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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. I wasn't tipped off until maybe the third time he lit the joint. His mannerisms were so deliberate and stylized that I paused the movie to think it through.
  2. She was well intentioned though, no?. Healing the little girl was an act of compassion. She wasn't trying to create a religion. They took that and ran with it. I mean, as far as we know, no aliens came down to make our religions, and no one had a problem killing in the name of their own gods. That was one of my favorite episodes because when the advanced people came back and Ed asked if Isaac helped, they were all, "Issac's our boy; yeah we just outgrew religion". I didn't see the twist coming at the end, and I thoroughly enjoyed all the mind shananigans. It's a fair cheat that if it is all a simulation then why they would have been actually injured. When they were back on 'the ship' Ed's head was clean; no scar or cut. Everyone was well in-character. None of the away team really had anything to tip them off. I suppose why a high school or airplane, but they were being thrown around so much, there wasn't time to take stock until they got in the cave. I thought Ed might have been a little more ticked, but again, it was said, he probably was worn out, and there was a lot to process. Let's just get back to the ship and worry about it later. I thought they 'leaped' into people from the time period. In the bathroom, I was yelling at Gordon to look in the mirror, and I thought he would see another person. Bortus - fivehead. Brilliant. It totally landed.
  3. It looks like he's been getting reasonably steady work, and he was in a Marvel movie so he can afford to be picky. I liked Jon Snow. The most interesting to me was when he was on the wall and the stuff beyond the wall. And his friendship with Sam. Maybe they pitched that version to him. I can also imagine the sheer work intensity of GOT maybe might make him scale back. I also didn't hate the final season except barely being able to actually see some of it, and I don't get what people were expecting. The ending was fairly well organic to what had come before. I suppose there are criticisms in the actual execution, but I don't get too high or low on tv, movies, etc. However, it seems to me like the GOT ship has sailed, and revisiting it now is a big ask for fans when there's new epic fantasy properties like LOTR and Wheel of Time, and other genre, like the Boys out there. I'm not one to circle back. I watched the show, when it was on. Now I watch other things. It was a good show for its time. I could see a movie, like the Sopranos would be more sensible to gain interest. I don't see viewers flocking back.
  4. Who doesn't like Regular Size Rudy though?
  5. The devil is on the cover of the record. It's hidden.
  6. Anyone who remembers and watched Nancy Reagan on Different Strokes is automatically qualified.
  7. The show probably couldn't use the sufficient level of aquanet due to ripping another hole in the ozone layer. We need to make an 80s consulting company; music division, shoe division, hair, department, jackets.
  8. Luke in ANH no way could be trusted that he has a sister.
  9. I'd watch a two hour movie of Lord John playing chess and talking about what books he likes. Or horses. He must know something about horses. I'd listen to him talk about that.
  10. How many times did he say, 'we're going to talk about that; right now we're talking about this.' Probably at least 5-7 minutes out of the 20 something that was the actual panel discussion. Job done. That's all she has to do to derail any substantive discussion. Overtime actually was a real discussion. She took her foot off the gas.
  11. It's actually ironic that she's all sparring with Bill and he's trying to say that they're in agreement. One could use her own m/o against her to get her to contradict herself.
  12. I really don't like when they write Gene as a brat.
  13. I was thinking more about if they'd be mad that the Union showed that their 'demons' were a parasitic sentient race and not 'demon' demons. There's an actual explanation there. I would think it's good faith on the Union's part to share the intelligence in case the Krill do encounter the distress beacon or just happen to run into that ship. Or would the Krill just be mad that the Union is being dismissive of their religion.
  14. I'd also add Anakin being denied the title of Master because of whatever silly hoops they wanted him to jump through. Kenobi should have argued his case much more thoroughly. We have the hindsight of the Clone Wars now that show what he was actually doing in the war was far and above what a Jedi Master does. I mean, if my work isn't valuing me, I'm not happy either. Anakin also had some entitlement because he knew he was really powerful compared to the rest of them. I think he was, but the execution of the prequels was just poor.
  15. That seems reasonable because now there's more gates, so he is getting more powerful.
  16. New Rules is worth it if only to have West fall flat on his face and get called out by everyone else for factual inaccuracies.
  17. I'd recommend the New Rules if that's all anyone is going to watch. Bill parried Conway well enough but that took the majority of the effort. He couldn't establish any substantive narrative. They needed a stronger second panelist. The Equalizer is a great underrated movie. It was the clip when Bill said right after - 'that was cool'.
  18. I'm wondering if the Krill would be responsive to the intelligence that the Orville gathered on the 'demons' or if they'd be hostile to them for deconstructing their 'religion'. I mean, it's important intelligence for I guess 'Krill national security', even though they don't go into that region of space. I enjoyed the negotiation scene. I thought it was weird that both Ed and Kelly were there. Only the Admiral would really have the authority to issue guarantees. I suppose Ed should be there because he would have final authority on where the ship goes, but I wouldn't think he has anything to do with actually negotiating. I wonder if those Krill knew Ed and Gordon infiltrated one of their bases to steal their bible? At the old place we had a lively discussion thread for the final two seasons on SciFi.
  19. I wouldn't say it's gibberish, but West certainly is enamoured with the sound of his own voice. He reminds me of a funny roommate I had back in my MS who would get high and just opine while he helped me play Turok. Just bouncing from one topic to another; no filter, just anything would come out. Even Bill looked a little frustrated. I mean, ok, if you're giving a lecture, but it's an interview. Bill wanted to ask some legitimate questions. In the interview, Bill listed out some accomplishments that Biden has achieved for African-Americans; appointed first black woman to SCOTUS, banned chokeholds, measures to cut back poverty, etc., and West then went on to criticize Biden for something completely unrelated. This is a quintessential perfect being the enemy of good. Bill countered pragmatically by pointing out that he's a politician; Biden sometimes has his hands tied with what he can do, as are all presidents, and West just went on another tangent without addressing Bill's reasonable point. There's no value to take away from the interview. West offers no insight. Say what you want about Conway, and I certainly agree with the prevailing opinion here, but she has the wordsmithing to an art. I can run my mouth when I get riled, but she can keep it going 40+ minutes steady and she hits all the beats rapid fire. And the constant interruptions while Bill is trying to take 7 seconds to set up the topic. Even when everyone is agreeing. Barro just isn't a confrontational guy; he's just not going to push back on her. They should have booked someone else. I tend to think Bill likes having her on because he knows her deal, and he wants to see if he can still measure up. Again, I don't agree with anything she says, but that's the play, no? Gas is $5; Biden is president. Just keep hammering at it. Explaining the ins and outs of gas prices takes a ton of effort. The voting electorate at large just doesn't have the attention span.
  20. Hey, it's the other person that watched Andromeda!
  21. We're due another Vader showdown, so I hope the finale is supersized.
  22. Same for the guy who played Jar Jar. Actors act. They're contract workers. They take jobs when they're offered, or they aren't working.
  23. She definitely had the reaction to his name.
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