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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. I don't think I'd combine Demandred with Rahvin because I think Rand needs to kill him dead and very dead with balefire. The time erasure of the balefire is critical to bring Mat back. I don't even remember what Mesaana did. Balthamel.
  2. Let us know where you are in the show so we don't spoil for you. But, yes, Anna is a human woman. Not any alien.
  3. I'm not sure it had to be held to the end. We could have seen it and not the characters. That's done on tv all the time. I don't have a record player, so I could at least see why one might not be into vinyl, but with sites like bandcamp out there, clearly, there's a market. I don't think the show was going into much detail, but Maggie should have had a stronger online/mail order business selling to collectors overseas. The store itself should have been on bandcamp or discogs. She could have been breaking new bands too. But you have Az with the bookstore even though he won't sell books, so the show is kind of going for a retro vibe.
  4. "This sex scene really isn't done that well." "Throw Phil Collins over it. This is the 80s now." If they time jump again, they better play Against All Odds. Take a look at me now!
  5. I totally didn't see the Nina twist coming though. Well done.
  6. I don't think they were playing like it was already theirs, but the offense just didn't get going in the group stage. Win the group, you avoid this match. The 0-0 against Portugal did them in. The team was young overall and lacked mental experience.
  7. Consider me surprised that the flash mob is a real thing. It may have warranted a line of exposition. It was clever to use the flash mob to cover for the breakout though. They took the time to explain the hungry ghosts and Ghost Month in the next episode. I certainly do enjoy the show showing us these cultural nuances and traditions, but I think it's fair criticism that the execution of the scene could have been better. Episode 6 I liked the coded phone conversation. That was also clever. I liked how they tied the 'hungry ghost' to an actual case of foul play for Ivan. I did like Walker not really buying the seance. Kane really sold it without saying anything.
  8. I've never seen a hug, but I have seen them try to go up and shake hands. Apparently the rule is only 'no taunting or showing disrespect'. It's in the ref's purview to tell him to knock it off, but it's not really against the rules per se. They've also really restricted movement of the keeper on the line before the ball is struck, minimizing already near infinitesimal odds of making a save beyond just picking a side and going. Any little edge and head game is fine by me. I used to point at the kicker, but I think that wouldn't fly now.
  9. Episode 5 I thought it was kind of ridiculous that Alex's ex wife wouldn't let him drive the car because of 'insurance'. She can be ticked at him all she wants, but she knows this is what he knows how to do. I don't get the flash mob in the prison. This episode was kind of sloppy.
  10. They did show the 12 figurines on the show early on representing the Foresaken. I could see a couple of them being merged because two of them that were at the Eye in the books weren't there on the show. So many are so important to drive the plot that it's hard to merge or drop any. I think maybe you could merge Semihrage and Grendael because they kind of did the same thing. You need the scene with her and Rand with you all know what. I think the main problem is, in the books we only get like a grand total of 50 pages on the Foresaken and they all talk so obliquely that doing that on a tv show is going to look like manufactured drama to move the plot along, which is what they basically did. There's only a few of them with major continuing impact. It's a more than fair criticism that you basically get nothing and then it's all, "It's Rahvin!" And Rand goes, 'nah bro', and blammo. I liked book 6, but there is one major issue I have, which I'll wait until Ava is done. This is really when the drop off started for me though and the series became more of waiting for some scenes than an actual book that was driving the narrative to the last battle. I'll say more about the switch to the second author when we get there. I know this is the book topic, but it's too big for Ava right now so I'll tag it-
  11. I'll be a little oblique until more people watch. Would Joyce not know who Annie Leibovitz was in 1973? Rolling Stone was big big big then, and she's the chief photographer. I appreciate that she at least was avoiding the Rolling Stone journalist for what she thought was a legitimate reason than just not realizing the magazine was important in 1973. Carl Sagan was fantastic just being there. I can't imagine how Doug convinced him. Clever writing for Bambi to use the same dialogue in different ways with Richie and Joyce. And showing some ambition at the end. Constance had a good point about advertisers wanting to target women and not wanting the magazine to be only for gay guys. It's not fair, but in 1973, it's reality. Mistress Bella! I did not see that coming at all. Linda was super cute too.
  12. That's what I think the show is saying after the first two seasons. They actively tried to change 'history' and it played out the same. Even Black Jack died when Claire said he would. I don't think anyone is concerned the result of the Revolution is in doubt. No, not really. The Revolution from the North has been done tons of times, so I'm not seeing we're mining any new material here. Why isn't it on tonight? It's seems odd to skip a week.
  13. I don't think she was correct in saying that the team thought they would walk out there and deserve the win, but I think that might have been by design. The technical analysis was fine. To be fair, they've only allowed one goal. However, the offense isn't really getting going. I also didn't think that they were going to walk through either. It's a young team overall, and it's a new game. There's more teams and the level of competition is better than it's ever been.
  14. Keepers do legitimately get wailed on as well. Most of the time, the guys get tagged in the junk. That's 90 seconds minimum.
  15. Or to milk a minute or two off the clock. Sometimes you get a whack to the shin or the knee and you do need to shake it off.
  16. I don't mind that they went to America, but it's maybe not lazy, but derivative, that they're in the northern thick of the revolution. I thought it would have been far more interesting had they remained in the south because you just don't see anything on tv from that pov. Not exactly. The first two seasons showed that they couldn't affect what's happened already. They couldn't avoid Culloden. Jamie isn't concerned that America isn't going to lose the Revolution. That's why is kind of ridiculous that he's in the thick of battle and maybe not being a printer in Wilmington or a southern rebel spy.
  17. I'm riveted to your process. I don't want to give away my impressions and affect it. Rand was all like, "nooopppppe. Bitch". I wouldn't say Rahvin was lame. He's not a top tier Foresaken, but when you think about it; he totally gaslighted the queen of the most powerful nation in the continent. Basically, fracturing the established power structure isn't a bad plan. It was working. He didn't count on Rand though.
  18. It's a shame we didn't get any flashback.
  19. Well, they're still holding up defensively. They only conceded once. Completing a lot of passes doesn't mean talking a lot of shots either. Sure, they're playing below expectations, which are astronomically high, but Morgan hasn't gotten going yet either. They still advanced. The coaches need to take the group stage as a wake up call though.
  20. I couldn't get up that early, but it sounded like they were flat. Seems like they controlled the servos half though. Is that right?
  21. I am the Grand Midwife from the other day! I'm disappointed if they killed off the whale-bear biologist though.
  22. I didn't think that was the end of this series because it was so abrupt. There just wasn't much plot to it. Everything added up; the match box, the song, etc., but it all kind of dumped on at the end. It took a while for either of them to question Gabriel at all. I thought Az would have been fine keeping him there forever, but that's not really a solution. I certainly hope there is another season because it's really a downer ending.
  23. I still could probably get off 5 arrows in that time, and I'd be further than the range of the guns though.
  24. It's from Futurama. They're making a joke about Lando flirting with the droid.
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