of exposure. Erika and Rinna are probably already scheming with Kyle who’s next on their hit list. Denise was bullied into quitting. Teddi only had Kyle as a supporter, so she was a weak link. My guess is Sutton will be targeted (if she comes back). Which would suck because I like her! Dorit was already harassed during Puppy-gate season, but she is in contention for being thrown back under the Bitches of Beverly Hills Bus. I think Garcelle is too strong and has shown she will not put up with Rinna’s reindeer games, so I hope she comes back to be the one voice of reason and supporter of Sutton. However, Garcelle (& Sutton if I’m honest) are too good for this shit show of all shit shows RHOBH has become. I blame Rinna for that since she has consistently shown the Bravo brass that she is willing to do anything to keep her name and hideously deformed face in the limelight.
  9. Rinna is one of the worst type of women. She is a back stabbing opportunistic witch. Rinna will glom onto a female acquaintance she sees as a ‘rising star’ or someone with clout (lots of followers/fans, fame money, status- the things Rinna values above everything). She will ooh and ahh over this new friend, invite her over for tea, get to know all about her kids and family....then BAM! She will hit her now frenemy with a Mack truck right between the eyes with some sly or slimy innuendo or a tidbit of personal intimate info that was shared during the ‘fawning over a new friend’ stage. She would sell out her own mother and her 2 overrated, underwhelming daughters if it meant she could make a buck or get mentions on social media. Any way she can be a shit stirrer to get her name, her over worked face, and her anorexic body some time in the Twitter-verse, she will take it. She is a wretched waste of DNA (and silicone). For all the enemies Rinna has made on RHOBH, and the public personas she’s destroyed, I wish they’d all band together and Bring. That. Bitch. DOWN.
  10. My daughter and I yelled NOOOOOOOOO! when we saw Tater-Snot’s face in the previews. Thank the Ghosts and Goblins he will not be competing this season.
  11. I loved his old TV show in Boston I was in the audience for “People Are Talking” a couple of times in high school because my aunt worked at WBZ. Tom Bergeron was always so nice to the audience, and pretty funny.
  12. I didn’t believe too much of the Cheryl “I was a MODEL” story. (You guys, did you know she was a model?) She definitely was there to push her books, TedTalks etc. She was waaaay too rehearsed and scripted. The whole trip to Japan and breaking down over the homeless lady with her Wabi-Sabi/ Coco-Loco/ Cabo-Wabo enlightenment was over the top. I am not belittling or being insensitive to Japanese culture, but I think Cheryl read about the belief that beauty comes from imperfections, and appropriated it for her story. That, and the supposed phone call with her mom...she manages to get through to her mom after a horrific experience and says ZERO about her ordeal, regardless of how brief the call. Not even yelling to the cafe or phone bank area that she needs help. Then after being disconnected and not getting back in touch days later, still nothing is said? You don’t go home? You kept traveling in pursuit of a modeling career? I missed the beginning when they mentioned she was a friend of Robin the Robot, so it makes perfect sense why she was a guest star on Phil.
  13. Less than 5 days if Ramona is stopping by after a trip out of the country, or after eating a taco, or on her way to have sex...And Sonja is a slob where her dog’s poop Is concerned
  14. OMG, Luann’s singing made my daughter come running from the other room...she looked at me and said “Mom, WTF is wrong with that woman? Does she think she is singing?? I hope she doesn’t have kids watching this, how embarrassingly cringey for her family!” I don’t know how any of these ‘industry insiders’ keep a straight face when Lu gets in front of mic. That was horrifying.
  15. Lisa Rinna is the worst. She should be fired for her rotten behavior just like Dorinda was fired on RHONY. But, Andy and Bravo will keep her & her stupid wigs around to do the dirty shit stirring every season, in hopes of finding more ratings gold like “Munchausen”, “Pantygate” and “Puppygate”. I know a lot of people on this forum hate “Vile Kyle”, but IMO Kyle hasn’t come within a false eyelash length of Rinna’s despicable mean girl bullying. (BTW, if she hasn’t done it already, I foresee Rinna developing a line of “wigs with personalities“ for QVC. She can wear one of her signature dusters, and try on her wigs made from extruded petroleum and hand-stitched by tiny little Vietnamese children, and squawk how her audience of shut ins can “OWN IT!” for 3 EZ Payments of $19.99)
  16. Why did Kyle ask her stylists to make her look like everyone’s mom? Actually, she was giving me shades of Yvonne DeCarlo/Lily Munster. Garcelle looks fabulous as usual. I liked her energy and I hope she will be back. I really wish she could be cloned and take Rinna’s place. Ditto Sutton. I like her and want her back too. Teddy looked great (minus the pink hair. Dorit looked better with her “understated” reunion look, and Erica’s hair and makeup was really good. As much as I loathe her, Rinna looked good with that particular wig. Denise looked a bit haggard, but knowing I had to spend several hours on the defense with these vapid vipers would make me lose sleep too.
  17. Still watching, but when I saw the title to the show, I decided before I watched, I needed to look at Leah’s MTTM website....Um, I guess her clients are women who have out-grown Justice or Hollister size ranges, but still want to look like tweens trying to look like 18 year olds? I don’t get it. But I am an old 50 year old fart who shops at Marshall’s. I don’t get a lot of the “fashion” worn on RHOBH either. Though MTTM is more my vibe than just about anything Dorit has in her closet.
  18. I enjoyed Dorinda a lot, but she did hit below the belt too often in the last couple of seasons. The drinking and anger issues should be addressed by professionals when she leaves the show. I will miss her though. My big questionS for Bravo/Andy are: 1) if Dorinda was fired for being mean/nasty/angry/drunk, why are Luann and Sonja andLeann still on the payroll? 2) if being mean and attacking cast mates are grounds for dismissal at Bravo, then PLEASE apply the same rule to Lisa Fucking Rinna on RHOBH. That stanky ass shit stirrer needs to hit the bricks. She is the ultimate asshole and worst “friend” ever.
  19. Why does Dorit have to wear designer clothing with the designer’s name emblazoned on every square inch of the fabric? Or she has to have the entire “look” from the same label, head to toe? It’s like she has some nouveau riche “Garanimals” approach to dressing. It just screams that she has no real innate sense of style. She shops by price tag, and not for true good taste. And that’s why her closet is filled with the fugliest pieces from high end fashion houses. I have friends who can go to TJ Maxx and thrown outfits together that look more Vogue cover worthy than Dorit’s ready for Clown Town get ups. The way Dorit said “KAHP-ree” in her TH was so annoying! But then she said it normally when Teddi and Kyle showed up. Boy, that room she designed at Chucky Cheese Bucco de Pepto was...there. Fake lemons from Hobby Lobby and framed prints of non-descript Mediterranean places from the liquidation sale at the foreclosed Greek restaurant down the street does not a Capri trattoria make. Does Teddi understand that was in no way a celebration of her or her baby? It was all about Dorit’s CRAPI Room, Erica’s pending Broadway debut ( thank you COVID-19 for getting one thing right in 2020), and of course, Brandi the human Bratz doll vs. Denise’s who gives a shit “affair”. Rinna and her daughter are gross. I hope Thing 2 stays healthy and keeps up with therapy to overcome her eating disorder and anxiety. But she is a brat. How is she paying almost $6k a month for that apartment? Not that it was all that fabulous. That place looked like one of those short term rental efficiencies that companies use for their traveling sales execs to stay vs. a hotel. Please, stop trying to make KIm and Brandi happen. I despise them both.
  20. I am so over all of these women shitting their way across the globe. And I guess they are so cavalier about it because they have been leaving skid marks in each other’s presence for years. I get that some people have gastrointestinal distress when they travel, but I don’t need to hear the details. I have been travelIng with my sister and some of our college girlfriends for 25 years. We share bedrooms, bathrooms and even clothing on these trips. If any one of us has felt ill or had diarrhea, we have made our excuses to duck out of a dinner. But never has any of us commented on the stench of the shit, nor shared how we defecated all over the floor, nor explained how rivers of liquid poop has been exploding out of one’s ass. These RHONY women are absolutely disgusting. Sonja was looking good in her TH’s...until tonight. OMG! Then I watched WWHL, and it got worse! The lighting and/ or her makeup was hideous! She looks like all of the cosmetic surgery has finally settled, but in a really bad neighborhood.
  21. Dorit’s CHA. NEL shirt looked like one of the “Below Deck” dress whites shirts got mixed Into the RHOBH bin at the Bravo laundromat. Dorit continues to bring it to the parade of hair-don’t with those “pearls”. Looked like oversized lice in queue for a conga line around Dorit’s forehead. And we get it, Dorit, you can speak Italian. Congrats. You and millions of other people share this skill. Erica’s all white shopping ensemble looked almost as stupid as Dorit’s costume. The turtleneck looked like she was wearing an extra large neck brace. Don’t care that the dumb hat is Chanel. I know Chanel is global, and luxe, and it’s one of “the” fashion houses, but isn’t it a Parisian house? Why not drag out vintage Pucci or Schiaparelli, or for this nouveau riche crowd, some Gucci, Dolce & Gabbana or Versace to show off in Rome? I don’t own any clothes with famous labels, (unless L.L. Bean or Lands End count), but I appreciate pretty designer clothes. I even like some haute couture, high end pieces I see in magazines. I think most of these RHOBH ‘girls’ have awful fashion sense. They wear clothes like they are constantly playing “One-upper Dress Up”. Their outlandish and sparkly and expensive outfits definitely get them attention, but outside of Beverly Hills, I think most people look at some of their get-ups and laugh. Did the Rome Bureau of Tourism offer these witches free Fendi bags for every time they screeched “ I CAN’T BELIEVE WE’RE IN ROME!!!”? I won’t comment on the Denise rumors. I think Brandi is a horrible human being. Whether she had an affair with Denise or not, I don’t care. Brandi is so corrupt she will say anything or divulge any potentially embarrassing gossip if it shines the light on her hideous surgically deformed face for even a few minutes. If anyone on this franchise deserves the title of “morally corrupt”, it’s Brandi.
  22. The “Garage Band” Cutter bug spray ad is the latest ear assault that has me scrambling for the mute button. I like rock music and loud bands. I have been to many ear-splitting concerts in my day, including AC/DC, Oz-fest, and The Who. But the screaming guitar in this commercial is just too frickin LOUD! And extra annoying because it has NOTHING to do with mosquitoes! This ad is right up there with the Skyrizzi and “All strength/No sweat” jingles as far as how much it hurts my ears. The notes are just the right pitch/key to slice right to the “pissed off and irrationally enraged” lobe in my brain.
  23. Sonja looks fabulous in her TH’s, but so haggard and aged is the episodes. I sure hope her COVID quarantine location was more rehab than spa. If Dorinda is serious about helping Sonja, she should get her a financial advisor. She also needs to get rid of that heap of a crumbling townhouse. IMO Sonja needs to sell it, and buy a modest apartment. If she could bank the proceeds from the townhouse, maybe she could draw an allowance. Cutting physical ties with the Morgan townhouse could be mentally beneficial for Sonja too. She only had the cachet of the Morgans via marriage. When the marriage ended, so did her claim to any pedigree (her daughter has a branch on that family tree, but not Sonja). Ramona and her never ending “celebrations” of herself are exhausting. I don’t doubt Ramona has many acquaintances and different circles of friends. Fifty or sixty is really pushing credulity though. That army green purse from Friends #27 &#42 was fugly. Maybe we didn’t get to see enough of the party decor/theme/ambience to truly appreciate the vibe? From what was shown, it looked like a hotel ballroom set up for some female-owned multilevel marketing sales conference. I didn’t get “Ramona’s Living Room” one bit. No warm or inviting ‘conversation’ areas. No cozy, comfy furniture or pillows. And that vinyl banner looked like it came from some “Buy one, get one 1/2 off!” online printing chain store. That party planner will be losing business after people see his cheap and unimaginative abilities. Was food offered?? I’m guessing no since I didn’t see Sonja stuffing canapés her mouth (and purse...and the pockets of her coat). Leah and her sister seem stunted in adolescence. Leah keeps throwing teenage temper tantrums or behaving as if her impulse control is still developing. If their mom really was as distant and cold as it sounds, I guess I could understand it. That spa Leah likes to go to looks so sketchy to me! It may be a lovely place to enjoy steam rooms and salt scrubs, but I feel like I could smell mold and chlorine and BO wafting through my tv screen.
  24. Dorit acts like she holds the patent on having 30+ year old bands performing at rich people’s parties. She’s the only person who would have ever thought of it, so everyone in Beverly Hills? Y’all are on notice to thank Dorit & give her credit for her AH-Mazzzing idea. But unlike Dorit and her lumpy, busted husband P(ig)K, pay the band. Brandi looks like she flew down to South America to one of those back alley “plastic surgeons”, handed the “doctor” a blurry, black and white, dot-matrix printed copy of a Photoshopped mashup of Charro, Adrienne & KIm, and said, “Make me look like this!” Kim‘s face and neck look like an old baseball mitt in dire need of some glove oil. Please tell me what Miss Amelia Grey does for work that she thinks she can get a fantasy apartment on the corner of Valhalla Blvd & Utopia Ave?? She has a high school diploma and a grueling 2.5 week long college education. Is her modeling career really that successful? Is the store where she and her sister play Pretend Designer doing that well? Denise may or may not have had a fling with Brandi. I don’t care. I am not shocked by the possible lesbian affair like Kyle and Teddy are pretending to be. The real shocking and heinous act was Brandi spilling tea to grasp at another shot of reality fame and a paycheck. She is a horrible horrible person. And all her boo-hooing about how awful cheaters are, and how much she was destroyed by it is BS. She wasn’t wounded by the immorality of her husband’s infidelity. Brandi was just enraged her meal ticket left her for another woman.
  25. Late to the party... I finally saw the ep last night. i almost shut it off after the first 10 min. Dorinda and Lu were horrible. Sonja is getting closer to alcohol poisoning every episode. I don’t need to see Sonja jamming free food in her gapping maw every episode either. Ramona is the WORST house guest/ hotel guest EVER!! If I were a hotelier or a friend having her her in my place, I would demand she have an enema 24 hours prior to arrival. That woman literally shits all over everything. With all her money for “rejuvenation or refreshing” her face and body, maybe it’s time to invest in some Depends.
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