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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. All right, so maybe 350 is the normal life span with the Oath Rod. That still seems fair for the show. The Forsaken then could push up to 600.
  2. 150 makes sense, but she said "centuries" on the show. I don't know why that wouldn't be sufficient because looking at Verin, you'd think another 100 years or so and she'd be old age. How old is Cadsuane in the books? She was said to be the oldest. You can't really have the Foresaken being more than 500 - 600 or so. It strains credulity having someone 1000 years old. I still think you can say the Oath rod shortens life because you can say they live 250 or so. I think I gave my Companion book away.
  3. I know because of tv it's probably too hard to do, but didn't the Seanchan talk kind of slurry? The Seanchan having the Horn is a problem. I don't think the show would not have the battle at Falme, and it looks like from what Ish says, we're getting that. Then we need Mat to blow the horn. Can't Lanfear Travel? I thought Liandrin was Traveling at first and got mad because it's a huge development and makes Ishamael go 'uh oh'. I think it's a good narrative choice to have some one on one time with Rand and Moiraine this early on. Although, girl, bleak. You think all hope is lost already? Have a little confidence in the Dragon and his friends. I wonder if they're accelerating the final confrontation with Lanfear. The bedroom scene was really well done. She's not being all "boy" with him. I've never been a fan of the Children since the start. The concept of an independent army isn't unheard of, but I could never buy it at that scale. With everything going on, they were such an unnecessary plot obstacle. I totally forgot that Oaths prevented them from attacking anyone randomly. Good motivation for Liandrin to turn Black Ajah because of the son. Didn't Aviendha (I got the pronunciation right!) have red hair too? I don't remember her and Perrin interacting, but I think it's good to get all the major players interacting a bit early on. It's important to show Perrin letting Dain go for later on. I'm not sure it was a good idea to age up all the Aes Sedai too much. The Foresaken always called them children, but if they're centuries old, then you have to have the Foresaken up in the thousands. That's stretching out the Age of Legends for a long long time. It doesn't look like Moiraine is that much older than Lindsay Duncan, but Verin saying 'centuries' seems a little much. It's hard to argue against the current power structure existing simply because of an 'accident of birth'. I'm also anti-slavery too, so I'm quite opposed to the Seanchan too. This goes into my huge problem with the end, but I'll save it. I had a tough time with Egwene being leashed. Not that it wasn't well-written, and a necessary plot for her character development. It always just made me nauseous. That scene didn't help either. I wonder what the non bookers are thinking. This is a major development happening quite fast. I hope it doesn't last as long in the books. I thought Ishamael was a little nuts? He seems more calculating right now. What does "Mat was born mine" mean?! Because no. The actor is killing it though. Unless Ishamael *wants* Mat to blow the horn? I don't know if I mentioned before, but I wonder if they're going to ever show the prologue. Maybe when "Lews" starts talking to Rand, he'll have a vision. As if Rand isn't freaked out enough. I don't think she means all the boys. Hopefully the two that we don't want on the show. Sammael has to be out already if he's going to be all Brending it up fairly soon. Probably Demandred. It's not like Ishamael couldn't have released them. He's not going to tell Lanfear anything. When was this established? There's only 7 seals. If they're letting 8 out, then there's going to be a math problem.
  4. As soon as I saw the title of the episode, I said "uh oh". It looked to me like Ish was ticked off Suroth got lectured, as if he thought he might have thrown in with the wrong person. Credit to Rand for not being a bitch and rolling with Moiraine. And credit to her for saying she'll actually explain. I'm not sure what sowing one's mouth shut is going to do when they can just write down everything. "Do you like the dance?" *veil* That got me going. Rand looking completely incredulous in front of Lindsay Duncan was quite amusing. Good work. I am *all in* on the Browns. All of them. Very helpful Elayne's geography, and trying to keep her wits. I suppose Rand was exhausted, but even so, I can't just fall asleep. The Behind The Scenes talks about the Dreamworld. Yes, but they can still use the One Power to warm the bath or heat up the tea. It's not like they can only use it when there's a fight. (Or spying). Yes. The Oaths literally prevent them through how the Oaths are taken. It's the rod that binds the Power to the Oaths. They took those specific three, but as we've seen, you can take more oaths. That's it for now though.
  5. I can't complain about high school. I'm still friends with everyone thanks to Facebook. Say what you want about it, but we planned our reunion on Facebook and just about everyone showed up. I'm still friends with people from college too. But, I mean, it's like, how can you not want to hang out with me? What I didn't like was being micromanaged to the minute. Homework due *every* day. Go here now. Then go there. 8 hours out of the day being controlled by bells. My cousin's daughter has flourished in college. She was always bright and not shy, for example, at xmas (which was when I only saw her), but apparently didn't have many friends or did much in high school. She's doing great in college, and involved in activities, has a job. My mother remarked that she didn't know what happened. I said exactly that - Maybe she just didn't like the people she was stuck with for the last 6 years. Maybe she didn't like being micromanaged.
  6. I like that fridge Barry had a water filter warning on the screen. I cannot believe they had a Yucca Mountain plot. But glad to see Pam in the field! She leveled the goon with her left cross. I'm liking drunk Zara. Say what you want about Archer, but he can bring it with the Pamaggedon knuckles! Don't be appliance racist!
  7. Lorien and the First Ones left the galaxy though. So they wouldn't be around.
  8. I don't think that was "Force Ghost" Anakin. The only time we canonically see him is at the end of ROTJ when he was 'good' again. This vision of Anakin is both "Anakin" and "Darth Vader". Force Ghost Anakin left Vader behind, and I don't think at that point would be so tough with her.
  9. I did too, but we weren't really cliquey. You had the captain of the soccer team also in band. Cheerleaders were in drama. So there was way more cross pollination than you see on tv.
  10. I like the idea that Ahsoka just went up to the whale and just hoped he got the gist of what's going on. "Oh, you need a ride? I guess so. Let's go! Hop in." It's more in line with Clone Wars Ahsoka. She's not really methodical.
  11. I can smell all you non showering people all the way over here.
  12. Constance said early on that Joyce owned 51% of Minx. What "Minx" means in that context might just be the tangible magazine, the IP, or use of "Minx". Throughout this season, Joyce made all the decisions for the magazine, even at the end when Constance didn't want her to. It wasn't spelled out clearly though. If this was another show, Joyce probably has a case to force Constance to not use the "Minx" name. for Minx International.
  13. I don't know if Ahsoka is a 'talk it out' person though. I don't think she would have popped up in Kenobi because, while they certainly were in a ton of Clone Wars battles, they weren't on the same level as her and Anakin. Kenobi didn't really go to the mat for her prior to her walking away from the order. So I don't see her seeking him out. I was thinking of that scene too in my prior comments. However, I don't think they had more of a two line conversation about it either. Ahsoka seems more like a "we're moving on" type of person, than dwelling on anything. Given she has been straight through from the Clone Wars-Vader-Fulcrum-Beat Maul Like A Bitch-Rebellion, and now we've got all this noise with Thrawn & Ezra, she probably never really had a chance to lounge around and really reflect on anything.
  14. I don't know if maybe because I was on all the sports teams and had my own locker or not. I wasn't the only one, but I did it every week. I mean, they could have told me no, but I'm already starkers at that point. You going to send me to the principal? Our history teacher was a favorite. He used a college textbook too. I took the same courses in college to meet the history requirement and just blew the doors off it because he already had us writing at a college level. We read journal articles too. That's small town? We had less than half of that from 7 to 12. Maybe 600.
  15. I'd say it's likely she knows because I think Luke would want to tell her. Maybe she said something like, "fighting him was hard for me; I can't imagine what you went through." "Well, in the end, Anakin came back to us." How could it not come up?
  16. We had one who thought it was a big joke and called it 'bonus time'. It's not only unfair to the students who *do* have a class after, but it's also disrespectful of his fellow professors that his class time was more valuable than theirs. We called those late passes, but, as I said before, the gym teacher would give me one to be late to my next class when I explained my situation. It was basically a sanctioned excuse. If you were late for no reason, you had to get a late pass from the principal's office, and if you got too many of those, then you got detention. My situation for the shower was that the teacher let me be 2 minutes late, but because I was always being late, pulled authority because he thought I was showing him up, and told me I would have to get the bad late pass until I explained I was in the shower. Fun fact, I had to get a bad late pass because one of the teacher's had a hair up their ass one time, but I looked like another guy, everyone said so, and the aide wrote the pass out for him because she wasn't paying attention and thought I was him.
  17. Were they implying Hera heard the sabres too? Or did she just believe Jacen? I was surprised she just left him there on the cliff. I have to laugh again at "Anakin" thinking he's got the better of older Ahsoka when she battled Vader to two stalemates far younger. Of course, they might have been holding back in the first round. It was *on* when the red sabre came out! I had to replay the scene a couple of times because I was flabbergasted how she swiped the sabre. That was a brilliant sequence. Funny that Mister Chosen One never could beat his Master or his Padawan. It's funny because now we have the original actor playing Anakin, but we have actually had more time with animated Anakin that the original needs to be more like him. When did Carson become so pissy? I was hoping they were going to pull a Raiders of the Lost Ark with the map and Ahsoka's burned hand. In a way, they kind of did. I'm not sure we needed so much mystery. "Is there a chance they took her on the hypership?" Not an unreasonable and fairly sensible question. I'm not sure watching the hypership jump to another galaxy isn't 'evidence of remnant Imperial activity.' Ahsoka saw the map. They'd believe her. What is Ahsoka's role in the New Republic? There's only her and Luke as 'jedi' left. It's not like they can be ordered around. I did not expect that they were going to ride *IN* the space whales! I was hoping Hera and Jacen would be going. For sure. More than that, Ezra could ride the wolves too iirc. In the finale, they all saw Ezra basically summon the space whales to take him away. They knew the whales wouldn't have eaten him or anything. Sure, he might not be alive, but the entire franchise is predicated on 'a new hope.' I'm curious as to how many people actually do know. There's no reason Hera would. Baylan somehow does. The Senate didn't find out until Episode 7? or between 7 and 8. So it's not widespread for a while now. I've entertained this idea myself, and I would very much be all in. To be fair to Sabine, Ahsoka, and Hera, there's no reason for them to think Thrawn wouldn't be an enemy. However, I think it would be a waste of "Thrawn" for him to just be the show villain. It's also too pat for Baylan to think, "oh, we're going to go get Thrawn and bring him back and start over". Too easy and simple. Same thing with the Night Sister. She's going to try to dump them all for her own ends. With Baylan not really being 'sith', it's almost guaranteed he, Ahsoka, Sabine will be on the same side. Now, will that also be Thrawn's side? Ahsoka should have already met Luke, no? He could have said something given who she was to Anakin. I would think Luke would have tried to assuage her guilt or give her some closure. I don't think he would be going around telling everyone. Although, given how Leia got booted out of politics for being 'the daughter of Darth Vader,' maybe he should have said something. Already been said, but this was the 'siege of Mandalore'. More detail - Anakin gave back Ahsoka her lightsabres. Note that the double blades were the blue ones. We saw that scene in TCW. Anakin sent her off with Rex. This was when Maul figured out Palpatine was grooming Anakin to be the next Sith Lord. Then Ahsoka beat him like the bitch that he was in the rafters of the dome.
  18. I don't know where this comes from though because what are you doing if you're growing the fingernails? To make money to live. Telemarketing? You're certainly not in the service industry. Writer? You can't type. Mailman? Here's real life. My first question I think is all our question.
  19. I liked that Roger was able to just catch a fly at the restaurant. Have we seen Steve in a while? He hasn't been in any plots. We haven't gotten just a Jeff/Hayley A plot. Roger wasn't wrong about them needing friends. I always love the SubHub callbacks. This was a cool Mindhunter reference. I really liked that show on Netflix. Is the Sinbad plot canon? They never callback. He's got that.
  20. I certainly wasn't expecting Matthew Broderick, and most even a War Games reference. I'd also like to know what went down at Plato's Retreat with Buck Henry. He's my favorite SNL host. I liked the twist at the end that Mabel got two other guys with her on the podcast, when the olds thought they were just going to reset. I'm sure they're going to come together in the end.
  21. Ten minutes between classes? Did you have time to lounge by the beach on the way to your next class? Did you go to the Peach Pit and get a latte and have a chat? We had five. I was always late to one class at the other end of the school because I had gym prior. So the teacher got mad and yelled at me. I said, "I'm usually in the shower when the bell rings. I can skip it to be on time." He told the gym teacher to make sure to give me a late pass. (Sometimes the gym teacher was not in the locker room because he was getting ready for the next period.)
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