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Everything posted by BusyOctober

  1. Forgot to mention: 1) how much I detest Nicole. What an obnoxious twit. As soon as she started yapping about how amazing she is, and sucking all the oxygen out of the Hamptons, I knew she’d make it through the first show. Did this idiot have “Miranda Sings” episodes playing on a constant loop during her formative years? Nicole is the very extra embodiment of every millennial stereotype that Gen X-ers and BabyBoomers think of when they hear someone is an “influencer” ( excuse me, “content creator”) 2) if Bethenny was reaaallly looking for a professional head honcho to run her businesses, she would have one of her minions look into high-end head hunter agencies. Or even LinkedIn FFS! There are thousands of business executives with MBA’s who could easily do what she says she’s looking for.
  2. Like anything BethennMEEEEEE does, this show is to keep her ever changing face on TV. I used to really admire her and loved her quick, witty and cutting remarks on RHONY in the early years. But ever since she left that show (for the first time) she has become meaner and nastier with her attitude with the goal of being mentioned anywhere on social media. For a woman who insists she “comes from a place of yes”, I’m not sure she knows what that really means. It certainly doesn’t mean everyone in her orbit has to kowtow and show obeisance by spouting”YES!!!” to her every wish. So, IMO this show is in no way shape or form a legitimate “search” for an employee to “run” her operations (seriously...does anyone think Bethenny would ever relinquish an ounce of control over her empire?). It’s just another vanity project for Queen B.
  3. Four big yawns for me. The only thing about the whole show I liked was that the puzzle came in a reusable container vs. those flimsy cardboard boxes that always split on the corners. Not enough to make me buy her puzzles because of it. I do think she hit the market at just the right time, so not sure what will happen post-COVID. Scrub attachment thingy was doomed from the jump. Personally, this gadget was a solution in search of a problem. There are already outdoor hose attachments to wash cars, windows, dogs, etc. And I am unclear on why I’d need that thing on the kitchen sink sprayer. I use sponges (Scrub Mommy, actually) to wash/scrub stuff. And I would guess 99% of people who wash dishes or pots & pans also have either sponges or dish cloths. Is anyone really trying ‘wash’ with the sprayer? Isn’t the sprayer more to get the dishes wet & for rinsing? They “worked on” that thing for TEN YEARS??? I kinda hope Lori and the Scrub Daddy millionaire sue these 3 stooges into oblivion. Copying an established logo/font that has been trademarked is Business No-No’s 101. No to the flashlight. Yes, Katie & hubby who’s name I forgot, what you invented IS a flashlight with some add-ons....that are already available on the market. Vegan junk food (huh?)woman seemed very driven and I’m happy she and her girls have been successful. But none of that food looked appealing to me. I am no expert in vegan food, but I know more than I should about junk food/comfort food.
  4. My ability to suspend reality has been stretched to the max. The Feds have much bigger fish to fry than this stupid case. I doubt their superiors are going to happily dish out cover up cash and 3 “salaries” for their informants. I know this show is supposed to be about the women (Beth mostly), and it’s some kind of female empowerment ego trip/buddy comedy, but I can’t pretend that Beth, Ruby and Annie are the smartest cookie baking counterfeiting crime bosses in all of Detroit. That they are constantly out-foxing the FBI and an organized crime gang at every (convoluted and nonsensical) turn of this poorly written, and well past its sell-by date show is just too far gone for me. I know this will make a lot of Rio-Beth shippers mad, but personally I don’t think they have any chemistry. I don’t find Rio sexy or attractive at all. He just isn’t my type. And I am tired of the “sexual tension” scenes. Beth is not “empowered” when she uses her sexuality as her weapon of defense or distraction. It’s a stereotype and an over used trope. Beth and other “strong” female characters fall back on their ability to seduce men as a means to one up the dominant males. That is if the women are attractive by Hollywood standards. If a female lead is considered too old, too fat or too average (I.e.-ugly) by the writer or director, then female sexual prowess is not a skill she can use. To me, it’s demeaning and confusing for this show to build up Beth as a smart and capable woman with so many abilities, but then have her resort to dropping her panties and showing her ginormous boobs as her go to maneuver.
  5. That was...a finale. Very unsatisfied with the outcome. I don’t dislike Scott for any reasons I can explain, but there’s just something off about him. He didn’t stand out as a strong performer that I can recall. His personality didn’t stand out in a way to make me think of him in a warm and fuzzy way like many of the other contestants did. Scott was just “there” , so for him to win it all just seems like a let down.
  6. All the discussion of ghost families is in the realm of “what if”, not reality. I think it’s completely reasonable for adoptees to think about how their different lives would be had they not been given up/taken away. No child would know that his or her life would have been better with birth parent(s). As the audience to someone expressing their own fantasies of their birth parents have NO idea whether the child or the parents would have been “better” or “worse” either. We can’t make any judgements. In the 1st season, we were told that Randall’s birth parents were addicts and abandoned him. Over time we learn that William and Lauren were actually very nice people most of their lives. They got and stayed clean for the sake of the baby. Lauren and William made a horrible decision after Randall was born, and William’ panic over that one lead him into running away out of fear. But no one can say for sure Randal was better being raised by Jack and Rebecca. Had the decision to give Lauren drugs not happened, or had she only gotten high, then sobered up and realized she needed to be clean and present for her child, William and Lauren could have gotten sober again. They could have raised their child with love and given him many experiences he didn’t have with the Pearsons. They also could have divorced, and Lauren could have raised Randall in Louisiana. So, no Beth, no Annie or Tess, and Deja’s life would be very different. But we will never know. Randall won’t ever know. Just like I will never know what my life would be like if I had accepted a job offer to move across country and work in a huge design firm right out of college. I can fantasize that I would’ve been successful and rich, with a fabulous home in San Francisco. But that one decision would mean I didn’t make the decisions to marry my husband, start my own company or adopt my daughter. That’s life. Decisions and actions have consequences. Some work out in our favor, some are catastrophic.
  7. The mat was stupid for all the points you all said already. I grew up in a 1 bathroom house with 4 other people from birth until I went to college. In college, my dorm had one bathroom on each floor with 8 sinks, 6 toilets and 4 shower stalls for 22 people per co-Ed floor. After college, my first apartment had a teeny pedestal sink and no counters. When I got married and we bought our 1st house, it had 1 bathroom. Because I never had the luxury of time, space or privacy, I never had the opportunity to do my hair or makeup in the bathroom. I have always used my bedroom as my space to get ready, using my dresser or a vanity. Now in my 50’s, with a slightly bigger house and a teenage daughter, we do not have a “Master Suite” with private bathroom. We have a bath and a half, & hair and makeup is done in our bedrooms. Am I the only person who doesn't do all my primping and prepping in the bathroom??
  8. So much stupid....not sure if it’s me or the show, but I don’t follow what the hell is going on.... The money printing-laundering-collecting thing -So Rio gets paid protection or profit sharing (wink-wink) money from various “legitimate “ businesses. I get that. When Beth was trying to get the $$ from the daughter of the last pick up, she left without the cash, lies to Rio’s lieutenant...ok. Then when Rio calls her out on being short, Beth gives him the missing amount PLUS extra. Where is she getting the money?? Is she paying Rio with the funny money she’s printing?? How long will that go undetected? Or is the FBI allowing their two Keystone Kop agents to fund Beth’s ruse in order to trap Rio and his unnamed boss? (I would love for Rio’s boss to end up being Stan’s sleazy boss, just because) Dean out of bail -Did spa co worker Eric get the bail money by robbing that store? If yes, why was Beth picking up Dean? Why was Eric crying in the alley? Is he in love with Dean? Baby Dakota’s rash - why did the mother have the “wrong” cream in the bag at all if it was such an irritant to the baby’s “little sack”? Even if she verbally said “use the blue cream, not the white one”, she knows she’s leaving her kid with someone she already has little respect for, and who she believes to be dumb and irresponsible. Dakota’s red and inflamed nut sack is on YOU, lady! I think the only character I really don’t actively want to stab in the neck with a fork is Rio’s tattooed dude. Not sure why I’m still watching because it’s not good story telling, the writing is all over the place, the pacing is so damn slow...However, I will hang on til this ends just because.
  9. I will never ever ever ever buy anything associated with Kendra-I-Can’t-Stop—Telling-You-How-AHHHHMAAAAZZZING-I-Am-Scott. What an obnoxious person! She can’t not STFU about herself. I am all for empowering and employing women, and giving female entrepreneurs a pathway into business. But I cannot imagine working with that woman. I can imagine there’s a lot of ass kissing & boot licking going on in her offices. Anytime she is on Shark Tank, she acts like she is the Sun and everyone else is just cosmic dust in her orbit. And her jewelry is fugly.
  10. First impression of Portland native “I worked for Tom” is he is a DB. Not as annoying as Blair’s or that attention whore, Malarkey, but he seems to have potential to rise to their level. “I can’t live without caul fat.” Is as much a cry for attention as Blais’ hair-don’t. Roscoe’s goose/duck/turkey was cooked as soon as he announced he would cook something he’d never done before. Hello??? Bird + BBQ is a no-brainer! I like Shota, the taco chef and the woman who cooks West African food so far. Sound effect chef and “Alpine” chef are on the bubble. What the hell is Alpine cooking? Lots of cheese, sausage and chocolate? (Wait a minute...that actually doesn’t sound too bad.)
  11. I have to say, in my50+ years on the planet, I can not recall ever being in a room that “lit up” when someone walked in. I remember loud talkers, drunks or show-offs. I remember very pretty or handsome people. I remember admiring someone’s hair or clothing. I remember enjoying the company of others or thinking a person came across as smart or witty or warm or friendly. But I never saw an entire room full of people with mouths agape in awe, bathed in the aura of some magnificent being when he/she entered. My friends and family will probably say “She was very organized, and she made damn good chocolate chip cookies.”
  12. None of the products were of interest to me. My house loves milk...from cows. I understand the health, allergy or even environmental reasons for going plant based, but oat, almond, cashew liquid is not ‘milk’. I haven’t herd of ‘hemp milk’, so I know nothing about it. No offense to anyone who enjoys it, but all I can think of is that it would smell like the bong water in some of my friends’ dorm rooms back in college. No tattoos in our house, but my teen aged daughter and I both have long hair. Never have either of us left hair on the walls! We have a catch thingy over the drain so the hair won’t cause clogs. If I have hair on my hands after shampooing, I have either run my hands under water, or even gathered it up and tossing it into the trash can. That couple needs to train their kids better hygiene habits! The bike was crazy expensive and I don’t think it would have a long life span. Plus, parking that thing would take up a big portion of the sidewalk if you bike into town to get an ice cream. After your toddlers grow, and turn 5-6-7 years old, they will want their own bikes. Then what? The Bunch Bike goes on Facebook Marketplace? Mom or Dad gets a second job delivering burritos out of the former passenger compartment?
  13. Keith's expression was perfect. Pretty sure I had the same look on my face. Yeah, do what you want, I guess, but I really don't get the point of those kinds of sites or relationships. Major side-eye at the journalist millennial saying being a paid sexual/emotional support pet to some older socially deficient man is “empowering”. Then when Keith asked the “professional” Sugar Baby how much money this arrangement brings in, she rephrased his words, and said “My allowance is $1200/month”. Getting an allowance is empowering for a 12 year old. But for 20-something year olds, that is called “being kept”, and admitting your role in the relationship is subservient, and also, see the definition of “prostitution”.
  14. Aside from not ever being interested in a shower head with an Alexa-enabled speaker in it, the ad confuses me. Not the product, but just the fact that one of the women getting out of the shower, dripping wet, with a towel wrapped around her looks like she has a full face of makeup, especially her eyes.
  15. In addition to the “Scoop, There It Is” ad, the latest one that makes me smile every time is the Geico commercial with Dikembe Motombo blocking all the shots. I have been wagging my finger and saying “Not in my house” at my husband and kids for weeks. Yes, they hate me. I find I really get a kick out of most Geico and Progressive (even the ones with Flo) ads. Those 2 Insurance companies obviously got to the best ad agencies before Liberty did.
  16. I am not a violent person, but the Discovery+ ads are turning my thoughts to a very dark place. My heart rate and blood pressure spike when I hear Oprah trilling, “Super SOOOOOUL has a new home!!!!”, or when I see Chip and Joanna Gaines. As much as I like some of the shows and celebrities on Discovery+ I will NEVER sign up for it. I can only imagine the already overplayed incessant Oprah and Gaines commercials I’m seeing on my cable tv would triple on that streaming service. Also, I don’t need to see any more of Guy Fieri, his 3’ tall sandwiches or his gapping maw full of half masticated chunks of burgers smothered in “Off the Hook” onions, “Killer”Mac n cheese, “Real Deal” french fries and “Flavortown” sauce.
  17. But these are the same parents who have roaring fires in Ember’s bedroom, without a fire screen. And they drive the kids in that crappy VW van around their property without seatbelts. And they think skiing with a baby strapped to Odd’s chest is perfectly cool. All their activities and posts are about their hipster doofus vibe and Insta aesthetic.
  18. I really enjoyed this one! I guess the secret to me enjoying this show now is removing focus from the Big 3 and especially exploring other non-Kate and non-Randall drama. I really like most episodes on the other relatives. Griffin Dunne is amazing, and the actor playing young Nicky is also very good. Kinda confused by Jack and Nicky’s post Vietnam relationship. Was Jack’s entire justification of acting like his brother died because of what Jack believed happened with the young boy dying on the fishing boat? I can’t remember if Jack or Nick ever tried to reconcile or talk when they got back home. But what happened that made Jack write off Nick so completely? Something more than his moral outrage that his brother was involved in accidentally killing the the boy from the village? While it was a horrible event, how can Jack be so righteous when he is actively lying (and continued to lie) to Rebecca for years? And he had a drinking problem for a while, so he isn’t perfect. Yes, I know accidental killing of a child is not equal to lying and drinking, but I am just missing what else turned Jack against Nicky for all those years. Could someone remind me why Rebecca and Miguel are at the cabin in PA vs. in CA? Did they get trapped there due to COVID?
  19. Can anyone explain how getting Eric to confess was ever going to work??? If he confessed, he would need to sound like he had some knowledge about the counterfeit process, right? I a don’t think the FBI would be satisfied if someone walked in and said, “Yah, it was me! Lock me up please!” Wouldn’t they ask for details like, Who else was in on it? How did you make the money? Where was the printing shop? If the stuff Bethany her crew is printing is that close to perfect, then I would think the FBI wants to know some insider, expert knowledge to 1) help close this case, and 2) to learn from and educate the agents on future counterfeiters’ tricks of the trade. I don’t have any sympathy for Beth or Annie’s current situations. I just don’t like either one of them anymore. I still like Ruby and Stan, but if Stan gets involved (more involved) in a criminal life, I will abandon ship. of all the implausible stuff happening on this show, I think the most puzzling thing in this episode was the FBI agent opting for “Corn Nuts” from the mini bar. I didn’t see what else was in the tray, but just about anything else would be better than Corn Nuts.
  20. Not too overbearing an episode. And I actually laughed out loud and snorted during Beth’s dinner. When she approached Randall to put his phone in the bowl, and he hesitates, saying “I’m a City Councilor, what if there’s an emergency?” Beth stares him down and he said, “It’s ok, the city can burn.” as he turns in his phone. Toby must have made a huuuge salary prior to his layoff if they have untouched savings! Kate doesn’t work, and as other posters noted, they live in a pretty nice house, in a cute neighborhood in SoCal. They have 2 cars, a child who needs extra medical and educational services. They just paid for the adoption which may have entailed helping the birth mom with HER medical and living expenses, and the cost of the delivery/ hospital stay. Aside from his high 6 figure salary, he must have also had the ultimate “Cadillac” health coverage. Plus they could afford multiple cross country trips to PA a or NY pre-COVID. And it’s nice that Kate has a job. But how much could she realistically earn? She isn’t a PhD in music therapy. Since there are children’s service offered at the school, they may be ok with her bring Hailey and Jack to work. Or, because she is a Pearson, I am sure the school will setup an in-house daycare. Randall can fly in and use his speechification magic to coerce, bore into submission, convince the school to offer free daycare.
  21. There was a formal evaluation (for ADHD, I think); Ruby and Stan didn't just make it up. Right, he was tested and results came back “genius”. I was snarking more on the writers of this show vs. the parents. I know some kids IRL who were bored at school and acted out in different ways until some tuned in teachers/counselors suggested the students weren’t being challenged enough. It does happen, but in TV Land it’s more common IMO. The writers of “Parenthood” used a lot of the same tropes....genius child discovered after parents feared a learning difference, female lead no man could resist....lazy and repetitive IMO.
  22. So much of this show makes me want to scream. I guess I am as stupid as the writers, because I keep watching. I hate the gang leader guy...I have since the first season. I don’t think he’s sexy or has any redeeming qualities. He’s a thug and a gangster and a murderer. Beth makes every man in her orbit fall instantly in lust with her, mmmkay. Must run in the family because Angie seems to have some allure I don’t understand either. I also do not understand why Beth has the PTA a ladies over to her house with no furniture and volunteers to do all these elaborate baking events. She has time and money to buy authentic ingredients to make a Thai banquet, but no time to get a kitchen table?? WHY is the CHILD therapist still seeing Annie??? She sure needs therapy, but this guy is not qualified. He has exceedingly poor professional integrity and zippo morals. Ruby and Stan’s son is acting out in class. Because school is boring for him. So he draws lots of penises. Ergo, he MUST be a genius! Makes sense, right? I think there’s a section on the Mensa application specific to one’s ability to draw male genitalia. Einstein did poorly in school, so I guess he based his theory of relativity on his penis doodles from 3rd grade. Would a legitimate spa/hot tub store have that many different hot tubs on full display? Seems like that showroom is huge, and every square foot is occupied with a spa? I am not a hot tub person, so maybe they are more popular than I can imagine. I really want the store to have a fire due to Dean’s slap-dash DIY Handy Manny electrical work. Then the insurance won’t pay out because the inspectors will find his shitty shoddy work. I am so rooting for the cops this season. I really want Beth and Rico to go to jail at the end of this series for what they did to the poor girl from the stationary store (and all the other criminal activities). Ruby and Annie and Stan should do time as well because they are all horrible people. Maybe all the children can go live with better people.
  23. I have found that there are many adults, of different generations, with college degrees who can’t write grammatically correct sentences, can’t accurately spell (with or without ‘spell check’), or pronounce words properly. I recently tuned into my city’s school committee Zoom meeting. I was appalled. These professional- educators, attorneys, and the Mayor- all have advanced degrees, yet they all sounded like they hadn’t graduated from 5th grade. I stopped counting the “like, you knows” & “ummmms” about 10 min into the meeting. I heard the Mayor pronounce the word “frustrating” and it’s variations as “FUSS-TATING”. The high school principal read his prepared statement as if he were a 1st grader trying to read “A Tale of Two Cities”. So, unfortunately, having a college degree does not seem to have the same educational clout it once did.
  24. Did Lori have more than just one son with her 1st husband? Colby? Cody? Where is he in all this?? He must be on the She’s Guilty side because if he was defending her, I would think he would be interviewed like Lori’s effed up Mother, sister and niece. What about Daybell’s children with Tammy? Are they all adults? Wonder how they feel about all of this. How come his kids didn’t become zombies? Is Lori, the exalted deity being 🙄, the only one capable of creating zombie children? it just is all so tragic and horrifying. Chad and Lori are so very obviously mentally ill. It isn’t an excuse for anything they have done (not allegedly done...they did everything they are suspected of doing). It is just so bizarre that no real intervention was ever done once Looney Lori started her zombie and 144,000 talk. But I guess police and social workers hands are legally tied until actual harm or murder is done.
  25. That whole Cox family is deranged and should be under constant surveillance. The (thankfully) dead brother is a murderer of at least 1 person, probably the kids too. The sister and the niece are indoctrinated assholes. And the mother is living in a bubble of denial and deflection. I laughed out loud when she was discussing the funeral services they had for her son, “ We didn’t invite anyone who thought he was a murderer, so it was a small ceremony.” No shit, just you and your effed up clan in attendance, because the rest of the world knows he’s a MURDERER. And on a very shallow note...Mama Cox should not outline her extensively wrinkled lips with a 2” wide lip liner, in a darker non-complimentary shade. Lip liner should not extend up into your nostrils. what is most frustrating in this case to me is they may never be able to press charges of murder. As they reported, unless one of them confesses, the prosecution has no way to determine who actually killed Tylee and JJ.
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