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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. She's only Accepted. As you said, Liandrin had ulterior motives though.
  2. So we're all assuming that Tom has an ulterior motive for restarting QL? He's too charming. It's interesting that they restarted it just to find Ben because the whole point of the original was to actually go back and fix things. Al had to go to senate hearings. I don't know if I like "modern times" leaps because it's too easy to access everything about everything. I was hoping the power spikes were going to be Janis related. That is why you don't trust an air gap though! I'm surprised QL would let anyone outside of the project know what it is; even if there's one per person, no way should they be talking in public. Magic's idea of actually *reading* the book was a smart move too. However, it's interesting that the this one and the last one, Ziggy missed the leap. I didn't really need Ben and Addison to have it out. He was coming around to the estranged daughter, and maybe focus on getting out of there instead of being stuck there. She did wait two years. Come on. Although all the more reason to not have Addison jump right back in as the hologram. I take what the show was trying to do, so maybe they're just ripping the band aid off and we don't have to keep dealing with it. Hey! They did a follow up!
  3. I saw the golden shower joke coming. Like Black said, it's the natural setup. I'm always a fan of the comedian antagonizing the audience; there's something old school to it for me. He actually even stood up and yelled at them for not picking up on it.
  4. I was impressed with the Diamondbacks management of the bullpen. They didn't give up a hit after the 5th and only 2 walks. I also liked seeing some bunts and stolen bases too. I think the sac fly for the 4th run came off the stolen base and advancing the runner on a ground out. I don't have any rooting interest, but it was a good strategic effort on Arizona. They certainly earned it.
  5. That's why Die Hard is so great. Everyone had to go to the bathroom and Hans was getting so put upon.
  6. I hope they do a flashback and she's always nuts.
  7. Lanfear flat out told Ishamael that she intended to betray him, so he released the rest of the Foresaken before Rand got him as one last move. I'd say they might get into some of it.
  8. For sure. Moiraine even said that a lot of knowledge was lost. If you take the big battle in Season 1 though; that was only 5 of them. Tactically, they can be effective. You need someone that can organize those tactics and not just bulldoze ahead because they think they know best.
  9. I would think he'd have a quick hook if the Rangers get into early trouble. Except for Eovaldi, everyone else should be available.
  10. I have a total of two winter jackets; regular and uh-oh.
  11. They've mentioned on the show that there's objects of Power that can amplify your strength. So effectively, they are the weapons of mass destruction. Rand is completely untrained, and he took out a host of the Seanchan and their head guy with a fairly surgical strike and minimal effort. Moiraine then decimated a navy. Or in the first season, how the linked women wiped out the army in Fal Dara. They don't have a concept of nuclear weapons, but if you're only limited by your imagination, what would you come up with? I mean, you could technically vaporize the water in someone's body or just pull the air out of their lungs like Lanfear did.
  12. Actually, that was by design by the show. People of the continent confused Ishamael with the actual Dark One. Rand did think that's who he was fighting at first. Don't forget at the start of the season, everyone thought Rand died beating back the Dark One at the Eye. So now it's like, ok, 'we barely killed this guy, and it took all of us. There's another one of them running around *and* we have to fight the Dark One?" How? This shouldn't be a spoiler because they showed the flashback of Lews imprisoning Ishamael, but for context - They haven't really gotten into *what* that imprisonment was on the show yet.
  13. The Tower certainly thinks they'll be front and center prosecuting the Last Battle and telling Rand what to do. Currently, they don't know about the damane. I can't imagine that's going to be met well. Plus, the Seanchan think they're going to storm across the continent and take over, and they basically got their elite navy beaten back singlehandedly by Moiraine, and she's a blue. I should have said before that they're the only organization of *trained* channelers specifically for the last battle. Sure, there's wisdoms who may be able to channel, but you still need to teach them a lot. As powerful as Egwene is, she's basically just relying on haymakers because she doesn't know how to stick and move with the jab and land combos. Ishamael may have underestimated her, or been tired, or whatever, but the dark isn't going to make that same mistake again. I'm not trying to trash them too much. The Tower is basically the high middle age church and the only university. No one else has the compendium of knowledge since the breaking; who the Foresaken are, prophecies of the dragon. They also have objects of the power, so you could throw in that they're heavy artillery. They also are more politically dialed in across the continent. They're going to be playing a critical role.
  14. Sadly, no. It's not really a 'town square' town square. It's just a small plot of park kind of jammed in downtown where it just is kind of there. However, we do have lights strung up along the river. No one wants to go out in winter because once it snows, it's brutal. One of the side benefits of covid was that if it snows, I'm staying home and that's it. And I live 3 miles from work. We cannot get anything done before xmas. It's pulling teeth to get your forms signed, etc., because everyone is so checked out.
  15. We yak all the time in the Books to Show if anyone needs to ask larger context questions. tbh, there's a lot that could and should be cut without losing the core story. However, keep in mind, the Aes Sedai are the only people who can channel, and there's a lot of them. You're going to need armies regardless of whom is running the show. And if you recall, on this season, Suian was all 'boy' this and 'boy' that to Rand, then was forced to shield him when he got spooked because she whimsically said that Tower policy is to just cage him until they tell him what to do in the Last Battle. So, *they* certainly think they're going to be running the show at the Last Battle. Moiraine kind of low-key flipped the Tower off by 'revealing' the Dragon at Falme. The prophecies of the Dragon said 'he'll reveal himself at Falme', so she was like, 'eh, let me make a big dragon then'.
  16. Technically, PBSNewshour already did. He just played the clip and showed you could use google maps to locate the office. I laughed at the 'how many pigs in China'. Well, it's not really about the answer. Yes, but any question related to a number is stupid because you can look it up. Asking something about production loss and market share due to a swine flu is about working out a problem.
  17. This was a rare one where the kids were actually sidelined while Bob *and* Linda were in on all the action. And Bob literally saved the entire night.
  18. We actually have a little town square and they do a tree lighting event with the mayor.
  19. I watch on Peacock 99% of the time. There could be better numbers 5 to 7 days later, for example. I didn't watch the show until Friday night this time. She didn't necessarily have to influence QL. A lot of times on the show, Sam was helping people in a small orbit; he got the older sister away from an abusive boyfriend. That was it. I thought the whole reason for the leap was for Ben to get her to go to college. He leaped right after. Addison said that Ziggy didn't know why he was there. Why wouldn't he have leaped after they made the deal with the general?
  20. The cats are going to go bonkers when she gets home.
  21. I liked the pixelated gag with the racist stereotypes. It sounded like Rachel doing the bit with the jet skis. I would have liked more of the flea market.
  22. That's because you only see people from RI when you're not in RI.
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