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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. Everyone wants to see a KOTOR movie. You're printing money.
  2. I agree that Young Ian's situation should have been delved into more. I'm unspoiled, but I'm assuming they're stuck in Wilmington for a while, so maybe it will come up. I also agree he's more Mohawk than Scot at this point. However, I will throw the show a bone. Bree basically told him the fate of Native Americans. For one, there's nothing he can really do. The other, many tribes fought for the Brits, and he knows who wins the war. Taking all that from Jamie's pov, why have him possibly die for nothing? Now, there's plenty of good they all might have been able to do outside just fighting.
  3. He has since he returned to the Ridge. But, again, no discussion. They're plowing through plot and it's only been three episodes. Of course, the rest of the season probably is in Wilmington and they won't get to Scotland until next year. I kind of wanted Jamie to be part of a winning war and finally beat the Brits for literally slaughtering his way of life. The fact that Jamie has had 2 future dreams better pay off.
  4. Always important to show the cat in the previouslies. I'm not sure why they couldn't have taken him on the trip. Just make a crate. We had such a lively discussion about how Roger and Bree and the kids would get to Joe, and literally nothing. I will, however, pat myself on the back about remarking that I would like Claire and Jamie to be able to communicate to them from the past. So there's that. I genuinely felt bad when Jamie looked on in defeat when the house burned. He did build it. But he got right back up and is ready to build another house. Nothing gets by Young Ian! re: William And he should have zero guilt for Bug. And I would have slit his throat myself for threatening the dog. I don't really care about the Bug plot. I think the show just needed this much of the plot as a set up for the gold stash for the house. I actually hope nothing else comes of it. You stole gold, ok, fine, buried it and hid it for whatever, then your wife took a shot at Jamie and got got. I wonder if the discussion about 'who better to guard than a ghost?' was the callback/foreshadowing to Claire seeing Ghost!Jamie before her first trip through the stones. That he's guarding her to make sure she goes through. It's interesting that Jamie is having future dreams regularly too since he's literally having visions of telephones. He got Fiona right too. Claire's totally casual about it. "Oh it's a telephone! You can call people!" Really, you don't think it's remotely interesting that someone in 1776 had a dream and described a telephone perfectly? Doesn't warrant any follow up questions about what else he might have dreamt? I'm all excited they were going to get involved in the Revolution, and they're buggering off to Scotland. Not that I don't like Scotland, and who doesn't love Jenny?; she's going to go berserk when she sees them, but the plot strikes me as kind of a cop out. I don't like that Young Ian didn't have a say in what he wanted to do either. I would guess with Bree in Scotland that they'll read a letter before they go back to Boston and realize Jamie and Claire are there and head back for a visit. We're certainly going to see the gold again. I'm disappointed in the direction, but I did mostly enjoy the episode. They're going to be the original Escape to the Chateau! I'm thinking even more now that Roger and Bree pop back for an update, so Jamie knows where to send the chest. There has to be some two way communication at some point. Although I think it's going to be a while. I think the Revolution will delay them in Wilmington. Roger and Bree seemed resigned to have to stay in 1976. I don't quite get why. With the letters, they know where to find Claire, and they both seemed to want to go back. I suppose maybe the baby's health may preclude it, but there could have been some line of dialogue. They've been in 1976 (or whatever 1970s) long enough to grow bangs and have different haircuts.
  5. The story starts about the country boys going to the big city, but Nynaeve is really the fish out of water story, if the fish breathed fire and shot lightning out of its eyes. I never liked that she was discouraged from getting angry because she was entirely justified about 1000% of the time.
  6. Such amazing choices with Goldschalger and Jeigermeister. I'm dry heaving just typing it. "Malcolm and his dad" Cranston and Paul are way game to jump on this script. I actually liked this a little better than last week.
  7. We're having a lot more fun with how they're getting to the hospital than what the writers are probably doing. I certainly hope this isn't the plot of the next episode though.
  8. I think that's what we were speculating at the time. Gellis alluded to it in the episode, but I don't recall anything specific and concrete established by the show. There's no instruction manual anywhere. I certainly would welcome more discussion on the show, but they just aren't going to do that.
  9. DoctorAtomic

    The NBA

    I don't think he'd post up much because, as you said, it's not really a thing anymore. Defensively, they also play zone now, and a scorer like Bird wouldn't be matching up on the other team's top scorer anyway. He'd get a lot of weak side rebounds with so many 3s now. He certainly would adapt, but there's still room for that 17 foot fade with the game more open due to the 3s. There were still a decent amount of midrange shots just in the Finals off pick and rolls. I don't know if he'd drive as much, but the back door cutting and easy layups again still works in this era.
  10. I like getting Charlie's family because he's the most well adjusted.
  11. That's been consistent about the stones. I'm assuming they can walk to Wilmington without too much of a problem. She murdered her husband to do it, and I think she told Claire she ended up overshooting where(when) she thought she landed.
  12. I think maybe because he's largely inoffensive to the older demographic that watches these shows. I don't know otherwise. I watch Game Show Network a lot, and there's a wide range of hosts that are good.
  13. They need to get away from jedi, jedi, jedi. Ahsoka is a popular character and she's proof positive you don't need 'jedi' per se. That said, if you're going into the past just do a KOTOR movie.
  14. I hope that's on the moon. How are there a million must see shows for me this summer?
  15. I saw a pay phone in Salt Lake in 2013, and I lost my mind.
  16. I didn't know if it was mentioned in the show. I don't rewatch. I thought I could have missed something. I do recall in the first season, there was a song at the party about a traveller and the stones. Claire made the connection that she could in fact travel forward (or, back to 1947). I thought it would be neat if the person they were singing about was an ancestor. It also could be something like being lefthanded. You don't have to have either parent be lefthanded. Sometimes it just happens.
  17. I knew a few phone numbers. Now, I don't even know my office phone. You could also actually call a pay phone, so they could just leave a message to call at a certain time.
  18. DoctorAtomic

    The NBA

    I've seen that story on you tube. I'm sure it's easily searchable. He was never really known as a driver, so it's hard to think a spot up shooter wouldn't be successful today. He created his own shot well too. I really wasn't sophisticated enough to know what the Celtics 'system' was; like how the Bulls ran the triangle, and I only really know about Showtime from the documentary-drama on HBO. We all saw both the Heat and Nuggets run pick and rolls and screens. I can't see how Bird wouldn't get his looks. The only other technical limitation is that just about everyone now is expected to be able to handle the ball well, when back then, really, DJ was the one bringing it up all the time. Bird was still effective in transition though. Of course, Rodman isn't analyzing this nearly as much as we are. And here it is!
  19. DoctorAtomic

    The NBA

    That's an odd take. The game is as at least as open as it was in the 80s, and far less physical now. Is he saying that Bird wouldn't have the athleticism to keep up with the pace? Maybe he's only a 30 minute player now, but you're still getting 20+ points and 10 assists. I like Rodman as a player, but he's got considerable historical bias here.
  20. The Alexa device looks like a MOM invention. I'm glad Fry and Leela are together still.
  21. Even if they forget Joe's number, they can call 411. Everyone was in the phone book back then. I'd like to see some funny scenes, but I'd rather the show focus on the past.
  22. I was just saying moving around in the general population in 1976 that I don't see them running into much of a problem. I'm assuming Joe is the fix-all to this issue to do the surgery on the baby, and they just need to get to him. Certainly there could be problems along the way; a chatty traveler asking too many questions, someone picking a fight with Roger and the police getting involved. Roger's been in the US in the 'present' so he might actually have a visa on file. I mean, we all know without being spoiled that this is largely going to play out. The drama probably will be when they return and see the ruined house and maybe not knowing where Claire went if they left the ridge.
  23. Other than Gellis-Roger, I don't recall the show getting into how Claire has the ability. Maybe it was the guy from the first season.
  24. I thought it was both because Gellis and Claire didn't inherit the trait.
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