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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. Brilliant. The whole movie is going to be meta in jokes for 90 minutes or so. I love it already.
  2. I replayed 'There you go, Sherlock,' three times. Excellent line reading. Also cool that Sherlock Holmes is still known in 2422. It's interesting how they kind of have Kelly woven into the Moclan storylines. 'You didn't fail me, it just took a little longer' was a brilliant line too. Heveena was way manipulative with Topa to take advantage of a child that's gone through so much. 'Don't tell your father' is always a red flag in any year. That's unfair to put on a child and a huge risk to the entire colony if she's making this decision unilaterally. I commend the show for tarnishing the 'hero' Heveena. Again, it's very Babylon 5 and Farscape to me more than Trek. I liked that Gordon ripped into her. 'Bending over backwards to accommodate their bullshit'. When Heveena walked into the simulator, I said, 'don't even tell me Dolly Parton is going to walk in'. Also great to see Bruce again, and I really liked seeing the Union as a whole body. I liked how they went for the Top Gun move in the fire fight. I totally lost it when Klyden showed up and said 'her'. I was really surprised they expelled them from the Union. Again, I've said that the Union is fairly new in comparison to the Federation on Star Trek. iirc, and I don't know for sure because the prior seasons were like 50 years ago, but Moclus was providing critical raw materials to the Union. On the other hand, there is more of an impetus for the Union to boldly go out and find more allies. I lost it when Klyden said 'may I see her'. On the Sens8 movie when the FBI came into the wedding and it was 'That's the first time my father called me his daughter'. I was out.
  3. What was it? All I saw was that Rand shaved his head?
  4. I'm looking forward to what deviations are coming up on the show. To me 3, 4, and 5 are as good as anything. Then it was just *everyone* pissing and moaning at Rand. I take the point underlying, but I don't think I needed literally 15 years of it. I cannot *wait* to see balefire on the screen, and Rand and Ny just *wrecking shop*. To be fair to the rest of the series, when those two just had no fucks left to give, I mean, that was it. The actor playing Ny has that in spades. I cannot wait till she takes the gloves off. I thought the first season was fine. They didn't have much to work with in terms of material, and they did a great job elevating some of the characters to multidimensions. With what's coming up, I'm really looking forward to not only watching, but talking about it here.
  5. This show is a really good counterpoint to dropping all episodes at once.
  6. If I'm playing Son of Sam, I'm totally pinching on the bum.
  7. I know for sure I watched in summer because I was out on the porch with my tablet.
  8. Add that to the deposit. Also please invite me to the next wedding.
  9. I was thinking just having a set of N basic designs in all the usual women's sizes and you pick a length, then they just let out the hem like in men's pants. The rental fee readily includes a cleaning deposit or something higher if it's destroyed. Use low cost or even recyclable materials. I mean, in all honesty, who cares what they wear to a wedding? The whole thing is largely a waste. Literally no women I've spoken to have anything good to say about having to buy a bridesmaids dress that they wore only 3 hours.
  10. I tend to think people generally think of tapes as being used with walkmans, which is more 80s/Gen X. A quick search shows that tape decks did first appear in the 70s, but I can't recall how common that was. My little self remembers lots of cars still with 8 tracks. You're not necessarily just buying a new car because it has a tape deck if your car is running fine.
  11. I don't recall if Oliver told the group to close their eyes too. I mean, you have to buy into the game if you are playing fair. If they all put their hands in and each time the circle is different, then you're not really going to know who it is. I take the point of Oliver slipping Alice the card on purpose because he and Charles had an agenda, but I would think he would still pile on at that point when she showed the other card - No, you're still lying because I slipped you the card! I don't think in general Oliver routinely slipped the card when he played the game in the past.
  12. They should have standard designs that you can rent, like the tuxedo.
  13. The weddings I've been to, they were all fine. I think this comes from the 70s where what they thought was good, a lot of times, was quite not.
  14. I think it might have been buried by Stranger Things, but I do recall an interview on local NPR promoting the movies in the summer. That's where I heard it. Not so much on social media. Stranger Things was all over everything. I tend to think 80s >> 90s tbh, so that might be why. I mean, there's so much content. Not everything is going to be billions of views. These are good movies; clearly, there was enough of us watching for more. Maybe time the drop better.
  15. The whole thing would be bonkers with social media today. They were going through old pictures and stuff, so I bet that was the actual project, and Will & fam probably said, 'hey let's do a dna test while we're at it.'
  16. I didn't think that was too smart because Mabel knew she wasn't the Son of Sam herself, so she had to play the whole room to deflect. I don't know who came up with that line, but it's absolutely brilliant. I never heard of that game, and it sounds absolutely amazing. Why don't people have parties like the 70s anymore? Even the "present day 70s" were so much fun. I don't think Alice is the killer, but knowing something about the painting might be in play. I also don't think Oliver planted the card because of the v/o with the son. And Alice did have the tell which Mabel confirmed.
  17. I said the same, and I didn't mind the finale. It was the logical conclusion narratively. I'm not seeing the pop culture momentum for GOT at this point as the perceived bas taste of the finale is really what lingers. I mean, you want to hit the spin off on a show like that within the year.
  18. They were actually contemporaries. Back then everyone was just doing trilogies for fantasy because Tolkien. I give them credit for saying 'why?' The Foreigner series is 22 books, but it doesn't plod.
  19. I never actually minded that the series sprawled so many books, but there was a lot of here we go again. One book was 400 something pages that covered 6 days. Come on. So it's not so much editing down, per se.
  20. I thought Jon Snow was most at peace when he was on the Wall
  21. I had said before I was hoping there were survivors. The end of this war isn't going to be through firepower; it's going to be this find of philosophy. I hope we see more.
  22. I'd like to see one with Ruby.
  23. I don't think Jordan had the chops or inclination to write the characters as more adult. It's one thing if you're 19 and reading Dragon Reborn than if you're 37, and they're all behaving the same. Sanderson taking over probably saved the series. Broad strokes - the universe is definitely unique and I always liked the technical aspect to channeling. You're expecting the men and women to finally put it together for the literal end of the world, and it just comes down to Rand and his two friends and Mat inventing tank warfare. I mean, even the Beatles listened to George Martin. I'm looking forward to the show putting out a different take on the story though. I've got some favorite scenes, and I like to see how it goes.
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