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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. Knowing this show, next week, they're just going to be in North Carolina. They mentioned the wife was French, so I suppose he could be going back to kill them off, but that way outside the main plot.
  2. I do like the show; I don't hate watch. Largely, the conversation here enhances the viewing experience. However, there's a *lot* that happens because plot. I agree, but I also think he's quite shrewd. He noticed the 'hot eye' right away. Just an eye for detail, knowing people, and a good work ethic is really most of the job.
  3. Probably. I'm thinking there's a lot of need for water travel, so he can shuttle people around. Or tourists might want just a day out on the water. Assuming the boat works. It looked better when they cleaned it up. I'm getting too much into it, but it's a smart second revenue stream. TV-wise, you want your second season to expand the show universe. Episode 4. I liked we get to see Ernesto's family. The whole dinner scene was just so nice, with all the kids eating on the railing. I loved how everyone poured out to get the intruder. The bus Walker took to Ernesto's had an ad for the 'Cebu Brothers' on it, which was the badminton team in episode 2. I liked the actors being the flashback. The guy playing Silvio knocked it out of the park. I was holding my breath when the reporter snuck out because you just knew the editor was in on it. Angelo saved the day too! It's a summer show, so I don't mind it being breezy. I do like they slipped in a little social commentary though. I think this might have been my favorite of the series so far. This was a dense, tight script. There's been a few quick beats in the show where some of the actors bust out a laugh or Kane gives a look that seems ad libbed. I don't know if the actors are more settled into the roles, but it's more authentic. They seem to be not covering up Richelle's tattoos as much anymore either.
  4. I really, really hope Jon Hamm went full starkers for the scene in the opener. Honestly, the show is worth the three of them just popping around. I only watched the first episode. It's clearly setup. I laughed at the 'they barely noticed' and the cut to the alarms going off. I do like all the sending up of the bible stories because they're so ridiculous. Episode 2 The whole Jane Austen spy, thief throwaway was brilliant. I'm sure we all are quite pleased with a scene featuring Five and Ten(Fourteen). I enjoyed the Job plot because it was so capricious, and Crowley even knew the whole deal was stupid.
  5. Episode 3. I like the boat idea because it opens up more stories. Even though it's a lemon. "Was the other guy Manny Pacquiao?" Good one. I wouldn't have blamed the Ramon for killing the father tbh. I don't mind a old family feud plot, but the families were playing way over the time. If I was the Chief, I would have locked up the lot of them. Never mind the curfew. If they're so bent on killing each other, let them. I always like how Ernesto is low-key bamf. You totally knew he could beat up the entire family.
  6. I think we're all ruling out Jemmy was sacrificed to go through the stones. There wasn't a body there; we did see Gellis' husband when she went through iirc. The logical conclusion is the gold because Jem is the only person that knows where it is. Why not fly there? He said he didn't have much money due to the divorce, and I'd think Jem is smart enough to know to yell if they were at the airport. Also the guy ain't right in the head anyway. Maybe he thinks Jamie is in Scotland at that point in time and intends to force him to take him to the gold. He could think Jamie might have moved it since the letter was written.
  7. Sure, now they show the hanging in the previouslies. They could have done that last week. I get they wanted that cold opening to introduce him. I did like the dissolve of Claire writing the letter and Bree reading it. And they pointed out that they're staying in the camper, and not the house yet. Good also to show that the gem in the ring was burnt. I don't want to be overly much, but, sadly, this is a song of the lass who is gone. I liked how Jamie snipped at the book being made poorly. I have to give Rankin credit; his complete unraveling the entire time was funny at the dinner. I would have thought easier for Roger to bring Buck to school; to teach *language*, than Bree bringing him to work. Although, he might be good security. I was going to call out Phil Collins, but I had no idea the song came out in 1980. I remember it first from Miami Vice. You'd think the time it takes to reload the rifles that there would still be value in archers. I never got that. I think that's probably the plan there. Maybe Rob had a couple of rings. Grab Jem and the gems (ha!) and go through. Clearly, this isn't the kind of show that's going to kill a child. Jem is the only one that knows where the gold is. Which, stands to reason, as you said, how Rob knew he could travel. Although everyone seems to now. The show is what it is, but they're in rural Scotland, so it's not outside of reason that Gellis had an extended family; she was from the 60s, but you think maybe 100+ years or so of a couple of towns in the area. There's a lot of marriages but everyone is cousins. He could have heard of stories. There could be a lot them that can travel. I'm not really going to call ooc on the show on that. You kind of did though. How many people you think did it to Phil Collins in the 80s? All of them. I don't think Jamie is dead either, again, because it's just not that kind of show. Wounded? Sure. He's also 60 years old and in the middle of one of the most pivotal battles of the Revolution. He's got to be dehydrated. What I do call ooc on is a veteran, probably one of ten, of Culloden, is reduced to a low rank of actually being on the battlefield. The show even showed at Ticonderoga that he should be an aide-de-camp to the general, if not a Lt. General himself. That's just patently absurd. Especially since he's got intelligence via Claire that no one else has.
  8. I was dying at the 'underground badminton' tournament in episode 2 because you know Walker was going to be cleaned out. The 'Cebu brothers' were a little over the top with the acting, but that made Walker almost snapping the guy's arm more satisfying. He probably could have taken all four of them. Poor Walker was so awful at badminton though. Although, Kai sniping a Walker to not go all cowboy and then going all cowboy herself was rich. I liked that this episode drew on Walker's DEA experience. Did they recast the little girl from last season?
  9. I figured some people have to be watching. It's not like the US team isn't any good.
  10. All the right questions there. I certainly was surprised when the scene happened. I genuinely liked Moiraine. So far, she basically tried to get Rand to understand the importance of the coming last battle and not as much as tried to manipulate him. All the others would rather lose the last battle if they can't have Rand win it the way they want. There's one other you should have met already that isn't like that, but I also don't approve of her methods either.
  11. The nice singing v Steve's horror really sells it.
  12. I'm surprised there was no Blurnsball game on. Multiball! Multiball!
  13. I don't rewatch; the theme music always bring joy. It's been so long. I don't know if anyone paused on the list of tv shows; Clampmaid's Tale. Blob's Burgers. So many puns. I wonder why Calculon died. I guess they wanted to do greatest hits to get everyone back into the show. The double time was cracking me up though. They certainly crammed all the characters.
  14. That's what I meant. Just investing in the magazine. I know they did it to show Doug is as important to the success of the magazine.
  15. I'm not sure about that. Each of the traditional publishing houses were throwing money at her, but, while she certainly took too long, you could see clearly they wouldn't have been a good fit; they all had the same photo montage. Then at the end when she was going to sign, the men were so condescending; oh, the 'gals' over at Vogue like to correct us too. Joyce would have ended up killing them. Constance is a hero to Joyce, and gave her controlling interest in Minx. I doubt any IP generated by Joyce if she signed with the publishing company would have been hers. Maybe they'd own copyright to new photos, etc. Certainly, the new situation is going to be a host of problems; that's why we have the show. But I think the show got it right as to whom Joyce would really want for a publisher. I suppose they could have gone the route of her selling out, but that's not as funny, and Doug and Joyce blazing the trail in their own ways is really the draw for me.
  16. I mean, he could have been thinking of Roger, but we know now the one hard and fast rule of the stones is plot. Or, I could speculate that if you have one ancestor from the 'future', then you can go forwards. Maybe he found Gellis' manual and killed someone. Also, they're related, so whatever. They're pushing the limits of timey-wimey.
  17. Not much in the way of previouslies. I can't remember what happened barely. Like why Doug needs money so bad. Doesn't he have 9 other magazines? I don't like Doug and Joyce being separated; so I'm glad they didn't drag it out over several episodes. Mikey Two Fingers is a brilliant name. I can't believe Joyce didn't think of Constance to publish. It was my first thought. It was nice of Joyce to admit that Doug does actually know what he's doing. I mean, I'm sure they're going to argue. Joyce could have said he borrowed the dog from a friend too.
  18. I can take the point about the execution though. We've been talking about the 'intruder' for quite a while, and we finally get the reveal, but we're all 'huh?' I suppose they could have has Roger just say his name and then clock him.
  19. I thought the show was going to be one episode per week, as Leverage was on FreeVee. I just don't have the bandwidth to binge. I liked the opening plot that Alex is going off disability and has to eventually make a decision about settling down. Kai seems also way more droll now too, in a funny way. The whole emoji bit was hilarious. I always like how bare bones Ernesto is too. He's not flashy; he's got his gun, and he's all set. Two guys with knives? Please. Magellan Cross I felt like everyone they were talking to about the cross was either in on it or was pursuing it. I did like that Ann wasn't actually in on it. Sure, she had entitlement about the cross, but her intentions weren't nefarious.
  20. To be fair, the envelopes had a subject on them, so I can fanwank that they rifled through them to see if there was anything urgent. I've been consistent in criticizing Bree and Claire not emparting "future things" nearly enough. No one talks about these things nearly enough for me. I also don't want to pile on either.
  21. I meant not blaming the show for having to recast of the original wasn't available. That's not their fault. I hope they make a joke about it next week. They did that when Spartacus was recast.
  22. I didn't know who it was either. Clearly, Roger did, so that's why I looked it up. I don't think you can really blame the show.
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