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Everything posted by BusyOctober

  1. On the unseen footage rehash - Did everyone catch Rinna confessing to Garcelle that HarryHamlin never wanted/needed/asked for extra special THANKS for the stupid sauce? More fanning the flames that are constantly lighting Rinna’s lying pants afire🔥
  2. I agree with all of this, except the last sentence. Rinna has shown to the world that she has no capacity for using her abysmal behavior as “a learning experience”. At least in the sense of learning to be a better friend, coworker, human being. She has been a conniving bitch to at least one cast member every season. Ask Kim, Yolanda, Eileen, Denise, Teddie, Sutton or LVP what they think Rinna has learned from her shitty actions towards them. The only thing Rinna is capable of learning is how much lower she can sink to maintain her lizard-like existence on TV. I think she’d toss her two wannabe daughters off a bridge during a photo shoot if it meant she could have the camera all to herself.
  3. Just watch Ep 5…huh?? This time warp trip in the jungle is making me confused.
  4. I had to be subjected to Asher AND Melissa Etheridge PLUS Rinna trying to shriek her way into relevance in the same hour? Geez, what did I do to deserve such an assault on my poor ears? Erika looks like AARP’s version of a Bratz Doll at Dorit’s party. Garcelle, Dorit, Crystal and Sutton look appropriate and stunning. Mauricio is high as a kite, per usual. What is the deal with that charity’s name, though? Honestly, worst name ever.
  5. Same here....everything but that article... If you click the link, then use the search icon, Key in Lisa Rinna and the story comes up. In the article, toward the end, it mentions how Rinna is upset the show didn’t spend more time focused on her grief re. Lois. 🙄 She is always looking for a way to be on camera, and it has nothing to do with her grief.
  6. Well, in this cast of imbeciles, Sutton is one of the few literate members. Rinna, Dorit and Kyle can’t get through anything longer than a Dr. Seuss book, or a photo-heavy fashion catalog. I doubt they subscribe to the LA Times, let alone know how to read a multiple column/page feature.
  7. I had assumed there be some kind of time travel element from early on, but now it seems inevitable. Not sure how I feel about it if that’s the case. I was into the mystery solving, and to see how the relationship is/isn’t repaired with Noah and Emma. I also want “closure” for Sam and Violet’s families if they are still alive. With the time warp component, I guess I will wait and see how it plays out. I’m still into this to keep going!
  8. Maybe Erika is developing some kind of dementia herself? All the talk about sex and dick and being a dominatrix seems like a sign. I have read some seniors with dementia exhibit previously unseen, heightened (usually inappropriate) sexual behaviors. Or is it a side effect of her meds and alcohol combo? Or slow blood poisoning from the years of latex, glitter, synthetic hair and makeup? Or plain old universal justice turning her into a sad, used up show girl, like Lola at the Copa-CopaCabana? Rinna and Erika both continue to show their lack of education. They both don’t know definitions or context of words they use, especially when they attempt to take down Sutton. Rinna says Sutton only ended up “humiliating “ herself with the stupid gala table invite thing. Ummm, no. YOU were humiliated because Sutton (shadily) exposed you for the scheming, social climbing grifter you are. Erika tells Garcelle Sutton is a liability to Garcelle if she continues to be friends with Sutton. Erika is the biggest liability to the entire cast! I’d say within the entire Housewives canon! She is tainted beyond repair as more details come out about her (& Tom’s) phoney empire of riches! One friend sticking up for another isn’t a liability, that’s called “loyalty”. Loyalty, honesty, humility, self-awareness are human qualities most people posses, and seek out in others. Rinna and Erika don’t get it. They are the original soulless motherfuckers.
  9. Sutton keeps rising on the charts IMO. She is quirky and may not always say the right thing, but she is realer than any of these stupid cows (Garcelle is and has always been great). Her home, her manners, her kids, her style…I would be most interested in spending time with Sutton if I were ever introduced to any housewife. I have hated Rinna on this show for her entire residency. She gets worse every year. What makes her so fucking awful?? Is it the desperation to be relevant? Is it the realization she failed her daughters by not encouraging they work hard, get an education and be contributing members of society? Who are these losers in Erika’s sad “Residence Inn by Marriott”? Mikey we know…I think he’s homeless and is couch surfing in hopes that the hair extension biz is his ticket back to the big time. Who are the other two?? Does it take 3 (unpaid)assistants to sell fake hair? Speaking of hair, WTF is that platinum snake braid on her head in the confessionals?? Now she wants to be a”part time dominatrix”?
  10. It isn’t perfect; plenty of crime, crooked politicians, drugs and an ever increasing affordable housing crisis. But unfortunately that’s the case in so many large US cities. NYC, Chicago, LA, San Francisco, Miami, Detroit…none of them are ideal places to live.
  11. I am glad this is back! Corbin Bernsen’s character needs to come to a nasty end sooner than later. And whoever takes this guy out can take the whacko wife and bitchy daughter too. Ah, the “Big Dig”…the great boondoggle that made many rich(er) but made things worse for the drivers, residents and taxpayers. Someone I am very close to worked on this project for 10 years. The firsthand stories he has about wasteful spending, the back door deals and safety violations are almost unbelievable. But I have lived in the greater Boston area all my life, so I am fully aware of our illustrious crooked history!
  12. Only meant to watch the first episode, and save the other 2 later. Just like that empty bag of chips on my table, “later” never came. Watch all 3 and I am hooked. Now I am sad that I have to wait a week for a new episode (and because the chips are gone).
  13. This is what I think of when I see Diana. I wonder how much it cost her to have the design team loot the local Macy’s for all their Xmas decor? She thinks Sutton’s absence is what magically made her apologize to Garcelle, and “transform” Garcelle into a warm and open person? Bitch, get gone already. Kyle is full of shit…Garcelle wasn’t “baiting” you, you twit. Erika is a fucking mess. She’s disgusting inside and outside. She has always been trash. Rinna and Kyle defending her for the past 2 years makes zero sense…until I remember that between the two of them, they have an IQ in the single digits? Has Erika’s fake hair biz been seized yet? With this new lawsuit handed down, everything she has should be tagged and bagged to repay the people Erika and Tom screwed. Mikey will need to move into some shelter for former lapdogs to the D-list stars. I am sure there’s one on every corner in BH, like Starbucks. Dorit has a DOG??? When did that happen? PK was legally drunk, take the DUI, apologize and “OWN IT!”
  14. Loved the costumes and the scenery. Hated the writing, the cast of characters, the actors, the acting, the soapy, anachronistic ‘drama’ that couldn’t keep my attention… non sarò qui l'anno prossimo, arrivederci amici miei!
  15. I can’t label exactly what is ‘off’ about this show. It just isn’t enough of…something. Cooking your childhood favorite or your grandma’s “famous” whatever from the old country isn’t enough. I get they are emphasizing that American cuisine is literally a melting pot…generations on immigrants have built the collective cookbook. It is nice to hear their connections to family and food, but…so what? Most of us have that same experience. But one thing that irks me about some cooking shows is repeatedly hearing these cooks explain why “their” family recipe is the most authentic representation of <insert dish here>. Mostly because NO ONE recipe can represent authenticity for an entire population. My grandmother came to the US from Sicily in 1922. She lived in an Italian neighborhood in Boston and had neighbors who were also from Sicily…3 miles from where my grandmother was born. When the neighbors would share meals, my grandmother said her mother would eat a little of what the neighbor made to be polite, but once back home she would say, “that woman doesn’t know how to cook! Onions in the sauce?? BAH!”My grandmother told me the neighbor’s kids said their mom had the same complaints about her mom. Recipes are extremely unique and personal. No Italian I know makes sauce (not ‘gravy’) the same exact way…even within my own family. I watch these shows to learn about food and cooking techniques and ingredients I haven’t tried, not to be convinced of the only way to make a dish according to someone else’s Nona/ Papi/Mama/Uncle Rupert.
  16. This drives me crazy! I have an acquaintance who was a “mom friend” from our kids’ school. They moved away but we keep in touch via FB. Every. Single. Post of her 2 kids (now 9 & 14) has something similar to what Tori wrote. “How can this be the same baby I just snuggled with?!?” “OMG! Time is going so fast! Please stop growing up!”. Her posts for their bdays is the same every year- how can she be (insert age here) already!” Every year, I want to reply, “It simple math…she was born in 2008. It is 2022. Ergo, she is currently 14. Next year, the tricky formula will be 2023-2008 = 15.
  17. Who is Rinna kidding about her daughter moving up the ladder of “important people”??? WTF? Sutton just needs to walk away and let Diana hate her. Sutton doesn’t need Diana, and Diana doesn’t need anything (other than shock therapy to stop licking her lips like a lizard). Diana is an asshole who can live her weird life with her weird child-husband and her weird plastic surgery/fillers, and her weird multi million dollar wardrobe. Just go be weird off this show. This wasn’t even interesting as far as Housewives fights go. Diana is delusional…Sutton wasn’t mean to her in any way shape or form.
  18. Finally(reluctantly) watched the latest episode. The style of the cinematography/ art direction has been bugging me. First, there are scenes of the soapy interactions between the nondescript people at the hotel, then a pullback shot of some scenery (which is gorgeous)…cut to another soapy boring scene, jump cut to a zoom angle on more exteriors - beach/hotel/quaint villagers, and transition into a more “ominous” soapy scene with the villain. And now I know what this artistic choice reminds me of… it’s the same as “The Californians” from SNL
  19. So true! It is disgusting forMauricio, Kyle, Dorit and PK to act like it’s a relief that poor, poor downtrodden Erika is “finally” relaxing and having fun, and being fun to be around again. Really? First off, was Erika ever “fun” to be around? Since starting RHoBH, she's been a hard hearted bitch with a chip on her shoulder the size of the mountain Tom rolled down. Until her money faucet was turned off, and the details of Tom's fraud came to light, Erika has been having her "fun" for years. And all at the XXXPen$$ of others. Glam squads, shopping for hideous wigs and heinous costumes she calls fashion, jewelry, boats, private jets, playing pretend sex goddess on stage… all purchased with stolen money. Erika has always said and done whatever she wanted, and happily told anyone who dared challenge her to "Fuck off". The only things that have changed are 1) she's (extra?) medicated 2) she's turned her gross behavior loose toward teenagers. If Kyle and her high as a kite husband, Dum-dum Dorit and PK the Human Foreskin think this is "fun", they are all as fucked up and amoral as Erika.
  20. Rinna thinking every bird is her mother now…who did she think all the birds in Beverly Hills were before Lois passed away? Diana is a lying sack of shit. And what drugs is she on that makes her lick her lips every time she speaks? Sutton may be a little eccentric and not to everyone’s taste, but she is more relatable and human than Kyle, Erika, Rinna and Diana. Dorit is talking about moving again?? I guess the break in is a valid reason, but she and PK move every six months so it seems like they are just on the run from the collection agencies. What spell (or scandal) does Erika have over Kyle and Dorit and their husbands, Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum? How do they keep defending her behavior and her actions? I am liking Sharee a lot. I want her to team up with Garcelle and have them be the “Settin’ the Bitch Straight Squad”. I would watch a show of just the two of them, replaying the tapes, and calling out all those lying, fake, phoney, soullesss twats for every bullshit story they try to spin. Did Rinna fall into a time warp with that hideous getup and hair-don’t she wore to Sutton’s party?
  21. Maybe I’m just over this show and everyone is annoying me. Caryn and her goody two shoes act just irked me more than usual tonight. Her exaggerated sweet voice, asking Matt 50 bazillion times if he’s sure about selling, her constant simpering that all she wants is Matt and Zach to heal their relationship…it’s all just too much. I will say she’s absolutely right about “the big house” being dated. The designs and architectural details and finishing are ripped right out of “Cookie-Cutter McMansion Digest”, Summer 2001 edition. How does Amy still have her crap left in the old house?? She hasn’t realized if she hasn’t looked for it in a year or two, then she doesn’t need it? How many more QVC clown statues and Dollar Store mugs does she possibly need? It was nice to see Amy really engage with Lilah; speaking to her and encouraging her to speak. Unlike her parents who plop her unattended on the nearest flat surface (kitchen island, bedroom floor littered with metal poles, mud-bog back yard…), and then turn their backs to marvel at Jackson. The sandbox looked pretty good, so good for Zach doing that on his own. I just hope they have a tarp or some kind of cover to keep the neighborhood cats from using it as a luxury litter box. Especially living next to that Sanford & Son lot, and their swampy drainage ditch creek, god knows how many feral critters are roaming the property.
  22. I assume Josiah’s nickname is pronounced “SIGH-SIGH”, but I read it as SEE-SEE. Either way, it’s dumb. Even if it gets shortened to a singular “SIGH” as he gets older, it’s dumb. Kids in school will call him Jo, or Jo-Jo, or Josie.
  23. Oh, Dorinda…you’re making it impossible to be on your side anymore. Your Bravo-induced “pause” has not had the desired outcome. You haven’t mellowed. You haven’t learned from your mistakes. You haven’t sought therapy to deal with the rage and fears and insecurities. You haven’t figured out that one drink is your limit. Dorinda likes to believe she is the lady of the manner and she has all the decorum of a British Lady of the Realm. Anyone who is truly a gracious host, whether they live on an estate or in a trailer park, knows that as host, your role is to be warm, welcoming, and act as a concierge of sorts. You may have planned events or suggestions for things to do. You may maintain and explain the house rules. You are leading by example. But if your guests prefer to opt out of an activity, you do not shame and berate them for making YOU uncomfortable. If a guest forgot about the no food upstairs rule, you don’t correct their faux pas with a condescending, passive-aggressive tantrum in front of the other guests. If you are asking people into your home, and telling them to make themselves comfortable, but then you freak the fuck out that your guests did just that, then maybe think twice about allowing people to stay overnight. Stick to hosting smaller, simpler events with a set start and end time. Preferably keep the length of the event to 2 hours, max, to avoid any messy drunken tirades.
  24. I have a theory re. her hatred toward Sutton. It has to be bacon/vegetarian related. Diana ONLY associates Sutton with her heinous crime of eating a mostly a plant based diet, but occasionally indulging in a crispy strip of bacon. I think Diana must have been experienced some kind of bacon-related trauma. Perhaps while traipsing across Europe with her mega rich husband, she was staying at a luxury villa. She asked the chef for some bacon with her toast and caviar, but the kitchen was out. The chef, a blonde American woman from Georgia, subbed out real bacon with soy vegan “fake-on” and it was so awful, Diana made her husband buy the resort, sack the entire staff and burn it to the ground. She forever associates “bacon” and “vegetarian” with this atrocity. Her hatred of this memory cannot be forgotten and she suffers from PTSD because of it. Sutton “triggers” Diana and forces her to relive that excruciating time in her life. It’s almost as damaging as, hmmm, I don’t know…surviving a a war in Bosnia?
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