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Everything posted by BusyOctober

  1. Re. Sophie and the play...so confusing on many levels. First, Sophie supposedly attended Yale drama school. I assume one who is a student of any drama school would have acted in at least one play. She seemed bewildered by the whole process. Next, I know it was done for the irony & hilarity factor, but for Sophie to be taken seriously portraying a 25 year old "Miss Julie" would be a real hurdle for a legit theater crowd (and producers & investors) to surmount. Next, so she got stage fright and fell into her "comedic" persona as a comfort zone to get through the performance. Why would a 1960's theater crowd (who paid to see a serious artsy play by August Strindberg) be rolling in the aisles at Sophie's Borscht Belt schtick? Her co-star was a serious actor, so did the audience anticipate that Sophie would be doing a comedic take and Gavin was the actor going outside of his comfort zone? Sophie's frumpy character and her "put that on your plate!" seems like it'd be suited to an entirely different type of audience than the type that willingly pays for Strindberg. It would be like paying to see a Verdi opera.... but Cardi B. is "Aida" & interjects her "OKurrrr!" every few lines.
  2. Hey, Frost...no offense intended! I meant the over-exaggerated MN accent people who are NOT from the area use to make fun of MN/Northwest folks. Trust me, as a Bostonian I hear non-Bostonians try to “do” the accent, and they never get it right!
  3. Sara and her cartoony voice are killing me. Her accent is an aural assault that intensifies every week. I live in New England, so I know of which I speak re. horrifying regional accents. I believe Sara lives in Boston, but is from upstate NY?? Her accent almost sounds like a stereotypical, exaggerated Minnesota accent to me. And the cutesey-wootsey over-perky personality is making me stabby. So, because she is super annoying and has a voice that makes nails on a chalkboard sound melodious, I predict Sara will win. And she will join the other vocally challenged stable of FN celebrities...Katie Lee, Ree, Demaris (and that little chipmunk Kelsey who pops up on reruns and the Cooking Channel).
  4. All of the makers are sweet, talented and likeable. It does remind me of the chemistry on Great British Bake Off. It's a joy to watch, and I do feel bad when a maker gets get, just like on GBBO. Ashley's dog house was beautiful, but per the judges, not enough pizzazz, and no wow factor (other than being incredibly clean and well designed). I just think her esthetic is clean and simple, and not kitschy enough for Etsy lady and Doonan. I have a question about Jessie's art medium...if she uses food for paint & sculpting, does that mean her projects have a shelf life? They can't be permanent, can they? Wouldn't mustard/ketchup/chocolate start to mold or stink after a while? Or maybe she shellacs or puts poly on her pieces to "seal" them? Eagan is breaking my heart every episode! What a sweet kid! If he doesn't win this thing, I hope at least he gets an offer from a set designer or costume department. He has talent and such big dreams for himself and his family.
  5. OMG! Me too! I've never liked panetone, but I fear I will always associate it with Sarah's pronunciation....PAN-a-TONE, and "calm-pOHt" (compote). Thanks for the info on Holiday Wars too!
  6. I agree! The screen was OK, but I didn't see the "WOW" factor the judges did. The chair or the paint brush sculpture were the WOWS for me. Really, judges?!? She used paint brushes to sculpt! Eagan is adorable & I hope he goes far. So glad this happy show is back. Amy & Nick are delightful, an the contestants are so sweet and kind to each other. More of this type of "competition" shows please!
  7. Is there forum for "Holiday Wars"? I see one for "Halloween Wars" (UGH! Tater will forever haunt my Halloween nightmares). Thanks!
  8. Both of my Boston-born and life long residents grandfathers always had cheddar on top of their apple pie. I personally don’t like it, but even though both gentlemen have been gone for 30+ years, my family still serves a platter of fruit and cheese along with the apple pies during the holidays. One of my cousins tried a new fangled apple pie recipe one year...the crust was made with crushed Cheezit crackers. It only had one slice taken out of it, and it never showed up again! Sarah is one is one of those people that I couldn’t tolerate too long. That kind of perkiness and always “ON!” personality brings out my passive-aggressive gene. (In all honesty, more light on the “passive”, but “aggressive” turned up to 11).
  9. Glad the guy won. The lady who did the dog-cat chase scene had a great looking house too. As for Pat-Assy...you say you like to work alone? After your showing here, I don’t think that will be a problem in the future. Doubt there will be many bakers clamoring to share a kitchen with you. Paige Davis annoys me slightly less than Marcella, so there’s that tiny bonus. Looking forward to seeing more of these incredible gingerbread creations.
  10. UGH!!! Another oldster Peter Pan with a musical instrument and an astronomically overstated sense of his "charm & whimsy". I hope this guy and coconut dude never meet up. I know how much Marcus likes synergy and cross-branding, but the douche-bro factor of those two knobs together on screen would be too much to handle. If my boss cut my salary by $10k or by 55% like the guys at Polar Cooler said, I would be an ex-employee the next day, and on the hunt for a good labor lawyer. What a colossal asshat this guy is! And I can’t fathom how a seemingly young attractive woman ended up as this guy’s “life-love partner” & baby momma. This season has not been good. The products aren’t great and the “business owners” are garbage people.
  11. Another case that would have been done in an hour. Why do they stretch out these very obvious “mysteries”? I don’t have psychic powers, but I knew who dunnit as soon as the wife’s picture (in her Budweiser Bimbo review regalia) popped up. Andrea Canning does bug me as an “interviewer”. Sometimes she does this wide-eyed stare when asking a question, like she - just- can’t - believe - it!
  12. Dan and other people who are accused of inappropriate touching/looks/comments should watch the The Morning Show on Apple+, specifically Ep 3. The premise of the show is a "beloved" morning show anchor <<cough-Matt Lauer-cough>> is accused of, and summarily fired for his sexual harassment of female staff. Instead of running around the jungle looking for affirmations from all the women that he really is a "good guy", Dan should stop deflecting to soothe his own wounded sense of who he is, and LISTEN to what his actual behavior made OTHERS feel. His lame ass excuses of "cuddling" to share body heat, or touching someone as he tries to get by her is just hand waving mansplaining to make the silly ladies understand what a protective gentleman he is. OK, sure Dan...than please explain how the fuck rubbing/tickling Missy feet/toes at the merge feast was "gentlemanly". Or how repeated touching Kellee's face & hair after she repeatedly told you to STOP IT is actually you "protecting" her. Go ahead...I have plenty of time to wait to hear you out. Like Jeff, I don't plan on "letting this thing go".
  13. Women like Elizabeth and Missy are the reason why sexual harassment will continue to be an issue for years to come. Women like them want to present themselves as empowered females who can kick ass and take names of any competitors, regardless of gender. They talk about being women sticking together, and supporting each other and sisterhood. However, women like Missy and Elizabeth are the first to turn on other women if they feel they aren’t “worth the risk”, or if they can work the situation into a personal advantage. Women like Elizabeth and Missy are the same type of women who will cry with a coworker in the ladies room who tells them she was raped, yet they will be the first people to slut shame that coworker because she was too drunk, or too flirty when they went out for drinks that one time. Women like Missy and Elizabeth are the reason why coworkers, acquaintances, supervisors will always question a report of harassment from other women. When approached by the accused, these types of women will throw the accuser under the bus by reassuring the accused he never made them feel uncomfortable! He’s just friendly, or like a big brother, or the office teddy bear! That other woman must be crazy, or jealous, or horny! Women like Elizabeth and Missy are the reason why victims don’t speak up or report. They are the reason why most females, from 8 to 80 see, feel and understand that “See Something, Say Something!”, and the promise of no reprisals or negative consequences for saying something is 100% absolute bullshit. Anyone looking for female role models or examples of what real supportive sisterhood is should look for women like Janet.
  14. I thought this product was familiar...I remember him on Shark Tank. Found him exhausting after 3 minutes back then. This tap thing is available on Amazon for $28 as a DIY kit. It's advertised as "zero-waste" in most of the Google search hits. But it is not! It's plastic and stainless steel! Neither of those materials is biodegradable! Vinny is someone who only wants to be the "front man" and be on stage. He is never going to be a business person. He kept comparing himself to "Colonel Sanders", but Harland Sanders was a savvy business guy who also hustled & had mad marketing skills. Vinny is a lounge act in an D-list Vegas cocktail joint. If while on vacation, I walked by a cart or a poolside bar selling these fresh coconuts, I might try it. But once a Don Johnson-Miami Vice era dude with a douche hat starts "singing" at me about "coco-this" and "coco-that" while strumming a ukulele, I am outta there.
  15. I fell asleep halfway through Ep 4. I don't think I will bother to finish it. I can go read a Wikipedia entry about anyone involved if I'm curious enough. I complained several times about the writing, but I think Jason Clarke deserves some blame in making this so unenjoyable. His acting was too...actor-y? Amateurish? Misdirected? OTT? I don't know, but I just didn't buy into his portrayal. And his mustache looked like something the wardrobe dpt found in a clearance bin at Party City. This miniseries was a big fail.
  16. Of course Gavin cheats at the triathlon! I called that he'd have a substitute waiting somewhere -either for the biking or the running sprint. Loved the chain of "pushers" for getting Gavin's bike up the incline. I know this is very sick, and I don't want any harm to come to any animal, but I laughed again this week when the 'previouslies' showed the poor birds kept crashing into the evil billionaire's glass walls. His complete indifference and lack of emotion to the horror of it is a trademark Mike Judge dark twist. Dinesh really is a petty guy, but he cracks me up.
  17. Oh boy, this is a spectacular fail IMO. The writing is awful. I'm confused what direction they wanted to go in, and who was the audience? On the surface, it looked like this was to be a sweeping period drama with some heavy hitter actors to bring gravitas to the fascinating historical characters. But after watching 3 of 4 episodes, and listening to the dialogue, I'm wondering if the writers meant for this to be an 21st century take on 18th century events? Kinda like Sofia Coppola's "Marie Antoinette"; period costumes with a little modern edge, modern dialogue and music??? Or was it supposed to be one of the updated takes on Shakespeare, a la "Ten Things I Hate About You"??? There were at least 3 anachronistic phrases in Ep 3 alone! I am not a linguistics expert (nor do I care to look up the etymology), but these just stood out as real sour notes to my ears: Catherine to her son: "Get a grip!" Catherine on her way into her council meeting: "Let's do this!" Potemkin at some point between kissing hands and feet: "Let's get this show on the road!" Helen Mirren is fine, despite the "schmoopy" love sick teenager dreck she has to convey. Jason Clarke's acting has been rapidly getting worse each episode. I hope there were a lot of Tums on set after he chewed threw all that scenery. This TV year has been such a disappointment that as a history nerd, and Romanov enthusiast! First the God-awful "Romanovs" on Prime, then this shit show from HBO. Maybe it's a sign that I should just keep reading books to get me history fix.
  18. Shovel- smart idea, but I'm not a customer because I can't grow anything. I'm out! Pili Nuts- I would try them if I see them in my local store. Nuts and dried fruits are a great quick snack. Single blade razor - $150?? Nope, I'm out. Dr. Smugy McSnakeoil - OUT! These supplements already exist in various forms. He offered no real differentiators to back up his claim of product superiority. Maybe he didn't have enough time to do it because he was too focused with his dick measuring contest with Mark. His argument about consumer driver health care was on point. Mark, as usual, jumped in to attack anything health related. Mark's point about consumer access to info was so far away from what Dr. Smugy was saying. Aside from the surveys, listen to ANY pharma ad on TV or radio; after telling you about all the side effects that could cause rash, changes in mood or sleep patterns, genital gangrene (WTF??😱) and even death, the VO tells you to "Ask your doctor about PharmaXYZ". Why is the patient dictating to the physician?? The doctor is the one who went to Med School for 8-12 years, not the patient. I know not every doctor or surgeon is as smart as he/she believes themselves to be, so patients do need to be their own advocates. But, walking into your cardiologist or osteopath or any other specialist who knows med history, and asking for the latest wonder drug you heard about while watching "Judge Judy" is a weird way to manage health care. It's the Drug Companies who run the show! And their evil assistance, the Insurance Companies. And the guy was definitely dissing Lori. Glad she called him on it.
  19. Adderall Lady...I lasted 3minutes. Instead of trying to fix that woman, Dr. Phil should be working to diagnose and help her husband. My God, what meds uis HE taking to deal with that much crazy??
  20. I love that Dina recycles her "sexy cop" costume every year. Not sure why they have Jonah & Amy as a couple still. It is not a good relationship. In fact, I wish sitcoms would stop the workplace romance trope. It can work well sometimes, (Cheers, The Office), but other times its just writers checking off the boxes. Garret can be a real asshole. I can appreciate his subtle, dark, dry humor most of the time, but I didn't like him locking Glen in the haunted house. Up until locking him in, it was funny; refusing to get the phone, playing mind games, paying the creepy kid to freak out Glen. But locking Glen in was just too far. That is sadistic IMO. I thought Garret's character would be a tad more sensitive to others' feelings after killing all of Dina's cherished birds. I hope we don't have to see more of Kelly. Although, she and Jonah do have more chemistry than he & Amy do.
  21. Thanks for saying that. That was my first thought too. Made me think of my (white) brother-in-law, his (white) son, and their mostly white & Hispanic Harley Davidson HOG club. That said, I get where Jamal is coming from; if it made him feel a certain way hearing Jack's use of the term "durag", then no one can tell Jamal his feelings are wrong. Whether it came across as condescending or a "Ben Kenobi imparting wisdom unto Young Skywalker", so what. I'm just happy the two men spoke about it face to face; calmly and intelligently and in a timely manner. No run-and-tell to other tribe members, no self pitying behind the other person's back. No letting it fester & bringing it up days/weeks later. Define, Defuse, Discuss,
  22. Phil is still the only one I really like on this show. Despite the theme of relying on "plausibility", Phil's elaborate Claire-Scare was probably one of the most improbable farces written for a TV sitcom. And I LOVED it! Phil for the win. Although, now he's stuck in an escalating mind game cycle, worrying about how his wife will try to scare him to death every Oct 31. Why hasn't Lily called Child Welfare to rescue herself from her two idiot dads? They didn't know she was a cheerleader?? Never saw her uniform before (which means neither dad ever attended a game or practice). They don't keep track of her social media use, didn't know she had Insta?? Then when they were worried that their TWELVE YEAR OLD kid could possibly be coerced into having sex with an older boy, they casually discuss how "cool" they will be when confronting her & the boy? There are so many other parent fails poor Lily has had to deal with too. Glad Gloria was finally shown to be aging. Yes, Sofia Vergara has a beautiful face & figure no matter what her age and I am definitely envious of her good genes fortune! But the Latina sex-bomb storylines week after week, year after year have grown tiresome.
  23. This was the best one. Between this and “Hot Priest” in Fleabag, Adam Scott is my new TV boyfriend.
  24. I am a history nerd, and pretty much anything Russian or having to do with the Romanovs captures my attention. This however is not keeping me entertained or informed. I know Catherine was a very powerful and shrewd ruler. But so far both of these episodes have been about a teenage romance between senior citizens. If they want to explore the Potemkin relationship, I’m OK with it because it happened and was a big part of her rule. However, this seems to be written for 2 actors in high school vs. mature adults. And I cannot stand the actor playing Catherine’s friend the Countess. She is very stilted and trying to sound haughty or imperious, but it comes across as bad local theater.
  25. I don't watch Dr. Phil everyday, but I noticed something I never did before re. the format. Last 2 weeks, I half-watched 2-3 episodes. He started off with his guest(st) and their problem(s), then after 20 min or so, he came back from commercial to discuss another upcoming show for about 5 min. Then he went back to the original guest(s) for a few min. After the 2nd to last commercial break before the show ended, he's back, but now he's talking about yet another case/issue/guest he'll be chatting about on his podcast. Then he ended the shows reading flattering, over the top puffery type reviews and accolades from "viewers". It felt like he never fully closed out the original guests' stories. They just...ended. Has Phil finally realized there's no need to really look invested in these people because; 1) they are mostly on this show for self promotion, not real help, 2) Phil has little to no ability to help these people to change the horrendous lives they've opted to lead. I was grateful that this new format didn't allow time for Robot Robin to tell me about her lotions & potions.
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