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Everything posted by BusyOctober

  1. Lois and her storyline are what bugs me almost as Helen Hunt’s horrendous cosmetic surgery. Although her character irks as well. But Lois’ whole story seems a bit anachronistic. Would a single, VERY pregnant young woman been allowed to entertain the troops in the early 40’s? I don’t think so. I remember my grandmother (born in 1922) and my mother (1945) telling me that even once a married woman was showing, typically her employment was terminated. My mom had a friend who was an elementary school teacher in 1971, and she was asked to leave when she was 5 mos pregnant and could hide the “bump”. I find it hard to believe a 20- something unmarried pregnant girl (with questionable singing talent BTW) would be a welcome sight in front of “impressionable” young men. I am glad Harry and his Sgt got out of Dunkirk. I am also glad the factory owner (Hilda’s dad) killed the nosy Nazi. She would have turned him in and he, his wife and little Hilda would be dead in a week.
  2. Oh, Arin will definitely be resurfacing on Food Network. He’s a “character” and has “personality”. Remember Col. Cornpone Jason? He showed up everywhere they couldn’t squeeze another Guy Fieri show. Food Network execs like to keep shoving these wanna be’s into almost anything. Maybe they can get al lot of mileage out of them for low cost?
  3. I fell asleep for a scene or two. I saw Beth go back to the spa store and start a conversation with Gayle. Gayle said something about if Beth knew what really went on between Gayle and Dean, Beth wouldn’t be trying to help him. So, I assume Gayle is saying she and Dean had sex, but what else happened? I think I woke up when Beth and Rio were walking thru an empty building. Did she get the spa store from Gayle? Did she confront or ditch Dean? When I woke up, the FBI stalker was in the park with the ladies. I don’t bother to DVR this show anymore so if someone can fill in the blanks, I would appreciate it!
  4. Malarkey annoys me to no end. His hyper “oops! Forgot to take my Adderall today!” energy and shtick is exhausting. I guess some chefs need that “let’s put on a show” intensity, but I hate it. I feel like Malarkey is always auditioning for a permanent gig on Food Network. He’s gonna hustle til he gets it. Maybe he, Richard Blais and Guy Fieri can team up. I already have a name for their show; “Triple D-Bags”.
  5. Just because NY Fashion Week occurred during the same Time/ Space Continuum as Sonja (by Sonja Morgan) had a Bravo-paid for gathering of several “celebrities and buyers” (randos off the street), in a sad restaurant space with flowers that looked like her “team” (additional randos) stole them from a vendor in the subway, with “models” (more randos), “hired” (given $20 and a coupon for a free slice of Ray’s Famous Pizza) from several different “agencies” (benches in Washington Square Park) does not mean Sonja “showed” at NYFW! And I believe that gray set of pjs/ quarantine couture wasn’t cashmere. It was more likely made from a Sonja-exclusive fabric called ‘Deluxe-sional’. Luxe fibers for the delusional designers of clothing lines (& lifestyle brands) that don’t exist. It’s actually a highly flammable knockoff synthetic so cheap that even Old Navy and Forever 21 refuse to use it in their sweatshops.
  6. So this season will be one to remember, just like Probst wants. A two million dollar prize. And the cash will be awarded to someone with all the charisma, self-control, and eloquence of an adolescent macaque monkey with ADHD who hasn’t had his Adderall in 39 days. Congrats in advance, Tony.
  7. Me playing 1st Impressions: Sutton, my first impression of you, if I’m being honest, was that you were a spoiled, ex-trophy wife with a shit ton of cash to spend on horrific “couture” clothing that designers sell to you, then laugh behind your back. And that you had an inflated sense of importance that you incorrectly believe is backed up by the piles of cash your ex left you. And that you believed (also incorrectly) that because you were raised in the South that you posses Southern charm and manners. Sutton: And??? What do you think now? Me: <<crickets>>
  8. Is Caryn planning to turn Roloff Farm into a winery? She wants to plant grapes as a hobby? I guess she doesn’t want to be the Pumpkin Patch Princess #2, so she is looking for a way to become Lady of the manor in own right. I still don’t like Caryn, or the nasty remarks Caryn and Matt make about Amy. Matt can have his ex-husband grumbles about his ex-wife. But his side piece should keep her mouth shut, at least while she’s on camera. I hate the smirking and eye rolling and jabs Caryn and Matt carry on with about Amy in their TH’s and during scenes together. No one says any of these people have to be friendly to each other, but Caryn takes joy in smack talking Amy, and in being Matt’s better suited companion. Yes, Amy has made it clear she isn’t comfortable around Caryn, and there’s no love lost. Amy has her faults; she holds onto shit she should have let go of years ago. Definitely not a ”glass half full” kinda gal. Yet I don’t remember Amy taking any televised personal digs at Caryn. Chris hasn’t made negative comments about Matt either. That BBQ at Zach’s was super awkward! Aside from the food (or lack of), every interaction between any of the Roloffs seemed so forced and uncomfortable. Some of it may have been editing or producer driven, but none of the family members looked like they wanted to be there.
  9. What is Zach’s obsession with how much food and supplies cost for the lame “parties” he “hosts”? I understand not wanting to be wasteful. I tend to over-buy for events, then pack up the leftovers for guests. But is money really an issue for Zach? Then why buy a house before selling the old one? Why buy a house with a pool ( that probably upped the asking price), then spend even more money to remove the pool? Why keep buying and storing assorted heaps of unused stuff? If money is tight, how about selling some of that? If they can’t afford a dozen extra burgers, then why not go GET A JOB? Or maybe Tori can go GET A JOB after her maternity leave? Why have more children, especially when you know there’s a 50/50 chance your kids may need a lot of medical treatments or therapy? The more I see of what Zach can’t do around the house, the more I wonder what does Tori see in him? No education, no professional skills, no social skills, no handyman ability, no ambition, no help with chores. And none of these shortcomings can be excused because he is an LP. Both of his parents are quite capable with a lot of physically challenging tasks. Matt did/does a lot of outdoor heavy lifting. Amy may not be the neatest housekeeper, but she did all the cooking, cleaning, driving, coaching, shopping, educating for a family of 6 for 20+ years. Matt and Amy’s biggest failure is that they never instilled the value of a work ethic in their 3 sons. All 3 are lazy and useless adults now, and all 3 have some unearned sense of entitlement and self importance.
  10. So many things to bitch about....but my #1 is that Rio is sill above ground. Just.Kill. Him.Already. Or end the show with a fantastic explosion that blow ps up the printer, the nail polish, the paper, the 3 Stoogettes AND Rio. Enough already. Please do not renew this POS show (unless the new season is following the 2 quirky agents and Andrew McCarthy....those 3 I would watch). Can someone explain why Stan and Ruby bought Kidney Kouple a Kar? So what if they were scammers? Did they know about Ruby’s illegal side job? Was there a hint of blackmail that I missed (aside from the emotional blackmail of “having a daughter sleeping safe in her bed”)? Ruby must’ve know they were grifters after Kidney Mom asked for the car, so she shouldn’t felt like she owed the a car as a trade off for their kid’s kidney. If it was a good deed to help Ruby and Stan “be good people” again, how does giving grifters a new car bought with counterfeit cash wash the sins away? And there was NOOOOO reason that therapist should’ve come back into the picture. He wasn’t there in a doctor-patient capacity. Especially after moving from Annie’s apt to a BAR. All the very lame flirting? Annie and her Dr. Make Me Feel Good aren’t some tragic romantic couple we are all rooting for. Their relationship is not a sweeping saga like “Tristan and Isolde”. It isn’t even anywhere as compelling as Sam and Diane from Cheers, for fuck sake. Ben seems like a pretty savvy kid. He should pack his bags and hightail it to his dad’s house and live a normal life. Send Mother’s Day, Birthday and Christmas cards and leave that chaos behind. Does Dean know Beth intends to use his new spa business to launder money? Hasn’t she done that before? Do the writers of this shitshow think they can keep recycling “plots” and no one will catch on? This isn’t nearly as clever or charismatic as “Groundhog Day”. It doesn’t have the longevity of M*A*S*H where viewers may have forgotten what happened in S2 so a continuity error in S9 won’t stick out like a sore thumb. So stop repeating the same storylines over and over and over.
  11. Aside from drunkenly ripping out the lights at Dorinda’s house in the Berkshires, didn’t Romana bring her dog (without asking if it was OK), and the dog proceeded to take multiple shits on various carpets? And walked right by a pile and ignored it? I would rather clean up some dirty dishes and broken glass than try to get dog crap out of the antique silk Aubusson in my foyer. Luanne is soooo thirsty for a man. Between the tennis pro, and the dog groomer, my second hand embarrassment was on over drive. She actually asked the dog groomer to give her a massage!! And why would she ask the 2 men with an in-home dog grooming business if they made “house calls”??? Um, hello? They were in a private home, providing their service. I believe that is the definition of a house call. I knew as soon as Romona said they weren’t going to her friends elegant Hamptons party, she meant the rest of the woman. I knew Ramona would go! Ain’t no way Ramona would miss an opportunity to flirt awkwardly and gather more “dates”. Tinsley, Leah and Sonja shrieking and yelling at each other was not funny or entertaining. Leah May be new to this franchise, but Tinsley and Sonja getting drunk and slurring insults at each other is as old and boring as listening to Sonja’s faulty memories of her days as Lady Morgan.
  12. Helen Hunt’s plastic surgery is jarring. It looks as if every inch of pliable skin has been stretched so tautly across her mouth and cheekbones. She looks almost mummified, and sounds as if she has a hard time speaking because there is no flexibility in the skin or muscles around her lips. Does she have an ill-fitting pair of dentures crammed in there? I think her attempt to “look fresh and young” has stilted her acting ability. She can’t emote with her eyes or facial expressions anymore. Her character is annoying too. Big tough American broad who think she knows the way to stop Hitler is to antagonize and be self righteous. You’re gonna get people killed, Ms. Worldly Reporter. I remember a history class in college covered the eugenics movement. It was not Hitler’s idea. There were many well respected Americans and Europeans in the late 1800’s and into the early 20th century who thought eliminating “weaker” genes was the way to physical and economic health of the world.
  13. I started off liking the show. There was a newness and excitement at first. But as episodes went on, I found myself disliking and now hating it. I forget that it’s on most weeks, so that’s telling. Heidi and Tim’s stupid “cultural exploits” are a waste of time. The blaring music is annoying so I turn down the volume and miss some judges’ comments. Asking the contestants to make the judges change their minds about being cut is pointless. The results are the same every time except once that I can think of. “Did any of you change your mind?” “No” “No” “No” “I didn’t either” Black clothes with scrappy doo-dads trailing off them from “unexpected “ places is not fashion to me. I thought the point of this was to make accessible clothing that was marketable? Most of these looks were not either. Also I am confused by the designers who can’t pattern or sew? But they do some pattern and sew? I don’t find any of the judges critiques constructive, or insightful. I will finish the series, but not sure I will tune in for round 2.
  14. Wow, no comments on last night’s ep yet. Guess this is not ‘must see tv’. I only remembered it was on because my DVR recorded it and I was up at 2am with a headache. Watching this didn’t help. I don’t care about the main counterfeit story anymore. I hate Dean and the actor who plays him. Annie’s horn ball/ poor whittle gurwl who needs wuv storyline is awful. They ruined Stan and Ruby’s family. Christina/Elizabeth just does a 500yd stare and pushes her boobs out every week. I never liked Rio. I am actively rooting for the new quirky cop to catch these idiots. But not before Andrew McCarthy puts a bullet in Rio and his Mercedes.
  15. Malarkey must have said, “I don’t wanna be a dick...”, or “I’m not tryin’ to be an asshole” or variations of these 2 or 3 times last night, and at least once in previous episodes. After I heard him say he wasn’t trying to be an asshole for the 2 or 3rd time, I said out loud, “Wow, you’re pretty good at it for not trying! I think you have a natural ability with untapped potential! Imagine what heights you’d reach if you did try!” His relish sounded awful when he described it. It sounded gag inducing when Padma (I think) said it was ‘oily’. Melissa is a beast! She is my favorite and I hope she wins. I like Stephanie too, but I think she is out of her depths. I like Eric as well. What a gorgeous family he has!
  16. Maybe it’s more than a drinking problem? I think Sonja needs to be checked for a raging UTI. Or dementia. Or both. She is raving on like a lunatic, saying inappropriate things at inappropriate times just like my Nana with Alzheimer’s when she was in the nursing home. Any time Nana started talking loopy or strung fragments of sentences together that made no sense to anyone but her, sure enough...UTI.
  17. Sutton must be hella rich because no one is telling her she looks fucking ridiculous. That pink sheer tulle with the bra???? She looked stoooopid, and she looked about 30lbs heavier than she probably is! But I guess if some socialite with sacks of cash is willing to drop it in my store, I’d keep my mouth shut too. Jeezus, talk about the Emperor's New Clothes... I am no fashionista, I don’t have money to afford “couture “ or even the stuff hanging at Neiman Marcus, so maybe I’m just not intelligent enough to understand why gaudy, shiny, loud mix-matched prints with oversized accessories is considered desirable. D+G, Versace and now Kyle’s collection competing for the “What the Fugly Hell” prize. I am really liking Garcelle. I hope she doesn’t turn into a villain. Maybe it’s all the COVID-19 deprivations and making do with less, but I have found myself irrationally irked by RHONY and now these women of BH. I was looking forward to both shows new seasons as my escape to fantasy land, but it’s hard for me to get vicariously involved or give two shits about these people, or their “storylines” so far. I know these shows were filmed well in advance of the Corona virus taking over the world. But it is kind of jarring to see gold tiaras and $40,000 a night suites and spoiled rich offspring tagging along on Mommy’s latest hobby, with everything going on right now. I am also worried about how everyone will turn on Denise as this year’s Mean Girls victim. I am not a huge fan of hers, but I hate how every year, someone these women all professed to “love like a sister” is suddenly treated like a shit-stained trail of toilet paper stuck on their Louboutins. Why anyone would listen to anything Brandy Fucking Shit-Stirrer Granville has to say, I don’t know. She is trash.
  18. For however many episodes this season has been on, I have disliked Arin. He is a competent baker, but his OTT, “look it meeee!!! I am ready for my own TV show!”personality is really pushing my tolerance level to maximum capacity. I just cannot stand him. Although it appears Clinton is very interested in this guy. Get a room already! I should just stop recording this. I end up watching it a day or 2 after it airs. I FF through a lot b/c I find so much of it uninteresting. I am not really invested in any of the bakers. Duff is the only judge I like. Why I continue to annoy myself? Especially after being cooped up for 4+ weeks on COVID lockdown, working full time from home, homeschooling my angsty 7th grader and trying to keep my furloughed husband busy so he doesn’t get depressed? Shouldn’t I be watching stuff that lifts me up and makes me happy? I think it’s time to go back to reruns of GBBO. Every single season, every baker and every host and judge make me smile.
  19. In the case of Reuschel vs. Reuschel, is there any way the daughter Caroline could be arrested? I’d like to file assault charges...Count 1: my ears are damaged from listening to her egregious up-speak vocal fry. Count 2: my optic nerves and muscles are strained from aggravated eye rolling at Caroline’s overly dramatic interview. Good God, what an insufferable spoiled brat. Wonder why Mike’s other daughter was absent from this story? Did anyone think Susan looked a little too much like Caroline? I’ve heard of “Daddy Issues”; is there such thing as “Daughter Issues”? Cree-py!
  20. Best storyline was the customer safari. When I worked in retail we would share our war stories about nightmarish customers. Of course, we didn’t have phones in the 90’s to document our sightings. Jason Ritter is more fun to watch when he’s allowed to be funny. He was great in Comedy Central’s “Another Period” and “Drunk History”. Playing Jonah’s a-hole brother could’ve been done by any actor, so I think Ritter was wasted here. Glad Dina and her vet are still a thing. Hope Dina gets promoted when Amy leaves for Palo Alto.
  21. After the continual bad parenting and selfishness, my only wish for Cam and Mitch is that when they get older is neither Lily nor New Baby remembers who their parents are, and Mitch and Cam end up in a nursing home with no visitors. Maybe Lily meets a fantastic person at college (that is at least 3 states away), and he or she has an amazing family that invites her to their home for holidays and vacations. She finds a job working on the opposite side of the country from her dads. Lily will be an amazing well adjusted and independent woman in spite of (because of) her neglectful parenting. I hope New Baby gets taken in by one of his grown cousins. And for anyone watching thinking adopting a baby is as simple as this fantasy depicts it, please don’t use this show as your guide. Adopting is a wee bit more involved than swinging by a maternity ward like you’re going through a Taco Bell Drive-thru. WTF was that storyline with the neighbor??? I will watch til the end because I still have some fond memories of what this show was years ago. Phil was and is still my favorite character. The rest of them maybe had some lovable characteristics once, but they were all either turned into egomaniacal self absorbed assholes or idiots so stupid one wonders how they made it to adulthood.
  22. I’m sure it was producer driven, but Matt and his builder buddy doing the home inspection with Amy present was really shitty. It was just another attempt for Matt to belittle and insult Amy. He was acting like a new buyer who’s never walked the property before. It was his goddamn house for many years! He knows about the various needed repairs and half-assed projects HE walked away from when he moved into his bachelor pad with his side piece. What an insufferable asshole. Of course there will be nicks and scratches in paint or moldings. Some switch plates may be cracked or missing, some rugs will be dirty, hardwood will need some sanding. But those are cosmetic things every new owner knows going in. What a real home inspection is for is to check the electrical panel, the roof, the HVAC system, the plumbing, signs of termites or water damage, condition of windows, structural integrity of decks, walls or additions. Matt nit picking over minutia was only to twist the knife.
  23. We have an inground (12x20) and my neighbor has an above ground (18’ oval). By law in my state pools need to have a locked gate around the yard perimeter for safety reasons. I couldn’t imagine having to cover and uncover either style pool on a daily basis!
  24. No matter who said Paris-Brest, all I kept hearing was “Hairy Breast”.
  25. I guess the raccoon repellent thingy would be useful in points of access that humans or pets wouldn’t use....roof lines, balcony ledges, under porches or decks. But the Sharks all made the same comment about causing injury to family or guests if you forget to pick up the stabby strips. I guess if raccoons pooping in my pool was a big enough problem, I would get into the habit of laying out the devices every night , then pick them up every morning, but a person would need to be hyper vigilant about doing both. Baby socks and mitten ladies were ridiculously over priced. It’s a one time buy as a new baby gift, maybe. And only for a certain circle of baby registries. Besides, it’s a short period of time infants need the mittens. And there already are no-slip baby socks out there. Americans love to eat, and pasta and frozen treats are forever being added to store shelves. These 2 food business will probably do well for a period of time, but either get bought out by a bigger brand or fade away when taste or diets trends change.
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