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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. You quite accurately pointed out that they're all basically Game of Thrones. You have to remember before anyone turned Foresaken or before the Bore for that matter, it was thousands of years of peace. You're going to lose your cynicism. Additionally, these people knew each other for several hundred years. There wasn't an oath rod back then to limit their age. You're going to lean to giving them another shot.
  2. I think so. He bled out of his right side when he collapsed onstage.
  3. I'm not so sure. When Kanan was training her on the dark sabre, he said she didn't have latent talent in the force. Granted, he's not Ahsoka level. Sabine said here - I can't use the force; I can't feel anything like you (Ahsoka) can. I kind of hope not because I really like the idea that if the force flows through all living things, then you should be able to tap in. I can see why the order would take only the stronger people, and we're all on the same page here in our criticisms of the order, but this is a whole new philosophy. We really don't have a huge grasp on what Ahsoka has done since she walked away (aside from bounty hunting with Ventress which absolutely happened in my head); where she's been, what she's learned. Maybe Sabine only can force jump and run; push seems low level too, or finds a new talent that Ahsoka wouldn't have since we was order-trained. You're not getting to the level of lightning, projecting or healing maybe. And Ahsoka instructed Sabine to 'get on the deflectors'. You could see a lot of the blaster fire bouncing off the wings. That's why she went out on the ship. The deflectors were out and they were sitting dead in the water.
  4. I actually would like the whole engagement to be off. I like the characters for sure, but I don't see anything wrong with Charles just being someone who is on his own. I don't think 'alone' is appropriate because he has the podcast and is in the play.
  5. We talked about downselecting the Forsaken before. If they do, I would like the show maybe to give us something on how they all turned. The books really don't flesh them out much.
  6. Without the inexorable, 'this is how we've done it for millenia', Jedi Order training, Ahsoka could also be thinking that Sabine might unlock unforseen powers. Even Ahsoka is constrained by her jedi training in a way Sabine isn't. That could be really interesting. Besides winning money, for sure. Gear, weapons, etc. My Mandalorian was essentially a human tank. At the end, you have to beat a guy an insane amount of hands in a row, and you get to go into his black market stash where you get those crystals right before you assault the Star Forge. Heart of the Guardian (orange), and the Mantle of the Force.
  7. Not for nothing, if Sabine held her own fairly well against the baby sith, she can't be *that* bad. And her opponent could use the force. Ahsoka has a fairly radical viewpoint if she's saying that everyone can use the force. That also could mean Ahsoka takes herself to the other galaxy with this idea. Why does a droid need to blink? Hera throwing *shade* and no time if you weren't in the war. I'm not surprised she doesn't have any time for politics and nice-nice. I don't either, and it gets me just as far. Ahsoka destroying a ship on a space walk is exactly what I wanted to see. Seeing the space whales just so gigantic really gives depth to the power Ezra has to be able to commune with them. I was pazaak shark. I cleaned up and always got the diesel crystals at the end. Hera snarked about it here, but it was also brought up in Kenobi; plenty of higher ups don't really care who is running the show, as long as they're in on that running or benefitting from it. That's largely why you continually have the rise and fall of power in this galaxy imo. Taking the sum total of the franchise; it's largely a tragic story. I think that's the way the plot is going to go. "Jedi" seems to be used loosely here to me because Ahsoka does not call herself a Jedi. But that's the source of all the knowledge and training that she's trying to pass on. I think she's trying to either ask what is a Jedi? or re define what "Jedi" means. We all know, originally, Jedi meant 'ronin', so I wonder if they're trying to get back to that here. We should also note that this 'line of non traditional' Jedi also involved said line fighting and killing each other and turning to the dark side.
  8. Alliances of convenience though aren't really 'working together' though. They all think they're going to be Naeblis.
  9. They could probably just limit it to three or four recurring figures for the 'memories'. It's both good and bad that the Foresaken are so petty. They were all diesel channelers. You have to wonder if they already had massive egos or if all that power begat that. They made it easy for the Dark One to turn them. I always liked the philosophy of the Wheel - Rand and Ish fighting it out over and over. This isn't a spoiler, but the books never went nearly as far into it at I would have liked. I really hope the show gets more into this. As far as we know, the Dragon has always been male. Don't forget though, this is the only time saidan has been tainted. Rand doesn't know if the memories are a product of the taint and him going nuts or not. With everything being destroyed in the last battle, and the taint, there was no continuity of knowledge. Rand is the Dragon. He has to figure out a way to channel. That has to manifest somehow.
  10. I grew up in Celtics land, though not really a fan. I don't really recall anything prior to 1984 mainly because basketball wasn't on TV much. I'm fairly sure I saw the Knicks, 76ers, Celtics regularly, but not the Lakers until then. The Finals weren't live TV. I didn't know anything about Magic and Westhead. Or Norm even. I came in when it was already Riley. I know the show is playing up the Celtics rivalry, but the Lakers still had something going with the 76ers too, and I think they could emphasize that more.
  11. That's probably why Jamie got seasick. Fast trip.
  12. How hot we talking though? I could go longer than a half hour.
  13. Obviously, the guy shouldn't have done that, but I don't get why he's doubling down either.
  14. Nibbler's worms had their own stocking. I was hoping for a shot at Fry's grandfather. I can't believe Bender didn't think to steal the time machine immediately. 2801 had olde timey cars but still floating. They showed Disenchantment during the professor's trip via the scenic route too. Are they implying that they're Futurama's future? Didn't Santa always say Dr. Zoidberg was a good boy? He didn't act like he recognized him. I don't get the running gag about the turducken, but it was funny. I liked the nice, subtle touch of Leela being happy to see Fry visiting her family and charming the grandmother. I liked the closed loop twist on Santa's origins.
  15. Was anyone actually around for the Lakers/Celtics in the 80s? I'm wondering if this is resonating with anyone else like it is for me.
  16. Not that many, and not the success he had with Lakers. Just looking up his record, it was only 2 more teams, and they were well under .500. He was an assistant after that. He strikes me as someone just trotted out because he's been in the NBA so long. "Paul Westhead compiled a record of 183 wins and 224 losses in his coaching career with the Chicago Bulls, Denver Nuggets and Los Angeles Lakers." Clearly, he was really doing this System nonsense irl. I bet him saying "you can plug anyone in" was a real quote. I think West's implication "you call this a win?" was probably reflective of what was going on, but I do wonder if Westhead was really "If I'm going down, I'm going down my way." Well, you're paid to win. You have the likes of Kareem and Magic. Coop was nothing to slouch at either. You don't need to 'plug anyone in'. I also think that Magic saying "I don't need to be told to run to a spot" might have been close to reality too. I wonder if Westhead maybe was that much of a control freak and Magic's contract just grated on him. Or that he wanted to get out of McKinney's shadow so he came up with his System. Which doesn't work; McKinney faked him out and Westhead gave the wrong direction to Magic in the 124-123 game. We'll see what happens next week, but they are showing the drama being played out in the newspaper and local news. It may not have gone past Southern CA back in the early 80s, as it would be nationwide today. Although some of the bigger papers may have covered the Lakers. What's interesting to me is that it does seem like Westhead is riding Magic harder than the others. Kareem is telling him to put his ego aside, but he's also talking about leaving LA, and he's not happy he's getting 30 and 15 and losing. He knows they're not playing to their potential. The narrative of him getting the coach fired is what would play today as well, but Magic isn't wrong. West and Bill independently of Magic, prior to the meltdown at the end, are yelling at Buss about the same issues. He's only demanding a trade; he's not saying fire Westhead. I may be reading into this too much because I really enjoy the show, but Westhead is getting a little too "Know your place, boy" to Magic for my comfort.
  17. I should say, they raised her together, which they showed in the flashbacks. If this was a deeper movie, I'd say Ed was taking advantage of her to raise Kira, but they showed in all the flashbacks that they really were a family even if they were thieving around. To be fair to the script, Ed realized on his own that he had to use the tablet on Holga. He even said, "It was more about me bringing my wife back than your mother". And they had the whole scene about letting go beforehand. Just because a movie is kind of predictable doesn't mean it's not well-written. I thought the character development was fair to the audience. I caught on a little before Ed did.
  18. I can't believe they were going to cut Rambis! I think it was smart to separate the $25M contract from the playoff meltdown even though both happened at the same time irl. I'm wondering how much Red and Buss interacted irl as well prior to 1984. I'm sure they talked at owners' meetings. Magic was correct though; Buss offered him the money. Is he not going to take it? Even Cooper said he would have. I don't get The System. McKinney basically invented Showtime with the transition and movement. It worked. Why slow it down and stifle? I know it's to prove a point, but it's at the expense of wins. He's doing himself in. You have to play with the players you have. That talent doesn't need to be told what spot to go to. Even the Triangle allows for fluidity. I get the point of the pressure on Magic, but I can't imagine the rest of the team likes the style of play either. They're doing a really good job with Riley and Magic too.
  19. You just throw a couple of 20s. Don't worry about the exact cost when there's outrage!
  20. I don't think they needed the moving out storyline either. Why bother? The show is about murders in the building. She's not going to move out and come back to solve them. However, Mabel gives off that 'old lady energy'. I can buy her living there. She had some friends her own age from the 1st season, but I don't see her seeking people out her own age.
  21. I'm only peripherally knowledgeable about D&D, but I wanted to watch because I'm all for questing, magic, and fighting. I generally know the character classes, etc. I probably missed the easter eggs. Pine & Rodriguez are excellent together. Who knew? I liked how Holga was totally ride or die. They look like they're having a blast. Quite a good cast for the movie overall. I like that everyone isn't talking all 'British olde tymey accents'. I think it was a good choice to inject the humor. The plot was brisk. That's the type of movie it is, but the actors all did well with the characters. I liked that Ed finally realized that Holga really raised Kira. I also liked that Ed and Holga didn't get together.
  22. I agree with all that. I was just pointing out, ultimately, if Joyce says, "Doug will head European operations", legally, that's it. Constance herself said that on the Club Minx. Yes, though, she's trying to freeze Doug out or cut him loose, and that's a problem because he has been contributing to the success of Minx. Maybe now with Joyce getting a wake up call, she'll see more what's going on. I prefer Joyce and Doug working together. I think that's the strength of the show. They haven't really been at odds, but he was clearly put out with her quashing Club Minx.
  23. I like her, but she was insufferable in this episode. I think the timing of her comeuppance was good, in terms of plotting. I couldn't take too much more, but this was the right venue for it to happen. I wonder if Constance thought Joyce would just go along with it. With Club Minx, Constance deferred to Joyce's decision and actually said, "It's Joyce's call". Within that context, Constance was out of line promising Tina the job.
  24. I mean, I've flown first class, but that's like being locked in the bathroom compared to flying in the 1970s. I have to laugh at the professor being at 'office hours'. Like you don't cancel for pick-your-reason. It's too windy. I enjoy Shelly and Joyce together. They haven't been together much on screen this season. I always love Lennon Parham, so more time is good for me. I've said in the other episodes that Joyce has been up her own ass, and she really condescended to Shelly. I'm glad Shelly called her on it. She had to be the one to do it. I don't remember if they said Shelly was 10 years older and took care of Joyce growing up. There was a lot going on. Bambi and Richie, Joyce and Shelly, Doug and Tina, Tina's mom. I so want to know what the full Vassar experience is.
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