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Everything posted by BusyOctober

  1. Erika was sloppy drunk. I don’t care if she knew all the right answers or responses to the chit chat going on. She just has zero appeal for me. And she keeps dredging up those earrings and how offended she is her friends didn’t congratulate her on the big ‘win’. Are you kidding me?!? The entire viewing audience is offended by Erika’s attitude toward ill-gotten gains used to buy them. She just doesn’t see (or doesn’t want to see) that side of the argument. Glad Crystal is better and aware of her diagnosis. In addition to medication and vigilance, I recommend she detach from the mean girl members of the cast. I do not have hypertension, but I do feel my BP arising when Dorit and Erika open their mouths to spew their megalomaniacal nonsense. It was good she thanked AM for helping get through a scary situation, but AM is not anyone I’d rely on or confide in. Garcelle is one of my favorite people in the Bravo-verse. However, the drooling over the chef and his dad was gross. I hated in on RHONY when Luann, Sonja and Romona would throw themselves at men, regardless where they were. It is not appropriate for men or women to treat people as objects, even more egregious when the men or women you are harassing is only there to do their job. Stop it. Garcelle wouldn’t appreciate that behavior toward any of her sons.
  2. I only watch RHOBH, but from the ads for the other Hw franchisee, it seems Bravo/ Andy thinks picking fights and throwing shade is all women do when they hang out. Where else but a HW girls trip, charity event, dinner party, baby shower, spa day, spiritual cleanse retreat would “friends” or even newly met acquaintances gather around and kick off the fun and festivities by taking control of the conversation by dropping their “truth bombs” on friends/hosts/coworkers/almost complete strangers? I have never once stood up during a night out with friends and called out someone who invited me and who I have willfully chosen to spend time with. “Hey, everyone! Thanks to my new BFF Allie for having us at this beautiful place with these beautiful strong, supportive women! Let’s raise a glass and here’s to hoping Liza’s son can beat those drug charges! And maybe someone should give Bev a non-alcoholic drink? We all know how she gets, especially since Wanda told us all you keep two flasks of vodka in your Birkin your husband gave you to make up for sleeping with Tonya. CHEERS LADIES!!!
  3. AM and Dorit teaming up against Crystal will not go well. Garcelle and Sutton will defend her and shore her up. Kyle, Erica and Dorit all have very low Emotional IQ’s so they need to rely on gossip and mean girl behavior to cover their insecurities. AM is too desperate and stupid to see she will only be used as Queen Bee Kyle’s shit stick to stir the pot. AnneMarie’s husband’s 8.5 assessment seems pretty accurate. I assume he was basing it on a “1 to 100” scale. Crystal is capable of having said negative things about these women, but that’s true of every single one of them! They air-kiss each other 15 times per show and tell each other how cute their stupid hats and purses are, then they recite their Bravo approved and pre written snarky remarks about the others in their TH’s. Erika and her (incorrect) sense of self satisfaction over the earring decision just put her ignorance and sociopathic lack of empathy on full display all over again. Why didn’t Dorit resurrect her PTSD diatribe in advance of this trip? Where were the histrionics over being away from home?? How will she manage without Bubb-uh the Hutt PK near by?? How can she feel safe in a foreign land where thousands of strangers roam looking for opportunities to rob her?? Who’s with the children??
  4. Finished this over the weekend. Aside from all the previously mentioned plot holes. I have a big question. Izabella the Nanny and her brother Luka worked for the Burkett. How did Judith know about the Nanny Cam frame in order for her to get Izabella and Luka to plant the “deep fake” footage (I can barely contain eye rolling just typing that)? The frame was a gift from Maya’s friend with no shown connection to Judith or the surviving Burkett siblings. The frame was given and set up on one day, and Maya saw the Joe fake out the next day. Was the friend in on the plot and gave Judith or Izabella the frame before giving it to Maya?
  5. I think the pronunciation is correct; Ann-a-Marie. You do pronounce the soft “a”, but the “S S H O L E” are silent.
  6. Dorit and her concern over security at her Homeless Not Toothless event…if she is so easily triggered, then STAY HOME. Someone who has PTSD about strangers and unfamiliar places wouldn’t purposely put themselves in those situations. Dorit does these “GOLL-uhs” (no one , in any country, in any language pronounces ‘gala’ that way, you pretentious twat) first and foremost to bring attention to herself. It’s all about her and her phucking photo shoots, her borrowed labeled designer clothes and jewelry. Annemarie looked and walked like a linebacker getting out at the GOLL-uh. She is so unlikeable, just like Diana. Don’t let the door hit you on the way out of the Reunion.
  7. I admire both of these guests for their work in the entertainment world, but man they were both extraordinarily unentertaining on this show. Levar seemed SHOCKED that he had a white ancestor. Really? After all we know about the travesty of slavery and masters’ raping female slaves? Did he not read or watch “Roots”? Most of Dr. Gates Black guests have discovered a white 3x great grandad in the family tree, so I find his despair disingenuous. Wes was very quiet and the long silences made me feel like the news about his birth father was just too much for him to handle.
  8. I do not know 50% of these ”celebrities’, I’m just here for Alan, his wardrobe and the scenery. Unfortunately, I do remember Parvati. UGH. Did she think she was invited to her own wedding with that white headband?
  9. As it is still early in the New Year, I am still working to keep my resolution of being grateful for what comes and goes in my everyday world. Here is what I am grateful for from this week’s RHOBH… Erika for her absence, and the person who sneezed on her to make that absence possible. Garcelle for her realness as a mom, and as a friend, and her ability to see through all the BS Kyle, Dorit and newcomer licensed Dr Nurse Asshole Annemarie try to thrown down. Crystal for calling out licensed Dr. Nurse Asshole Annemarie, and for the editors’ rewinding the tape to drive home her Asshole-ness. And most of all, I am grateful for the Mute button on my remote that allows me to not hear Kyle’s Krush sing that song, and for my eyes that allow me to roll them incessantly at Kyle’s and Dorit’s brand of socialite psychopathy.
  10. Why do I feel like Dorit will hide away for a bit and feel her PTSD coming on in waves after her conversation with Garcelle? Can PK take her on one of his many “business” trips for a sabbatical? We all need a break from her. Did Kim ask Kyle if she was planning on bringing “anyone” to Kim’s daughter’s wedding?? Why would she ask that if she didn’t already know 1) Mo may already be No Mo’ at that moment and 2) that Morgan Wade is Kyle’s special new friend? Who asks their long time married sister if she’s bringing a plus 1 to a family wedding?? And Kyle playing it off as if she thought Kim meant Kathy is stupid. Why would Kyle “bring” Kathy? Wouldn’t she already be invited to her niece’s wedding and attend with her own husband or children? Denise needs an intervention and Erika needs a muzzle and a few tranquilizer darts in her rump. Sutton’s second date seemed better suited to her. Still haaaating that fake, phony, famewhore matchmaker. Speaking of Sutton, looks like she will continue to be harassed by surgical nurse/anesthetist woman next week. I guess her producer told her to pick a fight with everyone’s favorite punching bag so she can claim her fame as a “truth seeker”. Maybe don’t have public televised conversations about someone’s medical issues until you know WTF you are talking about.
  11. Agree, they gave Benita a really good edit in the series. I watched this story on Dateline or 20/20, and the real life Benita was unlikeable IMO. I remember thinking she was kinda dumb for not investigating the ‘magic’ doctor more for her story on him. And even dumber not to do background check when she ended up in a relationship with him! I don’t care how charming the guy was, once I heard him say the POPE (!!) agreed to marry 2 divorced people (!!) in a Catholic Church (!!), I would have been calling bullshit. Then on top of that, telling me Elton John, the Obamas, Andrea Bocelli, and scores of other global celebrities would be in attendance??? Bye bye bye.
  12. Gah, Mikey. I thought we were done with him. Are there really enough Erika fans to fulfill a “Residency”??? She is delusional. Without her ex-sugar daddy’s ill-gotten bankroll, who’s going to foot the bill? Sutton really went low with the sister comment, but Kyle has been such a shit stirring mean girl for too long, I’m giving Sutton a barely perceptible tsk-tsk and finger wag (& with a tee hee giggle and thumbs up) Dorit is in gossip girl heaven being the “run and tell dat” lackey for Kyle. But she never quotes the dirt she’s dumping correctly. I can’t believe I’m actually going to type these words…I agree with PK…about the homeschooling and Dorit’s totally paranoid, selfish, control freak reason for keeping the kids out of traditional school. Is it worrying that I understood what Denise was (not) saying at Kyle’s about Erika’s treatment towards her? I figured out she was talking about the threesome, sex talk in front of her kids. Am I a savant whose gift is transcribing unintelligible drug fueled rants? I could have a serious side hustle going as an interpreter for Bravo. Not a sure about Annmarie yet. I don’t think Kyle needs any more Heathers on her team. Dorit will make sure she stays in the Lackey #1 spot, so watch your back, Annmarie! (See Teddi Mellencamp for reference).
  13. Garcelle is the Queen, always and forever. Anyone who throws deep shade at Dorit has my undying loyalty. Morgan Wade’s speaking voice is horrible. I never heard her sing, but I’m not a big country music fan. Also not a fan of neck tats. Sutton’s matchmaker is sooo fake. She and Dorit should get along famously. Denise needs an intervention, stat.
  14. Dorit always has to make this show about Dorit. Her fake jump scare with the camera at Garcelle’s screening? COME ON! Dorit and PK, the part time Jabba the Hutt impersonator, live to be in front of cameras. Dorit has been on this show long enough to know when there’s event, there will be cameras there to film it. She knew that camera was filming her! She has to keep making reference to her multiple robbery cases and now she’s afraid of crowds? Where was this fear in Vegas at the Magic Mike show or the various restaurants and bars filled with crowds? She made fun of Sutton when Sutton mentioned her anxiety attack for Rinna’s useless daughters’ “store opening”. Dorit was extremely late for Teddy’s event and for lunch with someone else. Dorit’s PTSD has no time limit but she can tell Garcelle her hurt feelings over how Dorit, Kyle and Erika treated Jax have reached the statute of limitation? Fuck you very much Dorit. Erika is such a despicable person. No warmth, no humanity, no empathy. I have no interest in her at all.
  15. That ring was hideous. If I was Diana I would have told Dodi “I will say yes to you when you come back with a box from Cartier or Tiffany’s.
  16. When Erika said she wouldn’t go back to her past life, or her lifestyle or whatever, and she vehemently said “No. No, no, no.” I think I heard God snort-laugh at her ridiculous bald-faced lie. My guess is He yelled at the tv “Keep My name out your fuckin’ mouth!” when she claimed God gave her permission to be her cunty self to Sutton. Sutton was definitely day drinking drunk when Kyle showed up. She is a bit of a Southern gothic character out of a Tennessee Williams play. I don’t think being on this show is good for anyone’s mental health or those with a fragile sense of themselves. Sutton needs to walk away, get some counseling that isn’t televised, and enjoy her insane alimony, her horse, her kids, her store, her real friends, her charities and socialite activities. Dorit needs to STFU. Just be quiet and listen for once when you are in a conversation. It’s strange that the Vegas trip was to celebrate Crystal’s bday, but she hardly had screen time. Nice cake(s) though!
  17. Dorit said she took $10k out of the bank for shopping, and when she looked “in the cart” her purse wasn’t there. Soo many questions! First, as others have said…you were the victim of a home invasion and you go shopping, solo, with all that cash in your purse? And what store in Beverly Hills has carts?? Is there a Target on Rodeo Drive? A HomeGoods? PK is still gross, still a poser, still deep in debt. Have we seen Mo’s dad before? He looks just like Mo! Not looking forward to the Vegas trip. especially not the Magic Mike show. I hate that shit. Really don’t need to see Erika’s performance with the strippers either.
  18. I was coming here to complain about this ad! Why does this woman have so much disdain for the 2 boys? They each took their preferred (ONE)candy from the tray and selection SHE offered. If she wanted to give out more than one, then tell the kids take 2. Was she running some kind of double secret costume contest for her own judgy amusement? Is she doing some crazy personality experiment to evaluate children based on their chocolate choices? I would egg that house just for her smarmy attitude.
  19. Why am I still watching this? At least there was no Alex. But the time spent on Laura and Bradley was so excruciating, any of that “good” vibe was swallowed up by the black hole that is Bradley Jackson. At least Jon Hamm was on screen for a bit.
  20. Why is Bradley so freaked out over getting the ransom paid? What is Cory covering up for her? That she slept with a woman? Isn’t that out there? I can’t remember what happened last season, and I do not have the stamina to rewatch season two again. Laura is still annoying. Cory is still an A class asshole. Stella still can’t act. Bradley is still sanctimonious. Alex is still a self important egomaniac. I still actively hate the primary and secondary characters. But I am still watching because I still love Jon Hamm.
  21. Absolutely! Loved the Hitchcock doppelgänger’s “Guud eeeveNING Loved the 50’s-60’s stylized hair and makeup, Isabel wearing blue in every scene, the pull-back camera shot. As much as I enjoyed the Wes Anderson color palette episode, this is my favorite. The storyline was also pretty good…funny and moved the story along. Edgar was definitely the asshole in all these peoples’ lives. Sebastian may be shady, but Edgar was a jerk to everyone. Looking forward to wrapping this mystery up.
  22. Didn’t love either Ep 3 or 4. Barely laughed at most ot of them. I am not a prude by any means, but all the sex and S&M stuff was just over done. I don’t like Scraps one bit. The threats to the mail carrier was mildly amusing until the murder. Not funny. The brightest scenes of the entire hour were the ones with Quinta Brunson.
  23. So glad this weird little show is back! Without having to rewatch, could someone tell me what Nandor’s white noise machine selections were? His description and the real noise? All I caught was “abandoned orphanage” = Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. TIA!
  24. Between those godamned Charmin bears and the absolutely disgusting Cottonelle “down there” ads, I am just so over having to hear about and visualize defecting. It’s a natural bodily function, we all know humans poop. We have also known for hundreds of years what to do after the pooping. Most people know they need to perform various acts of personal hygiene. Deodorant, soap, toilet paper and wipes for “down there” have been available for purchase for decades. If these companies want to boost sales, then focus on your differentiating features; why should I buy X an over Y? Softer? Lasts longer? Cheaper? Greener? These things pique my interest as a consumer. I do not need to image why that guy is “so raw” or gets “swampy” in his crotch. I don’t need to see a cartoon bear wiggling his cartoon ass to show me there are no cartoon dingleberries hanging off his cartoon fur. It’s gross and not funny….unless these companies and their ad agencies think their target market is prepubescents with no job and zero discretionary dollars to spend.
  25. Jamie Lee Curtis was incredible inEp.6. I didn’t grow up in a household that chaotic, but I remember as kid feeling the “change in the atmosphere” at certain points at family gatherings. There was alcoholism, corporal punishment, and anger issues in the house my mom grew up in, so as a kid I may not have known the details but I definitely knew something was about to happen. JLC and the other actors captured that sense of dread perfectly
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