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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. I think the prevailing opinion was that Thrawn had a big list with repairing the ship, etc., and may have wanted to keep Ezra around in case he needed the space whales again. As long as Ezra is confined to the planet, what's he going to do? Now that Thrawn has the hypership, Ezra is expendable.
  2. UNLV ended it, but they also lost to North Carolina by a lot the year before iirc. UNLV was almost a pro team, but North Carolina was a traditional program back then with a conventional offense. That's why I question whether the 'system' was ever successful. It's not like he was ripping through a power conference. No Final Fours either.
  3. I don't think it's worse, but making that connection is a little easier if you have parents/siblings in the business. On the flip side, I'd say there's probably a higher bar for them because of that. Just because you're Mya Hawk; ok, you get cast in the Good Lord Bird, but if you fall flat on your face, even if I'm good friends with your dad, I'm not pulling the trigger on you for another role. I don't know where I watched it, but Ice Cube basically said the same to his son. I think it may just be because that type of connection is not equal for everyone. I don't have parents in the business, so I have to hustle harder. That may or may not be true because I don't think the kids or siblings are just being handed roles. The relations may be enough to get an audition, which is still a big deal, but you still have to kill in the audition.
  4. Given how long they've been married, I don't think it's a stretch for Adam's mom to recognize Martin on the radio. They're a generation that used phones for talking exclusively. I have no doubt my mother could pick us out of the phone like nothing.
  5. We've already seen on the show that use can draw on too much power and burn yourself out. She already had the collar on though.
  6. I suppose. I just thought it was a little flat. Most of the season was for me.
  7. That's what I was thinking. "Our show" is also the simulation. The professor didn't know how Bender could have rebooted.
  8. Space Italy. When you're creating a whole universe sometimes you just go with the Robot Planet. Everyone got killer lines in this one. So I guess they were saying the rebooted Bender came from the universe.
  9. Lana is *wound* up. Coked up Lana was better. This would have been a great two-parter with them having to settle in the town as part of the mission.
  10. I'm still yelling about it. I was slightly confused at Eric's enthusiasm for being a pastor within that context versus coming up with something out of the box.
  11. I was thinking there's got to be lawyers out there suing everybody over violations.
  12. I was just saying it didn't seem like much of a fight to me. They weren't screaming or hurling insults and were able to at least talk. The show also had 3 years to bring this up, and it struck me a little as being horned in. Friends don't have to be all things to each other on all topics either. I was put off that they were making judgments on Otis at the house before the queer night party in the first place, and this felt more to me their influence than genuinely coming from Eric. Otis did put on his fancy shirt and was ready to go and be the wingman. Maybe they would have been able to talk more about these things then if Otis didn't back out from going.
  13. Does the UK have an equivalent to the ADA in the United States? If students have accessibility issues in class, they're protected under the ADA to inform the institution and the instructor for accommodations.
  14. I binged today. I blew my stack when the pastor said that the church wouldn't accept the charity donation to keep the soup kitchen open because of 'values'. The dog actually came in the kitchen to see what was going on. It's not so much as the hypocrisy and the pastor was a blatant coward. I was also galled when the internship girl was all, "eh, maybe I'll open a tech company". So you took an actual, potential writer's spot. I don't like the show forcing O on me knowing what she's doing. I never thought she stole Otis' idea, but I didn't see her more than superficial. Ruby and Aimes were the MVPs of the season for me. I do hope some good cam come out of Cal's plot. I had a good laugh at the 'antiquing and true crime' radio show. I didn't think that Otis should have been all highlander about a single therapist, but I don't think Otis validating O as actually having talent is valid either from what I watched. I thought he was going to do something outside of the institution because, yes, problems. I didn't really buy the turnaround of his pastor at the end. Eric was fair in saying 'there's going to need to be more than just some discussions'. This is such an elegant and stark depiction of the school. I just never bought her talent as a therapist. There's no question Eric was the better therapist. She's an influencer. Ruby was right. He's more approachable. I think Otis saying they should work together would have been a better resolution. I can buy the Maeve & Otis ending. It doesn't mean they won't talk to each other ever again. Otis was right; she would have ended up resenting him if he latched on to her to say. If you love someone, set them free. Otis wants to be a therapist; he's going to need an advanced degree. There's no reason to follow Maeve to the USA to do that and get saddled with debt. Similarly, it's not like Maeve couldn't come back at some point. If she gets published, it won't matter where she writes. I would agree that the season was kind of flat overall. They kind of painted themselves into a corner by ending the school last season because you can't bring everyone back, but you'd think you want to feature the 'regular' characters more. There weren't even any teachers in the school this season.
  15. I don't get if Jean can pay off the sister's debt that she couldn't hire a nanny. I suppose it's because she'd have to admit she needs help. Otis called the aunt. I am so so so so so so glad we didn't have phones when I was in high school. I can't even imagine. Wow Beau. I'm not an Isaac fan, but he was 100% correct. That's not right.
  16. Oh, so these 'mock exams' are some kind of SATs that we'd take? I don't know what university is like in the UK, but that college on this show doesn't seem to be preparing anyone for university.
  17. I'm not sure falling asleep at Ruby's house because they worked on the campaign is really anything that needed to be a thing. His plans fell through, and they watched tv. Otis is being overly much though. I'm not liking him these past couple of episodes. Not all his fault, but he is getting in his own way. Maeve at least was an adult about it. We don't know if Eric ever invited him either. I didn't see as too much of a fight. Otis certainly is all in on Maeve, but Eric is hanging out with Abbi and all them, and he did disinvite him to the queer party. Otis doesn't know he's having a crisis either. I don't really think it's a big deal that they've been doing other things. They didn't have a problem talking. Eric still showed up for the funeral. I think they were making more of it than needed. Good for Aimes! I have no issues with Ruby taking ownership of the video. The show kind of got away from Otis actually doing the therapy.
  18. Why do they keep calling it college? I thought they were in senior year. I also don't see how a high school senior or even a college freshman with no formal training gets a radio program. Jean myus I don't care for 'they haven't cried yet' plot when someone passes. You don't have to. Some people don't. Aimes not knowing how the pictures get out of the film is brilliant. I guess we can chalk Jean being unraveled due to postpartum depression. This debate and election is silly. Although, I loved the principal being just so not into it. And Ruby's incredulity. I don't think we're getting nearly enough of Adam's plot. I don't think Otis could do much about his aunt, but Viv could have taken Jackson aside and said 'let's go get coffee in the morning and we can talk all about it.'
  19. I'm surprised Maeve actually came back for the mother, but I think she probably wanted to quit after Captain Courageous gave his uninformed opinion on her chapter. I also forgot that Aimes should not be driving. Always forgetting the lens cap is just perfect too. Otis and her were great in the car. They seemed I have zero problems with Ruby being out for revenge either. O seems like a cold reader more than an actual therapist. Everything she's saying is just so broad. Rudy just being so over the juggler was exactly my look. The actor actually has really good comic timing. I'm doubtful the kids at school know O is on the radio or even listen to the radio. Even on the radio, she's just cold reading. I don't know if the show is trying to play her as a fraud or if we're supposed to think she actually knows what she's talking about.
  20. Otis looked like Adam Ant! I completely forgot Aimes could bake. Ruby does get Otis though in terms of people feeling they can approach. That was a good monologue. Ruby is an interesting character when they want her to be. She can be really funny when she gets exasperated with Otis. I'm glad they didn't go the route of them hooking up. I don't like the seeming divide with Eric and Otis. It's fair that straight people can be 'basic', but Otis has been around for a while. That's not entirely their place to make that call. I liked the parallel with the Third Wives of Miami. I still don't like the writing instructor. Not that Maeve would be a great writer right out of the gate, but it does take work. A proper instructor is going to show her how to put in the work. What's wrong with a victorian novel set in a trailer park? Help her work on the tone so it's not obvious.
  21. I don't remember. It didn't seem like he did from what he said in this episode.
  22. I starting cracking up when the girl licked her finger with Jackson. Great explosion. Otis is 17 though. Insecure is his baseline. It's not unheard of for a teenaged boy to lack confidence or lash out. Maeve is always so cool and smart to him. I don't know why they have Isaac around. I don't mind that he's just a jerk, but that's all there is to the character. I do like that Adam is working with animals. It's a good plot you don't see much on tv. I don't know why Jackson said he didn't like Otis. They never really crossed paths. Again, though, Otis is approachable because he shares their problems, and I think that's a better tack to take. His advice was spot on too. You said before the college how a conservative would write to make fun of progressives schools, and I'm thinking something similar here with the professor. You'd think writers would be able to write about writing, unless it's some inside joke about how hack writing teachers are. I teach writing better than this. Saying "I'm here to push you" and "this feels like imitation" isn't terribly constructive, but at least something actionable. Saying "I'm bored" is just abusive. And he didn't have much of an answer for historical novels. Outlander is quite popular. I feel like they don't know what to Aimes. Everyone from the old school is paired up with friends, and she's just there. The show is wasting one of the best characters. I did have a huge laugh with the school going bonkers over Abbi and Roman being back together. Again, O is condescending to expect Otis is going to be an assistant. I don't see anything wrong with teaming up, but come on. I don't think the election was a good idea either. The school is also massively hypocritical.
  23. I'm 100% for gender neutral bathrooms, but I think I probably would strangle the whole school. You can't have *everyone* be nice. I liked Eric laughing about people being not so nice at the old school. The show is worth it for Eric yelling at Otis and Aimes being Aimes. Eric's fascination with the pictures was a scream. Also it's great seeing the Fifteenth Doctor before a regeneration. I never watched a Doctor knowing they were going to be a Doctor. The show really has been a hyper-reality though. I also think they were trying to contrast with Maeve's school. The whole writing class was kind of ridiculous because if you're throwing my phone out the window; you're going right after it. Of course, you should have your phone on silent. However, it's your responsibility as the instructor to communicate class rules clearly. I never like miscommunication plots either. Especially with characters that are reasonably sensible. Otis did call her later to explain the situation, and Maeve seemed quite forgiving. But it was unnecessary drama for these people. I will say, I'm glad I'm not that age today. I don't think I could deal with sexting or nudes, or I'd be dumb enough to send to the wrong person. To be fair, she's not in the best frame of mind either because she doesn't know who the dad is. Otis didn't strike me that he minded helping out to a point (going to the store isn't that big a deal). I think the show was a little much with her though. Jean is well off enough that she should have afforded childcare or even hired a nanny, no? Otis asking 'who would look after Joy' O was way condescending to Otis. No, she doesn't have to do anything because she was there first, but I think Otis' appeal is that he's just one of his patients, whereas O was acting like she was better than him (which he proved with Cal). I don't think Otis accusing O of stealing his idea was a smart move. I would have said "I've been doing this for
  24. Are the Sea Folk necessary to the show though? I think you can accomplish what they need to without them. Even in the books, Moiraine or some others would say, "the last battle is coming, so the pattern is spinning out super channelers". She could learn it on her own because she's so powerful. No one taught anyone balefire. Ny learned about healing without teaching. As for the rest,
  25. I saw this when *I rented it from the video store*. Peak Dean Cameron.
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