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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. I was surprised to see Jimmy Pesto. I thought they retired the character. I did miss their antagonism. After this episode, I don't think the show needs them anymore. I cannot imagine that Louise and Zeke aren't endgame. She immediately leaned into liberating him. We haven't had a really solid kids plot for a while. The best part was Rudy rolling in for lunch. I totally buy he just shows up like that.
  2. Shockingly fouled mouthed prop comedian. That second segment was a deep cut to Angel Heart.
  3. I don't think any of them are in line for permanent host. They all have way more going on for their established careers. All of the hosts that are stand ups have podcasts and do dates regularly; they aren't going to settle into a 4 night a week grind. They're not promoting from within. If they're looking for a permanent host, they should be checking out comedy writers.
  4. Dulce did the piece on mocking the DJ that was the house investor. Charlamagne didn't quite have the comic timing to me. Playing his role 'straight' was fine, but you still need those beats to make the silliness work.
  5. DoctorAtomic

    The NBA

    I typically don't watch until xmas, but I watched the Knicks and Bucks last night while doing other stuff. I wanted to watch the Warriors, but it wasn't on in my area. While I don't think that the games were close because of the tournament, they still got me to tune in early November. 500k ain't bad either. Even if you're at LeBron level, he can always donate.
  6. DoctorAtomic

    The NBA

    I think it's an interesting idea. I watch a lot of soccer, and they have something similar.
  7. I agree with the interpretation, but I don't think the show was that explicit about Sam controlling his own leaps. Sam said something like 'the leaps are going to get harder?' You could argue that he thought the bartender was behind it. But Sam did make the choice "I knew what I have to do" to leap to Beth. I do like the idea that the show is floating now - it's always been a one way trip. But I mean, come on, Sam has to make an appearance.
  8. That doesn't have too much an effect on me for any sports. I did like Smoltz though.
  9. I don't recall when Ben leaped into a woman but Sam was a secretary in the 60s or something, and an early 80s housewife. That's a different story than being a bounty hunter in near modern times. He was the Indian cook too and more excited to be in the kitchen than anything.
  10. Maybe they crammed in all the b plot now so they don't need as much of it in the next few episodes.
  11. That's funny because this was the first time I made a point to watch the World Series ironically since the Rangers were last in it.
  12. Why does Michael Phelps look like they tried to clone Aaron Rogers but left it on too long?
  13. The only good thing to come out of summer school was the brilliant 80s movie.
  14. The crack about the montage running around to an obscure 60s song was brilliant. They really captured the chasing; hiding in the armor, etc.
  15. I was surprised Gene put in the effort. That was a good plot, and I'm not typically a fan of Gene centered plots.
  16. The episode was worth it just for getting Peter Coyote to play completely straight.
  17. I think it's both. The original certainly had Sam with mad skills, but Al wasn't just parroting data from Ziggy either.
  18. I had thought because of the world series, but they're on a travel.
  19. Are you thinking she's going to show up on another leap?
  20. That's just a thriller. I hope this is the tone for the series. I couldn't believe Garcia stole a base in the bottom of the 9th. I liked all the movement on the bases. The closer for the Rangers was kind of shaky in the ALCS. Two 3 up and down innings is really solid, but that means he won't be available tomorrow.
  21. They could platoon with Ian and Jenn. In both QLs, the hologram had an established relationship with the leaper. How would you interview for that? Magic could be the hologram. He is a calming influence. Or even bring back Janis.
  22. Sometimes my google speaker starts blathering on from the other room when I'm talking to my dog down the hall.
  23. Weird to have 'Kenny' talk but funny she was always talking about big boobs. 'Kyle' didn't have the hat on either. I was worried that it was all going to be just Cartman's dream at the start. I'm glad it was bonkers. I really liked that alt-South Park kids basically had the same dialogue. I wish there was more in that universe. I don't know all the Disney movies, but I'm aware of them. I haven't seen Indiana Jones yet, but now I want to. I can't do a lot around the house, but I think I could have fixed the oven door. I installed the shower heads. I can cook though; I got that going for me.
  24. I think he was more apologizing for snapping at her. He also didn't know that she tried to throw herself into the accelerator either. However, she wasn't forthcoming about Tom watching the leap either. This required more of a terse conversation on the sidewalk, but I don't know how you do that with the constant leaps. Again, Magic is in charge, and he needs to make executive decisions that are going to keep Ben focused and moving forward, leap by leap. I did like the point Tom made that maybe the actual technology of leaping is always going to be a one way trip.
  25. I didn't care for this one because I just prefer more leaps into the past, but I liked the others. I would have liked to see another one with no hologram for Ben. Or maybe now, the hologram will be sporadic. Ian can't be dealing with programming and research and also always in the imaging chamber.
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