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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. Finale! I didn't have much to do today, so I gunned the last batch of episodes. I got more new shows coming up so I needed to wrap the show up anyway. Kai putting off her promotion is fine, but it's silly to portray that she needs to start the job *right now*. Having to move, etc., would take time, and she's probably not on the payroll until their equivalent of the start of the fiscal year. It's kind of a weak take that she gave up the promotion. Why bother? Just have her contemplating a career move. I don't see Walker needs to sell the ranch either. Hire a manager, or sell a stake in it and take some of the profits. I knew the whole arrest was staged because the Chief was so off the chain. He should have known Ernesto and Kai weren't going to just stand down. They could have seriously screwed up the mission, which they kind of did. The scene about the cons being glad for a second chance was funny. When they said that the network was running through the warden's server, I'm surprised neither Ernesto or Walker thought that was fishy right off the bat. Kudos to the actor playing Vargas though playing it to the hilt. This was exciting, but we needed a lot to swallow to roll with it. Great to see the Chief really working the whole case.
  2. They had a quick line in the drawing room scene about him racking up bills harassing them. So maybe he threatened them into silence. Or paid them off. Old Times So, we want to see Walker be a PI with Rita as his internet sleuth sidekick with her tv detective knowledge, right? I am liking his solo investigating; getting the fingerprints, getting them out of the room. I didn't see Walker being the target, but I have to call some shenanigans on Alex not facing the door or just not hearing them come in. Are there hotel rooms where the desk is to the back of the door? Usually they're along the walls. I could see that with the two of them and only the one exit, they might have got the shot on him. Still though. I do like the casino being a new setting for the show, and Kai knowing the use the kitchen. I can understand Ann being ticked because she told Walker to stay out of it, but does she know him? She should have figured a better way to clue to him in, or get a message to Kai. Kai and Ernesto are so awesome beating the goons with the plates. I feel like my not wanting to ship Kai and Walker is losing ground though. I really don't want to see her agonizing over the promotion because of Walker.
  3. Maybe she got more tattoos. It just seems like her shoulder one is less covered up now. Like I said, it doesn't matter to me. Just something I observed. Uncoupled I do like that Walker was immediately ready to help the girl out as soon as Kai brought it up. I got a kick out of them playing it up all hippie. It's got to be fun for the actors to stretch out of the usual roles. And we get some Lockhart! The cult leader was a perfect douchebag. Fairly rigid gender roles for a cult. Kai and Walker's continual looks of incredulity were hilarious. I wonder if they were trying to make each other break. I liked the whole 'assemble in the drawing room' to reveal the murderer. I knew the head lady had something to do with it, but the plot twist was good. I actually hope they don't ship Kai and Walker. I don't think the show needs it. "in the beeeeddd?!" Ernesto steals the ending.
  4. I remember that one where she covered them up with makeup wearing a sleeveless dress. I thought it was odd they went to the effort to use makeup to cover her up than just clothes. I've only watched the episodes once up to All In right now, and it just seems like she's wearing more tank tops and we're seeing the tattoos more this season versus her more covered up last season or just shot from different angles where you didn't see them versus now. I'm not criticizing her (the character) for having tattoos, or the actor for having tattoos. I didn't see why it was a big deal (from memory) that we just didn't see them and now it's not (seemingly a big deal) from what I've seen. All In Nice to see Ann make a return. She seems to be overwhelmed having to run the family empire. Smart scheme to test the casino security. I don't care what movie or show, 'we're going to rob a casino', and I'm there. Also this season Kai trash talks so much more, and I'm there for it. Kind of a cheat though to let the others in on the scam on the heist. Very clever to target ATMs to rob the casino than the shoe though. "Let's go steal a casino"! They even played the Leverage music! This was a lot of fun but kind of far fetched for the show. I liked we got a return of Angelo. Going back to reinstating the uncle lands well for the show.
  5. I think the timestamp said 1973. I didn't know Chip was still in 1975. The problem I have with Joyce saying no, is that she already admitted that Doug has good ideas when he suggested Constance publish Minx. She could have acknowledged that it was a good idea, but not what she thinks of the Minx brand. That's entirely her prerogative since Minx is her intellectual property, then maybe have Constance remark that expanding on Minx while it's so hot is the right business move. The main point of the episode though was that Joyce was up her own ass, and she needs to snap out of it. She blew off Shelly before the bath house meeting too. I suppose the point was that Tina was schooling Joyce on being able to say no, which she did to Doug at the end. However, I thought Joyce mismanaged both scenarios. I don't think it was bad. Instead of the gay bath house, they could have done a Roman theme and put in some women. They already did that in the last shoot with the cowboy theme. I'm surprised Tina didn't say anything to him. She could have still sputtered trying to say no to Richie while explaining why and still having Tina say the same thing.
  6. I certainly think it's a good idea to issue cards for time wasting, but I also think you need a hard limit on VAR too. That wastes time as well.
  7. Everyone is dumping on Tina, and she is not having it. I liked when she refused to reimburse the valets for Joyce with a flat 'no'. I was confused about 'Graham' because I thought they said he was Glenn Frey in the last episode. I kind of feel bad for Bambi. She seems to genuinely like Shelly (Shellfish so great) and keeps getting rebuffed. She was great at the club. I'm not really sure where Shelly is going. She's been swinging really hard; I'm not sure why sex with Bambi is that big a deal at this point. I mean, I suppose she knows she likes her too and is working through it, but she's still having a lot of sex. I don't quite why Joyce was so against Club Minx though. Doug was correct in that Minx should be expanding the brand beyond just the magazine. I think Joyce owed him more than just a 'no' at least out of professional respect. Ok, maybe the club idea doesn't work, but expanding Minx is a legitimate conversation to have. Just shutting him down is short-sighted. Not to fault Richie, but Joyce was correct about the bath house shoot. She also owed him an explanation.
  8. They'll probably just time jump the next episode to 1780.
  9. I think we said in the last episode that he didn't go to America present day because there was some line about money trouble due to alimony. Which begs the question as to how you're paying the boat fare in 1781. Second, Jem isn't dumb. He's lived in the past 99% of his life and he speaks the language. He could literally just tell another adult that he's being kidnapped. He probably learned that their house has their relatives there in 1781. Isn't Jenny there? Technically, with Jamie and Claire coming into Scotland in 1777-8 (I don't know how long the trip was) they may actually still be there in 1781. Assuming Rob hasn't traveled before, Jem should be able to give him the slip if he doesn't get too scared. I bet they don't even get to Inverness let alone get on the boat.
  10. So is P.I.M.P. mode. Crucial point. First of all, he was able to go through the stones, presumably. He had to have known about them or heard some legend because he would have needed two gems. We know that you can go through with what you're wearing. Roger, Bree, and young Jem also had a rope tied around them, but they ended up in the same place. So we don't know if you could, for example, take an apple back/forward with you. Did we need this plot though? I know it's in the books, but you couldn't write something instead around Buck? But we heard Roger; they're going to have to get a boat America from Inverness during the Revolutionary War. It's got to be close to Yorktown. Total chaos. So they're going to land where? Then get to the cave and another boat back. I first remember this whole 'midseason finale' nonsense with Mad Men. I don't know what the marketing goal is in stretching it out over such a long time. I'm going to forget by the time the show rolls around.
  11. I didn't know how much I needed Claire waving around a sword. All the yelling aside, Claire does have a point. Jamie fighting isn't changing anything. I don't think Jamie would just up and leave, but who's going to stop them? After the scene with the lashing scars, it's clear why Jamie would still be invested in the revolution. I thought Jamie was going to shoot the cousin. Whoops. I'm glad they showed Arnold being pissy though. Not as good as in Washington's Spies. Well, looks like we were right about the gold. Also about the idiocy of leaving the letters out. We're going to have to have to start calling Young Ian, Young Mack Ian! Rachel was in super swoon mode when he left. Then he wrecked it in the battle! William has Jamie's hat. I still think he's going to turn. It would nicely bookend Arnold. All's well that end's well, with the trip to Scotland. Will we see Jenny next year then? Can you not bring a dog on a ship? I'm surprised we didn't get much B plot.
  12. S2E1 I was going to call bs on the time jump at the beginning. The Lakers had two more appearances in the finals, duking it out with the 76ers before meeting Boston for the first time. Boston still had to get through the 76ers, and they lost it in 1981. It was clever though. The Boston fans were exactly like that back in the day. The Lakers lost in 84. Magic totally blows it. Knowing all that, it seems the season will show them being their own worst enemies. I hope there's just one season of 84-85. Great use of 'Magic'. Did they have paternity tests back then? Magic said he 'was careful'. I was thinking that the woman just was blaming Magic to get some cash. I forgot how much I like Hughes playing Kareem. And West. Brilliant. I get they're playing up the Magic/Kareem, but they were both essential to the team.
  13. Looks like we're going to be seeing extra stoppage time this season. Games will be longer to start, but I think once the refs start issuing cautions for rolling around or dallying for goal kicks, it will even out.
  14. Coming from such a Marge fan? Perish the thought. I full expect Fry to do dumb things, but Leela was drunk in the last episode too.
  15. Well, the guy was being cheeky to get into the striker's head. The ref either has to issue a card or tell him to knock it off. Everyone toes the line to see what they can get away with.
  16. Look how long it took Messi to get the one. None of the back to back women's champs won a third so far either. The 12 year span is just too arduous. The closest decade long dominance imo was the Spain team that won Euro-WC-Euro. And that's only one world cup. I don't think they advanced out of the group stages in the next one. The US mens hoops had got beat before, and there were three or four teams that were good, but (not counting the Soviet scam and when they didn't go), they won the gold medal literally all the time since 1936. They started playing with pros in 1992 and demolished everyone. 2004 was a sea change that led to a major restructuring of how the mens team was put together. The women got beat before, but it's basically been the US and three or four teams, really until now. Yes, the US didn't play well for a lot of reasons, but there's a lot more teams that may not be better, but the level of competition is certainly elevated. Going in with a very green team isn't going to work. Sure, they probably should have beaten Sweden in the 120 minutes, but you get inexperienced players into PKs and look what happens. So maybe not directly comparable, but I think as an organization, they need to look how they're assembling a squad and what they can do to develop this young talent.
  17. I feel like this could have taken place on the moon. Otherwise, they certainly hit the nail on the head about the energy use mining bitcoin, and taking the mining to do an old west plot was a lot of fun. Even limboing factored in. I liked the end when Fry asked Leela if he could escort her to the brothel, and she was totally into it. I was worried that the show would make Leela kind of long suffering of Fry, and, she knows he's an idiot, but they look like a good relationship.
  18. They haven't actually named any Foresaken on the show; they just showed the figurines. So they're not locked in to having them on the show. I doubt they're going to waste time on 13 flashbacks to establish each's origin story.
  19. Not too late for s'mores! I'm going to miss Pam.
  20. They do look orange. I wonder if there's a reason they're not the standard red. Maybe they made them when they were jedi.
  21. She might be the only character who actually has common sense. How many people are just all, "Oh, this guy is the Dragon? Whatever." This isn't a spoiler, but the Foresaken are the hugest snowflakes ever. One turns because Lews is better looking, another because he's short. At least Ish knows Rand is really the Dragon and enjoys just messing around. They should have made a Good Omens version with just those two.
  22. Wasn't Yoda talking about the Sith when he said 'always two there are?' That's kind of out of context. Secondly, if they're saying 'always master and apprentice,' it seems strongly implied that Sabine is the apprentice and Force sensitive. I still don't know why you'd train a non Force user with a sabre to fight Force users.
  23. The Portugal game was the critical failure. The US needed to win the group to avoid Sweden. That's really their sole nemesis. I also don't understand taking out Morgan in the 99th minute and not being there for potential PKs if not to get a winner in extra time. I agree about better tactics though. The time of just picking players and rolling the ball out have passed, and they should have known that. I don't know if it was here, but someone commented that this is like the men's basketball team only getting the bronze. Basketball worldwide caught up, and the days of just picking 10 guys was over. 14 of the 22 players were in their first world cup, no?
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