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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. You seem to be implying that you *don't* have private jet access? Seriously though, I was on a commercial flight with Senator Hatch. Not with; he was seated across the aisle. If I had access to private flying, I'd do it in a second. I saw an interview with Mark Cuban, who has one, but rents it out when he doesn't need it. He also said, you don't just go and hop on the plane either. You have to plan ahead. I would think the jet needs to be inspected, etc., and you can't just take off. You have to get in line with everyone else.
  2. I was thinking about the show today, and I also agree with the general pov about Fifteen being more swashbuckling, adventurous. I also agree that it didn't make any sense and no one cares. I appreciate injecting the pathos into the Doctor in general since Nine, but a more carefree Doctor is an appropriate narrative direction after we basically got a coda to Ten/Fourteen and Donna. Maybe Fourteen can take Donna's family on vacation. Barcelona? Two Doctors at the same time, same regeneration. It's like the two Popes! The Pope would be a great Doctor Who villain.
  3. I stopped a little of the way in to look up the Toymaker and Mel, but the show was really moving. I was unspoiled for the bi-generation. I was confused when nothing happened. I thought it was funny and watched it a couple of times. I mean, it's Doctor Who; you have to roll with it. Too bad we could have had a longer, Two Doctors adventure. The scene of them outside at the end with the TARDIS just hanging out was nice.
  4. Mouthing off at everyone and being dragged to the stake for being a witch? A little on the nose there.
  5. SFPD could have Monk on a case and bring in Leland to 'manage' him. Or they could solve a cold case that Leland never could close.
  6. I agree that I didn't think the show would go down that path as well. I bought-in though. Everyone basically left Monk, and then the pandemic happened. All that alone, you're going to be looking inward. I liked the scene with Bell where he's saying, look, you solved 120 (140) cases, and then Monk picks up the paper and points out that nothing changed. Except he missed that he did make change. Seeing the article about the shelter did crack the case. I wish we got just a little more with the new captain. She was really invested in welcoming Monk to return. I think a little more there would have tied in with the end with some more impact. Minor nit. I didn't guess that the tape measure got switched. I thought the guy broke in and just cut the cord. But then if Griffin measured in the morning, he would have known. With Leland out of a job, I would suggest he take a crack at writing Monk's book. Having his pov with Monk explaining how he solved the cases might work a lot better. It might be helpful for Monk to share those letters too. I certainly would be on board for another movie, but I don't think they would have to do a 'reunion' movie. He could solve a case with the new SFPD, or maybe he goes to visit Natalie or Randy and solves a case with their PD. I did like the end because all of that is in Monk's head and he's gaining some insight that he did make a difference and he still can. That's a good message to end on.
  7. I agree that I didn't think the show would go down that path as well. I bought-in though. Everyone basically left Monk, and then the pandemic happened. All that alone, you're going to be looking inward. I liked the scene with Bell where he's saying, look, you solved 120 (140) cases, and then Monk picks up the paper and points out that nothing changed. Except he missed that he did make change. Seeing the article about the shelter did crack the case. I wish we got just a little more with the new captain. She was really invested in welcoming Monk to return. I think a little more there would have tied in with the end with some more impact. Minor nit. I didn't guess that the tape measure got switched. I thought the guy broke in and just cut the cord. But then if Griffin measured in the morning, he would have known. With Leland out of a job, I would suggest he take a crack at writing Monk's book. Having his pov with Monk explaining how he solved the cases might work a lot better. I did like the end because all of that is in Monk's head and he's gaining some insight that he did make a difference and he still can. That's a good message to end on.
  8. I like the squabble over being the hologram. I'm sure you all said 'uh oh, witch' when Ben did the cpr. Back from the commercial, they're already in the stocks! I was also thinking Ben might have said he was possessed by the holy spirit since they were all in church. I was thinking the water probably had something to do with it because I was thinking of the London cholera case. I thought maybe we'd be bandying around some theories about 1692 at HQ.
  9. They haven't, but on the old show, the imaging chamber was basically how Al interfaces with Sam. I imagine it's similar.
  10. I thought that was going to be way more bonkers with a Frannie and Roger plot. That ended kind of flat. I liked how she won the final hand.
  11. I just don't like the run of the mill mustard.
  12. I'm actually interested in what's going on at QL. I like seeing the amount of support that goes into assisting Ben on the leap. Showing everyone reading the book, for example, was a good scene. However, I agree that most of the show should focus on the leap. It's unfortunate that the show only has 42 minutes. Even 5 more minutes would make a big difference.
  13. I'd probably go to a destination wedding if it was somewhere I liked. I'd prefer a city over a resort. I wouldn't do any activities unless they were booze cruises or the like.
  14. And a second week of Meg. Amazing. Rough go not getting into URI though. Getting Meg to cry was a great gag. I can cry without too much difficulty. The second drawer was the dealbreaker for Lois. I think the premise of 'no daytime talk shows for men' was really funny because in the 70s, you had Phil Donahue and Merv Griffin all over the airwaves, and then Morton Downey, Jr., in the late 80s/90s. Phil Donahue is still alive.
  15. I was thinking this had to be some elaborate prank on Louise going nuts about the bow. That it was a movie was so much better. You know Teddy was all in. I can't believe Louise let Rudy die. I thought she was going to step up then.
  16. Gillan was actually with the Eleventh Doctor, the one after Tennant. But they both toned their Scot accents on the show. Actually, I picked Tennant out because he sounded more like his character on Broadchurch.
  17. Milhous was doing the worm. I never had to dance in gym class though. tbh, detention with Willy doesn't seem so bad. My band director gave me detention once, and I helped him with his plants. I've actually been to Edinburgh! And went on a hike. Poor Homer was so clever to bring up the miles only to get shafted with another wedding. The fringe festival was hilarious - Hamlet with real dogs, Stephen Fry is Hugh Laurie. I was hoping for some Outlander jokes. I knew Maizey was familiar, but I still had to look it up. Gillan really up the Scot. I picked out Tennant though. I await to hear from our Marge superfan with bated breath. Marge trashes Homer in front of everyone and has to apologize.
  18. I think she does, and she was trying to get him to open up. You need some actors who really know their characters to play the entire episode. And playing off themselves. It would maybe have been a little more interesting if they came upon the captain's notes or log or something, even if incomplete just to get a little more there.
  19. When Tennant went into Shouty Ten, I didn't think he was particularly interesting. However, across roles since then, he's considerably improved as an actor. Maybe he was directed that way, but I think he'd have some say in it. When you look at the whole "I don't want to go", that was well done. But Ten isn't my favorite of the new era. At the time, I don't think he could have pulled off the Dalek episode as Eccleston did.
  20. I think the show has been fair in the use of the power so far for the Moiraine and all of them. It's going to get dicey with Darkfriends all over the place and the Foresaken out. I was talking before about the Oaths physically preventing them from channeling. They can't channel if they know they shouldn't be, but they're also good at rationalizing.
  21. Too bad they couldn't do a movie like the Monk and Psych movies.
  22. The blackboard had all sorts of great gags - but2, t n a, 420, 69/x. I never thought the personas worked on everyone! I'm surprised they haven't thought of that before. I don't get how their personas worked on Klaus and Hayley though. They should have seen right through them. I would have shopped at Kohls.
  23. All I remember was Benson and the German woman yelling and bantering.
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