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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. Did anyone else know about the Battle of Saratoga without looking it up? Claire had a good education. And memory. The only battle I know off the top of my head is Yorktown.
  2. I'm just saying her not knowing immediately is reasonable since she never saw a portal before. I would have thought about it later myself, but they really don't talk much about these things on the show.
  3. We all speculated that it wasn't any random vagrant.
  4. *Of course* Claire stomps off after someone who should have been left, and of course she's abducted. Again. Of course, Claire essentially just assumes command. I thought William had the letters in his jacket. I guess he did lose them after all. Finally Bree gets around to telling Roger about the portal. Finally Roger gets something constructive to do besides moping. It was nice that so many people, young and old, showed up for the class. Finally we see the intruder! I'm not married, but even I know you don't make plans to have someone over without checking with your wife first. So does everyone else; so when you say it, they know that's a legitimate reply. I liked the whole Jamie and Young Ian Predator plot, all hunting around in the woods. I'm not sure why they went to the trouble of abducting Claire only to rescue her 20 minutes later. If it's only to get William and Young Ian in a scene, I'm all for it. I liked how when Young Ian and Rachel were laying on the heavy flirt, the dog was all, "Yes, pet me. Both of you." I also laughed when Jamie was carrying the turkey he hunted that I thought he probably ends up inventing Thanksgiving. I don't quite understand why Jamie "can't walk away". He isn't disputing Claire's account of history. Him being there isn't going to change the outcome either way. This was the whole tragedy of the first two seasons. It's not like Jamie being there at the Battle of Saratoga is crucial to the Revolution. He can walk right away and everything is going to unfold as we know it. tbh, I'm not super interested in Jamie as part of the Revolution proper. I've said plenty of times that seeing the Revolution from the southern pov is more interesting to me since I've never seen it on tv. I think it's a weak out in terms of plot. You could have William stationed in the south just as easily as in the north. I said that today in the E5 thread. That she might not have known what she was experiencing. We know it's a portal. She didn't. Credit though, they reasoned it out. So it would seem that with these 'lay lines' there could be portals all over. Yes, I've said the same. They're not holding too fast to any rules at this point. Whoever the guy was, Roger recognized him enough to punch him out. I just watched now, and rewatched the scene. Roger looks at him like he knows the guy. (If you look up this episode on imdb, it tells you who the character is. imdb also lists Young Ian as Young Ian.) I also like how Simon Fraser is Angus Macfadyen because he was such a character on the show about Washington's spy ring that 9 of us enjoyed a while back on here. They're zipping along this season!
  5. I don't know now. *We* knew it was a portal. Why would she know though? They've only used the stones.
  6. Yeesh. At my last doctor's visit, my blood pressure was way higher than Dennis. And when I went out with my friend, like the tea shop, she wanted ice cream for the dessert, but ice cream only came with other stuff. So we convinced the server to just not include the other stuff. I have to give Dennis credit though; he wasn't attacking the people. I know they don't want to listen to him rant, but he was saying "I'm not mad at you". People always accuse me of yelling at them, and I'm not. I have to couch my (justifiably) loud criticisms in disclaimers. He could have used a card, but it was a $10 minimum; that's why he bought two teas. I don't really carry cash because I use my card for miles, but I haven't run into any store that just flat out doesn't take cash.
  7. That's how you know. Also, the glib alternative is don't make essays that AI can write; however, that's a lot of time most educators don't have. I just don't see it at the praxis level so to speak.
  8. Yes, yet. However, I also did say previously that I understand why it is a point of contention, and I agree it should be addressed. They got burned on the residuals for the streaming, so I can understand why this issue should be thoroughly discussed. In general, I just don't think AI is going to be able to do everything with anything. It's approaching an asymptote already. It's also two issues - what the rules should be for an actor licensing their likeness, and what the rules are as to the role of AI in the writing process. I don't think the likeness issue would cost jobs viz. a writer, although, I just don't think AI will be able to write feature or dense tv scripts solely.
  9. I think there's no doubt. It's the last season. You have to pick that up to have her on the team.
  10. I don't think AI is going to be the threat it's being made out to be, but I think you can compromise on its use. For example, no, you can't use AI *alone* to make a spec script, or something like that.
  11. I think you still need a gem to go through the portal.
  12. I guess we can say their lack of asking questions is consistent at this point.
  13. Unless you're in academia or industry research (say, designing the EV batteries), then you really don't need a PhD. Really, we're looking through the lens of 2023, where literally all salaried jobs require a BS in something. My neighbor manages 75 convenience stores across the state. I'm sure she has a degree, but I'm doubtful it's providing necessary skills. Managing inventory, expenses; people, hiring. That takes attention to detail and not being an idiot. 1980 was *43* years ago. Just a quick search, the NYT said in 1970 that 80% of jobs over the next ten years won't require a BS. Bree wouldn't be expected to design the turbines, but she should know how they work. You'd get that in undergrad, and in a PE exam. Now, whether a 30-ish young woman would be able to walk in there and get the job versus a man; that's just tv. At this point though, you kind of have to accept the reality of the show. I don't hate watch it, but it was really hard to watch season 5 late, when all the discussion here had passed. Young Ian though. You can't hate watch on Young Ian.
  14. Holy shit that looks totally bonkers. The White Tower looks even more magnificent than was in my head. And in a turn of events, LanfearSelene actually looks like I thought. What was the bloody figure with the long hair? We've discussed all the changes they've made from the books; mostly, I think we agree that they needed to be made in translating to television. I have to say, the smartest was making Lan an actual person that talks. Lan training Rand is really a crucial character development, and it appears that they get this. Is season 2 only covering Book 2? I'm chomping for the scene with Callandor, Ish, and Rand, but we have a ways to go to get there. Actually, the whole breaking in to the Stone up to that is probably my favorite in the entire series.
  15. It's not like their striking every other year over the length of the coffee breaks. The last time it was this major, some guy named Ronald Reagan was in Dreser's position.
  16. That sounds local to their area, versus a general certification. Or maybe passing the first part of the PE. Typically, you take that exam in senior year because you have all the core classes completed, but that's not a requirement. The exam itself is reflective of an engineering undergraduate curriculum. It might have counted for something. We also know she was legitimately at MIT; they could call to verify. Transcripts can be requested. We know she's not an idiot for the most part; I'd assume her GPA was solid. It doesn't sound like the job requires a PhD, and not many do even now. The actual BS may not have been a requirement anyway. There weren't a ton in 1980 that were. She was a senior at MIT, she had to leave, and then took the initiative to get the extra guild/PE training. I can live with it. Let's face it; I like the show, but we all know the Frasers are sooper special. And the plot needed her to get the job to get into the tunnel to find the portal. It's not that much of a stretch for me on this show.
  17. I still don't think AI is there, but using AI to output a spec script is a reasonable argument. On the other side, leasing one's likeness to use with AI is also a legitimate point because you don't really know what fair market value is. Even if you're an actor that wants to do it, there's not really any guardrails. Would you license it forever? Or maybe only 10 years? James Earl Jones already worked out a deal to use his voice for Darth Vader posthumously. It's not like there's going to be a decline in interest for Vader. I'm blown away that The Nanny is leading the strike. Perhaps there should be a thread devoted to the strike since there seems to have been considerable interest and discussion over the past week.
  18. Claire could have also put a chunk of money into savings bonds or CDs, if they had them; high interest savings accounts. There were also still stocks back then too. DuPont, Coca-Cola, Boeing; they're all going to make you money. I'm not too worried either because we know they're going for the gold.
  19. I'm not up on Pete's life either because I'm also an adult, but I think you can get a feel for when things are played up. I think maybe that's the point. He got so famous that everything is larger than life, and sometimes even Pete can't tell.
  20. I watched that show! The 7 of us had lots of discussion right here.
  21. I meant a school that would be called a 'private school' in the US; i.e., they make their own rules and still might hit the kids.
  22. I did say 'not really their fault', but it's fair criticism that they gave up any residuals from streaming though. Even if it wasn't big big big, you think you'd still want something from it.
  23. That's on par with "I'm sorry you feel that way." We're coached on not saying that when you're trying to engage the public on hot button issues.
  24. I'm watching the episode where Meathead needs his appendix out, and there's a huge argument over which doctor to call and the cost. Archie is doing his usual thing about one of the doctors being a woman, and Gloria gives him some lip. Archie and Edith are at the table, and Archie says, 'you hear the lip on her?' Edith just says, 'mhmmm' and shoves some food in her mouth. Archie just gives her a wtf look and they cut to the living room, where Michael is on the couch. It's only a quick beat, but the audience just completely loses it. In the end, Archie ends up paying for the operation, but the punch line was that Archie's doctor ended up being a woman. Gloria really gives it to him.
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