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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. That trailer is way more dramatic than the show has been. Exciting!
  2. I haven't read Origins yet. That's on my kindle list soon. Taim
  3. That's entirely fine. I said in the last episode that it's her call; Minx is her IP. However, as we see here, she knows Doug knows what he's doing, and expanding Minx while it's hot is the right idea. She just said 'no' and that was it. She doesn't owe him an apology or anything. But if he's going to put in effort, he needs some direction as to where. I think she needs to see that so I hope history plays out. Minx is hot and it is because of and in spite of Joyce. She needs to know what magazine she has. Writing the piece on Deep Throat is totally fine, but that's not the main part of the magazine. Notice in this episode, she didn't clock the panel either. Maybe it's not her skill set, but, again, more reason why Minx needs Doug as much as her.
  4. "You think I haven't seen a penis stuffed where it doesn't belong. I got two boys." The battle of the sexes was before my time, but I knew of it, and had seen some media. Shelly being so into it was great. I did like Joyce telling Doug that he does know what he's doing. I don't think Joyce would have done well with all of the international interests, like Doug knows how to do. Joyce still owes Doug an explanation on why she nixed Club Minx, but I got the impression she does realize that the Minx brand needs to expand. Wow, all the dudes peddling men's magazines. I didn't realize the whole panel setup Joyce. I thought the guy was just doing a deal. Although, again, Doug was correct. I wouldn't say Joyce should have known to a point, but she did get played. I generally like all the characters, but this was a strong one for Doug and Tina. I had said last episode that Joyce was up her own ass. It almost cost her here. I do think she's realizing her and Doug together really work.
  5. I pinged when they were in the car and first heard the song that made them sleepy, buy it didn't register to me until the chicken shack. We had already seen the commercial with everyone going nuts, so when the three of them went there in person, I knew it had to be a plot point. I got it *just* before Slick Charles did. Then I realized all the commercials were something. Then "oh of course we in the strip club!" Obviously, I think we all knew there was cloning going on, but to that degree really was horrifying. Not everyone in the town was a clone, so the clones were just there as the instrument of oppression. Both the actors (Slick Charles and Fontaine) finally dawning on them, the way they showed how crushed they were was just superb acting. For some reason, the singing in the elevator cracked me up. And Slick Charles' total disappointment not really being 1995 pimp of the year. I couldn't figure out his plan; I thought they faked the shooting to jump the guys in the truck who pick up the bodies. Given the mix of styles, I thought they were implying that this has been going on for a long time in some form or another. OG Fontaine looked in his 60s+ to me. I don't get that he never saw his mother? That seems a bit much. Or he had implanted memories? This script was tight. They laid everything out until the big clone reveal in the old house.
  6. That's a good idea. Some random voice over is going to confuse everyone, even if those of us from the books know what's going on. That's a standard tv cheat too; I don't think it would be that jarring.
  7. I highly recommend Emily the Criminal. Not only was the internship not paid, but the shot at a paid position also seemed unlikely after *5* months of the internship.
  8. That was my guess on the second cut to Ben. He said something like "you're no good for me."
  9. That's all I remember, but I don't rewatch. I didn't know if I missed something.
  10. Did we just see them, or did they use them? The portal stones are reasonably important because don't they actually go to Seanchan? Doing that, and then, uh oh, these people are here now? is a good reveal. But it's fair to suggest they need to streamline that for tv.
  11. If we have Selene, I'm wondering how much of the time they're going to spend on the portal stones. That was a huge chunk of rambling around tbh.
  12. I'm behind on the show, and just started last night. I was confused about the fakeout death, but I enjoyed the ending when Charles said "We couldn't do the podcast because it wasn't in the building." Well, guess what! I thought it was interesting that Charles is worried about 8 shows per week, but I want the play to be somewhat of a success given the total flops Oliver has. Since it has to be a murder, I am thinking that someone pushed Paul Rudd into the elevator shaft. I'm not worried about who it is quite yet since we got a lot thrown at us in this first episode. I'm looking forward to the season unfolding. I do wonder how much Martin and Short ad lib together. The quick bit with them talking about 'crazy Ron' seemed like it to me. I think it's also interesting that Gomez has crafted the droll, straight role so well. "Donna Reed is a..." "Nope."
  13. Well, I'm not going to fault an actor for taking on a challenge.
  14. Winner of the Palme D'oorknob! They still have the coffeeshop near Planet Express from the worms episode. Oh foreshadowing! I got the answer of 2001 when Leela said 1 x 4 x 9. Didn't they use pills to shrink last time? Doon. Guh. Kwiznos Cadillac! I had to pause because I was roaring with laughter. Fry is the best bf because he'll let Leela blow her nose on his shirt. I was worried they were going to let Nibbler just be a housepet.
  15. Jamie, Young Ian, and Claire are on a British ship to go to Scotland. They had a line explaining the blockades. I was suggesting something similar could have happened in the south region without the need for Jamie to be in the northern battles due to the general consensus here that not much really came from them being up there. The British were still occupying Wilmington right around that time, so you can get to the same endpoint of them on a British ship. I'm in general agreement that I just didn't find them going to Sarasota to be all that compelling. For me, that point of view of the Revolution is common, so we're not really mining any new drama. afaik William is a fictional character and not an historical figure; he can be anywhere. Sure, Simon Fraser gives you an easy writing-out. However, you could come up with some clever writing that gets them all out of there. Maybe William has a change of heart due to the integrity of Young Ian, but can't work up the nerve to fight against his friends so uses his title to secure them all passage back home under the auspices of make something up because it doesn't matter. The ending was to get them to Scotland.
  16. Exclusive Clip From Babylon 5 Animated Film Emphasizes the Perils of Phasing
  17. Nice to see Chelsea play a full 90' and not roll over. They even had some chances to go ahead towards the end. I think Wolves may have got robbed of a PK at the end. I only saw the second half, but I don't know how they could finish at least one.
  18. I don't like "a new Jedi will rise" because Ahsoka isn't a jedi and says right there she walked away. A new *kind* of jedi makes more sense.
  19. Did Jamie need to go to New York to get back to Scotland though? I get what we saw, yes, because of the cousin. However, they could have written a plot with the same outcome with them remaining in the south. Other than running into William, it's not like the northern battles really brought anything new. He could have easily still been in the south too.
  20. Well, they're still on the boat. We only saw Scotland not anyone on dry land. If the gold was still in Scotland, I can see going back. Being in America strains credulity.
  21. I didn't post last night because no one else had posted yet. They blew through 1981. I suppose with the early exit, and Magic out for half the season, there wasn't a reason to linger. I would have liked to see more tension developed between Riles and Paul and what the 'new system' was. Regardless of the system, the ball has to go through Kareem, and I wanted to see how he was adjusting to changing from before Magic, 1980 Magic, No Magic, and 1981 Magic. Also, Paul is historically out in the middle of the next season. I would have liked a more simmering tension than a total blow up, but that could have been what happened. If you're interested in the real game 3 against Houston. Check out the first 60 seconds or so. irl Magic went to his left instead of his right on the show, but still threw up the air ball. irl the play didn't look forced. Kareem was in the same position, but didn't look as open. The other thing that the show held back on was that Magic already had the 25 year contract June 1981, but I can see that's too much for one episode, and regardless, having the contract still leads to Paul's ouster. I suppose the point on show there was that Paul lacked confidence in Magic to build up the tension and that Riles believed in Magic. Kareem had 32 in that game, so it's fair that you'd want to get him the ball, but he didn't look as open to me. I do think nixing the trade was the right thing to do, even if Magic was 100%. They didn't need the game that Skywalker would bring to the team. Norm does end up getting traded for Byron Scott, who was the spot up shooter they needed.
  22. I'm sure there would have been a hard deadline for the job, like the start of the fiscal year. I'm saying that making it as immediate as they did, I just don't buy. Especially since it's a new position.
  23. I'm hard pressed how Young Ian will end up leaving Scotland on his own to go back to America for a while though. She said she was going to be at Valley Forge, which doesn't bode well. Also it would mean he'd have to turn right around.
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