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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. See, Moiraine only offers the cup of wine to Logain. She knows how to bargain. I guess this is the episode of Moiraine stomping around. I like the chemistry with Selene and Rand. Last week the party, and here on the mountain. The other warders being so nice to Lan was really well done too. I disagree that warders aren't their equals though. Certainly Lindsay Duncan isn't inferior to anyone! I'm certainly pro-Moiraine, but that checkmate was brilliant. Rand dispatching the Fade without so much a blink was outstanding. It's interesting that he was channeling without doing the hand deal that the women do. That's how you make an entrance Moiraine! I think Rand's reaction was fair, but I also liked how he came to his senses when Moiraine said, 'you know I can't lie' and got his stuff and left. She did say "I'm a monster too". I'm really surprised at the Selene reveal this early on. I don't think she did because she kept asking about why Rand needed the wine, and he wouldn't tell her. Please see the book thread. All the behind the scenes are great. I was saying that Moiraine was wearing a weird looking kimono, and the segment was about a French-Japanese mash up. In the third scenario, after Ny runs into Lan and the Arch shimmers, she says "I almost feel like I'm in a dream". I would say that's a reasonable interpretation.
  2. Is there a reason why the original Prologue wasn't shown yet, or do you think we'll get it at some point? I'm not clear on why they're bothering to age up Moiraine either. I guess that blows my theory about Liandrian having the son indicating she is free of the Oath Rod. I think we're clearer on no Asmodean if Moiraine is charging Logain to teach Rand. I think it's a good call since they've introduced him actively in the show so early, and I would assume the show is still planning on him being the 'one who follows after'. I still really want Rand to learn the sword though. I wonder that the show is communicating Tel'Aran'Rhiod to the nonbookers not so well. It has to be confusing. I don't know if it's the best move to establish that the Foresaken just can't be killed. I suppose it's a good workaround for the Dark One just bringing them back because you probably don't want the Dark One a recurring character on the show. We better get Moiraine beating Lanfear in the end though. I suppose this probably sets it up. Maybe a couple more straight up Moiraine outwitting Lanfear and Lanfear beating on her builds that up. I remember being like, "oh yeah Min" when she popped up in the books. There's a ton of leeway at this point for her on the show. I really do hope the show expands on her role in delving into the philosophy of the Wheel discusses this more with Rand. I can totally buy Min just being exhausted about being abused as a kid and turning to the dark for release from it. I'm guessing Ish is maybe trying to get Mat to Rand to make Min's vision come true, but doesn't know he's taveran. I bet that's when Mat's 'luck' kicks in.
  3. The weedwhacker is a gimmick because the inquisitors just weren't good enough to fight for real, and there weren't enough people to train them. The Empire just pressed a lot of them into service. Not all of them may have been force sensitive even.
  4. How is the agency getting hired? I think the warm beer is what caused Archer's problem. There's no way the truck would have been trashed if Pam was driving either. I liked that the team came around and did the right thing, but if Lana thinks the agency is going to be taking missions based on morality, they're going to go bankrupt.
  5. Don't forget; that is in the Arches. The plague is only a possible reality.
  6. Blade down also works better when your double wielding. The picture shows that.
  7. No, I only heard it because of the subtitles. I saw a theory about Anakin (spoiler for Clone Wars in case) -
  8. I can buy that, but I still think she clearly got the better of Baylan here until she injured her hand. Taking that into context, she definitely wasn't worried about the Inquisitor. I think she would have mopped the floor with Baylan with the two sabres in a straight up duel. I know they needed to move the plot to this point, and I like the show. I can fanwank she needed one hand free to disable the map. That's good enough for me. They never struck me as 'sith' per se on the show because they talked in complete, actual sentences, so the question over the color of the blade naturally arose with me. I'm not sure how they got orange though because the red sabres are synthetic crystals iirc. I'm not sure the show is going to get into that; I don't think it's necessary.
  9. It's still funny that Morgan Freeman couldn't talk because he was eating a sandwich. Was Spanish Roger actually Roger? It wouldn't surprise me.
  10. I certainly agree that Thrawn can't return under any circumstances, but I think she's jumping the gun a little bit at this point. I'd think reporting on the giant hyperspace station would be the priority. I was bitching about how there's no way the wannabe Inquisitor would be any shred of a threat to Ahsoka, and she basically messes with him for 5 minutes and literally shreds him in one move. I'm not sure why she went single sabre. Big HA at the screen for me. I think the Baylan fight was fair with Ahsoka being better until she got injured. Although I don't see how an injured hand would be that much of a detriment. She can still jump and push. It's not like the character the show is named after is dead. I'm not feeling this baby sith as much either. I think that might be the point though. Another big HA at 'you have no power.' Well, you got no sabre now, girl, so what's up there? I thought Sabine would maybe snatch the map at the end and run or end up using the force because of the extreme duress. Is it established anywhere that the other blades are actually orange and not red? I'd like to see more of this. Take the gloves off. She should have finished off Baylan with the two blades. I don't know why she was holding back. I was thinking at the end that the 'backwash' of the hyperspace jump might have sucked the Ghost in with it. Sabine is going to the other galaxy, and it seems there's general agreement that Ahsoka can get there on her own, but that's it. Hera doesn't know where they're going or the means to get there.
  11. They zoomed in on the F, and it looked the same to me. Oliver made a remark about how many ways people can write F; implying that there's few, intending to talk himself out of what he was thinking. I can buy Loretta wrote it, but I think she's another red herring. The show did enough work to establish that for me. They need to explain her scrapbook though.
  12. I think the subtle point was flipping the old saw 'Advanced science being indistinguishable from magic' as a send up of everyone going bonkers during the pandemic. And the omicron joke.
  13. For a third season, breaking up the main team isn't unheard of. The fact that many of us don't like it means it's working. The framing of the play to drive it makes sense because Oliver may be on his last shot. I don't think Tobert is anything more than wanting to cash in on finding the murderer and being hot for Mabel. Given he left the camera rolling in the dressing room, I wouldn't be surprised if he's filling now with a smaller one pinned to his shirt or something. I'm looking forward to a lot of Cinda and Mabel interaction, but I don't think anyone here thinks that will be good for Mabel.
  14. I'd bet 'looking over the shoulder'. I can't imagine you'd get rid of the actor.
  15. SYNCHRONIZE SWATCHES Parker Lewis was a far superior show because they didn't make it Ferris doing Ferris things every single day.
  16. Beat Maul like the bitch that he was. She also has enough Force that she purified the Inquisitor blades to pure white. Only Kenobi had a white blade in ANH. Finding Ezra isn't really Luke's agenda right now. He still has family. She doesn't need to consult him on anything, and I'm not sure what advice he could give. She's far more experienced.
  17. Oh, that makes more sense. I guess it is taking magic away in a sense because no one can find dreamland anymore.
  18. I think it means that Queen Mop Girl decided to take magic out of the world.
  19. The return of the angry dome! I liked that we still have 1000 more years of dealing with covid. "Linda. Morbo and Linda." Gumbotron. Lots of gumbo jokes. Fry made Leela dinner too. The show took a loooooong walk to get to that omicron varient joke.
  20. There may not have been a huge blow up irl in one big scene, but something had to happen over that period to get the team back on track. It could have been Riley just getting back to his scrappy NBA roots. West made a comment about it. The wife said Riley was better than his dad, so maybe the suits stemmed from him accepting that. Magic's look when Riley chewed out Kareem was priceless. I think that sold the team in the scene. I really hope some of that happened. Could you imagine telling Kareem that he retired two months ago?
  21. When the little girl was crawling under the table they showed some sigils people were wearing and one of them had on the Aes Sedai ring. Watch the behind the scenes. They specifically point it out. Right now she can't really weave anything, so I'm sure it will come. She needs to cleanse the taint, but that takes massive skill. I think we need to have someone stilled because we have to show
  22. I don't think it was instant. They lost a bunch of games until Riley blew up. That looked like a couple of months to me. Kareem didn't come around at first either, so that was probably dragging the team down. I bet irl there had to be an adjustment going back to the Showtime style offense.
  23. Who gets Rand to pick up Callandor? You could have Ish just be in that scene. Rand needs to lose the hand, but Semirage could do it easily. I think you need Demandred because of the end with Lan, but if that's all they show than viewers are going to call foul. Making him Taim is going to kill purists, but I don't care. I think that's all you need.
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