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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. DoctorAtomic

    The NBA

    I have to go to a conference on Saturday, so I'm glad they're spreading out the schedule. Is this 2-2-1-1-1 or 2-3-2?
  2. DoctorAtomic

    The NBA

    After the 3rd quarter, I didn't think Miami would be able to come back. Bam was the mvp of this game for sure. I don't know why Denver just didn't play through on the pick and rolls on him. It will be interesting to see if they adjust. I would have called a time out at the end because you need the 3, and you want Murray to take it. If it was only 2, then you have more options.
  3. I think that's why. It's nothing like any fan would expect. It's shrewd move on her part imo. She's also a producer.
  4. DoctorAtomic

    The NBA

    I said before I want it to be last one with the ball wins. I want up and down, good movement, and low whistles.
  5. I've always liked him too. In interviews, he seems affable and doesn't take himself seriously.
  6. I haven't watched the show. I probably should have said 'antiheroes'; that's typically bad people you root for.
  7. In reading the article about the plane crash; that happened - the FBI was there first. Clearly, that's odd. On the show, however, Liddy does bring up an important point. It's easier to arrange for Hunt to have an 'accident' than bring down an entire plane. The whole thing is just so bizarre. The whole aftermath was a huge mess. I only generally know of Watergate from high school. I know this is stretched for drama, but it's still true events. I am surprised that they didn't appeal the sentencings on the Eighth Amendment. 35 years seems a lot for a two bit break in. I don't want to say 'only', but they only bugged the office. There wasn't any classified information they stole or sold state secrets. I don't know if these guys thought they were so self-important that they could break the law with impunity, or actually thought they were being loyal and that would be rewarded. I can't see why Liddy is so staunch on keeping his mouth shut. Especially since Dean flipped. Unless he was just that nuts. I suppose they were trying to show when they were all clapping for him, he wanted to be somewhere people thought he was important. I don't agree with Liddy yelling at Hunt that the whole thing went sideways because of the hush money. They broke in 4 times! Hunt argued against the final break in. Liddy was all in. Like Dot said, all their efforts were effectively useless because Nixon won in a landslide. If this didn't happen irl, and someone wrote it, they'd throw the script in the garbage because it was so preposterous.
  8. I don't want to spoil, but since you already crossed that point - Balefire basically burns your thread back up the pattern, so the stronger it is the further up it goes. There will be more coming for you regarding the history of its use.
  9. It is interesting that 'prestige' seems to equal terrible people as the protagonists of the show for the most part.
  10. That's what I thought. She's not going to be stilled on the show. I can't wait for you know what with her. I can't wait for balefire either.
  11. WKRP holds up. I watched it a few years ago. On Sunny, the Gang are all terrible, but even they have a grasp of social mores. You wouldn't call them racist. Everyone is cool with Mac. They knew it way before he admitted it.
  12. Same when you hear griping about politics and sports. That's been going on longer than tv.
  13. Oh, for sure. I don't watch a lot of sitcoms, but I'm not sure there's analogous shows now that are issues shows. Maybe Blackish? Even Mary Tyler Moore probably wouldn't have a market.
  14. I don't recall Moirane being stilled on the show. Are you sure you got the right character?
  15. To be fair, the Thirdspace movie had a mega jump gate that opened to another universe. So the premise is canon of a sort.
  16. To be fair, if you watched Kenobi... When you think about the whole thing, the Sith take on their Darth names. Palpatine bestowed Vader before the suit. The Jedi are still the same names. One could point to some mental health issues here. Certainly with Anakin.
  17. DoctorAtomic

    The NBA

    I want game 7 to be 143 - 139. I'm not sure I care who wins. I don't think either team deserves to at this point. I do like Butler, but I think I'll be rooting for Denver.
  18. The show is on FreeVee I think. I've watched up to season 3. That's my original point. People say now that Archie could never say those things today, but they're saying that because they want to say them, and completely missed the point of the show.
  19. Oh, Meathead got into it with Gloria plenty of times on "tradional" roles of marriage for sure. Mostly the show in the beginning was Meathead and Archie arguing the issues of the day. That was my original impetus for the discussion. They're saying Archie was telling it like it is, but the point of the show was to highlight that this wasn't accepted anymore, and that was the early 70s.
  20. DoctorAtomic

    The NBA

    It's not like Boston is playing lights out here.
  21. That's still really a criticism on cancel culture though vs a modern Archie Bunker. Maybe that's what a postmodern All in the Family would be. I don't think the show was satire per se because Archie and Meathead really got into it with the current issues. Their arguments were played straight. That's probably of the times for these times. We have clear evidence that this happened irl.
  22. That's more of a criticism of cancel culture going too far than it is about a character like Archie who was a product of their time. Because what is a product of the times now? Like you said, you can't have them be racist because everyone knows it's wrong. As dumb as Peter Griffin is, you have to say he's basically a liberal. It's one thing for a character to not really get why people have pronouns, but everyone generally grasps making fun of it isn't right. I was saying people who say Archie Bunker couldn't say all that today just want to say hurtful and offensive things without consequences. That never happened because the family was arguing all the time.
  23. I find it ironic that if they didn't go back for the 4th time, we may never have known anything about Watergate. I knew Nixon won big, but I didn't know he won 496. Nixon would have won anyway but was consumed by paranoia. If you wrote this as a tragic play, no one would buy it. Obviously I know this is somewhat dramaticized, but I swear Liddy is enjoying all the fallout about the break-in. I mean, you look back, Liddy ended up basically ok by shutting up. Similarly, I wonder if the talk of the pardons really occurred or paralleled for modern times, but I could believe it. Lena Headey was perfect for Dot. She basically was just there for 3 episodes and then totally takes over. And she died in a plane crash?! Anyone remember pay phones? Or that you let the phone ring a bunch of times before picking up? So much easier to do dirty deeds with pay phones. I saw a pay phone in Salt Lake in 2013 and freaked out. So the money drops were all coming from the White House? Who was Mr. River? How credible you think this is? I'm not a conspiracy guy. I'm having a hard time thinking Nixon would be involved, and then not run for president in 64? The problem with conspiracies is that you need 5000 moving parts to pull it off, and invariably one or two of those is just stupid, as was the case here. JFK banged a mob boss' moll, and got got. That's it. Same reason why we don't know what happened to Hoffa. I've flown first class, but modern flying is nothing like the 70s. Minus assassinations.
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