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Everything posted by BusyOctober

  1. I know TLC makes Amy interact with Matt, but she is so obviously hating every second of it. She looks so miserable in every scene with him and Caryn. I don’t blame her one bit for her hard feelings. Her marriage to Matt was not filled with love and romance. They were too different to be a good love match. I do wish her well with Chris, and hope she gets a better relationship for her “second act”. But, if she wants to keep collecting pay checks and keep the show going, she should either put a smile on once in a while around Matt or tell the producers she wants to limit filming with Matt (and Caryn) to the least amount possible. it is uncomfortable to watch her be forced into these staged get togethers. Tori and Zach are too dumb to be parents.I can’t imagine letting my kids romp around in a polluted run-off drainage ditch. THAT IS NOT A CREEK! Garbage and God knows what floating through my yard is not an idyllic farm setting they think it is. And who plops a dwarf child, recently out of surgery and still wobbly, onto a slippery rock in the middle of that “Refuse River”?? I guess it’s the same parents who plop a top heavy toddler onto a kitchen island and turn their backs. Or allow one child to wave metal poles around and conk and poke his younger sister (who had a near miss eye accident that could have been more improved if she was wearing her glasses).
  2. I know there was more drama to be concerned with, but I was too distracted by the lasagne competition. Did Dorinda say she used cottage cheese in her “traditional”, old-school Nona style, straight from the Old Country recipe??? Or did I just hear incorrectly, and she actually (and correctly) said “ricotta”? I have seen some recipes sub out cottage cheese for ricotta, but they are not even-Steven swaps. Brandi’s lasagne sounded weird. She add lemon juice for acidity, but hello? The tomatoes are acidic…that’s why many recipes call for sugar or even shredded carrot to add sweetness to counter the acid. Eva is stunningly gorgeous. Her eyes are amazing! I’m so glad she called out Brandi for the ‘man Gina’ comment. Brandi really is too dumb to walk this planet. She opens her mouth and thinks she’s being wise or complimentary. But because she doesn’t have enough brain cells to work out the complete conversation, she usually says something completely offensive.
  3. I’ve never watched Atlanta, but I am loving Eva and Phaedra so far. I have no clue about any heinous behavior from either of them or the reasons why they were fired, so I will reserve rights to rescind my positive opinion at a later time. Jill is sooo thirsty. I haven’t seen her since she left NY franchise, but she looks good. Too bad she can’t get her personality refreshed along with her face. Brandi and her grossness need to be off my tv. Her high pitched squeaky voice is worse than nails on a chalkboard.
  4. Does Bravo have a trading deadline like baseball? If it isn’t too late in the season, can they please trade Diana off to Dubai?? I don’t watch any other RH franchise beside BH and NY, but even the worst woman from one of these other cities has to be better than Diana. She is boring, rude, pretentious and not meshing with any of the women on this show. She sees herself so far above the rest of them and it’s obvious she doesn’t want to get personally involved with any of them. If she can’t be traded, then Andy needs to start a new show with cold, haughty, snobs in Europe somewhere. Maybe Yolanda will come out of retirement and she and Diana can try to out-snoot each other every week.
  5. Does anyone else think it’s a bit tone deaf to be packaging up donations for houseless people while sitting in Matt’s 3rd or 4th house/dwelling…all on the same property? I admit, I wasn’t watching as much as I was listening, but the way Zach was going on about “the light show, the Christmas lights, can’t wait to show the kids the lights!” I was expecting a little more than that. It was nice that he strung up the lights around the tree trunk, that took a lot of effort to do by himself. However, the final reveal was… underwhelming. If he was going to decorate the broken tractor, why not outline it to show the shape? It looked like Zach stood on the ladder and tossed two strands of lights at it. Maybe Jackson, Lilah and Murphy can take over next year? Couldn’t be worse. BTW, I will bet that broken tractor will be in the same exact spot next year. I am also tired of hearing Matt say “the deal fell apart” re. selling the farm to Zach. I don’t think there ever was a deal. Sounds like Zach was expecting to pay below market, with a family discount applied. And Matt was expecting top dollar, no Groupons or Kohls Cash accepted. Both of them had unrealistic expectations because Matt seemingly never had a sit down with ANY of his kids to discuss the farm, the finances, the legalities, etc. Not that it would have worked out exactly as discussed without adjustments, but at least everyone would have a rough idea of the others’ intentions. Now they have disgruntled feelings, revenge property purchases and forced family interactions with pouty faces.
  6. What did I just watch? All that crying over the same BS from LAST YEAR…and the last few weeks?? Is the entire season going to be Sutton and Crystal being told how they need to behave toward each other, how they need to communicate, which words they should use, how to apologize constantly, but then be reprimanded whether they accept that apology or for not accepting it correctly per the Coven’s Code? That, with a smattering of Rinna’s loss and Dorito’s trauma is not at all interesting. I don’t like Diana one bit. She seems phoney and smug and has an air of superiority I find off-putting. Go back to your rock n roll hubby, your baby and your army of high end designers who drop their shit off at your doorstep. Get off this show. Erika is such a hypocrite! Everything she says is driven by her hatred of Sutton. She wants to take Sutton down to make herself feel like she’s superior. Sutton isn’t perfect, but she is a much more relatable person IMO. Erika is so jealous of Sutton…her wealth, her home, her boutique, her family, her class, her genteel Southern upbringing…everything Erika never had or pretended to have until her octogenarian lying cheating sugar daddy fucked up so spectacularly.
  7. Why are some of the least educated women on this show trying to determine what words mean and how and when they can be used? I don’t need a sad-ass “Ted Talk for Dummies by Dummies” about linguistics and etymology taught by Professor Kyle and Dr. Rinna. Kyle is right about one thing….Crystal is dramatic with all of her innuendo and using words like “violated” and “dark” and “triggered”. Tossing out hints about how much worse the actual full conversation with Sutton got, then playing the coy, concerned friend refusing to repeat the horrendous damaging words used is an outright Class- A bitch move. She has every right to feel whatever she feels, and none of the other harpies should feel it’s their place to correct or negate Crystal’s experience. However Crystal is trying to stir up shit to have a story and keep being filmed (gotta earn the dough to pay for that million dollar basement pizza oven remodel). And finally, WTF is up with Erika’s teeth?? Is she wearing dentures? Can she not afford the whitening treatments for her real teeth? Maybe along with the artworks, the shoes, the house and the jets, the lawyers put a lien on Erika’s veneers?
  8. I know TLC edits the show so they repeat some lines several times, but if I had to hear how much Z & T have on their plates, I was going to scream. So they moved, are selling their old house, and are expecting a new baby. And??? I was very anxious for the 2 minutes Lilah was plopped on the kitchen island and Tori turned her back! But then I remembered poor Lilah is used to being left on her own and used to not moving. And I don’t think there was a single scene with her with glasses on. Maybe it’s me reading too much into it, but I feel like Z & T may have said some negative things about Grandpa around Jackson. He seemed afraid/nervous around Matt. He is normally really engaged with most people, and he’s been close to Matt for his whole life. Jackson was super cute and sweet at Amy’s. That property looked worse in this episode than when Amy and Chris visited. Looks like they moved onto a lot that had been abandoned by hoarders, and a new house was put up in a hurry to make it attractive. The “stream” looks like a run-off culvert that will overflow every spring and heavy rain storm. The “treehouse” could have been one of Matt’s unfinished/dilapidated structures. A chicken coop covered with so much overgrowth…it’s a shitty property! That’s what they get for buying something based on revenge.
  9. The Jacket - another sad tragic ending for another young woman. Have all the other Dateline folks retired? Why is Andrea “Clown-face Cosmetics”Canning the only one doing stories every week? Her style of “reporting” and “interviewing” is so awful. Her ridiculous “oh my gosh!!” reactions to the simplest comments are so annoying.
  10. The timelines for this season seem to be going a lot faster than past seasons. I’m not complaining, I don’t need 3-4 episodes of Pumpkins and Amy’s costumes. So when did Z& T buy the Washington house? September? They moved in to it end of October? While a month is a quick turnaround to move, they should’ve been packing up the House of a Thousand Stairs as soon as their offer was accepted. Both of them looked shocked that they had so much to pack a week? 4 days? prior to the moving van pulling in the driveway. And correct me if I’m wrong ( I am not wrong), but neither of these two geniuses have jobs, right? They could have been sorting, tossing and donating stuff several hours a day to prep for this big event. Were they both preoccupied with bigger concerns like not noticing Jackson’s horribly bowed legs, not making sure Lilah’s wearing her glasses, and bitching over not being gifted the farm property? I guess grudge holding and enumerating Matt’s transgressions against them is a full time job?
  11. Reminds of when a woman from my dorm in college came back from summer break telling us how she was “discovered” in a mall in Florida, and was signed to a modeling contract. She bragged about photo shoots, traveling, being near D-list celebrities. It was pre- Google and social media days, so we had no idea if she was exaggerating. Turns out, she was in a grocery store with her grandmother and Nana was the 1000th shopper or something. So Nana’s picture was taken, with Miss Imma Model next to her. The picture was hung up in all the chain’s stores and appeared in the local paper.
  12. These Roloffs are all ridiculous. For so many reasons. Everyone is acting like a 45-60 min drive is unheard of. Most of my very close, large family is 30-60 min from my house. Some are even (gasp) 2 hours away. But we manage to have holidays, birthdays, Sunday dinners, drop-ins ALL THE TIME. It is 2022, not 1822 or 1922. We drive cars; we don’t take a horse and buggy to go on these “journeys”. Our cars can travel at 50-80 MPH. They have: comfortable seating, heat and A/C, room for kids and pets, overnight bags, food and presents. These idiots are carrying on as if Zach is packing his family into a Conestoga wagon and leading them across the Oregon Trail, FFS. Zach having Jackson tell the big news to Matt was petty and immature. Matt and Zach’s handling of the whole negotiation of the farm BS was not done well. Matt doesn’t need to “give” the property to his kids, Zach shouldn’t have expected to “get” the farm for a deep discount. Matt should have sat down with all his adult children and an estate planning expert years ago. No spouses, no grandkids, no exes. Caryn is annoying, and should keep her trap shut. Ditto for Tori. No one gives a sh** about how uncomfortable or awkward either of you feel as a result of the mess you helped create. Amy needs to discover SPF and deep moisturizers. Did she really say it would have been good if Zach had “boughten” the farm???
  13. Peterson and his first wife were close friends of Elizabeth Ratliff when they were neighbors in Germany. It may be that she had a document giving custody of the girls to the Petersons in case she died (since she was a widow and there was no husband in the picture). They (possibly) adopted the girls, although I'm not 100% sure of that. Peterson and his wife then divorced and he took custody. IMO - The way Margaret and Martha’s biological mother died is a very interesting factor in Peterson’s case
  14. What is up with Dorito’s lips?? Did one of her kids sock her in the mouth during karate lessons? Also, how do you leave your “babies” after that experience? It was not even 24 hours after the break in, and she’s filming and eating chicken at Kyle’s house?? I don’t know if I can 100% believe the robbery was real. PK a and Dorit are such scammers and grifters. Dorit will do anything to be in the spotlight, and PK needs paychecks and cash to keep rolling in so he can keep buying and renting and moving out of houses he can’t afford. I can’t stand Erica and her phoney baloney personas and DRAHmatic low pitched villain voices. It will be very hard to get thru the season without throwing the remote at my tv.
  15. This is good so far. Curious how many of the facts presented in the real trial and investigation will make it into this series. I had seen this case on Dateline ( or one of the many Murder Show channels I watch), so I am biased re. “Who Done It”. My family makes fun of me for watching these true crime things, but they have taught me some good life lessons. #1 - Do NOT under any circumstances date, have an affair with, move in with or marry a man named “Peterson”. You will be killed. (see, Scott / Drew/ Michael) #2- If a relationship is rocky, and the partner is unwilling to talk to a counselor, do not get pregnant to “fix” things. You will be killed. #3 - if money is becoming an issue, and you suspect an affair, fraud or embezzlement, just leave with your children and a small overnight bag as you call a lawyer and the authorities. Do not confront your partner with the evidence. You will be killed.
  16. Of all the BS I heard about Matt and Angela, I did learn something. Matt said his job was “professional parent”. Did not know this was an accredited position! Why didn’t my college advisor clue me in about this Parenting degree? I guess I have been half-assing my parenting job for 16+ years! I have 2 kids, a full time job and a 5-10 hour a week part time job. I volunteer 2 nights a month as a Girl Scout troop leader. I do pickup and drop off for my kids’ various activities several days every week. Until my children turned 12, I was the sole housekeeper, cook, laundress and personal shopper for my family. All this time, I thought I was giving my kids my best effort!
  17. Oh my god…tears and snot and ugly crying. This was the best episode in 6 seasons. Real emotion, real heartache. It was a wonderfully told story. Miguel’s complete existence was given to us in 47 minutes. I would honestly rather have spent more time getting to know Miguel than watch Jack’s elevation to sainthood. Jack may have been an amazing husband, but Miguel’s devotion to Rebecca is the kind of unquestioning love most people wish for. Unfortunately, many of us don’t know that kind of relationship is the one we should seek out and nourish and reciprocate. Many of us think the “romantic gestures” alone are evidence of true love. It was also a nice (much needed) break to have less of the Big Three and their self-indulgent pity parties and petty problems. I appreciated them telling Miguel they wanted full time care not only for Rebecca’s sake, but for his benefit too. But our reprieve of Pearson bulldozing and speechifying will be short lived based on the previews.
  18. I liked both Holly actresses as 20-something and 40-something, but casting dpt should’ve done a better job re. similar features, height, face shape, etc. The height difference was the worst. Most females reach their full adult height within a year or two of puberty. Maybe a girl can grow another inch or two between 12-20 years old, but not 5 or 6 inches! Overall, I liked it, and I am glad James and Tom were caught in the end for their complicity in the other student’s death. I sure hope Sophie got everything in the divorce.
  19. I am enjoying this, but every now and then, Jared Leto’s accent jumps from Adam Neumann to Adam Sandler, doing his Count Dracula voice. Rebekah is so so so delusional with her school. ”We want to educate them from birth to death” as a school mission statement??? mmmkay.
  20. Wow, the delusion runs deep with the Neumanns. WeGrow tuition was approx $30-40k per year, which I guess is the norm for some of the private schools in NYC…which I find mind boggling. But what blows my mind even more is that there are that many ultra rich parents who want their kids to drink organic kombucha while doing yoga on responsibly sourced Japanese wheat grass mats as they “manifest” their favorite flavor of macrobiotic yak yogurt for snack time “mind-body-soul wellness time”as the core curriculum for their education. Adam definitely had/has a messianic personality. There is something wrong with his brain…too much or too little of some chemical maybe? How do these “big idea, disruptive “ people keep their cons going and going, and keep roping in more investors?? As much as they get off on taking all their risks, part of their “no fear” mentality must block all concerns of failing or being discovered as the frauds they are. Adam (& Rebekah), Anna Delvy, Billy McFarland, Travis Kalanick, Elizabeth Holmes…none of these people had a conscience in the same way ‘normal’ people do.
  21. Why was Arianna Huffington so enamored with Travis??? I am no fan of hers, but she seemed like a bright woman when I occasionally saw her on talk shows. He has no redeeming qualities. He is an insecure misogynistic narcissist with Mommy issues. He runs his business like a personal candy store in the college frat house with the worst reputation. After seeing all the stories recently about Uber, Fyre Festival, Theranos, The Anna Delvy Foundation and WeWork, these millennial “disrupter” assholes sure are a ‘type’, huh? other than being very good high stakes scamming fraudsters, none of them did any real hands-on “work” in the trenches to launch their kazillion dollar businesses. “Hey! I have an idea that can change the world! Now, where’s my customized Gulfstream jet?”
  22. None of these products appealed to me personally, but that’s true 75% of the stuff on Shark Tank. Poor Emma shouldn’t have been on deck as Pawnix spokes-doggy. If that woman had real customers who could attest how well her product works, she should’ve brought those customers and their dogs. It’s not Emma’s fault, but seeing a older dog struggle to stand up and walk is really bad optics if you’re selling a dog product. I hate dates, so hard pass. The sports art looked cool and I can see that taking off. But aren’t there already “artsy” footballs etc. out there in the market? My nephew has a really cool baseball bat with graffiti style art. The hair are for Black boys - I understand the marketing angle of a product having a “niche”. The beauty industry at large has only recognized non-white people pretty recently, and it’s a good thing to have multicultural representation. But won’t this “just for you” product philosophy eventually lead to a very crowded space for a smaller percentage of the available consumers it’s made for? I like this family, and I hope they do well so one of the big companies buys them out for huge money.
  23. Ha! Anthony Edwards plays characters who got duped by Adam Neuman and Anna Delvy! I’ve watched all of these scam-a-lam shows for the past few months…other than the greed factor, I just don’t know how the people and investors got sucked in by any of these assholes. Anna Delvy, Elizabeth Holmes, Adam Neuman, the Sacklers, Martin Shkreli and the other douchey frat bros from Uber and Fyre Festival all lied and cheated and stabbed friends & business associates in the back. Yet people kept giving them money! I just don’t see the charisma in any of these people. Adam and Rebekah’s personalities are such a turn off. All the new-ages babble, talk of community and making the world better was so obviously lies. They treated people like servants whose only role was to keep fawning and do coffee runs.
  24. I watched the documentary “WeWork: Or the Making and Breaking of a $47 Billion Unicorn” on Hulu last week, then found this show. The documentary was pretty good. Adam and Rebekah didn’t participate in it, but I know all I need to know about both of them. Over confident, over privileged, self indulgent narcissists. I have only watched one episode of WeCrashed, but so far, Leto and Hathaway have captured the asshole essence very well. I highly recommend the Hulu show if anyone wants to hear from former investors and employees about how the Cult of Adam had a meteoric rise, then crashed spectacularly.
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