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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. I don't have a problem with the criticisms of the show to a point. I don't think it would be real that everyone is back to being cool with Isaac. People hating with or without reason is realistic. And Ed called her out on it right in the first episode. The other thing that I like about the show is that the Orville and crew aren't the Union flagship. This isn't the best of the best. Ed and Kelly went into the hologram and got drunk in the middle of the day. These are the top two ranking officers. So the dumb stuff has some grounding for me. I don't think a one to one comparison to TNG is warranted because that crew was supposed to be the best of the best and the federation has been around a long time. Ed was washed up until Kelly got him the position, even though in the past he was proven to be capable. It doesn't seem like the Union is particularly established yet. I think we talked about that years ago before Bortus ate all our old posts. I actually find these deficiencies more interesting.
  2. I wouldn't be surprised if she showed up in Ahsoka if they're going to have any plots during her Fulcrum time.
  3. He looked surprised about getting stabbed to me. I said undermined in the sense that some other opposition Krill might think instead of running for office, they'll just stab their opponent. I didn't get the vibe that the election wasn't legitimate. She used the deepfakes to sway public opinion, but I think she won those key seven districts they were talking about. The problem and the point of the allegory imo was the incumbent thinking the upstart populist was just bloviating and not recognizing the groundswell. I think the allegory works better and has more impact if the election was in fact legitimate.
  4. After Kenobi jumps out of the rock pit and starts taking it to Vader, at one point he's fighting him left handed and Vader is flailing all over the place.
  5. I was very excited to see his name in the credits and surprised he played under all the makeup. Let's not forget though, he was President of the Interstellar Alliance on Babylon 5 first. No way Sheridan wouldn't have had a plan out of there either. I'm just not a show rewatcher because there's just so much content out there now. It's unfortunate that the show break was so long because I didn't remember Telaya until they told me about the brother. I certainly don't remember Ed doing it with her. Again, though, I like the show delving into its lore well after only two seasons of worldbuilding. Also good for the Krill chancellor to use 'an historic' correctly. I'm always flounced when the actual news screws it up. I think the technical term is 'on the nose.' A big nose at that. I wonder if Ed made the quote because he watched the infamous Breaking Bad episode of the same. I did like the return of Gordon being the pilot that Ed recruited because he could do this. And Kelly being decisive. With quite the mouth. They did a really good job of showing Krill society when Ed was hustled along. "Everything is different on this side of time." They're really pulling out some great lines. Oh, it was a deepfake. I didn't make that connection. I thought they were saying the current Krill chancellor was still oppressing the Krill in general and the Union was willing to get in with him. It didn't jibe with me because the guy was otherwise nice to all the Union people. Oh, they're setting it up right here. Tey is going to be rejected by Admirals Victor Garber and Ted Danson and will appeal to Ed directly with the daughter. I don't mind that it's predictable. I'm looking forward to it. Deepfakes aside, Tey legitimately won the election, so straight up killing the prior chancellor kind of undermines the Krill government. Accusing him of treason and arresting him is more political and I can buy, but unilaterally judging and executing seems a bit much. Tey wasn't saying because she was elected that she speaks for Avis. I also liked that Ed remembered the Krill bible to quote it to Tey.
  6. He did pull the 'I am what you made me' in Round 1. If 'I killed Anakin Skywalker' is some sort of absolution, then Kenobi leaving him there sort of gives Anakin time to fight another day. It still jibes with 'Darth Vader is evil and so on' in ANH because he's understanding that mental split. Also makes him a lot more manipulative of Luke just sending him in there to figure it out on his own. Or a ton of faith in him. Just taking this series, it seems the first. Reva threw a knife at the barkeep to out the Jedi. What if he wasn't there? She orchestrated the kidnapping to curry favor with Vader, and she had an ulterior motive. No doubt they'd be even more demonstrative with a weaker Sith to curry favor with the Emperor.
  7. Holmes in the books has always been highly highly complimentary Watson too.
  8. Kenobi's saber is white in ANH too and it's still blue now. There's a story in how he's able to do that, and only one other actually has a white one.
  9. More likely, he just goes through a whole string of them, pitting them against one another until one rises up, and repeat. Palpatine got to Anakin when he was still fairly impressionable; he knows Vader is strong enough to cast any wannabe Sith aside and not smart enough to start thinking of his own apprentice until really after ANH.
  10. We also know in the ensuing 10 years Kenobi levels up enough that he can 'become one with the Force'. So there's a whole lot of Jedi philosophizing that's going on too. Plus he can meet Ahsoka.
  11. He did set her up with Vader to get run through and beat down by him. She realized she couldn't beat him, so she was going to take it out on Kenobi, who she was already blaming for a lot.
  12. Reva was a lot of things, but she wasn't dumb. I figured she put two and two together and realized the 'boy' was of value so much so that a senator was communicating to Kenobi about it. I mean, that seems enough. You can't have Reva gallivanting around the galaxy knowing that Vader has a son. For all she knew he was Kenobi's son being raised with a family because he was in exile.
  13. No, not even in Clone Wars. That's why I was really invested in this show that Kenobi needed to beat him badly. He's never lost. I don't think the prior meeting with the fire is a loss, because Vader was spooked out by all the flames to just walk through and finish him off. At that point, I don't think he could have finished off Kenobi of his own volition. He still only buried him in the rocks. Now, being beaten so badly and shown that he's still a learner, I can buy in the final duel that he did want to finish him off. Vader was stewing over finding Kenobi for a decade, finds him, gets literally torn apart, and then doesn't see him for another ten years. I don't think Ahsoka lost in their first meeting for similar reasons. I don't know if I'm reading too much into it, but in looking back on the Anakin/Vader monologue, wow, is this guy seriously mentally disturbed. He's talking about two different people. Looking even farther back, he's taken from his mom, gets a new dad who he sees eviscerated, gets a new brother who then doesn't stick up for him repeatedly, then a new dad who says it's ok to like Padme and be angry, then goes and kills a bunch of kids. Not to mention a little sis who walks away from him after he actually did stick up for her. He never really had a chance to grow up. His whole adolescence and young adult life was literal war. I actually don't think "Vader killed Anakin". Vader has to continually beat him down with his hate and anger. That's why in the end, Luke is able to get through to Anakin. Which even gives more credit to Luke, and a ton more weight to 'I'm a Jedi like my father before me'. I don't know if that's what Chow et al., were going for, but they really stuck the landing on the entire arc of Anakin. I generally agree with the dialogue and direction of the prequels, but I certainly never faulted HC or whomever played the kid. I think it's kind of ironic or fitting that the actor seems to be getting his own form of redemption that we know Anakin will finally get.
  14. This also aligns with 'The padawan of Anakin Skywalker' line in Rebels. Which sort of nails the timeline down better. The changes in the Vader voice to Anakin was a brilliant touch. Only one other was able to crack Vader's mask in a fight. Well, I wanted to see Kenobi beat Vader like a bitch. I was not disappointed. "You like rocks? How about these?!" Wow when Kenobi jumped out of the pit, he was at 100% for sure. He even flug Vader like a rag doll a few times. Vader didn't actually find Kenobi at all; Reva hatched the plan that lured him out. With the Inquisitors basically being taken out, he just doesn't have the resources to find him. Soon, the Death Star will be operational, and he'll have to be over there working on that. Knowing that we know he wouldn't die, they pulled it off well because with the mask cracked, you can *see* Anakin. If Vader just kept coming for him, then I think Kenobi is forced to finish him off. It was basically the same concept with the other one that cracked his mask. In fact, they basically ripped off the scene to a point. A good rip though. I don't think Vader wanted to kill Kenobi either more than make him suffer, so burying him in the pit is a total diva thing to do and very consistent. It was such a bitch move to Vader too. He just said "Darth". Kenobi just refusing to say 'Vader'. I can't see how to top that duel either, and any 'final' battle prior to ANH, Kenobi has to win. It would just be watered down if there was a rematch.
  15. No, Reva knows Tattooine has 'the boy'. She's got to go. She's going to be livid that Kenobi set her up anyway (even though she jumped on the plan she'll still blame him).
  16. Oh for sure. She even snarled at him "I didn't need anyone's help to get here and don't need yours now". Kenobi got that though and leveraged her arrogance against her. "He'll be so fixed on me he won't even see you coming." Let her believe that he wouldn't be able to finish Vader off, whether he could or not.
  17. Whomever coined 'zaddy' needs to be dragged in front of the Hague for crimes against humanity.
  18. I don't think the Lassie and Jules were written as morons on Psych. They had to follow procedure. Gus and Shawn could just walk in or sometimes were hired by a private party or even the Santa Barbara department. A lot of times they were on the same side and went on different leads. The conceit of the show was that Shawn's dad (a cop) rigorously grilled observational skills into Shawn to where he was like Monk. They literally said so in the finale. Now, Shawn certainly acted way too childish at times, but he still had to keep up the 'psychic' schtick.
  19. To be fair, it wasn't Fry's fault. He got set up because he did the nasty in the pasty.
  20. I also recall seeing the Kermit this season.
  21. I think some of the appeal of Bob's Burgers is that it's a little throwback in that the kids just go off and do stuff and the parents don't even know what's going on.
  22. I don't either. It was the right call.
  23. That line was great. I even shouted out loud at the end. Just a great point of view.
  24. I was getting a little rankled at first in the Kenobi/pre-chopped Anakin duel scene because the only canon I'm firm on is that Anakin could never beat Kenobi even during the Face-Off episode of Clone Wars. And then Kenobi beats him without a saber! It was cool to see Vader do the same thing, but it also reinforced that Vader was always Kenobi's bitch. It's kind of laughable that Reva thought she had a shot against Vader. I mean it's not like he's going to be training any of them. The Grand Inquisitor lost to a much greener Kanan who had minimal training at best. I could wave around a saber when literally only three other people had them, and she certainly isn't really learning the ways of the Force from anyone. If Vader thought she had reasonable potential, he'd be grooming her as an apprentice. I'm not letting Kenobi off the hook, the 'training' was never much more than a promise to Qui-Gon, and Kenobi wasn't in any position to actually do the mentoring part of training. To be fair, they both were Palpatine's bitches running around ragged across the galaxy to fight a meaningless war. On the other hand, I still think Kenobi should have argued harder to promote Anakin to Master. Lots of interesting material to ponder in this episode. We also got a proto-rebels shoot out and hack the breaker to open the door and get out of there escape. I do like the show being subtle about Kenobi being manipulative. I thought he did feel bad Reva had to be there when Anakin killed all the kids, but he used her straight up right after that to get him and Leia away. Reminds me of 'from a certain point of view.'
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