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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. DoctorAtomic

    The NBA

    I don't think Green thinks he is going to get that kind of money for being a role player on another team. He should be proud of his career, but he's got to know he's closer to retirement than not that a team would pay him that much.
  2. tbh, with the courts basically shut down, and, you know, a full scale war going on, who's going to bother if Jaime does kill him? Aren't they in Wilmington right now? It's not like they're back on the ridge and Brown has allies from his vigilante group. Who would know really? Brown dragged Claire to Wilmington to be prosecuted for murder. A high ranking crown officer took her to help with his wife's labor. That's legal; she didn't pull a jailbreak. Somehow, Brown dies. No one there knows him enough to follow up. I'm sure his genteel personality wasn't making any friends that anyone who might know him peripherally there would care either.
  3. How many times can you say 'c***' on television? I was dying at the trophy, and then they kept saying it! Glad to see Cricket again. I miss the McPoyles though. I like how Charlie is always the sane one with his family.
  4. "Let's go get my wife." That's a line you put in to imply it's going bonkers. Say what you want about the show, and I've certainly (fairly) criticized it, but I really got excited for the theme again. I completely didn't think the courts would be shut down due to the Revolution. I was expecting high courtroom drama. I was really surprised that 'Ringo' said there were *five* travelers. I hope that pays off later. I would have helped him escape. Bree was being intractable; justifiably, but also kind of hypocritical. She was placed out of time and put in circumstances she couldn't control either. Roger wasn't wrong in saying he did what he had to do to keep on keeping on, and, unfortunately, that was doing nothing while people suffered; they would have regardless. Roger being there wouldn't have changed anything. Ringo goes back to help Native Americans; even in the 'present' 1970s, Bree and Roger know enough to know about Native Americans. Did Bree forget that Roger being in the wrong place at the wrong time got him swinging from a tree by his neck? Well, we all were in agreement that Malva wasn't Mr. Christie's biological daughter. We (fairly) complained about him and his self-righteousness last season, but that last monologue knocked it out of the park into the next time zone. I get why Claire would have difficulty thinking he did it, but I have no doubt he did. I thought so last season. I still think Allan was the father. I am glad they wrapped up Malva in this episode. I didn't want it to be dragged out. "Make your peace with the Lord if you must. Mr Brown." Bookending the BAMF. Great shot of Jamie in half shadow. I don't think Jamie would straight up murder Mr. Brown, but Jamie is smart enough to play that Mr. Brown's band of incels is played out given the political landscape. The governor of the colony is in a 'floating prison', and clearly understands that he is at a disadvantage, since the show clearly pointed out that Fort Johnston was lost. I've said before that I do give credit to the show for showing the Revolution from the south. You don't see that in tv, and it looks like the show is ramping that up. So this is shaping up nicely for my Friday late evening summer entertainment. Last season was my Sundays, but I like kicking off the weekend instead.
  5. In one of the universes, Sheridan says, 'wait. The Shadows won?' That's why I was thinking maybe there they didn't blow up Zha'ha'dum.
  6. It would be hilarious if Sheridan pwns them at Zha'ha'dum in every universe. That's probably the key tactical victory to the shadow war.
  7. iirc, they wrapped up the story with Walker's partner in the finale. So maybe they can expand on the show universe more now and have more stories with a broader scope.
  8. It's an alternate universe, so you get some leeway. Sheridan is also a pain in their ass. They could be making a special exception. It's actually going to stream on Amazon Prime Video.
  9. I think they could just make the dreamworld 'dreamy' in post production to make it look cool enough. Mat & the Maidens are comedy gold.
  10. That's my take because it was so ridiculous. Pete made a comment when they were watching F&F on tv, and then when they were all driving, everyone was kind of meta-commenting.
  11. I thought it would be streaming somewhere.
  12. Also Ivanova swearing. The full 2 minute trailer is on youtube. It looks really good, and the plot makes sense in the context of the show/books. There's another character (who is actually alive) I was glad to see included as well. There's a couple of scenes I saw that were on the show that made a cool retcon.
  13. I think they were just the hostess fruit pies but just green. They were real though. I wonder if they actually found real ones or just made them up for the show. I like it when Charlie actually knows things. He's screaming about how he has to walk so far to the door from the spare room, but he's yelling at Mac about the uncle. "so we're just going to leave this?"
  14. I hope we see some real kick ass Ivanova.
  15. That might be so, but Homer does have a right to be upset that Marge kept it from him.
  16. I'll give the other side - I get so many useless emails during the day that by noon I want to strangle everyone. So coming to my office might actually be better. Because 95% of the emails are reply-all Thanks! or Good job! from the same two people. Of course, I have the rank where is you do come to tell me something, I can then dismiss you.
  17. I'm dying between the "get your nut" and Mac eating all the nuts. And asking if the tree is fancy. Everyone being totally incredulous about the giant room in Charlie's apartment. Would there be a kitchen somewhere. I liked Dee being smart and gluing to the wall instead of the door because they just removed the door.
  18. DoctorAtomic

    The NBA

    That was the chance to push and gain some ground. It's not like the game was out of reach. Jokic was on the bench for a lot of time. Brown made huge plays. Butler left a lot of points on the table. He drove the lane and had an easy 8 footer and kicked out way too much.
  19. DoctorAtomic

    The NBA

    Bam's acting job on Jokic's 5th foul might fuel their comeback.
  20. Hurry up! You've only got a week before the new episodes!
  21. DoctorAtomic

    The NBA

    I'm wondering if Murray and Jokic played a little too many minutes when they got up by 12+ to be fresh for Friday. Denver seemed to defend against the pick and roll better than on Sunday. Denver came out in the 3rd basically playing the same, but I think Miami had some bad shot selection and got a little tight throwing up some shots they didn't need to. Butler faded a little. That happened in game 2, and they came back though. I don't know if this time they got away from the shorter shots and drives or if Denver was a little better on defense. And it was still only a 10 point gap with about 2 minutes to go. I think Denver just made better adjustments.
  22. My parents have been married 50 years. They renew vows by going on cruises and hitting the slots.
  23. What does Lord John do in these books? I might be able to get into a series of Lord John doing Lordy things.
  24. Basically she's a ronin, which was the original idea of what a Jedi was. They're pushing all my buttons.
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