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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. I think it worked here on the show though because it gives us the struggle of Perrin being berserk v calm while also starting the vendetta the younger Bornhold will have against him. Just killed the older Bornhold in battle, ok, so he may want to avenge his father's death, but clearly, on the show, Perrin straight up murdered him while they all were fighting the Seanchan. And he used the axe here, which we all know is the big motif with Perrin. Much clearer to show how it becomes personal for Bornhold.
  2. When Bob and Linda are looking out the window at Rudy and Louise walking away, you see Louise do a little punch in the arm to Rudy, like she was getting him motivated for the dinner. I also liked that the show didn't really hit us over the head. Bob and Linda knew something was up at dinner, but didn't push. They just said "hey, let's just call your parents." They didn't say anything when Louise decided she was going to join Rudy for dinner. I'd like to know how Linda was able to get brass knuckles for a kid *and* without Bob knowing.
  3. She went and got blasted off a parent-teacher conference and then ate a hubcap hotdog. That's issues.
  4. Are we having a RUDY episode?!!!! Teeny Houdini! Louise was happy to see Rudy at the mall too and invited him to dinner! They're going to be thick as thieves in junior high. Poor Rudy. The whole contrast with the Belchers at the mall and then the dinner was so sad. If Bob had only 8 bucks on him, I don't think the kids are getting an allowance. I don't ship Louise and Rudy because Rudy sees them as family. Those two are going to be notorious. Louise ends up with Zeke anyway.
  5. I have to know why Dracula would sue Homer. "I'm throwing up stuff I ate years ago. I think I saw wedding cake." Credit to Bart for actually feeling bad about saying he doesn't like bounce-a-thon anymore though. I liked how dream-Homer was all different. And dream-Lisa getting facts just slightly wrong. Was the fence at the playground a nod to Terminator? Oh, I see it was! I can't stand those scooters. They're everywhere around here. Not so much that, but dog-Homer had to bring her back to *that morning* to show her Lisa was excited that Marge was going to the event. The deodorant jokes killed because my mother bought *lots* of it when I hit puberty.
  6. "Why don't you go find someone to have sex with?" I paused it. "What's porn?" Even now. Yeeeesh. I liked the episode, but they had to be high to write this.
  7. I don't think so, but someone else might want to weigh in. I think we can agree that the show now has been deliberately vague on what's actually going on. I think Ben was gone when he leaped. So when he leaped into himself, and then went into accelerator Ziggy lost track of him because that leaped-into Ben leaped back to where he should be.
  8. I think you meant that the other way. Ben's body is wherever he is because there's no waiting room. Sam's body didn't travel with him. He swapped with the leapee. "Sam" was always in the waiting room until the finale.
  9. I take the point about Min, but I think she still has to be one of the three. That's a hard change from the books. I don't think you could swap her with Lanfear because Moiraine has to take her out for good. They're already laying the groundwork rather well already.
  10. No, Ben leaped into the accelerator, and vanished from the first leap. There's no waiting room anymore. I suppose it depends if Ian has access to Ziggy or not. Ian is smart enough to program Ziggy to track changes in history to find anomalies where it would look like Ben leaped to. It's just odd it took them 3 years, when they were able to find him hour by hour. The only difference is that he leaped into himself and then went through the accelerator. It could be as simple as Ziggy tracked the Ben that Ben leaped into, and that Ben returned to the right time so he could then do the first leap. The leaping-Ben then became untrackable. It also would be cool if the QL team was largely reassigned and Ian and Janice were running some rogue QL operation.
  11. Lana is still way too unhinged. Cheryl was right, and Lana should know better. Pam - "Counterpoint. Deez guns." Distraction? The mom found them in the basement with the mainframe. I'd say he neutralized a possible threat with nonlethal force. And none of that warm beer!
  12. Add to that E is straight fury. They've been touched by the shadow though because Ishamael has manipulated them, and Suroth is a darkfriend. That was the ship that got hit maintaining the shield. Moiraine never swore an oath pertaining to collateral damage. She can't tell a lie, and she was quite clear on what lengths she'd go to in order to make sure Rand doesn't die. It's cool that the show has a 'look' for a shield so we know what's coming.
  13. That's what I'm saying. She held him off long enough for Elayne to heal him and Moiraine (which she didn't know) to break the shield. That's not nothing, and she wasn't full strength either. I don't know, to me, it looked like Ishamael was confused as to how she was doing it. First he was doing the fireballs, then he went to what looked like darts, almost like what Rand did to the Seanchan just shortly before. It wasn't working. He probably outlasts her, one on one. That didn't happen, and she's certainly not going to be cowering in another battle against the dark. You also need to bookend that with Lolial's ridiculously motivational monologue - We are the heroes of the next Age. Act like it. Also all this foreshadowing of shielding is going to pay off big time. We don't have any Dragon Banner yet.
  14. I thought it was dragged on too much in the books. Here, I think the show is setting up for her role down the road. She went even with Ishmael. Nynaeve is already established as the strongest in 1000 years. I think the show wanted to almost get that out of the way earlier, and get out the secret of the sul'dam. I'm not so sure because it was even here. Nynaeve getting a clear win still will have an impact. I'm hoping that Min gets more into the philosophy of the Wheel and helps Rand figure out how to win at the end.
  15. I'm so glad to get a flashback! They really did up the Ways here. Wow. Although odd you'd put one right in the middle of a lake. Totally worth it for their one-on-one conversation. You're not going to find me saying much anything nice about the Whitecloaks, but Bornhold was right; these are slavers and invaders, and no one else came to the defense of Falme. Nynaeve does. Not. Play. I kind of wish people did what I wanted when I yelled at them. I really enjoyed Mat struggling with the dagger. Good work there. Fain tempting him was really smooth too. Good for Mat. I was so relieved they nicked the horn! Well, for being untrained, Rand sure knows how to kill people. Between him and Nynaeve taking the gloves off, they could kick Seanchan out alone. So so so smart Egwene figuring out about the slavers being channelers. Weak, cowardly, Renna. I liked how time slowed when Mat blew the horn. That was a cool take. Awesome effect. Egwene is having a VERY BAD DAY AND IS IN MOOD. Wow. That was unreal.
  16. The final showdown with Lanfear and Mo is going to kill so hard. I thought Moiraine was going to kill her with that look. I thought Avienda was supposed to be tall, no? Did Ishamael have all the seals in his bedroom? I thought in the books they randomly popped up. I can't say enough how well the show has done with Lan. I guess Rand wasn't going to fight with the sword just yet. Wasn't Ingtar a Darkfriend in the books too? Clever clever clever to show Mat making the staff. I don't remember the final showdown with Egwene in the books, but I like how this was done so High Noon on the show. We didn't learn the sul'dam were channelers till way later on right? I'm so relieved they wrapped this plot up quickly. I also think it's a smart narrative choice because it shows how smart and tough Egwene is for what's coming down the line. I don't recall Rand being shielded at Falme either, but it's cool. You'd think he'd have more situational awareness by now. I needed to see Mat blow that Horn. I was worried the show would have it be someone else. I didn't realize they were flat out making Mat one of them. Clever way for Rand to get the wound and Min's vision. I do like the take of the major players all being on the tower at Falme. That's a good call. If Falme is this off the chain, the last battle better make Game of Thrones look like a student film. I honestly don't think I jumped up and yelled so much since Farscape. I'm saying Asmodean is out because Logain has been introduced so early in the show to train Rand.
  17. When he was in his past self, he had to convince QL that it was future-Ben, but their adversary leapt into Magic and they put Ben in the brig. Then the holograms for the future told Ben to write Jenn's "password" to "past Jenn", so they believed him. Then Ben and the other guy went into the chamber and they both kept leaping around from the past leaps of the season into different people until the brothel owner shot the other guy. Ben leaped after that; they cut to the present-QL with the chamber shimmering, and that was the end. I think. I would guess the glitch is that Ben leaped into his past self, who then leaped into the chamber. There had to have been some separation at some point with past-Ben returning to his time since that Ben wouldn't have leaped in the first place. Now I'm going to have a drink.
  18. I do agree that the show is stronger with less HQ scenes and focusing on the leap, but I do like those characters. I would like to see what happened in that ensuing three years. Especially Magic. He must be devastated. I don't get how Ben just leaped but there's been a time delay. I'd like to see if they try to explain.
  19. I'm not surprised Ben didn't leap back, but I was hoping he did and Addison would be the leaper this season. I really liked that Ben was on his own for so long and tried to keep it together. And being snippy about them calling him on MacGuyver. I enjoyed the flashbacks, but I think they took a little bit away from Ben flying without a net. The A-Team did an episode where someone stepped on a land mine! Didn't Janice have a holo chamber?
  20. With Oliver's ego; he'll be the producer now too.
  21. "Also starring" "With" "Featuring" "And" are nice touches.
  22. Even better. I was just saying that he could stay up there and look for one of them to just show up. They don't really need the ship to be on the surface and he doesn't need food, supplies, so he can just stay up there. I remembered later that it was a rematch. The sword did boost her though. I'd say fighting with the staff v a sword is a little different, so I think it's fair to say that it was a little much for me. Worth it for the move at the end though. Probably ritual. I didn't think there were just crystals on the ship so you could just make them. I meant - I thought prior to being inserted in the lightsabre that the crystals were sort of 'living force'. So if you just took them on their own and put them in a drawer that they would 'die out'. I assumed in Ahsoka's case they were indicating her level of tune with the force because only Kenobi had the white blade iirc.
  23. I thought you had to actually go get the crystals to build the sabre as part of the training. That there were 'living' and you couldn't pick them and store them for later. Clever Thrawn sending in the two TIEs as pawns. Although, I would have thought Ezra would be more hip to Thrawn's deal overall. If I didn't know Thrawn was using the night troopers as just one part of the gambit, I'd be doubled over cackling that a handful of them would have been anything more than a sneeze for Ahsoka alone. Of course, I didn't know they were going to get up again. This is where I think force lightning comes in handy. Credit to Sabine for being able to deflect the blaster bolts though. Why didn't anyone think of force pulling opponents right into the sabres before now? I don't understand how you get a fancy sword and now you're jedi level fighting all of a sudden. You got to be kidding me she sliced Ahoka's sabre. Come on. I like how Thrawn says 'please' to the droids. Well, I've said Ahsoka is more to the original ronin concept of the jedi, and I will thank Thrawn for validating me. That huge mountain and the owl was quite front and center. I wonder if Ahsoka's final fate is going to become part of the mountain as the Daughter. It would be way way too ooc for her to legitimately lose to anyone. Unless she pulls a Kenobi, but I can't see why. She's not that old. I would like another season than just going to a movie just because there seems so much ground to cover, and so many shows say they're going to be a movie and they're not. Like it was said, two plots in two different galaxies is hard to pull off in a 120 minute movie. I'm surprised Thrawn actually did make it back simply because none of these people are in the sequels. Thrawn isn't one to be off on a side quest. I would think there has to be a final showdown with Ezra and Thrawn though. Huyang could easily park the ship in orbit or build some kind of satellite to alert them if the whales return too.
  24. None of the kids rooms are a mess, so they must be used to tidying up at the least.
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