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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. I'm not sure they're all on the same page with just caging Rand either. There's probably going to be some debate on that.
  2. You can't make a show for purists. Rand really didn't accept he was actually the Dragon until he yanked out Callandor anyway. So being HDIC at this point doesn't track with the books anyway. Here, the last time Rand channeled, he literally burned the house down. Now he's got Moiraine saying she trusts him, and he learns he *can* control it *and* use it for good. Rand basically acts like a bitch to her in the books and then she's gone for years. Out of nowhere he asks her to unBore the Bore. That's not going to work on TV. This was a very well written character scene. Lan unearthed a huge clue, Moiraine treats Rand as an actual person, and Rand comes through. I don't see what else you could want from the show.
  3. The White Tower in chaos serves the dark. I think the choice of 'broken' by Lanfear was deliberate there. I honestly don't think Siuane was going to keep Rand shielded and in a cage though, but I do think she expected Rand was going to play along with the game plan. You can't count out that the Dragon isn't just going to bust out of the shield eventually and you need someone on him 24/7. The whole 'boy' approach was always going to backfire. 'How do you feel about being the Dragon?' Start there.
  4. Francine strangling a peacock tracks. I thought Roger was going to be Gary Gogo too. Always great to be on Morning Mimosa too. Are you saying that you normally sniff dog butthole, but that's not the proper way to ask? cc had it TwilightZONE
  5. I forgot to add that I liked showing that there is a tangible effect of the Oath Rod too.
  6. I'm sure you all knew the Foretelling was coming with the '20 years ago' tag. Much better than the book to preface it with Moiraine and Siuane talking about their future together. Actually nice of the show to confirm the consent with the warder bonds. I think that's a good update especially what's coming later. I really hope Egwene's time as a slave on the show isn't dragged out. I wonder if she could burn out Renna? Not that it's a bad plot, but I don't remember much from the books, except the dread I feel. Didn't she have a slave name? Did Rand meet Siuane in the books one-on-one? Except for the 'boy' nonsense, I thought it was a good conversation. I was surprised she was reasonably honest. Did she shield Rand in the books? That's not going to end well if Lews starts babbling. I guess they're going early on Mat with the Odin-ing. That's probably a good idea because he's been basically just banging around now, and all of a sudden being the greatest military mind in human history. They're doing so much better with Moraine and Rand on the show than in the books for me. Did Moraine ever say she trusted Rand this early on? I'm buying this Moiraine can whack Lanfear, and because Lanfear is so much better here too. I'm really glad they're getting into Ish's philosophy on the wheel. It's good to that they're bringing in Alanna on the Dragon this early too. And Rand is back with Lan to learn the sword.
  7. I actually know what the title means for a change! I'm glad to see Rand and Lan back together again. I think it's good he's got a non channel guy in his corner (sort of). He's harsh, but I think he likes Rand genuinely. I liked the 'put on a jacket!' I don't like the whole deal of 'boy' with Rand. Or anyone. They believe he's actually the Dragon. Not that they should genuflect to him at all, but a sympathetic or more teacher-student approach like Lan. For a pampered princess, Elayne is certainly a natural in the field. I'm even more convinced there should be a Brown Ajah spin off. Siuane being put out that Rand couldn't do much was a good touch. I would have liked more of them just alone. Maybe ask him what he thinks might happen? Is the camerawork different in the Dreamworld? Or am I seeing something not there? I knew Moiraine wasn't stilled and only thought she was! She had little weaves when they fought the Mydraal. I was wondering if Logain could still see weaves, so thank you show to confirm. They're doing a great job with Lanfear too. "You going to help me or not?" KABOOM! The king in the cell is very Man in the Iron Mask. Too bad the Amyrlin got too ahead of her skis. For the 'light' side, they want to use Rand basically as a nuke at the last battle, and the Tower thinks they will be running the show. For the dark side, they want to use Rand basically as a nuke at the last battle, and Ishamael thinks he is running the show. tbh, it's the same as Yoda and Kenobi v Vader and Palpatine with Luke. I'm going to cut some slack here in that thinking Rand is the Dragon, Siuane (also finally good to get some fish metaphors in) so she might have thought inherently he might know a lot more.
  8. I just thought he took all of that out on Aimee, as how I viewed the scene. Which is more of a 'how dare anyone do anything to Aimes' than anything.
  9. They should have showed her wielding the dark sabre or giving it to Bo. We already have live action Bo.
  10. That's a fair point. It's just that Isaac was all bitter and snapped nearly all the time that it's hard to be invested in caring about his second chance for me. With Adam, at least we got some more context about his home life. Aimes made a careless statement, but it wasn't coming from a bad place. It's fair for him to call her out on it, but I felt he really ripped her a little too much. Maybe my derision comes from there. Sure, they gave us some backstory that Isaac bounced around a lot, but it wasn't particularly as tangible to me. He seemed to have a good relationship with the brother, so currently, I'm seeing a fairly stable home life. I also don't think there's anything wrong with him just being a jerk because he really hasn't figured himself out yet. Not everyone needs to be with anyone all the time.
  11. I don't know. Van Wilder seems to be College Ferris to me. I don't see what he'd run into that he could handle.
  12. I hope the show ends with everyone agreeing Archer is always right. You do not claim a chair with a towel. "Tell me what you don't like about yourself" was what they said on nip/tuck. I was sure Lana getting rid of Bribe & Blackmail Day was not going to end well. I defy anyone to tell me Pam isn't the bestest friend of all friends. What a great pep talk. It would help if she actually could improvise. The belts for the zip lines? That's kid's stuff.
  13. In show reality, Baylan seeking out Force things makes more sense. If he was full on Sith, finding the Star Forge and using it to install himself as a new Emperor would fit. Thrawn would certainly want it.
  14. I assume that's where they're going (unless it's Star Forge). I guess we're really not going to get a resolution to this plot though unless they recast.
  15. Isiah kissed Magic on the cheek before tip off of the Finals, and everyone went bonkers because it was the 80s. Youtube has to have it.
  16. I agree you can't assume on the reenactments that were behind closed doors, but they are reasonable inferences. The trio was making the timeline to that end. It's classic Sherlock Holmes. Otherwise, then everything and nothing is valid at the same time.
  17. I believe I read this in traditional media at the time; EW (back when they practiced actual, entertainment journalism). Same with Portman. Outside of real-life practicality, you could also look at it as Leia throwing massive shade. She sent her *droid* to shut this nonsense because she couldn't be bothered to dignify this kangaroo court in person. Did they have kangaroos? I always thought the movies were too short to build up to Vader anyway. I get you needed him to be a kid in I, but you've got the 2 movies to work with and it seemed just really chopped and abrupt to me. I think another problem was that most people probably wanted to see Vader in the suit wrecking it, but that wasn't quite what III was. It might have worked with just one or two cut scenes of him hunting jedi. I'm hoping we get Force Ghost Anakin at some point.
  18. I know this is reading too much, but I was wondering if there's a way to fit this into the episode where Bender met 'god'.
  19. Far be it from me to not want Hera to snark at the Senate, but I'm not super invested in the politics on the show. I was worried that Hera's 'trial' would be dragged out. Leia sly cover though. I don't think our galaxy far, far away has access to Roberts rules yet. They're making motions, no seconding, objections. He's making hostile amendments to his own motion. How much you want to bet it's the spineless Senator that gets Leia out when the word leaks about her being the daughter of Darth Vader? Do space whales not know what mines are? They didn't have to fly into them! I like how normally on tv, a character reads out the information for exposition, but Thrawn just stared at the tablet and read it to himself. I wasn't expecting Baylan to just cut loose and more so that Thrawn underestimated him. I don't understand why Sabine wasn't shooting the raiders' mounts. They're the bigger targets, or Ezra could have pushed them off. Although I'm pleased finally one of the good guys is using the Force in a fight! I still don't get why Sabine doesn't go sabre/blaster. She's clearly more effective. I'm rolling my eyes at the Baylan rematch; Ahsoka said she was only stalling, but I am hoping he still joins them. I would have killed Shin just on principle to take an asset away from Thrawn and show the lesson about a hasty victory guaranteeing defeat. She didn't have a chance against Ahsoka, and couldn't even get to Ezra, both with no blades.
  20. I liked that Amy was the one coming up with the arguments for the simulation because she has the PhD now.
  21. Maeve would have also pointed out the hypocrisy of the school too. They were voting on who they liked more? Or something. Nothing to do with actual therapy, which no adult at the school would sanction anyway.
  22. I remember this being an big issue when Princess Diana passed. With everyone putting up such a variety of suspects, I think it's all of them even more. I did like when the trio got to the cab and there were people in it, the woman looked at the wedding dress and then the guy to her left - "You. out."
  23. I'm going to crack up if my nut theory that everyone tried to kill Ben has any traction. I think Donna definitely did the poisoning but everyone else chased him down the hallway and he freaked out and fell. So the second wasn't exactly premeditatated. Acting out the interrogations with the trio in the scene was a clever way to deliver the exposition with the asides. I'm super excited Ben was actually ranting at the cookies! And those of you that called writing on the mirror!!
  24. I think maybe they kept Maeve off in America for too long before bringing her back. She was going to enroll in Cavendish, so an episode or two of her there might have been better. She can still get the call about Southchester and decide to return. I would have liked to see how O dealt with Maeve.
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