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Everything posted by BusyOctober

  1. I wasn’t the type of parent that put bubble wrap around my kid, but safety was a priority. We had helmets, knee pads, life jackets, buckles and harnesses to keep our kids protected from the time they were babies until present teen years. I do not understand how Zach and Tori can make Jackson and Lilah wear helmets for their scooters, but then let Jackson RIDE IN THE BUCKET of the tractor?!?! And let Lilah bounce around in the seat with just Zach’s arm casually draped around her. WTF?? And that property looks shittier and shittier every time it’s shown. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, they say. Zach and Tori act like they landed smack dab in the middle of some National Geographic documentary about the wild beauty of the Pacific Northwest. Muddy lot pinned in by trailer parks and commercial buildings. Overgrown weed-choked field. And the culvert full of God knows what runoff. Yes, very cinematic…”A River (of filth) Runs Through It” vibes for sure. Every time I see Jackson’s legs, I cringe. I know it’s my own ignorance of dwarfism, and my lack of understanding the condition he and other kids with dwarfism have. It just looks so painful to me. I really hope the surgery he had will help prevent future discomfort, or God forbid, turn into a more challenging or debilitating situation.
  2. Re. Alex Murdaugh….Just finished the series on HBO Max. Wow, what a fucked up family. I had seen all the Dateline eps on the Murdaughs, and I knew about the deaths of (muders really) Mallory Beach, Stephen Smith, and Gloria Sattefield. I knew there was financial theft of Ms. Satterfield’s two sons’ payout from their wrongful death suit. And I remember Alex was fired for embezzling funds from his law firm in addition the screwing over the Satterfields. But this HBO a series went into sooo many more cases of theft from his clients! Several poor, vulnerable and minority families were robbed by Alex. He stole $10 million from his clients. That weasel-eyed SOB ruined so many lives. I hope he rots in jail, and I hope the surviving son, Buster, gets “busted” for murdering Stephen Smith.
  3. Thanks, I figured she was the main builder/designer. I hope the people around her note show are issued OSHA approved sound canceling headphones.
  4. There’s a commercial for some HGTV show, Good Bones, that is going to make me insane. Some screeching harpy lets out a high pitch shriek, and screams in her best 5 year old hopped on sugar “It’s gonna be soooo PREETTTTTTYYYY!” The shriek rattles me every time it’s on. Her stupid voice makes me want to wrap her Little House on the Prairie braids around her neck until she can’t make another sound. I don’t watch anything on HGTV, but this ad plays endlessly on other Discovery channels. I may have seen/heard it on ABC as well. This may be the final straw that makes me stop watching the very little cable/network TV that I currently do.
  5. Ooh boy, is this just going to be another season of Zach, Tori and Amy griping about that G.D. farm? With a big heaping’ side of more of Matt and Caryn boo-hoo-ing and acting bewildered and befuddled why Zach, Tori and Amy are being grudge-holding meanies? I may just become a lookey-loo, and read posts here instead of wasting time hate watching. I am kinda tired of hearing Tori’s carping about her pregnancies. I totally understand there are many women who have very difficult pregnancies, a lot of morning sickness, difficult deliveries with long and painful recovery time. It’s not easy! Tori is certainly allowed to complain about her aches and pains. But it’s a bit tone deaf of her to complain about her pain to Zach. Zach experienced a ton of pain due to his dwarfism, and the various surgeries he’s had. Tori has no clue what his kind of pain felt like, just like Zach couldn’t possibly know the pain of childbirth. And this may sound horrible, but if pregnancy and childbirth and the recovery after are so hard on one’s body and mind, then maybe stop having more babies? Or stop publicly bitching about all the trials and tribulations you’ve suffered, when billions of women on this planet have gone through the same experience.
  6. I’m not a Marvel fan, but I understood who the costumes were. Once I saw there were several references to Marvel characters, I remembered ABC and Marvel are both owned by Big Daddy Disney. I hate that Disney uses ABC shows to promote themselves and the entire universe it lords over. I wish they would just leave it at running a few ads about the parks, the cruises and the movies they own. Like Disney needs more advertising by inserting its branding throughout a show. Aside from that, this show is one of the best on TV! The writing is sharp, the actors are amazing, and the comic timing is on point every single week.
  7. Lori’s hair looked like those extensions got caught in a ceiling fan. I saw the dog bed for people somewhere online and thought, WHY?? Take a nap on your bed, on the couch. Who wants something that big on the floor of their living room or bedroom? The bridal gowns were stunning! Great business and they will do very well. Awesome price range, super affordable. The crafty things were cute, but the mom seemed…off. Little girl was cute, but I would have guessed she was 5, not 7 1/2. Pitches with whakadoo numbers, &/or too many products don’t do very well in the Tank. Luxury camp coats and blankets look really nice. I can see those being big for hanging around fire pits, or for kids soccer games. I would look into a blanket for a Christmas gift, but personally, I can’t justify $300 for one blanket.
  8. Not to be the food police, but juice really isn’t great for kids on a daily basis. Even the ones that are organic, all natural, have extra fiber or “hidden veggies”. Loved Ava and her secret bathroom suite. “if you’re gonna ask if it has a bidet, you bet it bi-do!”
  9. Fairly boring pt 2 IMO. The biggest surprise was Rinna being the one who tossed Garcelle’s book in the trash. And even that…meh. Of course Erika took the brunt of the heat for it. Payback for all the babysitting and ass kissing Rinna did for Erika. Rinna is a terrible actress and just all around awful human being. She has been despicable for years, long before Lois shuffled off this mortal coil, sprouted wings and flew south with all the other birds. I don’t get why Kyle inserts herself in the Sutton-Crystal brouhaha (from a YEAR AGO). Unless it’s all because she can’t fathom two adults calmly and truthfully hashing out a disagreement, both on and off screen, and have made amends. That two grown women can argue and come out the other side as friendly acquaintances is such a foreign concept to Kyle apparently? And I guess that goes for Rinna, Erika, Dorit and Diana too. I don’t think any of the Fox Force Fools have many real girlfriends, besides their cast mates. That makes Crystal, Sutton, Garcelle and Kathy seem like alien beings in their eyes I suppose. Erika’s dress and her lopsided boobs look even more preposterous this go round. Did she put on weight between Pt 1 and Pt 2? I also noticed the overuse of bronzer on Erika, Rinna, Dorit and Kyle. Yikes! Remember when Luann on RHONY got (well deserved) blow back for wearing blackface as Diana Ross for Halloween? These Beverly Hills crones were walking a razor thin line over that territory.
  10. Over the closing credits, did anyone else hear the sound of breaking glass? Or maybe it was (finally) Chekhov’s ceramic pitcher?? Maybe it’s just me, but I feel like that pitcher is getting a lot of scenes in the back half of these episodes. If that white pitcher turns out to be a red herring, I’m gonna be upset. (but not enough to kill anyone, cut their head off, and fuck their skull, so no need to call the authorities)
  11. What a dufus. “Hundreds” of bass?? Color me skeptical. If they brought guns with them, I would have assumed they were planning to hunt. I don’t know the rules in OR, but many states don’t let hunters kill does. Maybe it wasn’t Big Horn season? So they were only going for bucks, and they didn’t get any for reasons he explained. I am not a hunter (hate the entire idea of it!), but know a few. They tell stories of lots of weekend warriors, in their fancy designer camo and shiny gear, who haven’t the slightest clue about hunting or the rules around tagging and being responsible woodsmen/women. I have a feeling Jerk and his bros wouldn’t know what to do if they did take a deer down.
  12. I hate when women refer to their kids as “my babies” once their kids are beyond two years old. Other than in a goofy, sentimental way, “OMG, I can’t believe my baby is graduating/ getting married/having a baby!” Dorit referring to her kids as her babies every time she brings them up is so annoying. Wow, Erika’s styling team are definitely not fans. That dress is doing her no favors. What is even happening with her boobs?? That dress is making them look like they are two different shapes and sizes.
  13. Just started watching… Dorit looks AWFUL! Like she was a rotisserie chicken left on the spit over the flame a bit too long. Not chic Erika looks like she gained 30lbs…and 20 years. Love Garcelle, but not her dress Rina has completed her transformation into one of the Kartrashians I don’t get Kyle’s dress. Are there buckles on the shoulders? Sutton looks ok, the dress is meh, but I like the pony tail. Crystal looks good, but oddly out of place sitting with the fashion disasters on that couch
  14. I am obviously old. When my child fell, or had a fever, or got stung, or had a weird bump or bruise, I would maybe call my mom for advice. Or if I was concerned, call the pediatrician. Or if it seemed very serious, I took her to the ER. I can only conclude idiots like Tori and Odd post these stupid inquiries and health updates for attention and affirmation. One woman I know posts every little bump or hiccup that her “littles” experience. Her “littles” are now 10(m)and 15(f). Everyone she knows on Facebook and Instagram has been subjected to getting the deets of her kids’ medical conditions; from cradle cap to embarrassing period leaks, her “Mama Bear” groups on social media know it all. Posts asking for medical advice such as: “Poor baby has a rash! He might have eaten a strawberry! I’m allergic, so he could be, but I don’t know! What should I do??” Um, call his doctor?
  15. Wow, that pic of HARRYHAMLIN! is cringe. Nothing to do with HH, but the outdated decor. Every room we’ve seen of Rinna’s house is so late 90’s/early 00’s when everyone was into that heavy faux “Tuscan” look. Heavy, dark, ornately carved furniture, heavy textiles, all done in dark earthy colors. Kyle, LVP, Dorit, and many of the other Housewives are always redecorating or moving or refreshing. To my very anti- Rinna biased eyes, the dowdy digs add credence to the rumor the Hamlins are low on funds. That look is waaaay past it’s expiration date…just like Rinna and her two wannabe Hadid-Kardashian spawn.
  16. This isn't the first Dateline episode we've seen where antifreeze has been involved, so it has been used before---mixed in drinks or food IIRC. I also recall people (LEOs or lawyers interviewed, etc) who have said antifteeze has a sweet taste. If it were mixed in a margarita, I could see him passing it off. Plus, there are actual drinks (like a Manhattan) that taste like gasoline to me, yet people drink them. In terms of smells, there are alcohols (like grappa) with very strong smells. People drink that, too. We don't know what either of them regularly drank except for a margarita. Within the world of alcohol, there's room for someone to be able to explain away antifreeze if they were motivated to do so. People have done so before because people have died from antifreeze poisoning. My husband is a heavy equipment mechanic. The other day he was working on a machine and some antifreeze splashed up and landed on his lip. He licked it as a reflex and said it tasted god-awful! Very much a strong chemical, acidic, bitter flavor. He said he had to use several glasses of water and some mouthwash and a few mints to get rid of the taste. Definitely not sweet like Dateline and ID Channel have described it. I think the manufacturers have began to put in additives to make it smell/ taste bad because to many murderers and potential murderers have tried mixing antifreeze with soda, tea, alcohol.
  17. Weren’t the bones and organs shown in their proper spots with lines drawn to them for the Racers to place the labels on the model? It wasn’t as if they had a pile of bones and organ puzzle pieces and another pile of labels to match up. I was only paying half attention when they described the task, so I assumed the trouble some teams had was because either the lecturer would be speaking Italian or the labels would be in Latin or some other tricky deal. My husband rarely watches TAR with me, but by chance he did this time. He’s a motorcycle mechanic and was drooling that the Racers got to go to the Ducati factory. He also can drive a manual transmission with ease. Our daughter said, “wow you guys would’ve been done with both those tasks before anyone else! Mom knows anatomy and Dad fixes bikes! And I love cheese so I could’ve eaten all of it”. I broke the news teams had to carry the cheese, not eat it.
  18. They released the teaser for the upcoming reunion. Erika is asked about the earrings. Andy says, “you turned them over, right?” Erika says yes. Then Andy says, “but your trying to get them back?” And Erika says she’s appealing “for legal reasons” WTF? What “legal reason” could there be? I know she once claimed to be so well versed in “the law” (thanks to her association with Giarardi Keese) that she could pass the CA Bar exam, so maybe Erika Pat the Puss, Esquire could cite the legal precedent for keeping I’ll gotten jewelry? She is appealing to get them back for purely selfish reasons. She wants/needs them as collateral against her future expenses now that Tom’s money, possessions and career have shriveled like his balls. She wants them for the sheer materialistic ability to say she owns $1.x million worth of diamonds.
  19. What in the HELL is up with the new McDonald’s ad for “adult” Happy Meals?? I kinda get the nostalgia factor and the continuing infantilism of 20-30-40 something’s. “Yay! I can relive my youth with my beloved McNuggets!” (because you couldn’t order them before they were packaged in a folded box I guess?) WHY for the love of Mayor McCheese do the characters have 2 sets of eyes?? Why is the box labeled ‘Cactus Plant Flea Market’??? Whaaa? Are they marketing these Happy Meals to people driving home from their local dispensary? Or for the Burning Man after party?
  20. What in the HELL a is up with the new McDonald’s ad for “adult” Happy Meals?? I kinda get the nostalgia factor and the continuing infantilism of 20-30-40 something’s. “Yay! I can relive my youth with my beloved McNuggets!” (because you couldn’t order them before they were packaged in a folded box I guess?) WHY for the love of Mayor McCheese do the characters have 2 sets of eyes?? Why is the box labeled ‘Cactus Plant Flea Market’??? Whaaa? Are they marketing these Happy Meals to people driving home from their local dispensary? Or for the Burning Man after party?
  21. Haven’t finished it yet, but if Owen keeps reminding us that he’s nineteen EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. he does a TH, I will have to quit watching til he’s voted out.
  22. Rinna and Erika are just so disgusting. I know that’s a huge understatement, but I just can’t think of enough descriptive right now… The ego of Erika to insist her name is bigger than “Hilton”. I do agree that the heat Erika has been receiving is more intense than what Kathy had to deal with. But that’s because Erika’s heinous deeds and words are much bigger than what Kathy is being accused of. Kathy’s supposed crime is equal to one small Target bag full of shit. Erika’s would take up all the square footage of the largest landfill in L.A. Erika is calling out Kathy for “publicly “ acting like an asshole??? Excuse me? Who has been snarling and gnashing her teeth on a publicly aired TV show for 2 years about: “Alleged” burn survivors, cancer patients and orphans of plane crash victims? Insinuating those that are suffering may have already received their money? Announcing the only person she cares about is herself? Threatening to “come after” and bully coworkers for daring to ask questions? Those two twats deserve each other. Neither one of them are on the same playing field as most of the other Housewives in regards to wealth, position/connections, and reputation that counts in Beverly Hills. I know it probably won’t happen but Erika and Rinna should get pink slips in the form of one way tickets to Hell. The cherry on top would be for Diana to fly them there on her private jet.
  23. Very odd and disappointing Bread Week. Pizza was an ok challenge. I think the only one I truly think I’d eat was the fig and balsamic pizza. I make one with prosciutto, fig jam, arugula, a light sprinkle of mozzarella and balsamic glaze. The rest looked a mess and/or sounded gross. The technical was less bread and more patisserie, no? Aside from the raisins, I would of eaten those. The showstopper was a big fat no. And please don’t do that again. There are a few talented bakers, but not a super impressive lot this series IMO.
  24. I think Rinna has Munchausen by proxy. But rather than making her victims physically ill via poison or misused medication, she uses psychological weapons. She gaslights. She projects various ailments, psychosis, addictions, mental illnesses, etc onto people she perceives as weaker. She is a loathsome and evil. I am tempted to rank Rinna lower than Erica on the Worst Type of Human Being scale. She plays head games and outright lies and does everything she can to assassinate another person’s character. Rinna tries to destroy souls for the joy it brings her. If anyone on this cast needs “help to figure out where this pain is coming from”, it is Lisa “Lips like a Baboon’s Ass” Rinna. The only thing that made me happy in her attempt for Emmy reel material was that she looked awful at Kyle’s house. She must’ve run through all the retainer money for her glam squad because she looked tired, haggard and every fucking minute of her years.
  25. HHHAAAATTTED this format. Also hated (in no particular order): Barbara’s dress the booger people and their product the Trapper-Keeper plastic pizza box the annoying, loud crowd the stupid home audience polls the Sharks talking over one another the over the top fake enthusiasm and pandering to the audience the constant reminder that we are watching a one of a kind!! first time!! epic!! LIVE episode!!!!! Dear ABC, Please do not ever do this bullshit stunt again.
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